One Village at a Time

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SSGT Tsubaki Sawabe

Ryeohyeon, Kaepung County, North Hwanghae Province, Coalition-occupied area of DPRK

May 22nd, 2026 - 1630 KST

There was another change of plan in the heat of battle.

We supposed to occupy this village and defend from there, but instead we have to eject the Reds first before they could entrench and threaten our position around the Kaesong-Pyongyang Highway or even the city of Kaesong itself if left unabated.

As the platoon approached Ryeohyeon, thunder like-crack echoed behind - it's a good sign of support from the "Emperors of Battle" and our own organic mortars. Then an orbiting UAV feed showing multiple kamikaze models broke through hostile electronic warfare and detonating inside occupied houses as well as VTT-323 and ZBD-type vehicles trying to land more reinforcements, while deeper behind them, fixed wing UCAVs passed through. 

"Bayraktars, I see..." muttered my IFV gunner just as the said Turkish drone released its munitions.

It was followed by the unmistakable roar of turbofan engines, and South Koreans let us know that the predominantly drone hunting FA-50s light jets were also overhead today, beyond the horizon, one jet let loose of it's anti-air missile...

At the same time I made sure that the intercom was properly keyed...

"We're all afraid, but we have to do this... Good luck for all of us." I told my squad when we reached the pre-determined disembarkation point, main gun blazing, and the vehicle command was turned over according to doctrine.

"Go, go! Get off the vehicle!" 

Multiple smoke-ejecting shell dropped in front of us, then a quick reassemble, at the same time as the troop carrier ramp closed.

My radio crackled.

"Make way (static)... make way for the tanks and robots"

Well, that interference...

With guns blazing and electric-like hum, the Type 23 Heavies announced its arrival. I made sure that my tactical glass were linked with the robots while my mike got keyed to figures include, but not only, the platoon's forward observer and friendly UAS. Sometimes the medium calibre cannons went upwards, as the reds' killer drones rose to the sky to meet ours. And the most important things above all here? Keep moving, stay around the armor, avoid main roads when it's possible, and don't bunch up, also watch the flanks (with the presence of Indonesians on the area).

From small streets to small streets, then...



And then multiple automatic fire, from cover to cover, we moved by pair. At the same time, that sniper fire had been marked by one of our Type 23 Heavy with a bolted in sniper gunfire detector. The robot let us know with a burst of signal went on to my tactical glass - verified by my system specialist who initiated a mini-drone launch to keep track on that shooter. 

"Hostile keeps coming" said my specialist. Then another crack. "Man down!" a report from the third squad.

Not even kamikaze drones deterred the North Koreans, added with some of it got intercepted or went awry by the precise application of Electronic Warfare.

In the meantime one Hitomaru with number "14" arrived at our current position and halted, machine guns blazing.

Soon I delegated Tachibana to liaise with the tank, old-fashioned way - despite everyone had an access to drone footages. 

On the right hand side of the tank's rear part, there was an intercom that linked him to the tank crew. Yanks called this system as a "grunt phone"

"Make it fast for heaven's sake" a woman answered the call. "Thank you, gunner, ready to blast them"

Subsequently the tank turret swerved slightly left, firing one shell, then towards the right, one high explosive of the same model blasted out from the tank. 

"Armor report enemy sniper is eliminated

The path is cleared. Between the cacophony of small arms fire ahead of us and whirling of the rotors... in front of the squad, one big hole in the wall of a Korean house. 


Passed and nearly stumbled on four dead men, quickly recognizable as Nokors. Then to our surprise two North Koreans raised their hands.


"Careful, everyone" It's Terakawa raised his concern. I kept my Type 22 pointed at the two KPA soldier, while letting the second squad behind me to pass, followed by one deployed Type 24 Wheeled UGV, it's machine guns swerved left and right as the former spread out around the robot.

Grenades were collected from the Nokors before anyone did something stupid.

Terakawa and Yamaguchi stepped forward and throughly searched the surrendering KPA soldiers.

"Zip tie, zip tie. Use mine, here" I gave Terakawa one of my zip tie - which he promptly use it as intended for POW handling, while Yamaguchi found a duct tape in his backpack as a makeshift blindfold.

Then a quick dial to the platoon commander to let her know.

"This is Kirin Yellow 4-7 Foxtrot" my radio crackled with the voice of Kaori's RTO calling. "Be advised, 4-6 Actual had called for pickup team!"

I thought. "Cannot be soon enough, we have a town to clear!" Buzzing sounds on the horizon did little to ease everyone, even as one arriving troop carrier raised it's cannon and fired upwards. 

"I don't like this, we're easy target for the little birds (kamikaze), you know" it's Yashio complained.

"Tachibana, re-check for the battery of the drone gun" I told my deputy, even with the troop carrier that are circling around us managed to take down yet another FPV-type kamikaze drone that was perilously too close for comfort.

Suddenly, the distant sound of an engine approached behind us. The squad tensed up, weapons ready.

To our relief one drone let us know about the arrival of two US-supplied M1117 Guardian light armored cars properly marked with "警務官" (Keimutai) and "MP" before it's operator subsequently redirected it into the grey zone. 

The M1117s stopped not far from the ruined residential housings, its doors opened up with two military police soldiers from each vehicle jumped out, Type 22s at the ready, while on their right flank, the legionnaires spread out as well. The lead MP - a staff sergeant - asked me.

"How're the prisoners?"

I gestured at the prisoners. "They are cooperative."

"Have you checked them through and through?"

Nevertheless, the MP Sergeant who went by the name of Kenji Kuwayama subsequently waved on his squad to form up, then frisked the POWs in a flash, before finally marched the Nokors to the awaiting armored car.

"Thanks for dropping in, Sergeant" I said to Kuwayama for the last time... for now.

"Anytime. Besides, we got multiple calls for POWs in this very town..." 

Letting out a breath, Yamaguchi stated. "Well, we're done with this one."

I answered him, and the rest of my squad. "We got to move, other units are doing the clearing."

When advancing, while passing multiple dead and dying North Koreans on our way, radio intercepts that showed Spanish language let us know on who we're now facing after. 

A call for assistance from the squad that passed us before, first positive with reference of hostile robots elimination by mostly kamikaze drones, but then... 

"... we need reinforcements and heavy fire support ASAP, not even kamikazes got them good... "

Added with accented English transmissions that showing the nearly similar profile of the enemy...

"Alap-alap 3-1 to Alap-alap Leader... some of those dogs are Europeans, they are speaking Spanish..."

"Fire in the hole!"

Before further advances we made sure that our connection to drones remained robust, and from there we rendezvoused with the said No. 14 tank and its accompanying Type 23 Heavy. Just in time for the heavy cavalry to safe the day for our brethens. 

Further accompanying us on the march were heavy buzz, heralded the arrival of heavy octocopters with their various loads. 

The way was paved.

I set my rifle sight to maximum magnification, with multiple CCP legionnaires popped up here and there, plus drones above taking down hostile ones in alarmingly increased frequency, as much as it could.

*pop* *pop"

That registered sound behind occupied areas was enough for everyone to seek cover even before the order "duck!" was given. The tank and the accompanying UGVs was forced to detour.

"Move, this area was pre-sighted !" Knowing how initial mortar barrages can and sometimes gave way later on to larger artillery bombardments.


As expected. I pondered as the dust and soil up-ended by 155 mm shells of the PLA settled in around us.

Block and by houses.

"Thank Kami-sama you are here"

Just in time as our accompanying armor intercepted one HJ-8 with the Seki launcher, while one Type 23 Medium pulled on the former' squad left flank.

"Reported enemy grenade launcher eliminated..." hollered, from the radio, one man that must be the operator of the said Milrem Type 23 Medium, before withdrawing it. Just in time as multiple mortars and even kamikazes were trying to hunt it down.

With the AGL nest eliminated we advanced into a building, the village's administrative center, pointed out by our fellow squad in the 3rd Platoon. I called for PFC Aichi Fujita to put a frag inside by his GLX-160.

"Frag out!"


Unable to gain supply, reinforcements, and to retreat with such route within drone fire control, the outcome had been determined.

Yet, the Dolores Ibarurri legionnaires were indeed not pushovers.

"Die, fascists!"

One red Spanish charged with his Type 95 assault rifle's bayonet fixed, only to be stopped by few moves that ended up with the bayonet buried deep inside his throat. And when I raised up, the rest of the squad had virtually dispatched them all.

"You had just killed a captain of theirs. Sergeant" That's what PFC Mizutani, holding a VP9 pistol, told me. "Awesome"

I cut off the rank insignias from the now dead legionnaire's uniform - the three star with a line bisecting the stars. A correct Captain's insignia in the PLA.

Even with the end of red presence in this area for now, further confirmed by reports from our tanks on the left flank, it's still a long way for it to be called done...

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