Chapter 27: Combat Class Part 3

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Weiss was not expecting a slaughter. Granted hand to hand combat was not her strong suit, but against someone with a mind like… Caboose, she figured it would be easy to defeat him, even with his strength. She thought that he would lighten his punches a little, not only because she was a student but because she was a girl. While most of the guys said they always gave it their all, some of the girls notice they hold back, not a lot, but a little when fighting females. She was hoping Caboose had a somewhat similar view. Boy was she wrong.

Caboose punched her in the gut and then grabbed her by the shoulders. He then starts to twirl while tightening his grip on her causing her feet to fly up. He then releases her shoulders causing her to smash into the wall. She barely opened her eyes from the previous attack before she felt his shoulder slam into her. She falls slightly but is then grabbed by the throat. Caboose then throws her back into the middle of the arena.

Meanwhile everyone just watched in the stands the manhandling Caboose is giving Weiss. The soft, gentle and kind Caboose, is beating Weiss Schnee to a pulp. Literally. She already had a black eye, and a couple of bruises and cuts all over her. And it was only two minutes into the fight.

"Oh my god…" Was all Neptune could say.

"And I thought I was strong…" Nora added.

Weiss stands up and gets back in a defensive position. Caboose yells and charges at her. She rolls out of the way before he could hit her. She grew smirk at her dodge, but it was gone immediately as Caboose was able to sop himself right as he passed Weiss and grab her again. Caboose grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled back his arm and repeatedly punched her. He then grabbed her head and then brought it to his knee, causing a sharp pain.

She staggers back but readies her fists again. "Remember what Washington told Ruby: Use your opponent's momentum against them," She thought. Caboose menacingly approached Weiss. Weiss responded with the "come get me" motion with her fingers.

Caboose charged at her again and pulled a fist back to punch her with. He swung and Weiss saw her chance. When Caboose threw the punch Weiss dodged it and grabbed his arm, surprising him. She then turned and threw him to the ground with very little effort. It wasn't over the shoulder, but the sudden increase in speed surprised Caboose, causing him to crash.

Weiss then kneeled down by him and punched in the face repeatedly. After about the fifth punch she stopped to see the damage she had done. It was nonexistent and Caboose gained an evil grin. Weiss had a panicked look on her face as Caboose grabbed her neck. He slowly brought himself to his feet and lifted her in the air.

Weiss was struggling to get out of Caboose's hold. Caboose tightens his grip around her neck causing her to start seeing stars. She then felt her foot on his chest and had an idea. She pulled her leg back and then swung it hard against his neck.

Caboose coughs, lets go of her, and grabs his neck. He coughs up a lot of spit and looks up at Weiss only to receive another heel to the face. He sprung back up and growled. Weiss responded by putting on a defensive position.

Caboose slowly approaches her this time with a fighting stance, learning from his mistake. When they are in range, Weiss surprised him by throwing the first punch. She tried to uppercut him in the gut, which she did, and then followed up with a jab to the face. She then kicks him in the side. Caboose takes a step back clutching his side. He growls and charges in for a punch.

Weiss prepares to dodge however to her surprise Caboose stopped halfway before even reaching her. it wasn't until she felt the kick in her back that she realized that he feinted her. The kick carried so much force that she was thrown to the wall again. A couple pieces of rubble crumble down as she hit it. She regains her composure but gasps for air.

"How can I beat him?" She thought. "He's not only strong he's durable and fast as well." She looked at the ground to see the pieces of rubble by her feet. That was when Carolina's lecture rang through her head again.

"Keep an eye on your surroundings. This includes not only your opponent, but also the environment."

Weiss looked at the rubble again and gained a confident smile. Meanwhile Caboose cracked his knuckles and neck. He slowly walks toward Weiss until he saw her summon a few glyphs. He gets a defensive stance. He then notices what was in her hands: Rubble from the wall she hit.

She tosses the piece of rubble onto one of her glyphs and the rock shoots towards Caboose. He had no idea what was coming until it hit him right in between the eyes. He grabs his head and growls in pain. That was until another piece of rubble hit him in the stomach.

Weiss just kept sending a flurry of rubble towards Caboose to keep him back. Meanwhile the class was starting to cheer her on. Carolina continued to look on, impressed. "Great use of surroundings Weiss!' She called out.

Weiss smiled at the compliment, but continued to send rubble at Caboose. That was until Caboose roared with rage. Weiss stopped sending pieces of rubble and looked at Caboose. What she saw shocked her, along with the rest of the class, even Carolina.

Caboose had claws starting to form where his fingernails were, and some of his teeth grew into fangs. Not only that, little specks of white began to form around Caboose's eyes. This takes everyone aback but Weiss quickly recovers and continues to send rubble flying Caboose's way.

However, much to Weiss's surprise. Caboose seemed to be unaffected by the rubble this time. In fact he was actually swatting the rubble away. He kept closing the distance and every time a piece of rock was thrown at him he would swipe it away with his arm, causing it to either break or reflect off. The amazing part of it was the fact that he didn't have his arm armored.

Caboose kept closing in as Weiss kept throwing the rubble at him. However she was panicking as he kept getting closer and closer with no intent of stopping. He eventually caught a piece of rubble and threw it back at Weiss. This caught her off-guard as the rubble hit her in the face. Her glyphs disappear and Caboose charges again.

Weiss recovers from the rubble but it is too late as Caboose shoulder charged her into the wall. She falls to the ground but is then kicked up in the air by Caboose. He then grabs both of her legs and slams her into the ground. Weiss stands back up only to be clawed in the face.

With Caboose's new form, the slaughter began all over again. Punch after punch and hit after hit, Weiss couldn't retaliate. Weiss looked like she wanted to fall to the ground, she was barely standing. She slowly let her legs come out from under her but Caboose grabbed her by her side pony tail, keeping her up. He growled and then threw her to the side. Even Carolina had to admit, this could be going too far. That was until she heard what Weiss said next.

Weiss stood up and screamed at the top of her lungs. "ENOUGH!" Caboose stood still in the middle of the arena when Weiss screamed. He tilted his head but as soon as Weiss began stomping toward him, the anger on his face slowly faded. His claws went back to nails, his fangs went back to teeth, and the whites around his eyes disappeared.

"I am the heir to the Schnee Dust Company!" She yelled. "I will not let a retard that acts like a rabid animal defeat me!" Caboose's anger was completely gone at this point. He was backing away from Weiss who just kept coming closer. "I do not deserve this treatment! If anything you are the one who deserves it!" Caboose's back hit the wall and he slid down, cowering in fear as Weiss kept coming closer. "You are nothing! You hear me? Nothing! I will become a huntress while you remain nothing! How your 'friends' were able to put up with you for so long astounds me. I have only known you for a few weeks and I can't stand being next to you! Don't you ever lay hands on me again you filthy, retarded, annoying soldier!"

Weiss began to takes deeper breathes after her outbreak. She looks around and sees all of the students covering their mouths in horror. That was when she looked at Caboose again without rage blinding her, and she put her hands to her mouth.

Caboose was in the fetal position, rocking back in forth, and tears running down his face. "I'm sorry," Caboose muttered between sobs. "I'm sorry, Weiss, please don't hurt me!" It was as if she kicked a helpless puppy. She looked at her hands and they started to shake. She turns to her right here she heard footsteps approaching.

Carolina was approaching Weiss, with a frenzied look on her face. Weiss tried to sputter words to defend herself. "Carolina I didn't mean… it just… I…"


All of the class gasped as Weiss's body turned from the force of the slap. Carolina just backhanded Weiss, with no remorse, and with no restraint. The sting stayed on Weiss's face and Weiss stayed paralyzed. She may have been hurt in battles but this was different. She had never experienced this before.

Carolina looked around and then grabbed Weiss by the arm. "We're going to have a talk, you and me," She said with a stern tone. Weiss just nodded as Carolina dragged her out of the room. When they reached the door she called out to the class.

"Someone call Doc to check on Caboose's mental state!"

"I got it!" Neptune said as he took out a scroll. As all of the students just tried to process what happened, Neptune called the nurse's office to look for Doc, and Blake went back to studying. Did she feel bad for Caboose and Weiss? A little but she knew they would work it our eventually. Of course a couple of students saw this and were disgusted by her lack of concern.

Meanwhile Weiss and Carolina were out in the hallway. Carolina dragged Weiss away from the doors so no one could hear their conversation. She finally lets go of Weiss and then crosses her arms and stares at her.

"What the hell was that?" Carolina asked in a stern voice. Weiss tried to look Carolina in the eyes, but it was a lot harder when Carolina wasn't wearing her helmet. Weiss tried to find her voice but she couldn't. All she could focus on were the green eyes staring her down, and the stinging on her face. "Well? What's your answer?" Weiss began to tremble and she looked down at the ground ashamed. Tears began to form around her eyes. "What is it Weiss? I'm waiting!"

"I don't know!" Weiss screamed, tears finally flowing down her face. "It just happened! I lost control!"

"You lost control?" Carolina repeated with a hint of amusement. "Why did you lose control?" Weiss is silent as tears rolled down her face. "I'll tell you why. You couldn't accept the fact that maybe, just maybe, someone was better than you."

"I can accept that."

"Yeah, if they were raised prim and proper probably. I mean this isn't the first time you felt like this. You felt cheated when you weren't elected team leader, because you thought Ruby was weaker than you."

Weiss's heart stopped when Carolina brought up what happened the first semester. Weiss knew the past could hurt, but she didn't think it would hurt this much.

"Welcome to the real world Weiss!" Church said appearing on the PHP. "Like it or not, there will always be someone better than you. And they can be the complete opposite of you. Poor and homeless, and yet somehow still overpower you."

Weiss just continued to cry without saying a word. She knew they were right. She knew there would be people better than her. It just came as a shock that Caboose of all people was able to throw her around like a ragdoll.

Carolina and Church continued to let Weiss cry for a minute or two. After Weiss calmed down a little Carolina speaks again. "Weiss, look at me." Weiss slowly looked at Carolina, who had a softer look on her face this time. "You okay to talk a little?"

Weiss nodded her head and said "Yes." Carolina gave an understanding nod and put her hands on Weiss's shoulders.

"Listen, you do understand what I said, right?" Weiss nodded her head. "Okay. Do you feel okay?"

"To be honest, I don't," Weiss responded. She sniffs and wipes away another tear. "I feel like scum. I made Caboose, of all people I made Caboose, the stupid but loveable soldier cry with fear and sadness. I really am a Schnee." Carolina and Church a silent for a minute. Then Church speaks.

"No you aren't," he said. Weiss looks at the hologram. "You feel remorse right now, right?" Weiss nodded. "Well from what I read up, that's miles ahead of your father. You focused more on his feelings than your pride and money."

"That's leaps and bounds ahead of your family's reputation," Carolina added. Weiss grew a small smile. First she was slapped and chewed out, but then they praised her for her remorse. It felt weird but satisfying at the same time. "All right, Caboose will probably be out of it for a while, but you are going to apologize to him."

Weiss nods her head and the two of them head back into the arena to continue with the class.

With Washington:

Cardin still had a smug grin on his face as he got the pistol and two ammo magazines. Washington made eye contact with him. Cardin just kept the smug grin and said "Come on, I don't have all day." Washington growls and gets the timer set.

"Three," Wash started. "Two, one, start!" Cardin opened the makeshift door and began the obstacle course. He walked with a quickened pace but not in any real hurry.

Meanwhile everyone else was busy firing at the practice range. Everyone was mostly using their own weapons but those who didn't have a gun or wanted to try something new were using some of the soldier's weapons. They were able to reproduce some of them from the parts they got from shopping.

Jaune was a little nervous firing a weapon, but Pyrrha and Donut were showing him basics to make it a little easier on him.

"Remember, it's just a thing," Pyrrha said. "Don't be afraid of it and it won't hurt you."

"And these things come in all kinds of shapes and sizes too," Donut added. "But once you know how to handle them they're fun to use!" Ignoring the innuendo and taking the advice, Jaune nodded. He pointed the gun down range but Donut stopped him. "What are you doing?"

"Firing the gun, why?" Jaune asked.

"You forgot to check if it was loaded," Pyrrha said.

"Yeah if you don't check the magazine of a gun when you pick it up, you can hurt someone by accident," Donut added. "It's how Caboose hurts himself and others at times." Jaune realized his mistake and checked the clip. He saw the twelve bullets in the chamber and put it back in. he takes a deep breath and has Pyrrha and Donut walk him through some of the steps whenever he needed it.

So far Ruby was just sniping out targets in the torso. She was pulling them all off relatively quickly but seemed to become bored with it. Luckily Lopez saw the bored expression on her face and went to her.

"Perdón, Señora Rose?" Lopez asked.

Ruby looked away from her scope and looked to the brown armored robot. "Hi Lopez," Ruby said. "What can I do for you?"

"I want you to shoot those five targets in the head as fast as you can." Lopez pointed to five different shooting target dummies. Ruby smiled and nodded.

"Give me a challenge," She says uncharacteristically arrogantly. She reloads and begins firing at the first target. However she was more spray shooting near the head instead of actually aiming. After about the fourth shot she actually hit the first one, and moved onto the second. It was the same deal only this time it took three shots. The next dummy took five, the one after that the same and the last one took two.

"Done!" Ruby said. "So how'd I do?" Lopez just stopped a timer and stared into the field.

"Dios mío…" Lopez said. "For a sniper, you have poor aim."

"Wait what?" Ruby had a shocked look on her face. Lopez faced palmed.

"Ruby, did you even aim at the heads or just fired in the general direction?" Ruby opened her mouth and pointed her finger but realized that he was right and closed her mouth and let her finger droops. "I thought so. Listen this time take your time with your shots. You will get just as much done as this one without the waste of ammo and practice enough you won't waste as much time aiming."

Ruby looks at Crescent Rose and realizes he was right. She was never a real sniper, just a girl with a scythe and a sniper attached to it. She used her rifle as an escape weapon, the way the Reds and Blues would use a pistol. Or as a cool way to decapitate grimm. But that was only one upside to the downsides.

She looks at Lopez and nods her head, taking his advice to take time and aims down range.

"Listo?" Lopez asked.

"Uh… what?"

Lopez clears his mechanical throat and says "My bad, ready?" Ruby nodded and continued to train with Lopez.

Meanwhile, Cardin got done with the obstacle course. He set the gun on the table and stretched as if he wasn't even trying. "So how'd I do 'teach'," Cardin said.

Washington was still in the tower evaluating Cardin's run. Cardin's time took two minutes and forty two seconds. The obstacle course was supposed to take a minute, possible a minute thirty max. But Cardin's arrogance got better than him. And Washington was going to enjoy ripping Cardin a new one.

Washington slid down the ladder of the tower with a scroll tucked in his armpit. He lands and takes it out to evaluate Cardin, with a smile on his face. "Well from your time, how many targets you hit and your accuracy you have…" Cardin leaned inward, a smug smile still plastered on his face. "Failed."

"What?!" Cardin yelled. "I hit every single target and you say I failed?"

"Hitting every target is a third of the trail Cardin. You walked through the entire thing, missed a few shots, and didn't really hit a bullseye on any of them. So yeah, you fail."

"That's Bullshit!"

"I explained the parameters of this obstacle course when we got here Winchester. It is not my problem if you don't listen!"

The two continue to argue which caused a few students to stop firing and see what was going on. As the two continued to shout at each other, some of the kids wanted to try and stop it but were scared if one or the other would attack them. However, one of the other soldiers was about to stop it from reaching physical.

Two gunshots were heard and dirt popped up slightly in front of both Washington's and Cardin's feet. They both look at the ground and look to see who was shooting at them. Sarge had a pistol aimed at the ground near them. This caused Cardin to go into a rage.

"What the hell?" Cardin yelled. "What is your problem?"

"You and Wash are my problem," Sarge said. Cardin was about to talk but Sarge cut him off. "Don't talk. You are to head to Ozpin's office now."

"And what are you going to do if I don't?" Cardin still had a smug grin.

"Lopez!" The robot was still helping Ruby but when he heard his name he told her to continue without him and ran up to his superior.

"Si sir!" Lopez said with a salute. Sarge pointed at Cardin.

"Escort him to Ozpin's office, Drag him there if you have to."

"Affirmative." Lopez goes up to Cardin. "If you will follow me please." Cardin however pushed Lopez in the chest.

"Like hell I will!"

"Hostility detected," Lopez said as he took a step forward. Then his voice turned deeper and more distorted. "Activo el modo agresivo!" (Aggressive mode Activated.)

Lopez grabbed Cardin's arm and then twisted it behind his back, causing Cardin to groans in pain. Lopez then pushed Cardin to the floor with no mercy. "Muevas puta," (Move bitch) Lopez said as he pointed forward.

"All right! I'm moving!" Cardin said. He got up and gripped his arm as he continued forward with Lopez escorting him.

Washington goes up to Sarge but then Sarge points at him. "Wash, you need to take a walk," he said.

"What?" Washington said shocked.

"You heard me. Take a walk, get some food, I don't care, but you are not allowed back with the kids until the next class." Washington was about to yell at Sarge but he caught himself right before he did it and knew he couldn't evaluate the class with his mind in a jumble.

"All right," Wash said. "Make sure you get a few more students in the course." Sarge nodded and Wash was sent on his way.

"All right, Simmons! You start evaluating the student's. Next person up is Yang. Any questions?" When the students shook their heads Sarge continued class. "All right, keep shooting!" And with that, Class continued as normal.

Night time, in the Blue dorms:

The rest of the day had been very uneventful. However the news of Washington snapping and Carolina's scorning of Weiss, along with Caboose beating the everlasting crap out of her spread like wildfire. And of course during dinner all of them were getting looks. However they just shrugged it off and continued eating like it was nothing.

The good thing that happened during dinner was that Weiss apologized to Caboose for what she said and held no ill will against Carolina for her scolding. Caboose was so happy that she apologized, he nearly broke Weiss in a bear hug.

But now it was night and the Reds and Blues were getting ready for bed. Thankfully they were able to transform their armor, putting it in the metal ring state made it easier for all of them to come off. As they all got their sleeping apparel, Tucker decided to poke fun.

"So despite all of the lectures you give us you are the ones that caused the most trouble," Tucker said. "How ironic."

"Yeah Ironic!" Caboose repeated. "But what does this have to do with irons?" Everyone in the room groaned.

"Yeah yeah laugh it up," Carolina said.

"We'll deal with it in the morning, right now let's just try and get some sleep," Washington said.

"Well maybe this is a blessing," Church said as he appeared.

"How so?" Carolina asked as she laid on her bed.

"I mean, if we get kicked out we can actually have a chance to find a way back to Chorus."

Everyone becomes silent at the mention of Chorus. Spending time on this dimension, it made them forgot about what they needed to do.

"How do you guys think they are faring?" Tucker asked.

"Well, let's hope the NR and Feds haven't killed each other yet," Church said. He couldn't have been more wrong.

To be continued.

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