Chapter 5: Messing Around

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"My name's Qrow." The voice said. It had a robotic voice obviously to disguise it. Like Hargrove did with Felix and Locus. "I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to talk to you guys."

"Why is that?" Carolina asks.

"I just wanted to ask some questions." Qrow says. The two soldiers look at each other. They both nod their heads.

"Very well, what are they?" Washington asks.

"Why should we trust you?" Qrow asks.

"If we wanted to hurt you guys, don't you think we would've by now?" Washington asks.

"Well no, for all we know you could be playing us." Qrow says. Carolina then retaliates.

"I know you guys are being cautious, but think, we know nothing about the history of this place. We had to make Ozpin explain and give us our Aura. Don't you think we would know about aura and not have to ask or download files from Ozpin's computer if we were part of Ironwoods soldiers?"

"Wait you downloaded files from Ozpin's computers?" The robotic voice says.

"Relax Qrow, I let them." Ozpin says. Qrow is silent. Then they hear a sigh.

"All right, if Ozpin is okay with you, I am too." Qrow says. "Just don't take his kindness for granted."

"We won't." Washington says.

"All right. Oz I got to go, I'll be in touch." Qrow says and with that the screen disappeared. Ozpin takes a sip of his coffee. Just then the bell rung and that signified the next class.

"I know it must be tiring to be hearing the same thing over again," Ozpin states. "But I am just being cautious." The two soldiers nod their heads. "You may now continue your day." Carolina turns to the elevator.

"Goodbye Ozpin." Washington says to be friendly. He turns and enters the elevator with Carolina. They press a button to go to the main floor. As the elevator whirs down Carolina lets out an annoyed grunt.

"This is getting annoying." Carolina says. "It's just the same tune with them. 'We won't trust you nor will we ever.'"

"Carolina you can't blame them," Washington says. "Imagine how we would feel if we saw people with weird looking armor saying there from another dimension." Wash says trying to reason with her.

"Washington's right Carolina." Epsilon says as he appears. "Until we find a way out of here by ourselves, we need to trust these people. And try to make them trust us." Carolina lets out another grunt.

"Well no one said it would be easy," Washington says. "Especially with our friends." The elevator reaches the main floor and opens. They step out and start to return to the dorms. "Speaking of which, what do you think they're doing?"

"Probably something stupid," Epsilon says.

With Grif Simmons and Sarge:

"Sarge, this is the dumbest idea I have ever heard," Grif complains.

"Shut up Grif. We got nothing better to do," Sarge says.

"Well, we could research the history of this dimension. Or we could learn how to fight the Grimm, but I think you chose a wisely sir!" Simmons says.

"Thank you, Simmons!" Sarge says ignoring the passive aggressiveness. They left the school and followed two robotic soldiers that were patrolling the streets. It led them to a giant ship with a bunch of vehicles. Sarge wanted one. "Look, we just take a vehicle and patrol the city. The Ozpin character will respect us and trust us more because of it!"

They were peering around the corner of the ship. A vehicle passed by them. Grif said "Right, because nothing says trustworthy than stealing a vehicle."

"Watch and learn boys, you have to act like you know what you're doing." Sarge says. He equips his shotguns and walks into the ship. He goes to a vehicle and talks to the soldier that was guarding it. The vehicle looked like a normal white jeep.

"Excuse me son, I need to take this vehicle." Sarge says to the soldier.

"May I ask why, sir?" The soldier says.

"I have orders to get it customized. Remove the back seats and add a turret. Also paint it green." Sarge says.

The soldier shakes his head and says "I'm afraid I don't recall the R&D team allowing this. Last I checked I had to get all customization orders from them, sir."

"Well that soldier over there is part of the R&D team," Sarge says as he points. The soldier turns around to see whom Sarge was pointing at.

"What solider?" The other soldier asks. All of a sudden he felt a large pain at the back of his neck and fell to the ground, passed out. Sarge motions Grif and Simmons to come. They all go in and enter the jeep.

"See? Easy," Sarge says.

"Right, now how are we going to make this into a Warthog like your plan said?" Grif asks.

"Simple, we find parts and make it ourselves!" Sarge exclaims.

"Great idea, sir!" Simmons says. With that Grif sighs and starts the vehicle and then starts driving around the ship and base that Atlas made to find parts.

With Caboose and Donut:

Tucker didn't want to take care of Caboose so everyone agreed to give that responsibility to Donut. Which Donut was okay with, as he didn't mind having Caboose as company. They went back to the dorms as they had nothing better to do. Donut was looking at the board games that they had. He then found a board game that both he can enjoy and that Caboose can play.

"Hey Caboose," Donut said. "Want to play checkers?" He holds out the board and shakes it around to show caboose.

"Yes!" Caboose says with glee. They both set it up and sit across each other sitting crossed leg on the ground. Donut went first. When Caboose went, he accidently grabbed Donut's piece.

"No Caboose, that's my piece," Donut says. He grabs Caboose's wrist and puts over to his side of the board. "These are your pieces." Caboose nods his head. Caboose picks up one of his pieces but moves it forward instead of diagonally. And for the next ten minutes it's just Donut and Caboose playing checkers.

With Tucker:

Tucker couldn't do a whole lot so he just decided to mess around with his sword. He was out in the courtyard with the sword out swishing it around. He made whooshing noises with each swing. "You want some of this Felix? Huh?" He says to the air. He stabs and slices the air.

This goes on for about five minutes. Eventually Tucker gets tired and stops playing around. He puts the sword away back in his holder. Tucker takes a deep breath. He then starts going for a walk around the School. "Man this place is big," Tucker says as he walks around. "I just hope I won't get lost."

He then accidently runs into someone who falls to the ground. Tucker took a few steps back because he was looking around. "I'm Sorry," The person he ran into says. It was a girl who had a slight accent. He looks and recognizes the girl. It was the girl with the bunny ears that was being picked on.

"It was my bad," Tucker says. He kneels down and helps her pick up the books she was carrying. He hands them back to her.

"Thanks," She says. "Wait a minute, you're one of the soldiers that fell in professor Port's class!"

"Yeah I'm one of them," Tucker says.

"That's cool," The bunny girl says. "Oh I'm Velvet by the way."

"Tucker," The aqua colored soldier said.

"Nice to meet you Tucker," Velvet said with a small smile. "I'll see you and your friends around huh?" And with that Velvet continued to walk down the hall. Tucker watches as she walks down the hall and then makes a disgusted noise. However Velvet was still in ear range. She grew sad because of the noise but then heard what Tucker said to himself.

"How can someone bully such a nice girl? Faunus or not." Tucker said under his breath. Velvet grew a small smile on her face and continued with her day. Tucker was still ranting in his brain about the bullying and racism Faunus got. Mainly because he had to deal with racism before. This went on for about five minutes. However his thoughts changed when another bell rung. He looked at a clock on the wall. It was one seventeen. Just then Tuckers stomach growled.

"Well, might as well see what they have for lunch here." Tucker says to himself. He then heads for the cafeteria.

With Sarge, Simmons, and Grif:

The Reds were able to get parts from the R&D team at the ship. They just posed as soldiers and somehow miraculously were able to get parts, so now they were at an auto shop run by atlas. Grif drives it in and everyone hops out. Sarge then talks to the soldier in charge of the shop

"So, you don't need any of our workers help? You just need the tools and workspace?" The soldiers asks.

"That's correct." Sarge says. The soldier nods his head.

"Okay, just don't blow anything up." The soldier says. Just as he said that though Grif was shifting some boxes around and some fell on top of him.

"You said don't blow anything up, not destroy things!" Grif says through the boxes. The soldier laughs and then continues with his shift. Grif gets the boxes off of him with the help of Simmons. "Let's get this over with. I'm missing lunch because of this." Grif said

"Just shut up and work Fatass." Simmons says. And with that they all begin trying to create a warthog. At least as best they could.

With Teams RWBY and JNPR:

The two teams got their lunch and sat at a table together. Nora was juggling fruit because she was bored. Ren was reading the same with Blake. Jaune Ruby Weiss Yang and Pyrrha were talking with each other. "So how do you think the soldiers are doing?" Pyrrha asks.

"Probably blowing something up. Or cleaning a mess they made. Or both." Weiss says.

"Well we aren't blowing anything up." A voice says. They turn and see Washington and Carolina with trays of food. "Mind if we sit?" Washington asks. The teams move over for room for the two soldiers. They sit down and they remove their helmets.

"You know you look a lot like Pyrrha, Carolina." Jaune says. Everyone gets a good look and agrees with him. They don't know why they didn't notice it in the fight.

"We have red hair, that doesn't mean we look alike." Carolina says. That's when Yang decided to butt it.

"And green eyes," She says as she counts the reasons on her fingers. "Your both great fighters, You both have admirers―"

"Hey who admires me?" Carolina says.

"Didn't Tucker hit on you?" Washington says smugly.

"Tucker hits on any girl he sees," Carolina retorts.

"He hasn't hit on me, and most adults do that," Yang says.

"Hey he has some standards." Washington says. Yang scowls and picks up her fork. She points at Washington.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yang says with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Yang, you're a student, you think Tucker is that much of a creep?" Carolina says.

"Well…" Yang starts but then a voice came from nowhere.

"Answer that question and no Grimm alive will hurt you as much as I will." Everyone turns and see Tucker.

"Hey Tuck," Ruby says. Tucker sits down next to the students and his friends.

"So did you do anything stupid?" Washington asks.

"Well I just walked around the school and practice with my sword. That's about it," Tucker says.

"You probably looked ridiculous. I wanted to see that…" Yang says. The soldiers laugh along with the rest of the table. Except Blake. Washington noticed this but isn't going to make a scene.

"So Washington, how'd you get that scar?" Jaune asks. Washington puts his hand on his mouth.

"Let's just say he did something stupid and got careless," Carolina says. "Then our squad and I had to save his skin."

"And I thank you for that Carolina," Washington says.

"Still that had to hurt when it happened," Pyrrha says.

"It did, but that's over," Washington says. Washington notices that the rest of his friends weren't around. "Hey where are the rest of our idiots?"

"Donut is with Caboose," Tucker says.

"Could have a worst pair," Jaune says. Everyone nods with agreement.

Tucker then says "And I'm not sure where Sarge Grif and Simmons are." Washignton and Carolina sigh. They know they are bound to do something stupid. That's when they heard music. Mexican music. Blake's bow/ears twitch.

"Do you guys hear something?" Ruby said. Everyone becomes quiet to hear it.

"Yeah it sounds like music," Weiss says.

"Oh shit," Washington says. Just then a student yelled.


Just then a vehicle crashes through the side of the building. The students get away from it. The vehicle then backs out of the rubble. That's when the soldiers noticed something. It was a Warthog. A very obscure Warthog, but a Warthog. In the driver's seat was Grif. Shotgun was Sarge and Simmons was hanging on the back of a turret. The music was still playing.

"Dammit Grif, now we got to fix her back up. And we just got her done!" Sarge exclaims.

"Hey don't blame me," Grif retorts. "This thing steers to the right on its own."

"Yeah," Simmons says. "But it shouldn't steer so much that we crash into a building!"

Grif grunts and says "Whatever, I'm getting lunch." He hops out of the customized vehicle and walks across the building, ignoring the students gawking at him. He reaches the food table and starts putting food on his plate. First there was a burger and then a bunch of potato chips, then he got a pizza slice. He goes to sit at a table where he is met with an angry Carolina. She still didn't have her helmet on.

"You just crashed into the building," She starts. "And now you think you can just start eating?" Grif nod his head. "You are a fucking moron!" Carolina then tosses his plate out of the way. Meanwhile Washington was chewing out Sarge.

"You are telling me," Washington begins. "That you stole an Atlas military vehicle, customized it yourself to make it look like a warthog, just to take it out for joyrides?!" Sarge looks at the vehicle then at Washington.

"No, we were going to patrol the city," Sarge states.

"Okay I don't care what you were going to do," Washington starts. "But here is my problem: We are trying to gain Ozpin's trust, and that means his friends trust as well. So when you steal a vehicle from his friend's military, and then proceed to crash that vehicle into the side of his school, I pretty sure that's the opposite of trying to get them to trust us!"

While Grif and Sarge were getting chewed out, the students actually wanted to get a look at the vehicle. Yang put a hand on it and admired it. "This is pretty sweet!" She says.

"Thanks," Simmons says as he gets off the gun. "It took us a while but we were able to customize this from a military jeep."

Ruby's jaw dropped. She then says "That is so unbelievably awesome."

Ozpin then appeared next to vehicle with Glynda, the latter of whom is very mad. Washington and Carolina continue to chew out the reds while Simmons explains to the students gathering what they did.

"They are acting like nothing happened," Glynda says angrily. But Ozpin wasn't looking at that. He was looking at the Students who were looking at the soldiers and all of the misadventures they are doing. Some are laughing at the chewing out, others admiring the warthog, and Tucker was even showing off his sword since some of the students wanted to see it. "Ozpin what are we going to do?"

"Nothing," Ozpin says. Glynda looks at Ozpin with a shocked expression. "Glynda, look at the students. They are not mad at the soldiers, nor are they afraid, they are enjoying them." Glynda can't argue with that. "If they hurt our students I will kick them out, but I don't think they will."

Glynda sighs. "Okay," She says. "I will trust you. Even if I don't agree." Ozpin nods his head. As the chaos settled down, the day continued as normal. Donut and Caboose eventually got lunch, and then the soldiers decided to help out around the school. Washington decided to help Glynda with battle training. Carolina was helping with the picking up the cafeteria after the events that happened. The reds were helping Ozpin set up where they were going to sleep since they didn't want to keep bunking with JNPR and RWBY.

Tucker and Caboose decided to follow RWBY around as Caboose still thought he was in actual school. Tucker just made sure he didn't get into trouble.

It was finally time for sleep and the reds and Ozpin were able to find a place for the reds and blues to sleep in without taking up space for the students. The blues with Carolina and Wash were on one side of a hallway and the reds on the other side.

With the blues Caboose was already in bed snoring and Tucker was showering but Wash wanted to talk with Carolina.

"I think we need to start looking for a way out of here tomorrow," Washington said. "I'd rather try to get back on Chorus."

"I agree," Carolina says. "But how do we know that there will be a Chorus after we find a way home? For all we know Hargrove already took it over."

"I have a gut feeling that it is still there. I have a feeling that, despite them hating each other, Kimball and Doyle are making the best of their situation."

"You think?"

That's when Washington sighed. He says "I hope so."

To be continued.

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