Armored Hunt

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"There will be no 'deep and beautiful' breakthrough" - General (Retd.) Valeriy Zaluhniy, former commander in chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces, currently ambassador of Ukraine to the UK

1/LT Kaori Arima

3rd (Mech) Platoon, 3rd (Kirin) Company, 11th Tank Regt. - OPCON 32nd Infantry Regimental Combat Team, 5th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Division "Nerima" JIGDF

Kaesong Area, South Hwanghae Province, partially South Korean controlled

Third week of May 2026

Well, let's answer a question about the state of the front right now.

Even new recruits were getting used to artillery and rocket duels and bomb-tossing contest from the air every hour, while the Reds are consolidating and improving their supplies deep inside DPRK territory but keep butting themselves over and over again in the head trying to regain their lost position, especially the hills surrounding Kaesong and the strip of highway to Pyongyang while in our side, troopers and officers alike were itching for the upcoming crossing of Ryesong River, while it's clear that we're waiting for a blow from the sea for a more solid position in the entire South Hwanghae, with the painful lesson by South Koreans in mind about how their attempt of blitzkrieg managed to reach Sariwon before a particularly successful Chinese deep strikes and raids forced the joint South Korea-US force to retreat in a repeat of the first phase of Korean War. We also learned that it costed the career of Korean VII Corps commander Jungjang (rikushou/lieutenant general) Kwon-do Hyun. That poor man got busted down to sojang (sho-ho/major general) and are now leading a homeland defense division somewhere in the east coast of Korea.

With our last position around Kaepung had been reassigned to 1st Mechanized Brigade alongside the new 30th Assault Brigade with their heavy Type 74 tank-based APCs behind them, the Fiji Battalion, and last but not least, America's relatively fresh, but old and proud in heritage "Big Red One Division" partially relieving South Korean' 17th Infantry Division, the Fighting Fifth, this includes us Team Kirin - had to be redirected further north into the cleared section of Kaesong-Pyongyang highway, along the river, hastily fortified by explosives used to create trenches, with White Horse Division's 30th Infantry Brigade had withdrawn one of it's battalions for refit while the Indonesian penal battalion that broke a recent Sino-Nokor counterattacks were also temporarily withdrawn for similar reason, as well as to transfer those who had just earned their freedom to regular 4th Division itself. To compensate, we enjoyed access not only to our arty and deep strike assets, or the western ones, but also link to Indian and Indonesian ones - a special note was that the Indonesian 4th Division's guns are all Korean-made KH-179 towed guns.

Furthermore the higher up let us further know that "The Indonesian 1st Cavalry (armored) brigade is to commit one of it's elements."

"Leopards, people" reacted Sgt. Kurosawa, standing in front of his squad. "Added with the Germans being present here, too."

"Don't forget the Nordics - Norwegians, Danish..." replied platoon sergeant Nakashima, standing behind me, to the said NCO. "They are in our corps too under German brigade."

It's 1440 in the afternoon, after being made aware on some success of drone and air strikes for today notably against enablers i.e. engineering, artillery, air defense and logistics assets, as well as reconnaissance missions that yielded targets for artillery, came new reports of a new hostile unit wanting to try their luck. The ever loving 32nd RCT HQ warned about oncoming assault force led by CCP foreign legionnaires, which explained why Capt. Kawashima's RTO reported overhearing Spanish radio transmission from the red-controlled area, added by the fact that so far we do not have any Spanish Army (Ejercito de Tierra) soldiers present in this very peninsula, nor the Latin Americans that had officially joined the coalition, not even Americans with their diversity transmitted their things like what company HQ had just reported. Additional information from Indian Army scouts uphill and skirmishes ahead further solidified our theory, too.

"Get into position" was the main order of the whole regiment, with mobile armor ready for exploiting any gap, and Team Kirin as always will be such mobile grouping with my beloved husband in the leading position for such work, ready to assist the other two company teams.

I went to one of the dugouts containing Tsubaki's squad, with two more troopers with GoPro on their helmets ready, their distinctive brown armband was also a giveaway on them being a Happyou-gun. Within Tsubaki's squad, PFC Chen also turned out to have his own GoPro as well.

"Courtesy of Xinhai Foundation, ma'am" the Chinese pointed out, referring to an American-based charity foundation operated and run by Chinese-American diaspora in that country with an unquestionable loyalty to the cause of the Coalition and the American idea in general, with a mission to aid not just the Free Chinese folks, but also other countries in need inside the big Coalition, humanitarian and military alike.

"Ready to fight and film, trooper?"

"Yes ma'am, the whole brigade is counting on us to make every work here to be known to the world, it's our mandate." answered the lead Mass Communication team, Corporal Aki Fujita.

I went on to the dug in position of the other two squads under Sergeants Kimura and Kurosawa respectively for any "interesting" stuff, which even in the background of solidifying lines between us and them, it should be there, as trivial as it was, while also keeping the line with SFC Nakashima of the troop carrier mounted element on.

"Just some more of their drones down" quipped Sgt. Kurosawa, pointed out on a small explosion in the horizon, our bomb disposal robot at work from the engineers. "Nasty things, even recce drones got boobytrapped."

Further cracks from beyond the horizon, just like thunders, and then the familiar "Incoming!" Minutes later an accented English transmission came inside our company's frequency. "Enemy's spotted"

I immediately got myself linked to nearest drones as well as the other recon elements in the area particularly the regimental HQ's scout platoon for second opinion, while a leeway exists for my new RTO Megumi Han to do her thing in coordination. As expected, we confirmed that a hostile vanguard was coming at our direction, a reconnaissance element of the 112th International Anti-Imperialism Brigade, with ZBD-04 armored troop carriers, EQ2050 jeeps, and ZTZ-96 tanks behind it to provide support for the main armored force that were accumulating behind. Their presence also meant a renewed dogfight overhead between drones...

"The Indonesians told us that they had encountered this unit months before our own arrival - their 4th Brigade (of the 4th Division) was hit hard with the Red Spanish unit called Dolores Ibarruri was leading the assault." it was my platoon sergeant radioed me. "They must had been reconstituted with fresh meat, there are no shortage of willing and committed extremists in Europe nowadays... the young and the insecure, NATO veterans with ax to grind..."

"Thanks for the reminder, Sergeant" I answered. Even with the Indians on the hills, the currently underway reorganization of defense in the Kaesong City itself means it's our duty to keep Reds away from the city, too.

"This is Dragon 6, new order, you are to open fire if anyone ready." it's the Colonel. "And always be aware on our allies, expect their task forces - Indonesians, South Koreans, Indians, Americans, Germans, Poles, etc etc to join your effort anytime."

"Hold your fire until they are on our sights, people" at the relative front of our position, the 1st Company of the 32nd, also known as Team Shiranui, are being prepared, with passing drones showed that one of their troop carrier had retired to it's prepared firing positions after delivering the consignment of LMAT and Panzerfaust anti armor system and the reloadable multipurpose Carl Gustav M4 for extra confidence, with similar preparation was also undertaken by Team Arashi, the second company team of the 31st entrenched the other side of the expressway, with slightly better position by the fact that there is a town called Kyejong-Gol. The city was almost devoid of life, and now under our occupation and its nearby hills are now our new zero line, marked by both Hinomaru and Taegeukgi flying side by side. Around the area, a company of 100th Foreign Regiment had let us know that they were standing by if needed.

We also made sure that the way was clear for the first responders on that screening force of divisional 1st Cavalry led by a platoon task force of two Type 90 RCV and two Type 16s, followed by a rest of the recon coy on their armor and jeeps, plus some Indians on tow riding on their own jeeps, many with ATGMs on the ready. Those cav guys are considered the best English speaker within the division, to boot.

The Indians were also still holding their collective fingers - absent their kamikaze drone specialists, as cheers in English, Hindi and other Indian languages and explosions afar showed that those things were at work, plus bigger ones that could mean landmines, ATGM hitting their targets, and artillery, engaging in a certain parameter to not reveal everything yet. Then also crack of tank guns.

Yet we all knew that they won't give up and were willing to detour, particularly as another company team of our own cavalry passed through, but toward the relative northeast of our position. Just in time also as the first cavalry task force returned with their own bruises such as damaged tracks and wheels, and one MCV was even had it's main gun busted. But their mission was not in vain, as drone footage proved that so far, roughly a company of ZBD and ZTZs were taken out from the combined fires from ground and air, explosive drones and heavy multicopters with firearms mounted below their chassis were harrying the surviving infantrymen, although effective PLA electronic warfare did hamper it's efficiency.

Lull in fighting, bar swarms of drones unleashed from the other side, just in time for a pair of Type 23 Heavy UGV with autocannon and short range missiles ready to do it's duty. In addition, Indians managed to move their K-30 Bihos license-produced from the South Koreans to predetermined firing positions. It did not preclude those things, nor our drone anti-air to engage on the move, through, costed the reds up to two drone divisions (sub-swarm), many of them were repeaters, to the disappointment of our foes!

SAM boys and girls further behind were also letting us know in passing that they were working too in our area, both from division and Expeditionary Corps alike. The Corps' 17th AAA Regiment, for instance, reported that their US-supplied Toyota HMV-mounted NASAMS HML (1) took down two hostile J-16 strike fighters that were too close for comfort, plus two fixed wing drones.

"Two less glide bomb carriers" I could hear my gunner said that on the radio... We were all have to be grateful.

Behind us, as we kept our watch, a fresh radio transmission in an accented English heralded the arrival of roughly two-platoon equivalent of tanks - Leopard 2s with cruder camo that still has a hint of tropical area, marked with a low-visibility inverted triangle insignia with a coiled cobra in an attack position - accompanied with troop carriers, some bore the same poisonous snake insignia, while two sported a python reticulated snake instead. Type-wise, however, I learned only from Sergeant Nakashima on the radio.

"It's a Macan Kumbang (Black Panther) AFV family. Designed by the Turks on the same basis as the light tank Harimau Hitam (Black Tiger) or their own (Indonesian) designation wise, as 'medium tank'..."

In the process through, we're not staying in one place as Capt. Kawashima soon ordered us to mount up on the double to follow the Indonesians, who were heading for a village called Ryeohyeon, southeast of Kyejong-Gol, under constant counter-drone posture, further helped by South Korean assistance with two old but modernized K263 mounting 20mm Vulcan anti air cannons on M113 APC platform to accompany us along with our robots, apparently part of one of their reserve homeland divisions, looking at their subdued insignia on its hull.

"Team, we're going to set up our defense there, those onoretachi (lit: motherf-cker) want to outflank our people in Kyejon-Gol or even bypass it and head straight towards Kaepung, with all due respect to our allies... contact, left flank!"

In front of us, the Indonesians managed to open fire first with their own tank, and the ensuing radio transmission confirming the successful engagement.

"Head to the village, then dismount" that's my order while the tanks assumed their combat stance - Type 10s and Leopards alike, while my gunners were also readying the 40mm, and the increased amount of small arms fire from the village further hammered the point on what's happening. This was just a new beginning.


1/LT Kousei Arima

When the Indonesian Leopard in our front traversed its Rheinmetall gun left and opened fire, it's enough for us to swerve left in response and swung to the same direction keeping the frontal armor at the most optimal position to respond to enemy attack. With the hilly ground, my new driver Private First Class Ayano Kurokawa recalled the nuts and bolts on using the adjustable suspension for maximum survivability and mobility at the same time. A new challenge indeed with new crew with a recent policy of rotation and rest.

Three days ago....

"New orders from division." notified the communications staff at Team Kirin's command post. The coded message, in short, is that the tank crews of the 5th Brigade are to be rotated and reassigned. To be fair, the newer guys need their chance, and the old ones a chance for another role in the world of tanks as well as rest and health checks, such as their hearings. We also learned that the 1st Brigade had done so before their commitment to the last battle when the Indians seized the hills near Kaesong and in the process, repelled North Korean counterattacks.

"I can't believe it, sir. I got to be gunner after my rest period... Despite they want me to do it with someone other than you." Watari told me upon receiving his orders and the commensurate promotion to Specialist or Tokugihei - a newly introduced rank bearing two chevrons with two cherry blossoms above, as opposed with Corporal or Shichou that bear three chevrons without the flower, or private first class that only has one flower. Specialists got Corporal pay but without the leadership authority - overall just like in the United States Army, again.

"Order is order, Spec. In fact, I would like to see you one day earn your non-com stripe and command your own tank, as we still have a long, long fight ahead before we all go home..." I replied, my gaze went on to other tank crewmembers present in the underground command post/shelter that night. "Sergeant Hanazono is a good leader, while I must say keep your love in mind..." referring to Watari's new station in the platoon, with the Tank No. 14 of Staff Sergeant Yumi Hanazono.

Then I pointed out at Kitazawa. "Do your best as (tank) commander. Kitazawa, and send Lieutenant Toyosaki my greetings." with the context of my gunner got further promotion to Staff Sergeant and his subsequent reassignment to a command role in Toyosaki's platoon.

To our surprise, the said lieutenant of the neighboring platoon went in. He cited a matter related to field maintenance of his tank that required his urgent attention before he went on to the command post.

Back to present.

"GUNNER, SABOT, TANK!" From Capt Kawashima's comm with his Indo counterpart - the plan had been set - the 62 ton plus Leopard 2A7s with its 42 round main gun ammo capacity would basically do the tanking role, using that video game term, while our 50 ton Hitomarus will flank and if possible, hit the rear part of the Red column, identified as ZBD-04 and ZTZ-96s... again, this time, with a peculiar insignia: a tri-colored red, yellow with a red star imposed on it, and dark purple.




"Target! Gunner, Load Sabot! Driver, drive back down!"

"Yes, sir!" Kurokawa responded appropriately while the unlucky ZTZ-96, stopped on it's tracks by the hit immediately burst to flames, while to their luck but also uncertainty, the hostile crew that further confirmed their identity as European in appearance managed to bail out.

"UP!" Notified my new gunner, who then let out a piece of his mind, as I put informations about hostile targets at my command display to let the rest of the platoon updated. "Those insignias, sir, I know it... but seriously, Spanish Republic?" Corporal Kiyotake Kahara asking everyone in the turret of Tank 11, while tracking our next heavy targets - those who were not yet being engaged by the Indonesians, or the reserve tank platoon under Toyosaki behind us.

"(We'll talk about that) Later, Corporal!" I curtly put on the answer, eyes on battlefield informations as shown on displays and sights. "GUNNER, SABOT, TANK!"





New set of hostiles.

"NEXT TARGET!" I commanded.

The ZTZ-96 on our sight sported extra antennas, and also our signal sniffer caught the telltale sign of electronic interference. Sweet.

We fired one at that command tank before relocating, just in time for two FPV-like kamikaze drones were heading to our former position, and your usual barrage of artillery - it created a curtain between us and the reds.

"Target!" The explosion showed by one orbiting UAV linked to my tank confirmed another engagement success. That should disrupt hostile chain of command for a while...


(1). An abbreviation of National or Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System, a short to medium range surface to air missile system developed jointly by United States and Norway, applying the radar guided air-to-air AIM-120 AMRAAM in a ground-launched role, as well as the shorter-range IR-guided AIM-9X Sidewinder used in the most advanced variant of this system overall, the NASAMS 3.

A mobile variant mounted on Humvee or equivalent 4x4 military tactical vehicle exists in the manufacturer's portfolio, called the HML.

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