Chapter Nineteen

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Bit of a leap here, but it will all make sense later. I promise.

Chat's baton beeped, signaling that someone was calling him. He pushed it up and a picture of Marinette and him kissing popped up, showing that Marinette was calling him.

There was one problem though. He gave this one to her to use for emergencies only. He gave her his private number that not even Nino had if she just wanted to talk.

"Princess? Princess what's wrong?" He asked worriedly into his baton.

"Chat Noir..." A faint strangled voice answered in response. "Help..."

"Marinette? Where are you?" A beeping was heard as he yelled into his baton, signaling that the line went dead.

He glanced down quickly at the map on his baton, signaling where she was. In no time at all, he was launching himself across the roofs of Paris. His breathing became labored as he forced himself to go further and faster, praying that he could reach Marinette on time.

He barely registered the beeping noise, informing that he had reached his destination as he lands on top of an abandoned warehouse. Because it is always an abandoned building where these things take place, of course.

"Marinette!" Chat cried out. Without thinking, he broke through an abandoned warehouse's glass ceiling. The glass rained down on him, cutting him everywhere and shattered as they hit the cement floor. The breath was knocked out of him from the hard landing, his wounds stinging from the thin lacerations. Not the best landing, but he was frantic. He couldn't think clearly, the only thing on his mind was the midnight-haired girl.

The one that was right in front of him.

Marinette was bruised and battered in a chair, tied by chains as all of the previous villains they had defeated surrounded her. His copycat (God, he really hated that one) smirked when he noticed his presence and placed a claw on her cheek, just below her eye. Memories were too fresh for him, the scene where Marinette fell from the sky after he dropped her, Ladybug not being sure which one was actually him. Yeah, he wasn't really fond of Copy Cat.

Chat Noir tried to run up to them, breath returned, but something invisible was holding him back. And without anything to break, he can't use his cataclysm on it. Even still, he pulled with all his might, glancing around himself incredulously when he saw nothing.

Marinette's purple and blue face came into view for him. She had scratches all over her chin and forehead, and a cut running along her brow.

Chat yelled and screamed and cried as he struggled against the invisible bonds holding him back and screamed her name.

"Don't hurt her! Please! You can beat me, hurt me, kill me! Just don't touch my Princess!" Hot tears rolled down his cheek, stinging when they come in contact with the small cuts and scratches that littered his face.

"Every hero has a kryptonite... I guess she's yours." His copy cat smirked evilly as he called cataclysm.

Chats heart stopped as he watched what seemed to be slow motion as Copy Cat placed his hand on Marinette's thigh. The blackness spread onto her skin as sh watched with wide eyes. She didn't scream, whether it be out of shock or the intensity of the pain, he would never know. Her bluebell eyes were teary as she looked back up at him in confusion.

"No!" Suddenly he was let loose and was propelling forward on full speed. The villains cleared out in a rush as he collapsed into a sobbing heap next to Marinette. "Marinette."

She fell out of her chair and writhed in pain as Chat caught her and held her close to him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry! I should have been there Princess! I should have been protecting you!" He cried as he sobbed into her hair. "I love you! You can't die! You promised you would never leave me!"

Chat's heart shattered as he noticed her painful intakes of breath.

"Where were you?" The words held no malice, just confusion and pain. She didn't understand what was happening; he didn't understand why this was happening.

The cataclysm reached her heart and his hearing heightens as he heard her last heartbeat.

"It's my fault..." His eyes zeroed on her chest as it crumbled away. The necklace he bought for her gave way through the deteriorating skin, clattering against the ground. It was the only sound aside from his choked sobs.

"This isn't real. This isn't real! Please," he didn't know who he was begging, "this can't be real!" He held his ears as he began to chant that, screaming at the top of his lungs. "I wouldn't do that! I can't!" He can't lose another person.

Adrien fell onto the floor screaming. Plagg woke up with a startled jump as he looked wide eyed at the panting teen in front of him.

"Adrien! What's wrong?!" Plagg tried to comfort the terrified boy but with no luck.

"Plagg, transform me!" Plagg got sucked into his now black ring and Adrien transformed into Chat Noir before leaping out of his room to Marinette's.

He landed, ungracefully, on her balcony before opening her trap door and falling onto her bed.

Marinette was sweating in her too big T-shirt and had the blankets kicked off onto the floor beneath them.

"Why are you just standing there?" Chat Noir took a step back, his heart pounding erratically as he thought about his chance of being in a second nightmare. But then Marinette's voice continued softly.

"Stop it..." she cried softly, barely loud enough for him to hear. "Let me take the hits for you..."

She was having a nightmare, just like he was.

After figuring this out, Chat Noir immediately slid onto the bed next to her, wrapping her up in his arms as her tears patterned onto the cool leather of his suit. He wasn't sure what he could do to help, but whatever he was doing seemed to do the trick.

Eventually she stopped crying as she held onto Chat.

"I won't..." Marinette whispered in her sleep, her hold on Chat Noir tightening.

Chat Noir placed his lips against her forehead, an attempt to help soothe her. He held her just as tight to him, grounding her to him. He was so terrified that he would lose her again. No knowing was the worst part.

"Chat Noir..." She gasped before pulling him close to her. She placed his head on her chest as she cried into his hair. Chat's face flushed as his cheek touched her clothed chest.

"I'm right here Princess. I'll always be right here." He whispered as he pulled away from her. He didn't know how long she was crying but it was long enough for her voice to crack.

He held her tightly to him and wiped the tears from her eyes. She cried to herself as Chat held her. He didn't want to leave her like this. He didn't know whether or not she or he would get a nightmare again.

So he turned them to their sides, holding both of her hands in his, buried into her chest. He secured an arm tightly around her waist and pulled her closer to him. A little while after, he let his transformation release and he went to sleep.


Plagg quickly left Adrien's ring to go find Tikki. He found her sound asleep on the bed Marinette made for her and let out a small smile. He gently kissed her head and snuggled next to her.

"I love you Tikki. More than I love Camembert."

He heard Tikki giggle quietly as she wrapped a tiny arm around his neck.

"I love you too Plagg." She said, scaring the cat kwami. He jumped but smiled and held her close to him, wishing he could do this every night. Just, maybe without the bloodcurdling screams from his chosen.


The next day at school was weird for Adrien. Everybody was talking about the nightmares they had.

"Dude, my worst nightmare happened last night! I was in a pit of spiders and they were crawling on me!" Kim explained his nightmare before Mylene went.

Even Juleka was petrified, and she thought the Horrificator was cool!

It's definitely the works of an akuma. And when I find this akuma...

They will regret doing this to my Princess.

I did it! I bet I scared at least twenty people at the beginning. And I'm also so happy I got a PlaggxTikki moment! Until next time, peace!

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