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Before we begin I want to announce which girls from the maybes list to the main list, hold on let me grab my calculator. Ok 1 + 1 + 2. Oh wait, I can't count! All of them also I'm adding one extra to this harem.

Summer Rose

Now with that let's begin


I was in a plain land scape with tons of flowers, most being red and white roses. As I looked forward I saw.

Y/N: Mom?

I got up and ran towards her and as soon after I ran into her arms as she hugged me as I cried.

Y/N: Mom, please come back, Dad misses you, Yang misses you, Quill misses you. I miss you.

I than felt her rub my head, I than looked up at her as she rubbed my head and smiled.

Summer: Don't worry my baby boy, your time will come soon but don't worry you won't be alone. I promise.

Soon after she started to fade away into white rose petals

Y/N: Wait come back!

Summer voice: You won't be alone.

The rose petals than formed into Beacon itself as the tower glowed bright white light.

Soon after I woke up and saw I was back in my room. I quickly went through my drow and grabbed my mom's medallion and held it close.

Y/N: Why ( Cries ) why did you have to leave me.

Yang POV


I punched my alarm clock across the room that it shattered after it hit my wall

Yang: Goddammit! Stupid alarm I was a great dream where me and ny little bro where lewd and frisky~ I think he even called me oneesan in that dream.

Even sence I turned to the "lewd" side I have these kinky feelings for my bro. And if he got a girlfriend that wasn't me...

I probably be ok with it. What? Sure I be disappointed that he didn't pick me but I wouldn't kill people over it, I might have a crush on my bro but I'm not a yandere, besides he can probably handle more than one girlfriend and I'll make sure I'm atleast one of his girlfriends

I than smell something cooking down stairs.

Yang: Oh my what's cooking down stairs.

I than got dressed and went down to my bro cooking, I than lewdly smiled as I walked towards him with a sway in my hips soon after I pressed my big juicy breast against his back as I hugged him.

Yang: Hey bro whatcha cooking?

Y/N: Oh hey Yang I didn't hear you walk in, I was just making bacon and pancakes.

Yang: Did you sleep well.

I than saw Y/N face saddened which ment one thing.

Yang: Had that dream again. The one with mom?

Y/N: Yeah

He than placed his hand on mom's medallion that he wear with his cape.

Y/N: I just miss her.

Yang: Me too, we all miss her. Hey you look a little tired I bet this dream has wear you down so how about I finish the cooking.

Y/N: Thanks Yang, I guess I do need some sleep.

As I let go I rubbed my hand against his chest all the way down to his abs and the only thing blocking me for feeling them completely was his shirt and vest.


As I closed my eyes I took a nap hoping not to have that dream again, but this felt different. This time I didn't have any dreams which ment I got a peaceful sleep.


Tai: Y/N time to wake up

I got up and saw my dad

Tai: Hey buddy why you napping you have school today?

Yang: He had that dream again, the place with all the roses.

Tai: Man, sorry buddy that you keep having this dream of yours over and over again.

Y/N: It's fine, well time for breakfast.


As the family ate they chatted about normal stuff and Yang going to Beacon with Y/N being jealous.

Tai: Well time for you two to go.

Y/N: Ok dad.

Tai: I'll get the dishes.

After which the kids left the table

Yang/Y/N: Bye dad!

Tai: Bye Kids.


As the kids left the scroll rang to show it was the hospital. Again

Tai: Hello, doc how bad is it?



Yang: Well Y/N, I had an awesome day!

Y/N: Yeah you get to go to Beacon tomorrow I have to stay here still.

Yang: Don't worry bro these things fly fast. Trust me you'll be at Beacon before you know it.

Y/N: I guess.

Yang than got on her motorcycle.

Yang: Well I'm going out, want me to drive you home bro?

Y/N: Nah I'm heading out, I heard a new weapon magazine came out.

Yang: K make sure you tell dad you know how worried he gets.

Y/N: Ok later Yang.

She than drove off as I called dad.


Tai: Ok then, thanks again doc.

After I hang up I saw Y/N calling so I put on a more chary tone

Tai: Hey kiddo what you calling about?

Y/N: Oh I just let you know I'm heading out to Vale to check up on the new weapon magazines

Tai: Well ok then, just make sure you have a ride home

Y/N: Ok, bye dad.

He than hung up after which I removed the happy voice with a more depressed voice.

Tai: Goodbye son.


I was in a store reading the new hit weapon magazine after which I felt someone press something against me which I turned to see a guy with him putting to my headphones so I took them off.

Y/N: Yes sir?

Guy: I said put your hands up now!

Y/N: You robbing me?

Guy: Yes!

Y/N: Oh, now I get it.

I than round house kick him away which soon after anther guy showed up so I lauched myself forward after which sent both of us flying, at which I landed on the ground with Cresent Rose in handed as I saw the robber

???: Ok? Get him?

They than charged at me which with the first one I sliced him with Cresent Rose and then using the back of Cresent Rose to smack him in the face which sent teeth and blood flying into the air as the guy landed. Soon another try to slice me but I fired Cresent Rose to dodge and after which I dropped kicked him and crushed his ribs with the back of Cresent Rose. Some then try to surround me but I spin Cresent Rose extremely fast which sent most flying and with the last one I jumped on his shoulders I fired a bullet in his face and then kicked him upward as landed with rest with them.

???: You where the best you truly are. Well Red, I love it rough but sadly love. This is where we part ways.

She than fired a shot at me which which I fired back which caused a explosion after which I saw her climb up a ladder.

Y/N: Oh no you don't.

I ran after her which I fired myself upward.

Y/N: Hey!

???: Protestant and cute. I like that.

Soon after a bulkhead showed up with the door opening up for her.

???: End of the line darling.

She than blow me a kiss and tossed a crystal and fired which I fired at the crystal before she could.

Y/N: Sorry deary, you'll need some new tricks cause that one is getting old fast.

???: Oh mommy like.

She was getting away and I was about to board her with soon after someone jumped infront of me

A Huntress, I'm flattered but. SHE STOLE MY THUNDER!

She than fired some purple beams but someone showed up and firing some fire at the beams but I fired a bullet which seems to gaze some skin on her left arm at which they got away and the huntress turned to me.

Y/N: I know your huntress and I'm a huge fan and all, but I pretty much got it under control.

Huntress: Well if you are a huge fan can you do me a small favor.

Y/N: What that be

I than glowed purple.

Huntress: Your coming with me.

Y/N: You've could've just ask.

Soon after I was in the interacting room with the huntress Glynda sitting on my lap.

Glynda: What you did tonight was very dangerous, your actions tonight won't be taken lightly tonight. You put yourself and others at risk.

Y/N: But didn't I come out without a scratch and two. There was nobody out there so who could've been hurt if no one else was there?

Gylnda: ( sighs ) Fair enough, even if no one got hurt I'll give you handle the situation mutually, and kept it down contained to a minimal. But still I sent you home with a pat on the back. And a slap on the wrist.

She than hugged me tight. Yep there goes my ribs.

Glynda: But someone wants to meet you

She than got off me and walked to the side and as the door to reveal who it was

Professor Ozpina?

Ozpina: Y/N Rose, you have silver eyes?

Y/N: And the sky is blue, no big surprise.

Ozpina: ( chuckles ) humorous, I like that.

She than placed down a plate of cookies, and I was going to reach out for one but Gylnda took the cookie I was going to grab and took and was going to feed it to me which at first I was confused about at first but I just accepted her generous offer.

Y/N: Thanks I guess

Gylnda: It was my pleasure.

Ozpina: Anyway where did you learn to fight like this.

She than showed me a live recording of me fighting those robbers.

Y/N: Well it's a mixed of signal with my own personal fighting style.

Ozpina: Impressive. It's just I only seen someone with that same skill. An old dusty crow.

Y/N: Oh you mean my aunt Quill, she's awesome she taught me everything I know.

Ozpina: How long for?

Y/N: A few years. You see I want to be a hunter like the rest of my family I just need to finish two more years than it's off to Beacon.

Ozpina: I see. Well you know who I am

Y/N: Professor Ozpina, your the headmistress of Beacon

Ozpina: Hello. Now you want to be a hunter at my school?

Y/N: Absolutely.

Ozpina: Ok then, that can be arranged.

Y/N: Really?

Ozpina: Of coruse, you best get home and get some rest.

Y/N: Thank you. I won't disappoint.

I shock her hand and left

Gylnda: I'll see you in class.


After I got home I gave my family the news they where excited

Tai: My son is becoming a man!

Yang: My own bro is going to be my classmate!

Y/N: I know I can't wait!

Tai: Well it's best you go to be to get enough energy for tomorrow.

Y/N: Got it dad! Night dad, night Yang

Yang: Night bro

Tai: Night son

I went to my room and went to bed as I heard Yang go to bed after which I held my mom's medallion.

Y/N: Mom, no matter what happens I'll be strong. I swear I'll make you proud, I promise.

I than closed my eyes and went to sleep to be ready to face the challenges that Beacon might through at me.

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