Rvb S5 E14 "Missed Direction"

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Underground Cavern
To Leo lying against a rock on the ground.

Leo: (Waken up) ...Wh-where, I'm I? Grif, Simmons you guys here? (Looks for his gun) Where the hell, is my gun?

Suddenly a alien in green armour comes from behind one of the rocks and stands in front of Leo, holding his gun.

Alien: ~I see, your finally awake.~

Leo: Another Alien? How many of you, guys are there?

Alien: ~Not like it would matter, to you shisno.~

Leo: What is it, with you guys calling me a shisno?

Alien: ~Wait, you heard that?~

Leo: Yeah, don't know why, I'm just rolling with it. So, is there a reason why I'm kidnapped?

Alien: ~My master, wishes to speak to you but, your able to understand me because of the 'gift'!~

Leo: The 'gift'?

Alien: ~The 'gift' allows us to grant any creatures the ability to hear our native tongue.~

Leo: This ...sounds insane, how did I even get this 'gift'.

Alien: ~One of my kind must have granted you the 'gift'.~

Leo: (Mumbles) But, I don't even remember meeting one of you guys. (To the Alien) Wait, I meet one of your kind before but, he didn't know, how I could understand him.

Alien: ~Only the ones with a higher honour, may be granted the knowledge of the 'gift'.~

Leo: This sounds completely insane. Just give me my gun back and I'll be on my way.

Alien: ~Wait, I can prove it's not 'insane', do you have any sort of markings on you?~

Leo: Um, yeah.. I've this birth mark on my neck. (Leans his head to the side showing the mark)

Alien: ~That's no birth mark but, it's the markings of another of my kind who's granted you the 'gift'.~

Leo: You wouldn't happen to know who gave me this, would you?

Alien: ~Sadly, I do not. Each marking is different for each of my kind.~

Leo: (Sighs) That's a shame.

???: I see our guest is awake!

Leo looks around to see who said that, until his eyes landed on a soldier with blue armour.

Leo: Who the hell are you?

Blue Soldier: Who I am, doesn't matter. I just need to ask you... some questions. (Does a slow evil laugh)

Blue Base
To Tucker wandering around outside the Blue Base.

Tucker: Junior... Junior! Hey Junior, where'd you go?

Junior:  (Inside the base) ~Right here, Dad!~

Tucker: There you are.

Tucker walks in the base, to see Junior.

Junior: ~Hi Dad!~

Tucker: You little rascal.

Junior: ~Are you going to teach me another life lesson again, Dad?~

Doc: (From around the corner) Okay Sister, any other conditions I should know about?

Sister: Uhm, let's see, you know about all the ways I'm contagious, so I don't know if there's anything...

Wade: Can't I just wait outside?

Sister: Are saying, you don't like what you see?

Wade: That's.. um, not what I entirely meant.

Doc: Once she's done, your next Wade.

Sister: Can I stay and watch Wades examination?

Doc: I don't see any harm in that.

Sister: Yes!

Wade: God help me...

Tucker walks toward the voices and sees Sister's armor lying on the ground without her in it.

Tucker: Hey, what's going on here?

Sister: Oh! I'm also colorblind.

Doc: Really? That's weird. But I don't think it'll cause any problems here. Okay, go ahead and bend over.

Sister: Sure. Like this?

Doc: Hwhoa, yeah! You're really limber. And in really great shape.

Sister: (Giggles) Enjoying the show, Wade?

Wade: I-I um.. just going to turn around, now!

Doc: I'm not playing against you in Twister.

Sister: Check this out.

Doc: Wowzers. I didn't even know a leg could bend that far. That is a leg, right? Okay. Oh and by the way, sorry if my hands are cold.

Sister: That's cool. Sorry my body's a little hot. Hey, Wade want to help Doc, with this!

Wade: I'm fine! (Mumbles and looks down) Jesus, who's side are you on!

Tucker: Hey do you guys need any help in there?

Sister: Huh? Is someone spying on us? Yessss. Hot.

Doc: No, we're good. Hey, Sister? Do you want me to turn up the heat or something? You look like you're...

Sister: Eh. I'll be okay. Hard nipples won't kill you.

Wade: I can't stop myself from looking, away!

Tucker: I could just walk around this corner if you need me to. It wouldn't be a problem.

Doc: We got it! Hey sorry I got you all wet before. I don't even know how that bucket of baby oil got up on that shelf. That was weird.

Sister: That's okay, I think it'll actually help. Squeezing these puppies in to the armour, can be a little difficult maybe, Wade can help with that.

Wade: Oh.. um.. I don't know.

Sister: (Smirks) I know one part is agreeing.

Wade: (Looks down and Mumbles) Traitor!

Tucker: Maybe I should just look in there and see if there's anything I can do.

Doc: No thanks, Tucker, maybe they need your help with the tank instead. You'd probably be a lot more valuable out there. What we're doing in here is pretty routine- hey, are you double-jointed?

Sister: Hyeah.

Tucker: Great.

Junior: ~What's going on in there?~

Tucker: Don't rub it in.

Junior: ~Huh?~

Underground Cavern
To Sarge, Simmons, Grif and Donut roaming the vast underground cave.

Grif: How much further! My legs are killing me, here!

Simmons: Not much further, Leo should be right over here.

Donut: Don't listen to them Sarge, their just tryin' to score more drugs to keep their habit alive! Remember last month when he asked for more money? It was for drugs!

Sarge: That was part of a budgetary meeting, Donut! He needed more funds for vehicle maintenance.

Donut: Enabler!

Simmons: I see something.

The group sees Leo, laying on the ground with one of those pink crystals in his shoulder.

Sarge: Leo!? What happened to him!

Sarge goes onto his knees, yanking out the crystal and shaking Leo's body.

Leo: (moans) Sarge? Is that you?

Sarge: It's me Leo, there's nothing to worry about now.

Leo: (Smiles) Thanks Dad.

Simmons: (Mumbles) I should be his son.

Donut: I wish I had a camera for this!

Leo gets back to his feet with Sarge help, before looking towards Simmons.

Leo: What happened to me, anyway?

Simmons: We got knocked the fuck out, and the people who did it must have taken you.

Leo: Oh right, they uhh.. (Groans) kept asking me questions and wanted some information off me.

Sarge: Information- what did they-

Simmons: Whoa, whoa, whoa, they wanted information and they took you? Why wouldn't they take me?

Sarge: What did they look like?

Simmons: Sarge, please! I was right there next to you. If they needed information, why would they take you instead of me?

Leo: I didn't want to be kidnapped!

Grif: What're you, jealous? Geez!

Simmons: No, I just think if you're gonna drug and torture people, you don't need to insult their intelligence too. That's just mean.

Grif: Yeah, you're jealous.

Sarge: Besides, takin' all the fun outta interrogating.

Blue Base
To Sheila, with Church and Caboose looking on from behind a grassy knoll.

Caboose: I don't know what to say.

Church: Don't be nervous, just go out there, hold her attention, and don't say anything stupid. No wait- be natural. Say stupid stuff. Go!

Caboose walks up to Sheila and Church stays put.

Caboose: Hello, Sheila. How are you doing?

Sheila: Oh, hello Caboose. Actually, I'm not functioning at my optimal capacity. My internal diagnostics indicate I am having mechanical issues. How are you?

Caboose: ...Um...

Church: (whispering loudly) Caboose! Say good.

Caboose: What? Oh, good! Ubub- pretty good. Really good. I am great. I am absolutely perfect.

Church: That's too good.

Caboose: Now I am depressed. I am- doing- bad. I... I don't know if I can go on.

Sheila: You seem, distracted Caboose.

Caboose: Uh, I am not distracted, I'm not distracted, I am distracting, see, that's different 'cause I'm doing it to you!

Sheila: What?

Church: What?

Caboose: I mean I'm very distractable! Aheah, with a high degree of distract-ivity...ness. (clears his throat)

Church: Change the subject!

Caboose: Okay! Sheila, have you seen Tex?

Church: (loud) What? I mean- (quieter) What?

Sheila: What?

Caboose: Sheila do you know what my favourite thing to do is? Not look behind myself. You should try not doing that.

Sheila: ...

Caboose: Do you like to collect stamps?

Church: Hey Caboose? I think it's wrong for us both to die because you're an idiot, so I'm gonna take off now, okay I'll see ya bye.

Church walks off, in hope of not dying again.

Caboose: Please don't go.

Sheila: I am not leaving.

Caboose: Oh good. Good... Stay.

Sheila: You are acting strangely. And I would like to find out why.

Caboose: Oh. Okay. Um-

Sheila: Caboose, the Omega A.I. has been missing, and everyone has been attempting to find him. If you continue to act erratically, they may mistakenly think he is inside of you, and take drastic measures against you.

Caboose: Oh. I wouldn't want them to do that.

Sheila: Exactly. Luckily, I know where Omega is.

Caboose: You do? Where?

Sheila: He is inside Bluuuuuuoooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrr....

Tex: Got it!

Caboose: Who is Blurrr? ...Blerrrr.

The End

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