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Director: And they have no idea where he came from?

Director Leonard Church of Project Freelancer was conversing with Counselor Aiden Price over the recent discovery of something.

Counselor: Two of our engineers found him unconscious and his armor smoking behind one of our Pelicans. They heard a sound of electricity and a blue light emanate from behind the ship and he was there.

Director: I see.

Both men were watching as several medics were taking off the man's armor. One of the medics exited the room and handed the man's helmet to the Director.

Medic: Personally, Director, I've never seen a suit like this. It's clearly not made by the UNSC, and if I'm being honest, sir, it doesn't seem like it was made by humans either.

The Director looks at the helmet's visor before turning to the Counselor.

Director: Counselor, the Freelancers must not know yet of our discovery. I believe we have a mystery to solve as to this man's origins.

Counselor: Understood, Director.

Director: (turns back to the medic) Continue removing his armor however you can. And keep him sedated until I say otherwise.

Medic: Yes, sir.

The Director and Counselor head to the meeting room where they discuss battle plans with the Freelancers. The Director rests the strange helmet on a table and turns to the screen behind him.

Director: FILSS, analyze this helmet for data logs or anything of importance.

F.I.L.S.S.: Yes, Director.

F.I.L.S.S. scans the helmet until suddenly the lights immediately shut down and the whole room became pitch black.

Director: FILSS, status report. (no response) FILSS!

A burst of red electricity wandered around the room as a symbol began to form on the screen and a dark voice spoke.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The lights turned back on as F.I.L.S.S. then spoke.

F.I.L.S.S.: Systems and subroutines back online.

Director: (somewhat shaken) FILSS, what just happened?

F.I.L.S.S.: I am sorry, Director, but I cannot formulate a theory as to what occurred.

Counselor: (regains composure) Have you been able to find anything within the helmet's logs?

F.I.L.S.S.: I am still searching, however I have been able to recover the most recent log. I am displaying it for you now.

The Director and Counselor turn their eyes to the screen and see through the helmet's display cam, showing a robot of some kind.

They then watch as the robot approaches and speaks.

Robot: (on-screen) You've won. It's over. You've stopped the invasion and closed the portal. But it's come at a price: Argent, VEGA, this entire operation. You see I've watched you work, come to understand your motivation. You think the only way is to kill them all, leave nothing behind.... and you may be right. But we can't just shut it all down! Without Argent Energy it will be worse. I don't expect you to agree.

The robot then outstretches it's hand some type of red glowing object flies into his hand, away from the cam.

Robot: But with THIS.... we can continue our work. (turns to the screen) I am not the villain in this story. I do what I do, because there is no choice.

Female Voice: Rerouting tether coordinates complete.

Robot: Our time is up. I can't kill you, but I won't have you standing in our way.

The Director and Counselor watch in shock as the relic the robot held turned into a sword.

Robot: Until we see each other again.... Doom Slayer.

The robot then walked away as electricity surrounded the cam and everything turned white and then became static.

Director: Incredible...

Counselor: That machine called him the 'Doom Slayer', sir. What did he mean by 'Doom'?

F.I.L.S.S.: Director, I found more footage on the helmet. However it is only fragments and pieces.

Director: Play what you can, FILSS.

The screen then shifts to.....




The screen then shifts to the man being in an elevator with the robot's voice speaking.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Counselor Price did his best not to vomit as the Director looked on intrigued.

Director: Counselor Price....

Counselor: (swallows) Yes, Director?

Director: Inform the doctors for surgery.... I believe we found our newest Freelancer.


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