Chapter 26:Combat Class part 2

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The students followed behind Washington, every talking about something different. However, Ruby and Yang were right behind Washington and were staring at his tattoos. "So why does his arm say North?" Ruby whispered to her sister.

"Maybe he likes the direction?" Yang suggested.

"Then why is it a grave?"

"He hates it?" Ruby shot her a look and Yang just shrugged.

"Well what about York?" Jaune said letting himself into the conversation. "That's gotta be a friend's name."

"Maybe," Ruby said. "Would it be rude of us to ask him?"

"Yo Wash!" Yang said as she popped up next to him. Jaune and Ruby looked up at Wash to see her standing next to Washington. They then look beside them to see that she wasn't standing g next to them. The two leaders look at each other in panic.

"Yes Yang?" Washington said keeping his eyes forward.

"What's with the grave tattoos?" Ruby and Jaune closed their eyes and cringed, waiting for Washington to start yelling, but to their surprise he responded very calmly.

"I thought they were very self-explanatory? But if you want to know, they're two friends that worked with Carolina and me. You can figure out the rest."

There was sadness in the last part of that sentence. Anyone could hear it. And of course, so could Cardin.

"Well they must have been pretty weak if they're dead," The bully said. Some of the student's gasped at his comment, however Washington showed no reaction to it. This just encouraged Cardin, as he gained a wide grin. "I mean, you guys may be strong, but they had to be weak if they died. What was it from? I bet it was from a beowolf. Still though, just imagine. North and York, getting ripped piece by piece, limb from limb."

"Wash…" Yang warned the soldier. She saw him grip his gun a little tighter every time Cardin said something.

"Now that you guys mention it, I think Carolina had York as a grave as well. Only hers had a little heart next to it. Was she her brother?" Again, Washington tightened his grip on his gun. "No, I think she was her boyfriend."

"Cardin enough," Jaune said.

"Ooh, Arc defending weaklings. Where did this turn of bravery come from? What are you going to do?" He stared down Jaune who looked away defeated. "I thought so. Anyway, if this York guy is dead that means Carolina's single right?" Yang wanted to bash Cardin's face in. In fact almost all of the students did, but they couldn't do so with Washington being there. "Maybe she should hit me up? She'll know what it's like to be with someone who isn't weak."

Washington dropped his gun and walked up to Cardin. Wash grabbed him by the shirt, slammed him against the wall and pinned him there. He stared angrily into Cardin's eyes but Cardin just laughs. "Do it," he said. "You don't have the―"

He was interrupted by Washington grabbing his hair and then slamming his head against the wall, repeatedly. In fact he did it so much and so hard that the wall started to crumble a bit. He let's Cardin go and Cardin slides down the wall until he is sitting. He looked up at Washington, a shocked expression on his face.

"You… you actually hit me?!" He said. Washington responded with kneeing Cardin in the face. The other student's just watched in horror as Washington assaulted Cardin. When he was done kneeing Cardin he took out his knife and pressed it against Cardin's throat.

"You listen to me you arrogant, racist piece of shit," Washington said. "The only reason you are alive is because you are a student, and I am a teacher. If this was the real world, I would not hesitate to slit your throat. Are we clear?"

If Washington was wearing his armor, it probably wouldn't be as threatening. But just seeing Washington beat Cardin in a black shirt, cargo pants and boots, and with little to no effort, it was horrifying. Not to mention they could see his eyes and face. And they could tell he wasn't lying. If it was anywhere else, Washington wouldn't have hesitated. They saw pure bloodlust in his eyes.

Washington sheathed his knife and walked over to his gun, picked it up and continued walking as if nothing happened. Everyone looked at Cardin and notice a small stream of blood was dripping down his neck. Cardin put his hand to his neck and looked at the smear. He closes his hands in a fist and slowly gets up and follows Washington. After the students recovered from shock they soon followed.

With Carolina:

"Listen up!" Carolina yelled. She made everyone line up in a line and was pacing back and forth in front of them. "Obviously you all know some form of hand to hand combat, otherwise you wouldn't be a Hunter in training. But you all rely on your weapons too much. It's made your hand to hand sloppy, so before we begin I want to ask a couple of questions that go with hand to hand combat, understood?"

"Yes Ma'am!" All of the students said. Well almost all of them. Blake was still reading her book. Carolina saw her "practicing" with Ren, if you could call it that. Half the time she would get out of the ring and then spend thirty seconds studying about the White Fang. Her obsession with this was starting to annoy Carolina.

"So that's what I looked like with Dad huh?" Carolina thought as she looked at Blake. Weiss, who was standing next to her, elbowed Blake since Carolina was staring.

"Miss Belladonna," Carolina said. "What is one of the most important things to do in a fight?" The cat faunus sighed.

"Winning?" she said. A few students snicker.

"Oh come on," Church said popping up in the portable hologram projector. (I might just call this the PHP to shorten it) "That's something we'd expect Yang to say."

"Well I am her partner, maybe I'm picking up habits." Weiss face palmed at how immature Blake was being.

"Is being a bitch one of them?" Church mumbled. Blake was about to pick up her text book but her feline ears picked up on that.

"What was that?" Blake threatened. She stepped forward towards the PHP.

"Church enough," Carolina intervened. "Blake, get back in line." The Ai and Faunus glare at each other for another second and then follow Carolina's orders. "Sage, perhaps you can answer my question?"

"Keep an eye on your opponent?" The tank of team SSSN said.

"Close but no cigar." Carolina motions to the entire arena. "Keep an eye on your surroundings. This includes not only your opponent, but also the environment." She stops pacing and looks at the students. "A lone tree can be used as a weapon, a wall, a hiding spot, it can be a variety of things. Don't overlook something so simple." She walked over to Blake and looked down at her. Blake didn't know what to expect so she put her guard up. However Carolina just smiled.

"Like for instance, a book," Carolina said. She slid her foot underneath Blake's text book and then tossed it in the air with said foot. She catches it and throws it Frisbee style at Neptune. Neptune wasn't expecting this and got pelted in the side of the face with it. Some of the class laughs while others inhaled through their mouths as it looked kind of painful.

"Ow!" Neptune said. "Not cool Carolina!"

"Yeah I'm heartbroken," Carolina said sarcastically. She was about to lecture again but Caboose comes running in. And of course he has his pants down.

"I'm back!" he said cheerfully the class bursts out laughing. Caboose begins laughing too. "What is so funny?!" he asked in the middle of his laugh.

"Caboose, you're pants," Carolina said. Caboose looked down and saw that his joggers were around his ankles.

"Oh! That's what I forgot!" he said with a smile plastered on his face. He pulls his pants up as the students stop laughing.

"Caboose," Carolina started. "How would like to train with us today?"

"I would love too!" Carolina nods and turns to the students.

"All right, who wishes to spar with Caboose?" All of the students lift their legs and take a step away. Everyone except Weiss. She heard the sound of the feet and turned around.

"You traitors!" Weiss huffed. However Caboose let out a squeal and wrapped Weiss in a Yang like bear hug.

"I get to train with the Snow Angel!" Caboose yelled. The student's let out various "aww's" as Weiss gained a feint blush. Carolina smiles and starts ushering students to the seats as Weiss and Caboose got prepared.

Weiss was doing various forms of stretching while Caboose was getting lectured by Carolina. She was setting up the arena as she was talking with Caboose.

"All right Caboose," Carolina said as she tapped her scroll. "I know you are happy to train with Weiss, but remember she needs to get strong." Caboose nods his head, a smile still on his face. "So I need you to get a little angry when the training starts."

Caboose stopped smiling. "But… I hurt when I get angry," Caboose said. "I don't want to hurt Snow Angel."

"Don't worry Caboose," Church said appearing on the PHP.

"CHURCH!" Caboose yelled. "Hi Church!"

"Hi pal. Anyway, once Weiss has had enough Carolina and I will step in and try to calm you down. You won't hurt anyone, we promise."

"You're the best Church!" Caboose screamed. He tried to hug the hologram but forgot he was a hologram. "Aw…" He looked at Carolina and opened his arms with sad puppy dog eyes. Carolina bit her lip, trying to stop the smile from spreading across her face. Finally she sighed and gave up and opened her arms. Caboose wrapped her in a giant bear hug. He sets her down. Caboose gained his smile again. "Thank you Carolina!"

"Yeah yeah," Carolina said with a slight chuckle. She gave Caboose a nod and headed up to the stands with everyone else.

As she did Caboose turned around to Weiss. "Let's have a fun fight Snow Angel!" Caboose said.

"Stop calling me that!" Weiss said. She clears her throat. "Please."

"Okay!" Weiss looked at her opponent as Carolina continued to set things up. She had to hand to hand fight the strongest member of the soldiers. But looking at him, with his smiling T-shirt, his goofy grin, his innocent look, she found it hard to have to fight someone like Caboose.

However she knew that goofy personality can change in an instant. She saw it when Caboose fought with Yang. When Caboose fights, he holds nothing back. Strength to match Yang, and the ferocity of an Ursa, but he's still a bit dull. However he can't be taken lightly.

"Okay," Carolina spoke. "Once Caboose gets angry, I'll start the timer. You have five minutes to spar."

"Okay," Weiss says with a nod. Caboose gives a thumbs up. Carolina nods and begins to wait.

"All right," Caboose spoke to himself. "I just have to think of kitties… kitties being eaten by grimm!" Caboose was really straining his voice and had a somewhat pained look on his face. Like it required a lot of thinking to get himself upset. "Now I am thinking of people… hurting… my… family."

Caboose's head hung low and he didn't move for a full minute. "Caboose?" Weiss said with a little hint of worry in her voice. She slowly made her way to him. "Caboose are you okay?" when there was no response, she slowly put her hand forward and touched Caboose's arm.

All of a sudden Weiss felt something hit her and send her flying. Her back hits the wall and she falls down to a knee. She looks up back at Caboose. He had a leg extended out. He puts it down and the soft and kind eyes and smiles were gone. What was replaced were eyes full bloodlust.

"My name is Michael J. Caboose," He said in his deep voice. "And I. Hate. ENEMIES!"

With the Marksmanship Group:

After Wash's… incident, everyone was quiet until they reached the shooting range. They could hear a little bit of arguing going on. As they closed in they noticed Sarge and Simmons were arguing with two people. A grey haired boy and a green haired girl.

"Just let us use the shooting range old man!" the grey haired kid said.

"Not until Washington says so," Simmons said. "Besides shouldn't you two be in class?!"

"We are in class!" the green haired girl. "We're supposed to be here!"

"You were supposed to meet in the arena," Sarge said. "That's where all the combat classes start."

"Well sorry," The grey haired kid said sarcastically. "Haven works a little differently than here."

"Can't we just calm down?" Donut asked. "I can give a mean back rub."

"Shut up Donut!" Sarge and Simmons yelled in unison.

"Enough!" Washington's voice cut through them like a hot knife through butter. The three soldiers and two students turn and look at Washington. "What's going on?"

"Wash," Simmons started. "We were setting up the range for class but these two started to demand that we let them train."

"We were told we had free reign over the school!" the green haired girl said.

"Yeah when classes aren't in session," Washington said. "And they are. You said you were in class too weren't you?"

"Yeah and we thought we were supposed to meet here," the green haired girl said.

"Uh huh," Washington said with a suspicious look on his face, "So you are telling me that you have been here for twenty some minutes and continued to argue with Sarge when he showed up?"


"Look if you want to skip class that's no skin off my back. Just don't lie." The two students nod their heads. "Where's your other friend?"

"What other friend?" The silver haired student asked.

"The imaginary one." Washington's voice dripped with sarcasm. "The raven haired girl with the amber eyes. Why isn't she with you?"

"She wasn't feeling well," the green haired girl said. "Stayed in today. Must have been Jet lag or something." Washington didn't look like he believed it but shrugged.

"Okay fine, but since you two are here you can join us." The two students nod their heads. Ruby decided to introduce herself to them.

"Hi there," Ruby said. "I'm Ruby what are your guys names?" She stuck out her hand for them to shake it. However, only the green haired girl shook it.

"I'm Emerald," She said with a smile.

"Mercury," the silver haired boy said.

While they were introducing each other Washington was asking his friends a couple of questions. "So everything's set up?"

"Yeah, seems so," Simmons said. "I just hope it doesn't break in the middle like last class."

"Yeah Carolina told me, did you guys fix it?"

"I made Lopez do it," Sarge said. Washington turns to him.

"He's up and running?"

"Si Señor Washington!" A robotic voice said. Washington and some students look down range to see the brown robot, with an assault rifle attached to his back and a tool box in his hands. "All fixed up and I hopefully made it so it won't fall apart." Washington went wide eyed. Not at the fact that Lopez fixed it but the fact he spoke English.

"You… can speak English?"

"Algo, Señor Simmons and Church still need to fix some things." Washington looked at Simmons.

"Well we can mostly get him to speak English but at times he might start speaking Spanish again," Simmons explained.

"Huh, anyway you said everything was set up?" Lopez nods. "All right." Washington walks over to the students and clears his throat getting everyone's attention.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do for marksman training." Washington motions to his left. "To your right is the obstacle course we set up last night. You get a pistol, and two clips of ammo. Finish it as fast as you can with as many targets hit as you can, and as accurate as you can. You will be going in one at a time while I evaluate you from up there." Washington pointed to a makeshift tower that stood on four thick wood pillars with a box like structure for him to stand in.

"I will let you know how well you did by the end of it." Washington then motions to his right. The normal practice range had a bunch of new make shift dummies set up. "When you are not in the obstacle course you will be working on your aim on the firing range. Use your weapons or the weapons we provided I don't care. At no point for the rest of this class should you not be shooting. Any questions?"

Ren raised his hand. "Lie," Washington said as he pointed to Ren.

"Why are we not using our own weapons on the obstacle course?" Ren asked. A couple of students murmured in agreement.

"That's for later, right now I just want to see how you do with the simplest gun made. Any other questions?"

Jaune shakily raised his hand. Washington pointed to him and Jaune gulped. "What if… we never shot a gun before?" A few snickers can be heard within the students. Washington frowns.

"You all think it's funny huh?" Washington said. He noticed Cardin was snickering the loudest. However once Cardin and Washington made eye contact he stropped and looked at the floor. "Cardin why are you laughing? You don't use a gun, so you can just be as bad as Jaune."

Cardin just scoffs. "I shot guns with my Dad before, but I bet Jauney didn't even hold one." Cardin somehow got his bravery back as he insulted Jaune. Dove, who was standing beside Cardin, high fived him. Washington glares at Cardin causing Cardin to freeze.

"Do you want a repeat of what happened in the hallway?"

The students all looked a little shock. Not only did Washington beat up Cardin, but now he was threatening him. Cardin gulped and shook his head.

"Then I suggest you shut up and worry about yourself." Washington looks to the obstacle course and smiles. "In fact, if you are so confident, why don't you be the first to do the obstacle course?"

The students look at Cardin who, for what seemed like the first time ever, looked nervous. However once everyone set their eyes on him he shook his head, got a smug grin and said "Fine."

"All right then, the rest of you practice on the firing range. Donut, Simmons, Sarge, and Lopez will help you guys out wherever they deem necessary. Let's go!"

The students begin making their way to the range, some with their own weapons, others trying out the simple ones the Reds and Blues used. Cardin meanwhile went to the obstacle course and took the pistol and clips that came with it and got ready for Washington to give him the go ahead.

Washington began walking to the watch post but Simmons stopped him before he began to climb the ladder. "Wash," Simmons said. "What happened in the hallway?" There was concern in Simmons voice. Washington sighed.

"I lost control and attacked him," Washington said. "He insulted my late friends, and I snapped."

"Are you going to be okay?" Washington looked Simmons in the eye and smiled.

"I'll deal with the consequences. I'll be fine." With that Washington climbed the Ladder. Simmons sighed. He got the feeling the next few days were going to be long ones.

To be continued.

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