Chapter 30: The Final Straw

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The people in this class were mostly students from the other schools. Team FNKI was in the class, along with team BRNZ. CFVY would also be in this class, if it wasn't for the fact they were still on a they gave the whol espiel about why they hit Cardin and Weiss, they continued class.

As they did though, Flynt leaned in next to his team and whispered. "Yo guys. You trust these guys?"

"Well… They are Atlas soldier right?" Kathy said. Kathy was a female human with pale skin. She had hair that stopped just below her shoulders that was a dark blue and red. She wore a black snapback and wore a dark green shirt that said "Give yourself to the rhythm" in a yellowish text. She wore blue dancing shorts and red sneakers.

"Can we be sure about that?" Neon said. The faunus looked over to Kathy and shrugged. "I mean, we haven't seen them anywhere around Atlas?"

"Come on guys," Eric said. Eric was a deer faunus with jet black hair, with the last name Izer. He had antlers, and was more professionally dressed compared to his other teammates. He had a white t-shirt on with a charcoal unbuttoned button up over it. He wore black dress pants and black dress shoes. He had rectangular glasses on. "I mean, Atlas has to keep some secrets right?"

"Ahem," Carolina cleared her throat. Team FNKI looked to the center of the arena to see Carolina looking at them with her arms crossed. "Team FNKI, would one of you like to volunteer for the first match? Obviously if you were talking you'd feel like you don't need training."

The class all ooo'd at the challenge. Neon gets up and hops over the railing. "Yeah I'll do it!" Neon said as she landed.

"Very well." Carolina played with her tablet scroll. "You will be facing…" after she got done tapping, she waited for a moment and then looked back up at Neon. "Sarge."

Sarge heard his name and got up from the bleachers. He grabbed his shotgun and hopped down in the arena. He lands with a grunt and both him and Neon head to the middle of the arena.

"Miss Katt," Sarge said. Neon does a little Salute but then crosses her arms and gets a smug look on her face.

"Let's see what wins," She taunted. "My funkiness or your boring old strict soldier-ness."

"Nice try," Sarge said. "But you ain't getting under my skin like you did with Doc."

A few days earlier Doc and Neon got into a bit of an argument over something stupid that nearly ended up her getting sent to the infirmary because she brought out O'Malley. Luckily Doc was still in control and just left before it got ugly.

Anyway, Carolina brought both of their names and aura bars up on the screen, and she began walking to the bleachers. "All right, match begins in ten seconds." She climbs the stairs and reaches the railing. "Begin!"

Neon takes out her nunchucks and begins skating around Sarge. "Come on old man!" she yelled. "Let's see what you got!"

Sarge grunts and cocks his shotgun. As he aims at Neon she charged at him. This caught Sarge by surprise and he dived out of the way and blindly fired the gun. None of the bullets hit Neon and she sticks her tongue out at Sarge. He growls and gets back up and cocks the shotgun again.

He fires at Neon but she dodged it by cartwheeling out of the way. She giggles as she dodged the gun fire. Sarge kept trying to unload rounds into her but she kept dodging with ease. He runs out of ammo and he looks at his gun.

"Ah crap," he mumbled. Neon saw her chance and charge him she sped past him but hit him in the helmet with a nunchuick. She then hit him in the stomach when she came back. The next time was in the back, and the time after that was in the leg.

Sarge kneels down from the last blow and looks up at Neon. "For a Sargent you aren't that good." Sarge reached for a shell but Neon cracked her nunchucks making them turn red. She then starting shadow fighting with her nunchucks, which caused fire to come out of them.

Sarge had to roll out of the way to dodge the fire strikes. However, Sarge was able to load a shell into his gun. He cocked the gun and got into a kneeling position. He then fired at Neon. A flame engulfed her and she put her hands up to defend herself.

She looked up from blocking and saw what shells caused the flames. Sarge customized his gun to be able to shoot dust rounds. And he was loading the red dust ammo into his shotgun.

After the eighth shell was loaded he cocked his gun again but Neon was already moving. She was skating in an unpredictable motion. Sarge took his time to try and predict her movement but was met with a flurry of attacks every time she passed him.

Eventually Sarge was able to predict the erratic movement and fired. Neon got covered in the fire and her aura went down. However Neon continued to skate without missing a beat. She kept attacking Sarge with a flurry and Sarge was getting tired of it.

After her last hit, Neon sped up, causing a rainbow behind her and charged at Sarge. She cracked her nunchucks again and it turned into a green color, and she hit Sarge. A huge gust of wind caused Sarge to be sent back. he crashed into the wall and Neon shoulder charged him again.

Sarge hit her with the butt of his shotgun and fired a fireshot at her. She dodged and began rainbowing the circumference of the arena. However, Sarge held his shotgun like a bat and swung at Neon when she reached him, causing her to do a flip in the air.

Fortunately she landed straight but the hit took a little out of her. She cracked her nunchucks again this time they were a blue color. She went after him and he swung at her again. She ducked and hit the nunchuck at his leg, causing it to become frozen.

Sarge hammered his shotgun down to release his leg from the icy prison, but he didn't notice neon coming at him. She swung her nunchucks at his helmet, causing it to go frozen. Sarge was able to break the ice off of his leg, but then he saw his helmet was frozen, and let out a muffle scream.

Meanwhile, Neon and everyone else started laughing, since Sarge was running around like a chicken without its head. Or like a chicken trying to get its head unfrozen.

After a minute of Sarge trying to unfreeze his helmet Washington jumped down into the arena. Neon was still on the floor laughing like crazy.

"All right all right," Washington said trying to calm everyone down. He takes out a combat knife and then starts chipping away at Sarge's head. "Let's just say that Neon won that, agree?"

Carolina nodded as did the rest of the students, some of whom were still chuckling. Neon finally got a hold of herself and made her way back to her team.

"Way to go Neo," Flynt said giving her a hi-five. The rest of her team congratulated her and she smiled with pride.

Carolina moved on with the class. "Okay, any other volunteers?" A couple of students raised their hands and Carolina was looking around at all of them. "Let's see… Nolan of team BRNZ. You're up."

The dark red haired shade student does a little fist pump and heads down to the arena.

"You're partner will be…" she taps on her scroll to reveal the soldier she will be fighting. "Donut."

The pink armored soldier gets up and heads down into the arena, and Nolan does the same. They go across each other but then Donut starts stretching.

"Nolan, it would be a good idea to stretch, don't want to pull a glute or anything like that!" Donut was doing hip twists as he said that. Nolan just took out his baton and lengthened it. it made the audible clicks as it did.

"I'll be fine," Nolan said. He began tossing the baton and twirling it between his fingers. "Besides, I won't pull anything beating you."

"All right quit playing grab ass and get ready," Carolina said. Both of them nod and get ready. Roy gets in a stance while Donut got out the UNSC Battle Rifle. "Match begins in three… two... one… begin!"

Nolan combat rolled out of the way as Donut fired a three burst round at him. The bullets miss and Donut fires at him again with the same results. Nolan began charging Donut and kept rolling out of the way of the bullets as Donut kept trying to fire at him.

Nolan got close enough to fight Donut with his baton. He hits Donut a couple of times in the torso and then tries to aim for his legs. Donut jumped up as Nolan swiped and kicked Nolan in the face.

Nolan recoils back a little bit and covers his face. Donut sees this as his chance to counterattack. Donut puts his hand on his belt and pulls out a cylinder shaped grenade. He tosses it in the air and ducks down. Nolan uncovers his face only to be flashed by a bright light and a loud sound.

Nolan tries to rub away the blinding light but he is met with a blow to the head. Donut hit him with his fists. He followed up with another punch and the finished with a kick. Nolan fell to hi back but he rolled backwards and back up. Luckily Nolan was able to wipe the light away and looked back up at Donut.

Donut tossed a grenade at Nolan, who batted it back to Donut. The grenade explodes in front of the pink soldier sending him flying back. Nolan chuckles.

"What's the matter Pinky?" Nolan taunted. "Can't take a hit?"

"It's not pink!" Donut claimed as he popped back up. "It's lightish red!" Nolan gain a smug grin and charged Donut. He began a flurry of attacks.

Donut eventually grabbed the baton but that only proved to be a bad idea. Nolan turned on his electricity causing a shock to go through Donut. He twitches a little bit and lets go of the baton. Nolan continues the flurry of attacks.

"Come on Donut, I'm barely trying here!" Nolan taunted. However, Donut ducked out of the way of an attack and got behind Nolan. Donut puts him in a choke hold. Nolan lifts his feet in the air as he was being choked and causes Donut to fall to the ground.

Donut lets go and Nolan hops back up and slams his baton down. Donut rolled out of the way of the first hit and places a plasma grenade on Nolan's leg. Nolan looked at the sticky plasma grenade and tried to shake it off as Donut got out of the way.

The grenade goes off causing Nolan's aura to go down. Donut covered his helmet to protect himself. When he looked again he is met with another attack from Nolan. "Gotta try a lot harder than that to hurt me Donut." Nolan continues his attack.

However, Donut eventually dodges an attack and then punches Nolan in the face. He then follows up with two more punches to the face, he then kicks Nolan in the side. Donut follows with another uppercut. He then equips the battle rifle and fires at Nolan, chucking down his aura.

"Come on Nolan! You gotta use more protection!" Donut said. Nolan growled at the comment and sprung back up. He tries to attack Donut again but Donut pulled out another flashbang and blinded Nolan again. Donut sends another three bursts at Nolan. He then reloads the clip.

"What's the matter, don't like it when I flash you?" Donut quipped. Nolan grew angrier at the comment.

"Will you shut up and fight?!" He charged up his baton and began to attack Donut again. He was connecting hits this time and back Donut to the wall.

"Man, I hated getting pinned against the wall. It gets so awkward."

Nolan growled at the innuendo. Anytime Donut said one it just made him angrier. "Can you stop being gay for five seconds?!" Nolan removes Donut's helmet and begins smashing Donuts face in.

Donut kicks Nolan off and throws a grenade at Nolan. Nolan ducked but was then attack by three burst of the battle rifle. Donut reloads as Nolan backed up. Nolan looked at Donut with hatred in his eyes. However Donut pointed down to where Nolan was and he looked. It was the grenade Donut threw earlier. The grenade goes off causing Nolan to be sent flying back.

Donut looks around For Nolan but finds that he is missing. That was until he felt someone tackle him. Nolan straddles and began beating Donut again, however Carolina interferes. "All right Nolan enough you win!" Carolina called out. Nolan stopped and looked at the aquamarine soldier. He then looks back at Donut.

"Looks like I'm the bottom while you're on top eh Nolan?" Donut said with a smile. However this just made Nolan angry. He puts his baton against Donuts throat causing Donut to choke.

"You evil sinful piece of gay trash!" Nolan yelled out. "You'll burn, you hear me!" he lets go of Donut, only for him to grab Donut's right arm and the stomp down on the bend of the elbow, causing it to break. Donut lets out a cry of pain and everyone watches in stunned silence.

However, Nolan wasn't done. He kicks Donut in the stomach and then straddles him. He then pummels down on Donut with no remorse. The soldiers wanted to get Nolan off of Donut, but what can they do? If they hurt another kid they are on their own.

All of the students watch in horror as Nolan kept beating Donut. None of them knew what to do. That was until they saw Washington Charge in there.

Washington removed his right arm armor and took out a knife. Much to everyone's surrpsie, he slashed a giant cut into his arm, causing a couple of people to freak out. That was until Wash used his blood to from a giant fist that wrapped around Nolan.

He throws Nolan away from Donut and his blood retracts to his body, except a little bit that extends a little further than his arm. Washington then hardens it to form a blood blade. Nolan looks up and growls at Washington, rage consuming him. He charges at the black armored soldier, but Wash simple slashed at him causing Nolan to recoil from the cut. He then uses his blood to form a giant fist. He picks up Nolan and slam him into the wall. This causes the wall to crack from the force. Washington retracts his blood to his wound and hardens it, causing it to heal a little bit.

Washington picks up Nolan and pins him to a wall. "What is your problem?!" Washington yelled. Nolan looked down at Washington, only to notice the rest of the Reds and Blues, sans Doc as he was treating Donut, were able to get into the arena and point their guns at him. It scared Nolan. He had never seen so much hate in his life, not even in the grimm.

Washington shakes Nolan. "Answer me!"

"Because he is full of Sin!" Nolan cried out. Everyone looked at him as if he grew a second head.

"Why?" Washington asked.

"Men who like other men will burn!" The Reds and Blues look at each other. While it was true Donut's sexual nature disturbed them a couple of times, they just accepted it. But to this guy, it was as if it was a mission of him to make Donut pay for his quirks.

Washington didn't want to create more of a scene than he already did. He let go of Nolan, but grabbed his arm and put him in a hold. "You and I are going to have a talk," Washington said. he turned to his friends. "Continue with class. And when we're done, Get Glynda and tell her what happened, I have a feeling Ozpin is going to want to see us."

The rest of them nodded as Washington dragged Nolan away from the arena.

Two minutes later:

Once Nolan and Washington were far enough, Wahsington let Nolan go. He crosses his arms and stares down Nolan. "Explain, why did you attack Donut?"

"I already told you! He is evil!" Nolan yelled. Washington could see the anger in Nolan's eyes, but there was something else.

"Why? Because he could be gay?"

"All Gay men will burn." Nolan's eyes began to water a little bit. "Anyone who shows signs of this sinful act will be punished in the afterlife!" a couple of tears roll down Nolan's cheeks. Washington notices this and softens his voice, but not a lot.

"Who told you that?"

"My mother. And she made it very clear about what happened to those who showed the signs." Nolan was practically breaking down now. Washington realized why Nolan snapped at Donut. Nolan wanted to be like Donut. While Donut's sexuality was very… questionable, Nolan had a very clear one. But his mother wouldn't let him be himself.

"Nolan listen to me," Washington said. "Is your mother here right now?" Nolan shook his head. "Is she watching you at Shade?" Another shake of the head. "Then what right does he have making you feel this way?"

Nolan looked at Washington. He removed his helmet to reveal caring eyes. "Nolan, your mother isn't here. She can't hurt you for being you."

"You're lying!" Nolan yelled. "If not her then surely the demons will when I die!"

"Then they'll burn those who support it too. Which mean I'll be down there with you. You are not alone Nolan."

Nolan's breathing began to calm down a little. The two of them are silent for a while, until Nolan drops to his knees and cries into his hands.

"Why…" he asked. "Why did she do that to me?! Donut he…"

"Doesn't let what others think about him get in the way." Nolan sobbed quietly. "Nolan, do not let what your mother did to you cage you. You are becoming a Huntsman, a strong warrior. A strong warrior who won't let what his mother did define him."

Washington offers Nolan a hand. He looks at Washington's hand and grabs it. Washington helps him up and gives him a pat on the shoulder.

"Look, does your team know about this?" Nolan shook his head. "Well, when you're ready, tell them. If they won't accept it, I will see what I can do to make sure you get a team who will." Nolan nods. He smiles at Washington.

"Thank you, Wash."

Washington smiles and puts his helmet back on. He may have helped Nolan, but he also attacked him. Ozpin will not like this.

To be continued.

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