MIA (5)

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In the real world of Valhalla, Tucker sits against the wall of Blue Base, holding his bleeding nose from the beatdown he received earlier. Caboose is kneeled next to him, checking to make sure he's fine.

Caboose: Tucker, are you okay?

Tucker: (groans) Am I okay? I just got the shit beat out of me, Caboose. I'm clearly NOT okay! Who the hell was that guy?

Caboose: Oh, uh, actually the gray guy is not a guy. He's a girl. And she is also a scary Freelancer like Slade, Miss South, and Agent Washington. And she was somehow dead and is now alive again and wants to find the Director.

Tucker: The who?

Theta appears next to Caboose.

Theta: The Director. The guy who made the whole 'Red Vs Blue battles' that you guys have been doing for the last ten years. The guy who made the Freelancers and the Meta and everything we've fought and survived.

Tucker: And what is this chick's name again?

Theta: Carolina. She and Cal were boyfriend and girlfriend back in Freelancer. But... I think their reunion isn't what everyone expected.

Tucker: How so?

Suddenly the three hear the sound of a gun go off and loud and angry feminine scream is heard.

Theta: (nervously) I don't think you wanna know....


In the Epsilon Unit, the Blues are searching the Battle Creek base.

Epsilon: Okay, Sarge said these guys can be a little, uh... Fanatical.

Tucker: Hey Caboose? Didn't you meet these guys before?

Caboose: It's hard to say. I meet so many people. I'm very popular.

Rho: They were the guys that fought over the flags? Killed each other mindlessly over them? Idolized and worshipped them?

Caboose: Ohhhhhh.... they were the ones I got mad at.

Rho: Yeah, well this time, try NOT to think about getting mad.

Blue Grunt Leader: Halt! Who's there?

Epsilon: Uh, hey. Hi, uh, we're just some Blue guys, trying to get some direction-

A group of blue grunts are jumping, behind them.

Blue Grunt Leader: New recruits!

All Grunts: Kill the Reds! Kill the Reds! Kill the Reds!

Epsilon: No no no, no, no. Not new recruits, just Blue guys. Like you.

Tucker: Well, better than you guys, though.

Rho: (quietly) Not the time, Tucker.

Epsilon: Okay, okay. Yes, yes, well, sure, okay, but still Blue, and therefore, you know, not-shootable.

Blue Grunt Leader: Hmmm. What do you think, Blue soldier?

Blue Grunt: It could be an evil Red plot, sir. (looking at Caboose) that one looks okay, but those guys (looks at Tucker, Rho, and Epsilon) look a little un-blue.

Blue Grunt Leader: Would you say "non-blue"?

Blue Grunt: Off-blue.

Blue Grunt Leader: Disgusting! Maybe they're sick.

Blue Grunt: Or maybe, they're Reds in disguise.

Blue Grunt Leader: Only one way to make sure. (turns to Epsilon, Tucker, Rho, and Caboose) I need your leader to step forward.

Rho, Tucker, and Caboose look at Epsilon.

Epsilon: Why are you guys looking at me?

Tucker: You're the leader.

Epsilon: You know, we don't technically have an assigned leader.

Rho: You know, as much as I hate to say it, you're the only one that has experience in leading. Not very good at it, but....

Epsilon: Well somebody has to be.

Tucker: Yeah, especially right now in this room full of idiots with guns.

Epsilon: Fine. (grunts and steps forward) Hello, I am the leader.

Blue Grunt Leader: Fellow Blue, if you are who you say you are then surely you will know the Blue team password. If you know it, you are welcome here, if not, then you are not. And also, we will kill you, because of the not being welcome thing.

Tucker: Man, I am so glad right now that I have absolutely no ambition.

Rho: Or anything that would define you as a quote unquote 'man'.

Epsilon: Password?

Blue Grunt Leader: Yes! The Blue team password, which every Blue learns when he sets foot on the path to Blueness, and once achieving full Blue-bility, the Blue carries a word with him whenever the Blue way of life is threatened. What is the Blue password?

Epsilon: Ummm... Is it Blue?

Blue Grunt Leader: Okay, yeah, they check out.

Rho: Well... that's just lazy writing...


Outside the Reds, Blues, and the Blue Grunt Leader standing in front of the jeep.

Sarge: See, we need to get to the city to find out where out soldier is being held.

Simmons: The kidnapper left this note. (Lays the note on the ground)

Blue Grunt Leader: Ahhhhhh.

Epsilon: You see something there?

Blue Grunt Leader: Yes! The man you are looking for has terrible handwriting.

Simmons: That's not. . . (sighs) never mind.

Slade: Welcome to my world.

Sarge: Can you tell us which way to the city?

Blue Grunt Leader: I don't know. I don't really like the idea of helping Reds.

A Red grunt pops up from behind a rock.

Red Grunt: Did somebody say Red Team? Yeah! Red Team all the way! Suck it -

The Blue Grunt Leader shoots the Red Grunt in the head, knocking him to the ground.

Red Grunt: I can see the light. And it's a red light!

Tucker: (to the Blue Grunt Leader) We told you, these guys are cool.

Blue Grunt Leader: You sure?

Simmons: You really think we're cool?

Tucker: Okay, well maybe 'cool' was the wrong word.

Simmons: No takebacks!

Slade: The desperation of losers...

Blue Grunt Leader: Okay, we updated your GPS, it was good to see you guys. (Looks at Sarge, Simmons, and Slade) You three, never come back.

Simmons: Done.

Sarge: Hot-diggity done!

Slade: Not exactly fond of your ugly mug either.


The Reds and Blues are standing on a street in the city.

Simmons: Ah. finally, we're here.

Epsilon: Cool. Okay, you guys go find Tucker's kidnap guy-

Tucker: Information guy.

Epsilon: I'm gonna grab Caboose and go get some supplies that we can't get in the canyon.

Simmons: Like what?

Epsilon: Like, everything, the canyon doesn't have crap.

Simmons: Good point.

Slade: I third that statement.

Sarge: Hey Blue, would you mind pickin' us up a few things?

Epsilon: Why? What's the point of that? We're just gonna take it all back the moment we help you find Grif.

Sarge: Maybe we'll just wait a few days, stock up then.

Epsilon: Yeah, good idea. Come on Caboose.

Caboose: Where are we going?

Epsilon: Weren't you listening?

Caboose: Nope, sorry. These buildings are really tall and that's distracting for some people.

Tucker: Yeah, for you.

Caboose: I'm people.

Rho: Uh, is no one gonna question the crashed plane that's lodged in the side of this building?


Epsilon: Just forget it. We're going shopping. Okay? (walks away)

Caboose: Ah, shopping? Ah, God, I hate shopping! Ah, it's so boring, and I have to try on pants...

Epsilon: Come on, I'll buy you a toy.

Caboose: An ice cream-toy?

Epsilon: Don't push your luck.

Rho: They have ice cream toys, Church. They're called 'dispensers'.


Back in the real world, Kan is holding Carolina back as she is struggling to attack Slade.

Carolina: Let go of me you stupid-

South: Carolina, cool it!

Slade: Kan, let her down.

Kan hesitantly unwraps his arms from holding the cyan Freelancer, allowing her to step away from the Elite and glare at Slade.

Carolina: (fuming) Why the hell did you leave, Cal?

Slade: Maybe your inability to cool off is keeping your head from figuring that out.

Carolina was about to charge at Slade but Wash intervenes.

Wash: Enough! Boss, you said that you wanted our help. Beating the shit out of us, isn't the best way to get it. Cal had his reasons for why he left. Just like you have yours for why you decided to stop hiding and come find us.

Carolina: ..... Finding the Director.

South: Why now though? You've been gone for like, what, eleven years?

Carolina: You're telling me you don't want revenge on the guy who killed North?

South: .......

Carolina: Exactly. I'm gonna need all the help I can get taking him down, and you guys and these idiots are my best bet.

Slade: Carolina, none of us-

Carolina: Was I talking to you?

Slade glares at Carolina as she turns to Wash.

Carolina: Wash, when you last fought the Meta, your old AI Epsilon, got stored in a secure facility by the UNSC.

Wash: You've been busy.

Carolina: Epsilon was the Alpha's memories. And Alpha was a copy of the Director. Which means that Epsilon must have memories of different bases and locations used by the Director.

South: So, in other words, you're saying we're gonna have to pull a B'n'E and get Epsilon out?

Carolina: Correct. The Director needs to pay for what he's done to us. Wash, South, you round up the Blues. Cal, take your alien and go tell the Reds.

Slade: Hang on, you can't just-

Carolina: (angrily) Now!

Carolina heads off, leaving the three Freelancers and Kan. Wash and South both look at Slade as he curls his fingers into fists.

Wash: Well, what do you think?

South: I think she's more pig-headed than ever.

Slade: Yeah, well, she's right about one thing: the Director has to be stopped. The UNSC's yet to find the bastard and I say we should bring him in.

Kan: And what about your former lover?

Slade: Okay, Kan, please don't use the word 'lover' in front of me. And second, despite her 'attitude' the Director should face justice for what he's done to us and anyone else that's died or payed the price in some other way.

South: Well then, when do we leave?

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