Chapter II

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~Celadon City~

Red walked into the city, four Pokeballs now clipped at his waist.  He had captured a Magikarp not long after leaving Vermillion which soon evolved into a Gyarados.  The Rocket member named the female Gyarados Georgia once she evolved.  Machop, now a Machoke, had earned his name, Matthew, after single handedly defeating an entire team of six.

Red saw a man matching the description Surge had given him casually resting against a tree.

"Weather's nice today," the man commented.

"I always carry an umbrella," Red said, finishing the code phrase.

"So, you're my man.  Here I was thinking they exaggerated your age."

"I get the feeling Surge never exaggerates."

"You are mostly right."

The man then motioned for Red to follow him.  They went inside the Game Corner that was smack in the middle of Celadon City.  The man approached a poster and lifted it up, revealing a hidden button.  The man then pushed the button and the floor in the private sector rolled back to reveal a secret staircase.  Once they were inside the hidden door rolled closed.  Red was led further into the secret base to an elevator.

Once inside, the Rocket grunt swiped a card that made the elevator start moving.  When it opened they were in a hallway that lead straight to a smaller, more elegant room.  Six potted plants lined the room, and a plush Rocket red chair sat behind the desk.  In the chair was a well dressed man in his late forties or early fifties.

"Hello, Red was it?  Excellent work on the S.S. Anne."

"Thank you, Sir."

"Ah, so you recognize power when you see it."

"You are not exactly hiding it," Red said, gesturing to the room.

"This is true, may I see what Pokemon you have collected, not the ones from your mission, just your personal team."

Red released the three Pokemon that would fit in the room, Charlie, Sandy, and Matthew.

"The fourth is a Gyarados that will not fit in this room."

"Ah, an excellent team, I hear that Machoke is one from the mission?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Lt. Surge also informed me of your unique stance with Pokemon.  Although it differs from mine, as long as we can get along then you should have no worries.  However, I suspect it is not quite true.  You seem close to that Charmeleon."

"He has been my one loyal companion since I was five."

"So, he is a friend."

"In a sense, however, he also respects that I am his boss and cannot always be his friend.  Sometimes, in the interest of moving forward, I have to push him to and beyond his limits.  The others have learned this as well.  I will protect them out of battle as best as I can.  However, in battle they will go to their limits, and they also know that I reward good battling and good behavior."

"So you lied to Surge."

"I twisted the truth a bit, however, I thought that would be a bad idea with you."

"That was the right decision.  Now, mission report."

"Yes, Sir.  I boarded the S.S. Anne at twelve-hundred hours, I spent an hour collecting Pokemon before Blue Oak, a former friend of mine, tried to stop me after seeing me take Matthew.  I swiftly defeated each of his Pokemon that he used, even killing his Raticate, before having to jump off the ship to escape Security.  I collected a total of thirty-four Pokemon, four Shellder, three Growlithe, one Jigglypuff, five Tentacool, three Wingull from the Hoenn region, four Horsea, two Staryu, two Pikachu, four Nidoran of both genders, one Voltorb, one Magnemite, one Ponyta, and three Machop including Matthew."

"Excellent, I have another job just for you."


"One of the buildings in this city contains several Eevee, a very rare Pokemon.  I need you to collect at least one.  If you can grab two or more then one is yours to keep.  Have this gentleman take you down to intel to pick up the nessecary files."

"Sounds excellent, Sir!"

"One last thing, take this, it contains several, reusable TMs and three evolution stones."

"Thank you, Sir."

"Just remember.  I am not a man you want to cross."

"Yes, Sir."

Red follwed the grunt out of the room and down the hallway.  He then found a file labeled "Eevee Job" and assumed that this was the folder he needed.  The young Team Rocket member then followed his fellow grunt to the sleeping quarters.  Red slid onto the mattress and checked what TMs he had.  Red smiled when he realized that the TMs for Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Iron Tail and Earthquake would be very useful.  Charlie could learn Flamethrower, Sandy could learn Earthquake and Iron Tail, and Georgia could learn Earthquake as well.  He also had heard that the TM for Brick Break was sold at the department store here in town, he would buy that for Matthew.  Red was quite tired, so, he drifted off to sleep.

~Three Days Later~

Red woke to the sound of his small alarm clock.  He slipped into his stealthy, black Team Rocket uniform instead of civilian clothes.  Tonight was the night of the heist.

The Rocket grunt walked down the hall and to one of the secret exits.  After getting the password to renter the base once the job was done.  Red slipped down the exit and through the dark streets until he reached the target building.  He had already scouted out the building by posing as a potential buyer for the Eevee breeder.

Red released Sandy, who dug into the ground and cut the phone line, eliminating the silent alarm.  He then swapped her for Georgia, who he used to climb up to the desired window.  Once inside, the Rocket member returned his Gyarados.  He walked through the living room to the carpet, underneath was the safe containing ten of the Eevee's Pokeballs.  Red released Charlie, who melted the locking mechanism and quietly pried open the safe.

Charlie was then returned as Red collected the Pokeballs.  He then slipped into another room and collected the Eevee.  Red then returned to the living room and climbed out the window.  He carefully climbed up to the roof and starting roof jumping.  A few houses over, the Team Rocket grunt climbed down a fire escape.  He then started slipping through the dark streets back to the base.


Once inside Red walked directly to the elevator and slid his card in the slot.  He was to report to Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket, immediately.  The elevator reached its destination and Red stepped out and walked into the office.

"Sir, I am back."

"Good, mission report."

"The mission went smoothly and exactly as planned, I managed to steal ten Eevee."

"Very good, take one for yourself now and you may return to your quarters."

"Thank you, Sir."

Red then returned to his assigned dorm and released his Eevee.

"Hello there, I am your trainer now.  I am not a friend, more like your boss.  However, if you prefer, you can think of me as your strict, but kind and protective father.  In battle you will be pushed to your limits and beyond, but off the battlefield you will be very well taken care of.  Now, I am ready to evolve you into a Jolteon, get ready."

The small Pokemon nodded and stood upright as the young grunt touched the Thunderstone to its head.  The Eevee cried out in his sudden energy boost from the stone.  Growing rapidly, the Pokemon tripled in size and turned yellow with a white mane and very, very spiky

"I also have a couple TMs for you, Thunderbolt and Shadow Ball."

The Jolteon nodded again, once more standing upright as Red activated the TMs and taught his new Pokemon the desired moves.  After which the Jolteon was returned and Red laid down to go to sleep.

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