Chapter 29:Arguing and Apologies

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The alarm in the Red's room, causing all of them to groan. Sarge gets up and stretches. "Up and at 'em ladies!"

"Fuck off Sarge!" Grif said. Grif received a pillow thrown hard in the face by Sarge.

"Say that again Numbnuts, next one's going to be a bullet." Grif groans and follows order. All of the Reds get dressed and put on their armor parts. They press their buttons and have the armor expand on their bodies. They all grab their helmets and put them on.

"Hey guys," Donut said. Everyone turns to the pink soldier. "Did you get a message from Ozpin to show up to his office immediately?" Donut was looking at his scroll, which prompted everyone else to do the same. On all of their screens the message from Ozpin appeared before them.

"Reds and Blues: Report to my office as soon as you wake up. We have some very… interesting topics to discuss.


"That can't be good," Simmons said.

"You don't think anything that involves us is good," Grif said.

"Yeah, because half the time it involves something blowing up, someone dying, a new freelancer or someone has sex with an alien!"

"To be fair, Tucker isn't on our team," Donut added. This caused all the other Reds to nod in agreement. They all made sure they got everything they also grabbed their guns. Sarge grabbed his shotgun, Simmons grabbed his assault rifle, along with Grif, and Donut grabs the battle rifle.

"I'm going to go turn on Lopez," Sarge said. "I'll meet you guys up there okay?"

"Yeah sure…" Grif said. Sarge grunts at him and walks out. The rest of them make sure they got everything and head out as well

In Ozpin's Office:

Griff Simmons and Donut were in the elevator all them still groggy from waking up. They had their armor expanded and helmets on due to the agreement that the Reds and Blues agreed to. They would show the kids the armor expansion invention, and then keep theoir armor on at all times and only press the buttons if they deemed it necessary for social situations.

As the door opened, they were met with a lamp flying right next to the elevator. They could also hear yelling. They exit the elevator and see Washington arguing with Ironwood.

"He had it coming!" Washington yelled.

"You don't hit students you idiot!" Ironwood retorted.

"I see the Reds have joined us," Ozpin said gaining the attention of everyone in the room. Since the arguing stopped, the Reds were able to see who was in the room. Doc, along with the Blues and the two agents were here, however Carolina and Washington seemed to have gotten in a heated argument. Ironwood was obviously there along with Ozpin and Glynda.

Not only that, they noticed the Cardin was in the room, a smug smile on his face. And Weiss was there as well but she had a pained and guilty look on her face. "Okay, what's wrong?" Simmons asked.

"Yes, what is wrong?" Ironwood said with sarcasm heavy in his voice. "Other than the fact that these two here hit two students!" He pointed to Carolina and Washington. "These two 'soldiers' attacked students yesterday."

The reds and blues all look at Washington and Carolina. They had looks that didn't deny it but at the same time felt guilty about it. "James," Ozpin said. "Maybe we should wait for the rest of the Reds to show up before we begin this meeting. We are missing Sarge and Lopez as of right now so please wait for them."

"No Oz, I'm not going to wait for the rest of these idiots. They have caused too much trouble for you and me."

"James enough," Glynda said. "Granted these past few days have been very... hard. But we just need to wait for the rest of them."

"They attacked this boy." He pointed to Cardin. "And they thought they had the power to discipline Miss Schnee." He pointed to Weiss. "I cannot with good faith say that they should stay here."

"Both are for good reason," Washington said.

"What reasons were they?" Just as Washington opened his mouth elevator doors opened up revealing Sarge and Lopez.

"What'd we miss?" Sarge asked.

"The ass chewing of a lifetime," Simmons whispered.

"With good reason!" Ironwood yelled.

"James perhaps there is a reason as to why they did," Glynda said.

"Why are you defending them? I'm still getting fined for damages they caused on the highways!"

"Let's not forget that my life was threatened by this asshole," Cardin said pointing to Washington. Washington glared at him.

"Exactly. These soldiers are a danger to the students."

"I'm sorry," Tucker said finally stepping up. "But what's your fucking problem? We made a few mistakes, big deal everyone does. Where do you get off telling us how to behave? Do you fear that we are stronger than you and your army?"

"Stronger than Atlas?" Ironwood laughs. "You're joking."

"Enough both of you," Ozpin interviened but it was to no avail.

"My men can do whatever you can ten times better."

"Then why didn't they stop the White Fang meeting?" Carolina shot back.

"Guys, please stop it!" Weiss yelled. However the arguing only continued. Everyone was talking over each other and things were getting a little physical.

Washington pushed Ironwood and Ironwood pushed back. It soon turned into a fist fight. However that only lasted a second before Lopez entered. "Hostilidad detectada!" (Hostility detected)

Lopez grabs Ironwood and then slams him against the window, causing it to crack in some places. Cardin decided to get in on the action and grabbed his mace. He swung down onto Lopez. That was when Ozpin had enough.

There was the sound of metal on metal, a crunching sound, and everyone froze. Somehow, in the blink of an eye, Ozpin had disarmed Cardin, gotten Lopez off of Ironwood and slammed the robot into the ground, with his cane stabbing into the robot's body.

Lopez struggled but Simmons commanded him to stand down, which he did. Everyone was still for a while, not moving a muscle. Ozpin looked around, waiting for someone to move again. When no one did he spoke.

"Mr. Winchester, Miss Schnee," he said. "Would you please leave us? We have much to discuss."

"Sir?" Weiss asked, concerned about what would happen.

"Go. I'm not asking."

Cardin and Weiss complied. Cardin hastily went to the elevator, not wanting to stick around while Weiss was a little more hesitant. She didn't like the feeling the room had, but also didn't want to defy the headmaster.

The elevator dings and the two students enter. It closes and the room goes silent. Lopez still hasn't moved but they could tell her was still in hostile mode as the grip on his gun was still tight.

"Lopez," Sarge commanded. "Stand down, passive mode no activo por favor."

Lopez's hand loosens its grip and he speaks in his normal voice. "Standing down Sarge," he said. However Ozpin didn't let Lopez up.

"Washington," Ozpin said. "Carolina, I have let you all stay here because, despite some of the damages you have caused me and others."

"What damages?" Tucker asked.

"Hey guys want to see me throw this barrel?!" Tucker asked. It was a red barrel that said "Highly flammable" on it. They were in the arena where the Reds and Blues set up a free-for-all combat training.

Team BRNZ was closest to him, and the three guys egged him on. "Do it! Do it!" they chanted.

May looked at them and tried to stop it. "Wait I don't think that's a…"

The barrel explodes causing anyone nearby to suffer burns as the explosion depleated their aura.

"Oops…" Tucker said.

"Someone get Doc!"

"Let's see…" Washington said. "I wonder if I can infuse Dust with our armor? Maybe if I…"

There was an explosion coming from the workshop. Soot covered Wash but he was mostly unharmed. The rest of the workshop wasn't so lucky. It took quite a lot of money to replace the equipment.

Carolina was doing hand to hand combat with Team ABRN. The focus was weapon disarm. Arslan comes at Carolina with her knife but Carolina taps on her right arm armor, causing it to cover her arm. She blocks the attack and then grabs Arslan's arm twists it causing her to drop the knife. Carolina then kicks Arslan away.

"Nice try Arslan," She commented. However, she didn't notice that was behind her and raising his staff to hit her. At least he thought she didn't hear him. That was until she kicked him. Right in the nuts. He lets out a girlish scream and clutches his poarts while dropping to his knees.

Carolina turned around and seethed.

"Oops…" she said.

Mercury emptied out the rest of the Warthog ammo and chuckled at his accomplishment. He hops out of the Warthog and leaves behind no evidence.

Written on the wall in bullet holes was "I wuz here" and it cost a lot to remove the bullet holes.

"That last one wasn't our fault!" Simmons said.

"Your vehicle, your gun," Ironwood responded. Every one of the soldiers glared at him.

"James enough," Glynda said. "You are acting like a spoil child."

Ironwood shrugs. "I'm not the one who has idiot soldiers being teachers for students." Glynda growled at him.

"Enough," Ozpin said. "While James's explanation was very… brash, he has a point. I have let you all stay here because the students seem to have been drawn to you. They listen and respect you. However the moment you put my students at risk or feel the need to hurt them outside of training is where I draw the line."

"Maybe if they were hit growing up instead being spoiled brats we wouldn't have to do it ourselves," Carolina muttered.

"You have no right to do that. These are students, not your own children."

"Well they need to get used to the real world," Sarge said. "Like it or not, not everything is going to be fair to them."

"Perhaps," Ozpin said. "But they do not need to face the truth. Not until they graduate and prove themselves."

"Are you serious?" Church said appearing on the PHP. "You're going to keep them in a façade until you deem them ready?"

"What of it?" Ironwood grumbled in a threatening tone.

"You are going to treat them like the Director treated us!" Carolina yelled. This caused the Hunters to recoil a bit, but they figured the others would try and calm her down. However to their surprise the Reds and Blues did nothing. In fact they glared with just as much intensity. "You are going to lie to them, make them think they're fighting for something, and then once they realize what the true thing they are fighting for is, they won't like that you've lied to them."

"It's for a greater cause," Ironwood said.

"Do you say that to feel better about yourself?" Washington said. "As you send your soldiers to battle the grimm, do you feel any remorse as you sit by the sidelines, not doing anything but say 'it's for the greater good'?"

"Well what do you want us to tell them?"

"The truth!" All of the soldiers yelled.

"Being lied to isn't the best feeling in the world Ozpin," Simmons said.

"Especially if it makes you think you're entire existence is a lie," Sarge said.

"They are fighting the darkness of this world, I have never lied to them."

"They are fighting more than just Grimm!" Washington said.

"I never said it was just Grimm." Everyone is silent by this. Ozpin removes his cane from Lopez's body and steps away from the robot. Lopez then gets up and walks over to the other soldiers. "Look, if I tell them that there is something more than grimm out there, that will cause a panic."

"And with panic," Carolina concluded. "More grimm."

Ozpin nods his head. "Sometimes we have to lie to the ones we love for the greater good."

"Last time I thought that, I had to fight my team. You obviously know more about this place than either of us, but don't think they'll all sing kumbaya and follow your lead right away once they find the truth. Because let me tell you, when they find out they've been lied to their whole life, they'll turn on the people who could've told them the truth, but didn't."

"I know this. I will accept those consequences when they rise up."

"Listen," Ironwood said getting impatient. "Ozpin didn't let you all up here for you to judge him. He invited you all up here to discuss what you plan on doing to fix your little outbursts against the students."

"What should we do?" Sarge said. "Like I said, the real world is harsh. The stuff Washington and Carolina did is just a show of what happens if they let their emotions get the better of them. Something that humans and Faunus do." Ozpin is silent to this. He then sighs.

"You are right," Ozpin said.

"Oz!" Ironwood said. "You can't be serious?"

"I am. I will not deny that they are right." Ironwood looked disgusted. "However I must ask that another outbreak like this doesn't happen again. If it does, I don't know if I can help you out."

"Speaking of which, is there even any signs of us getting home?" Doc brought up.

"Yes!" O'Malley said. "I am getting bored around here. I can only gut so many grimm before I get bored."

"My agent still hasn't found any clues about your dimension," Ozpin said. "But will you apologize to the students or not?"

Washington and Carolina look at each other. Then Carolina speaks. "Fine, but we are telling them why we did it."

"Fair enough."

"I can't believe this," Ironwood soldiers turn to leave but Carolina stops and points at the hunters.

"And just so we're clear, if you are using us as pawns as some sort of plan, or even worst your students, you'll find that we won't take that lying down."

With that, Carolina turns to leave. Washington soon follows but the others are a little stunned. After looking back and forth between the hunters and Carolina, and then they follow Carolina

With Team RWBY:

Weiss was able to return to her class after getting sent out of Ozpins office. However, along the way Cardin wouldn't shut up about how he was glad they were "Getting what they deserved."

When she returned she sat next to her team but she wasn't taking notes like usual. This didn't go unnoticed so Ruby decided to figure out what's wrong.

"Hey Weiss?" The leader asked.

"Hmm?" Weiss said not looking up from the ground.

"Are you okay? You're being the complete opposite of yourself."

"So like Blake?" Yang joked. Luckily the feline was still too wrapped up in her studies to be offended.

"I'm fine it's just…" Weiss started. "I have a bad feeling about the soldiers."

"About them or for them?" ruby asked.

"A little of both I guess. I mean, Carolina hit me to teach me a lesson. Obviously she still hit me and Ozpin can't take that nor could Ironwood, but for Cardin? Washington got angry and assaulted him."

"Not that he didn't have it coming," Yang muttered.

"All I'm saying is they could be dangerous. I mean Caboose was like a wild animal when we fought. And Washington threatened a student. I don't know how to feel about them now." The two sisters look at each other. They could see where Weiss was coming from.

"Hey, relax," Ruby said trying to calm down her friend. "I'm sure Washington feels guilty about it and Carolina did it because she thought it was necessary." Weiss sighs. She didn't know what to believe but she did appreciate the effort Ruby was trying to make.

"Ladies, would you like to teach class?" The professor said. All of the girls shook their heads. "Then please keep quiet." After getting chewed out team RWBY went back to work. If the Reds and Blues weren't fine, well they'll know in a little bit.

A few classes later:

When everyone showed up for the Reds and Blues training they were hoping it would be like yesterday; Seeing their faces, and their normal cheery and idiotic selves. However this was not the case. When they entered the arena, they noticed that everyone was back in their armor. What's worst was that they kept themselves closed off. Usually Caboose would wave hi to them as they walked in the arena. But he just sat on a wall, looking down at the ground.

The rest of them were uncharacteristically quiet. Washington and Carolina would usually say hi to any of the students that went up to them, but yet they ignored all of the students.

As everyone awkwardly got in their seats they waited for the bell to signal that class would be starting. Until then everyone just sat quietly, afraid something might happen if they misbehaved.

When the Bell rung, the Reds and Blues dispersed from their circle and let Carolina take over. The rest of them climbed the stairs to the stands, but stayed away from the students. Carolina goes to the middle of the arena and turns on her megaphone in her helmet.

"Good afternoon everyone," Carolina said. She takes a deep breath. "Now as you have all heard the rumors about me and Wash hitting some of the students here. I am here to put an end to those rumors." She is silent for a moment. "They are true." The students weren't that surprised at it was during this class that both of those things happened.

"Wash and I would like to apologize," She continued. "However this does not mean to forget what we did. This is a nasty world, and if you act like a brat…" She looked over to Weiss, who felt a little bit of shame. "or insult someone…" She looked at Cardin. "They may not forgive you and may try to hurt you."

"How do you know?" A student asked.

"Well, look at us. I hated the reds and blues as did Washington. When I wasn't using them, Washington was trying to kill them."

"Wait really?" Ruby asked. The rest of the students murmured.

"Please don't remind us," Donut said. "I don't want to remember that I was shot by Wash." A couple of the students laugh.

"But yeah, all of us are pretty good examples to not be a little turd," Carolina said with a slight chuckle, "But unfortunately we aren't going to split the class like we said we would today. We're going to just do some more one on ones with us. Any objections?" None of the students raised their hands.

"All right then, let's continue with class."

Surpisingly, nothing bad happened during class. Which is weird considering whenever the Reds and Blues are with Teams RWBY or JNPR, something bad happens, as if some cosmic force is against them.

Heh heh…

But the next class wasn't so lucky.

To be continued.

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