Chapter 1: Beacon

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I was on a bulkhead finally on my way to Beacon with mom's medallion holding my cape in place.

Y/N: I can't believe I did it. I'm finally on my way to Beacon.

Soon after Yang than hugged me with her chest pressing against my skin with it being normal.

Yang: I can't believe my little brother is going to Beacon with me this is the best day ever!

Y/N: Sis please stop.

Yang than let go of me.

Yang: I'm just proud of you.

Y/N: Come on sis it was nothing.

Yang: Nothing what you talking about it was incredible! Everyone is going to think your the bee's knees.

Y/N: I don't want to be the bee's knees sis I just want to be normal guy just like everyone else.

Yang: What's wrong aren't you excited?

Y/N: Well I be lying if I wasn't excited but I also be lying if I wasn't scared too.

Yang: Hey don't worry look if something happens then I'll be there to help you no matter if it's school work or bullies. I promise to be there for you bro.

Y/N: ( Smiles ) Thanks Yang.

We than saw a girl sick like go going to vomit

Y/N: Hey you ok?

???: Yeah, I have motion sickness makes traveling a pain.

Y/N: Just don't look down it works for me, after which take some deep breaths and drink some water.

I handed her some water after which she turned away from the window and starting drinking the water and takes some breaths.

???: Thanks, names June Arc boys love it.

Y/N: Well, your not wrong fits well with your appearance.

She than blushed

June: Really?

Y/N: Acourse, it's perfect for you.

June started to blush even more.

June: Thanks.

Y/N: No problem.

We than felt the bulkhead land.

Y/N: Well here's my stop, see you later.

I than exit the bulkhead with Yang.

Yang: So who was that girl?

Y/N: June Arc, she says boys love it.

Yang: What you say?

Y/N: Oh I just said it fits her appearance.

Yang: Sounds like a winner to me than, maybe she can be your girlfriend.

I than blushed

Y/N: I don't know maybe.

Yang: Don't worry I tease.

She wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

Yang: Look your growing up so you might deal with things you might never dealt with before, so feeling these werid feelings are normal K.

Y/N: K

Yang: Well I'm going to hang out with my friends, catch you later.

Y/N: Later Yang.

She than ran off with her friends.

???: Hey something wrong?

I looked and saw a new girl.

Y/N: Oh hey you are?

???: Blake, Blake Belladonna, what you doing by yourself?

Y/N: Oh my sister Yang left awhile ago, so I'm on my own. Oh names Y/N Rose.

Blake: Nice to meet you Y/N. So ready to leave the bulkhead and see Beacon

Y/N: Oh yeah, right

We than left to see Beacon looked like.

Y/N: Wow it's a amazing.

Blake: I guess it looks nice.

Y/N: Why wouldn't you be excited to see it, besides if you want to be a hunter wouldn't you want to go to a school you like to go to instead?

Blake: What makes you say that.

Y/N: Well, do you want to be a hunter?

She than started to sweat a bit.

Blake: Well, you see. I ah?

Y/N: Did you make a promise to someone to become a hunter?

Blake: Something like that.

Y/N: Don't worry I know how you feel.

She than turned to me confused.

Blake: You do?

Y/N: Yeah, you see I don't tell a lot of people but. My mom passed away along time ago. Even though being a hunter is what I wanted but with her passing I knew that all she taught me about being a hunter would go to waste. So I promised that no matter what I'll be a hunter to make sure all she's taught me can have a purpose and a reason for to keep moving forward.

As I held my mom's medallion that held my cape in place, Blake looked at me in surprise about what I said.

Blake: Wow, I thought you just want it for something childish but it seems you are doing it for something more. Y/N.

Y/N: Yes?

Blake: You've just earned my respect and thats something I don't toss around so treasure it deeply.

Y/N: You win that wager!

We than shock hands tightly and soon afterwards we started to make our separate ways.

Y/N: Till our paths cross again Blake.

She than turned to me and gave me a thumbs up and walked away after which I started to walk to Beacon

Blake POV

Blake: Y/N Rose, he's definitely more than meets the eye. Maybe he can be more of a man than most men are and possibly he can be my future mate and husband. Besides he's someone my father would probably approve of. I can't wait to bare his children~


I was holding a map of Beacon.

Y/N: Ok it's says that most new people meet up at the auditorium.

I than accidentally bumped into someone and spilled there things.

???: What is wrong with you!

Y/N: Sorry it was an accident.

I than saw who they looked like

Y/N: Sorry about that.

???: Sorry do you know what damage you've could have caused.

All I saw she had was a weapon and a suitcase opened up.

Y/N: Not really.

She than turned and grabbed the case and showed me some viles.

???: This is dust my and purified from the Schnne Cory.

Y/N: Oh yeah dust.

???: Well it seems your not that dence you dunce does any of this sinking in what you have to say for yourself.

???: Hey back off!

I than saw Blake.

Blake: It was an accident! What is your problem Weiss Schnee!

Weiss is her name. That's a really beautiful name, her name even fits her.

Weiss: My problem is that he could have broke all of the dust and cause a major accident!

Blake: Well he didn't besides it was an accident and besides you could just get more, so do me and him a favor and back off!

Weiss: You know what! FINE!!! I need to get to the auditorium anyway so it let this slide just this once but if it happens again I won't be so nice.

That was her being nice?

She than proceeded to leave with her closed case and walked off peeved

Y/N: I'm sorry!

Blake: Don't worry about her Y/N, she's from a rich family and getting anything she wants. Even respect she doesn't deserve.

Y/N: What makes you say that?

Blake: She is the heiress to she Schnee Cory and it's know for shady practices and faunus slavery is one of them.

Y/N: Well maybe she isn't one to blame but the one running it so atleast give her a chance.

Blake: Fine but I won't like it. Let's go.

We than left to find the auditorium of Beacon.

This might take awhile

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