Chapter Eighteen

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20k views! That's unbelievable! I am going to start a One Shot book and a Watching Miraculous book soon.

Adrien unconsciously stared at his what he presumes is his girlfriend. They were in the middle of class and Marinette was a second away from falling asleep. She had gotten little to no sleep and was currently supporting herself with the arm on her table.

Alya smirked and nudged Nino with her elbow, hitting him in between his shoulder blade and his spine, hard.

"What did I say?" Nino shook his head at the boastful girl.

"My man Adrien might have a crush on Marinette, that's all."

"Adrien! Marinette is not the teacher, I am. So if you could look at me, that would be great." Mrs. Bustier called out, getting Adrien's attention. Marinette jolted from the sudden noise and her arm slipped from under her. As soon as her head was about to hit the wooden desk, Adrien's tan arm slid under and softened the blow.

"I'm awake!" She yelled, gaining the class's attention. Adrien heard Kim and Alix snicker in the back as Mrs. Bustier sighed.

"Anyways," she went on with the lesson as Adrien pondered to himself.

We never actually said that we were dating. Maybe she just did it for fun?

Adrien quickly shook that thought out of his head. Marinette was sweet, and innocent, and kind. She's not the kind of person who would do that.

Chloe on the other hand...

His mind trailed off as he glanced at the blonde girl sitting next to him. She flirtatiously winked and he shivered in disgust.

I'm just glad Marinette is not like Chloe. But I want to make it official with Marinette.

During lunch, Alya dragged Adrien away, leaving Marinette Nino to talk to.

"What's up Alya?"

"I don't know, how about what's up between you and Marinette?!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. Adrien flushed.

Alya can't know that I, well Chat, kissed Marinette. She'd ask her and then my identity could be revealed or Marinette would be in trouble.

"W-What do you mean? N-Nothing happened between us." She gave him a look of disbelief and popped her hip out, placing a hand on her waist as he stuttered.

"You totally have a crush on Marinette!" Alya yelled, gaining the attention of a few students like Nathanael, Rose, and Juleka.

"Shh!" He clamped a hand over her mouth as she laughed. "Don't tell anyone that, okay Alya? Nobody can know."

She took his hand off her mouth and laughed. "I've got something to show you then..."

She whipped out her phone and tapped for a few seconds before showing Adrien a picture.

It was a picture of the day Marinette had fallen asleep in the bathroom. Adrien had her small body in his arms as she was holding onto his front. Her head was buried in his neck and he had a soft smile with his chin resting on her shoulder.

"Alya! You need to send me that!" He gushed before quickly realizing what he did. "Mhm." He cleared his throat. "I mean, I would like to have that picture."

"That's not all..."


The entire lunch was spent with Adrien fangirling with Alya over pictures of Marinette. Said person and Nino were super confused when they came back to class with huge grins plastered on their faces.

Adrien was quiet for a while as he laced his hands together and leaned on his arms that were on the desk.

Those pictures of Marinette were adorable!

After a few minutes he finally spoke to his best friend.

"Nino, I want you to marry Alya."

Nino had a mixture of surprise and confusion on his face before he relaxed back.

"Only if you marry Marinette man." Nino settled back into his seat.

Adrien nodded in agreement.



"Winter break at last!" Marinette sighed and plopped down on to her chaise and Tikki giggled.

"And you're almost done with your Chat Noir clothing line!"

Marinette grinned in excitement. "I know! I can't wait to show it to him!"

Tikki sensed a presence and hid behind a pillow.

Shortly after, a knock sounded on her window.

"Hey kitty!"

"My Princess." Chat Noir smirked before leaning in for a kiss. She let him as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. He quickly made it grow in passion, deepening the kiss.

"Chat..." Marinette breathed out as he pulled away.

"Princess, I have a question."

"Go ahead. Shoot." She stared expectantly at him, her bluebell eyes staring into his summer grass ones.

"Are we dating?"

"What?" The question had caught her off gaurd. She thought he already knew...

"Marinette, I-I love you. I told you that, but you never answered. And I just..." He took a deep shaky breath, trying to prevent himself from crying. "I just need to know if you love me too, and if you do, are you my girlfriend?"

She stared at him wide eyed.

"Kitty, of course I do..." She cupped his face and stood on her tippy toes. "I love you so much. I love your stupid puns," she slowly trickled her hands down to his chest. "I love your annoying jokes, I love your witty attitude," she continued talking about the things she loved about him. He stared at her with tears lining his eyes.

"I love how you smell..." She mumbled mostly to herself for that part. "I love how you taste like the cinnamon rolls I know you're secretly taking from me..." His face quickly heated up as he blushed a faint pink. "I love your hugs..."

"But most importantly Chat," she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer to her, and pressed her ear to his chest. She listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

"I love you. So yes, I do want to be your girlfriend." Chat hugged her tightly to him as he carried Marinette to her bed.

"I love you so much Mari, it hurts." He whispered as he laid himself down with her. He placed the covers over them as he pecked her lips softly.

"Kitty, if you feel comfortable, you can let your transformation off. I promise not to look." She mumbled sleepily as she snuggled into his chest.

After a few minutes, he finally decided to let his transformation wear off.

"Plagg, claws in."

A green flash lit the room. She smiled with closed eyes and fisted the soft cotton material under her and held it close to her face.

"Goodnight kitty." Marinette yawned.

"Goodnight my beautiful girlfriend."

Adrien sighed in content.

I got just what I wanted...

I did it! Until next time, peace!

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