Chapter 31: Away from Beacon

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The Reds ad Blues stood around in Ozpin's office, none of them making a sound. Donut was in the infirmary with Doc but everyone else was present. They were all silent as Ozpin continued his all with the Shade academy headmistress.

"I am very sorry this happened Belinda," Ozpin said over the scroll. "Uh huh. Okay, thank you for understanding… I'm sure your students will represent you well… goodbye Belinda." Ozpin hangs up his phone and turns to the soldiers. "Thankfully she was understanding. I however won't be."

The soldiers don't talk. They already accepted what would happen, now they just have to wait through it.

"What you did is unacceptable as instructors," Glynda began to chew out. "This happened not only once but twice. Not to mention the other damages you have all caused us. Perhaps James was right…" Ozpin and Glynda were expecting resistance from them. They were surprised that the Reds and Blues were taking this so well.

"Look," Simmons said. "We've already accepted what we did."

"But then again," Tucker said. "You kind of already knew that we bring craziness and danger wherever we go." Ozpin sighs, he did know that. From the minute heard about their Blood Gulch chronicles to Project Freelancer, he knew that they were very unlucky. As much as Ozpin wanted to help them though, those three instances were enough for Ozpin's concern.

"I did," Ozpin spoke. "And I was hoping that your adventures wouldn't hurt my students. But I'm afraid they did." Ozpin let the silence sink in. "However, I am not letting you walk away." This Reds and Blues all turned and looked at each other.

"What do you mean?" Donut asked.

"The students, despite some of the dangers you put them in, all respect you. At the very least they pay attention to your teaching. And I have seen improvements in the students. Perhaps what you need is a vacation."

"Oh fuck yeah!" Grif cheered. "Doing nothing sounds like a great vacation for me."

"You always do nothing," Sarge said.

"And you smell like crap," Tucker added.

"Yeah and you… do nothing!" Caboose said.

"I already said that Caboose," Sarge responded.

"This isn't a vacation where you relax," Glynda said. "We need to keep the identity that you are Huntsman and Huntresses as true as we can. If not them then at least soldiers."

"You mean we have to work?" Grif asked depressed. Glynda just responded with a glare. Grif cried. "Why?!"

"So what will you have us do?" Carolina asked.

"A village has asked for some help defending against Grimm," Ozpin said. "The village is run by and old friend by the name of Marcus Phoenix. When you get there you are to talk with him. He'll have you set up defenses, go grimm hunting, whatever it takes to get rid of the grimm threat."

"How long will we be there?" Wahsington asked.

"Two weeks."

"Two weeks?" The reds screamed.

"Before you get mad, during those two weeks, you are free to roam the woods. You may find something of interest, perhaps something from your world." The Reds and Blues looked at each other. All in all this deal was sounding pretty good. How could they say no?

"All right, when do we leave?"

The next day:

As the Reds and Blues piled into the bullhead they looked back out to the students one last time. Most of them stopped by to wish them luck on their mission. Despite all the hell they put the students through, they still made a positive impression on them.

"Remember everyone, keep practicing," Washington said. "If I find any of you on the same skill level you are now when we get back, everyone is running five laps. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" the students said.

"Arc," Carolina called. "Come here for a second." Jaune looked at his team who encouraged him to go to her. He walks up and stands in front of Carolina. She hands him one of their magnum pistols. "Shoot that every day. Get used to at least having a pistol on you. It can save your life."

"And don't forget the tips I gave you on picking up babes!" Tucker called out.

"Don't listen to his tips!" Washington yelled out. This caused a couple of students to laugh.

"Senora Rose, keep practicing sniping," Lopez said to Ruby.

"You got it Mr. Robot!" Ruby called back.

"Yang don't kill anyone!" Sarge called out.

"No promises!" Yang said.

"Blake, stop studying for a second!" Grif said. Blake just glared at him.

"Weiss, control your pride and anger," Carolina said. Weiss gives Carolina a nod.

As each of the soldiers kept saying individual goodbyes, the saw Donut running up with his arm in a cast.

"Wait! I'm coming!" Donut said. He reached the bullhead and caught his breath. "All right, I came."

"Donut, what are you doing here?" Washington asked.

"You can't get rid of me that easily. Beside my arm's fine!"

"The cast says otherwise idiot," Tucker said.

"I'll be fine! I can still use this arm." He moved his left arm around, showing that he could still help.

"You know we're not getting rid of him," Church said.

"Yeah yeah," tucker said.

After saying final goodbyes, the soldiers pile into the Bullhead. The pilot made sure he had everything prepped in ready. Once he did, he told the Reds and Blues to get read. They gave him various forms of acknowledgement and he closed the doors.

As the students watched the bullhead fly off, they wondered a lot of things. Will they return? Are they going back to Atlas? What will their mission be? But all of that doesn't matter. They liked the Reds and Blues but with their outbreaks, they are also afraid of them. Perhaps, this two weeks break is something they all need.

To be continued.

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