Chapter 6: Back At Chorus

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On Chorus, Armonia:

With the deaths of Reds and Blues, one would think moral here would sink. But that is not the case. In fact, Moral has probably risen. Granted most of the Feds and New Republic still hate each other's guts, but others are trying their best to compromise. Doyle and Kimball still fight a lot, but when a mission needs to get done, they stop to make sure it goes smoothly.

It's been about four days since the assumed deaths of the Reds and Blues. In that time they managed to do six missions, half of which seemed like suicide missions, with two of them resulting as so. But despite their attempts, they still don't have any leverage over the Space Pirates. That's when some of the soldiers decided to tell the two leaders, "What would the Reds and Blues do?"

"I'm telling you they would stay put and try to conserve resources!" Kimball yells at Doyle.

"And I am telling you that they would find a way to get more resources instead of waiting around!" Doyle retorts.

"But they would have a plan to get said resources!"

"Actually they wouldn't" a voice says. The two leaders turn and see Smith standing in the room with them. "I'm pretty sure the only people who would have a plan are Washington and Carolina."

"Smith," Kimball says. "What are you doing here?"

"Well," Smith starts. "Some of the NR and Feds were discussing some things and…" Smith looked a little nervous. "We tried thinking like the Reds and Blues."

Kimball and Doyle are silent, giving Smith a blank stare. At least that's what he thought since he couldn't see their faces. "So you…" Doyle started. "Tried to think like them?" Smith nodded. "And?"

Smith said "We think that they would check out the temples."

"The alien temples?" Kimball asks. Smith nods his head. "Why would they go there? They do nothing."

"Actually," Doyle says. "It is true that they do nothing, to us at least. We are used to the temples, but they wouldn't be. Not to mention Charon has been studying them as well. It would be safe to assume they would at least check it out." Kimball tried to protest but she knew they were right. She sighed.

"All right, we'll check out one of the temples," Kimball determined. "But which one?"

"Why don't we start with the nearest one?" Smith proposed. "I highly doubt there would be that much resistance."

Doyle shakes his head and says "No I say we find one away from Armonia." Kimball looks at him as if he was insane. "I'd rather not have one near hear because if we fail, what if they take it as an excuse to attack Armonia?"

"And what if we used resources to go for more resources and failed?" Kimbal starts. "Wouldn't they also think that was a chance to attack?"

"Are you seriously starting this again?" Doyle argues. The two leaders keep yelling at each other and Smith takes his leave. As he left the office Palomo was waiting for him.

"So did we get the green light?" He asked.

"As much as we ever are," Smith stated. "Question is who are we going to bring? I don't think we have enough resources for a full blown attack." Palomo and Smith walked around the main base in Armonia as they talked. That's when they found one of the Feds they started to befriend.

"Jagger!" Palomo yells. The Fed turns and sees his allies. The fed had White armor with the typical Fed helmet. His outlines and visor were a dark shade of blue.

"Palomo, Smith," Jagger retorts. "How are you two?" he asks.

"Good considering we can go on the mission," Palomo says.

Jagger laughs and says "How were you able to get that with them fighting all the time?"

"It's like ripping off a Band-Aid." Smith says. "Do it fast to get it over with." The three soldiers exit the capital building. They walk towards stairs to hop on the train the runs around the city.

"Train heading to main barracks arriving in two minutes." The female computerized voice says. The three soldiers sat down on a bench waiting for the train.

"So now that we can go, the question is: who should we bring?" Smith ponders.

"Well I'm okay with going," Palomo says. "But we also need someone who can read ancient alien language." The two republic soldiers think about it, then look at Jagger.

"What?" Jagger asks.

"Do you know anyone who can read ancient alien?" Smith asked.

"Uhh…" Jagger contemplated. "I do but she's a little…"

"Is it Dr. Grey?" Palomo asks.

"It's Dr. Grey yes," Jagger stated. The Republic soldiers sigh. The train comes to a stop and they enter. They find a spot between the other soldiers.

"Okay so we got someone who can read alien," Palomo states. "So now we just need a team."

'We can't take half of the army," Jagger explains. "Too much resources could go to waste."

"We need some sort of elite team," Palomo suggested. "Some of the top soldiers of each army."

"We can't," Smith says. "They would be great soldiers but they won't look out for the other soldiers of the other army."

"Well I wouldn't shoot you guys," Jagger assured his companions. Smith playfully punched Jagger in the arm.

"Yeah and we wouldn't shoot you," Palomo said. "Unless you did something stupid."

"You're the one that would do something stupid," Jagger jokes. The train arrived at the barracks and the soldiers leave the train. "Anyway, what we need is soldiers who are good and trust the others."

"That leaves us three but what of the others?" Palomo ponders.

"We can't bring Bitters," Smith said. "He's too lazy and hates the feds still." They enter the barracks as they talked. Most of the feds and the NR soldiers split the lockers down the middle so one army was on one side and the other was on another side.

"I know a few Feds who have tried their best to make friends with the NR," Jagger says. "I'll see if I can get them on board." They walk up the stairs to head to their lockers. Their lockers were on the fifth floor.

"All right," Palomo begins. "I think Jensen and Mathews would like to join in as well."

They reach their lockers and start to check their weapons. "I'll pick up the ammo," Smith states. "Jagger do you know what weapons your friends use?"

"Yeah," Jagger says. "One of them is a sniper, another has the DMR, and the last one has a normal assault rifle. Don't forget I have a shotgun." Jagger says as he tests the fore-end.

"Understood, meet back at the train station in about two hours?" Smith asked. Palomo and Jagger agreed. When they were done cheking their guns, they all head out to do their jobs.

One hour later, with Jagger:

The white armored Fed was able to get his friends, but now he is trying to get them to come. "Guys we can the Reds and Blues back!" Jagger argues. Another White armored Fed, who had red outlines and visor compared to Jagger's blue, got up to face him.

"Jagger I would love to help you," She said. "But how do we know these NR's won't shoot us in the back?"

"Alicia," Jagger started. "I've been on two missions with these guys, and they helped me out." Alicia was Jagger's girlfriend so they cared for one another, but with the war going on they were fighting a lot. Alicia was the Sniper. She was adjusting her scope as they talked.

"I have to agree with Alicia," Another soldier says.

"Bryce, not you too!" Jagger exclaims. Bryce was the one with the DMR. He had a Dark grey Fed armor with white outlines and visor.

"Look we know you trust these guys," Bryce starts. "But the last time I trusted an NR I got left behind when I was wounded." Bryce knocks on his right leg armor. "I can still feel the wound."

"Wally, what of you?" Jagger questions. Wally was the one with the assault rifle. He had white fed armor with light green visor and outlines.

"So far the NR used me as bait to see if Locus or Felix was in a camp last week," Wally said sarcastically. "And they destroyed my watermelon shack. Other than that and the insults they throw our way I've been fine."

"Jagger we tried to trust the New Republic," Alicia explains. "But every time we did we ended up with either a bullet in our leg." She points to Bryce. "Or as bait." She points to Wally.

"But we're not just going on this mission with random NR's," Jagger argued. "We are going with Tucker, Caboose, Simmons and Grif's leftenants." Jagger's Friends tone changed a little. "I'm sure they would try their best to live up to their captains dreams of us trying to set aside our differences."

There is silence for a good minute. "Jagger," Alicia breaks the silence. "I am willing to give this a final chance." Jagger smiles under his helmet. "But!" Alicia added. "If we end up with another bullet or another betrayal, I don't think we can ever trust the New Republic."

Jagger nods his head. He turns on his comms and calls Smith. "Smith here."

"Smith my friends are joining us," Jagger informed. "We'll be there in a few."

"All right," Smith said. "I got the Ammo. Luckily Lopez is still with us. He seems happier now for some reason though."

Jagger laughed and said "How were you able to understand him?"

"I didn't," Smith said. "He kept singing in Spanish. But he made a computer where he would type and words would let us know what he wanted." That is when Jagger heard the Spanish robot singing in the background.

"Libre, Libre, Libre al fin!" Lopez sang.

Jagger says "Huh, I never thought I would hear happiness come from a robotic voice unless it was programmed to."

"Anyway," Smith starts. "I got the ammo, I'll just get the rest of my guys and we'll meet you there. Also make sure you let Dr. Grey know." Jagger grumbled. He knew they needed Grey, he just didn't want to be the one to tell her.

Ten minutes later, at train station.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Conducting research in the field! Oh I knew today was gonna be a good day!" Dr. Grey squealed. Jagger and his friends sighed. Now they were waiting for Smith with the ammo and the New Republic lieutenants. "I can't tell you how nice it is to get out of the office and away from all the complaining." Dr. Grey rambled. "'My leg hurts!' 'I need blood!' 'But I don't WANT a robot arm!'"

"You remember what we're doing Dr. Grey?" Alicia asks.

"To investigate the alien temples Charon has been studying," Grey quickly says. "Jagger told on the way here. Not surprising really. Emerged from the ground shortly after the UNSC pulled out, never did anything sadly but that doesn't mean they won't!

Wally took out his pistol and placed to his helmet. Jagger grabs his arm and drag s it away. "No… no!" Jagger grunts as he struggles to get it.

"Thankfully," Grey continues ignoring, or oblivious, to what happened. "I spent time brushing up on their history between college internships. Aren't you so happy that we're such close friends?" She asks her fellow Feds.

"I am," Alicia said. She got used to Grey's wackiness after helping her in the infirmary a few times. "Thank you so much for doing this Emily."

"Oh no problem Alicia!" Grey says.

"Yes," Bryce says sarcastically. "We are so happy."

Jagger sighs and says to himself "Please hurry up Smith before Bryce and Wally kill themselves. Or Dr. Grey." At that moment Smith walked up the stairs with the bag of Ammo. Behind him was Palomo and Jensen, no Mathews or Bitters.

"Finally," Wally says. "So we ready for the mission?"

"Actually," Grey starts. "We need to head to my office I still need some of my gear." The soldiers look at Grey.

"Why didn't you tell us we needed your equipment on the way here!?" Wally yells.

"I like a surprise!" Grey says in her normal cheery voice. This time Bryce put the gun to his head but Jagger and Smith got it away from him.

"All right," Smith said annoyed. "Let's go to Dr. Grey's office to pick up her equipment."

"Wait where's Mathews?" Wally questions.

"Oh we needed to make sure someone keeps Kimball and Doyle don't notice we are gone," Palomo says. "So that's his job." The train arrives and all eight soldiers enter it.

Alien Temple, fifty miles away from Armonia:

"All right I think right here is a good spot," Grey says. Jagger, Palomo, and Bryce drop the multiple bags of equipment they carried. They let out a sigh of relief. They were in a forest where the alien temple was in sight, but the pirates wouldn't be able to see them unless they went to check the forest.

"All right everyone, gather up," Smith says. The eight soldiers gather around in a circle. "So, how should we go about this?"

"I think we should find out how many guards there are first," Jensen lisps. "Then we'll decide our course of action." Jagger takes look at his surroundings. He notices a hill not that far.

"Hey Alicia," he says.

"Yeah babe?" Alicia answers.

"Think you can get a view of the Temple from up there?" Jagger asks as he points to the hill. Alicia looks at the hill and then looks at the Temple.

"It has a direct line of sight," She states. "I think I can. Give me about ten minutes. I'll let all of you know how many guards there are." With that she takes her sniper rifle, and her backpack with her.

"All right," Jensen says. "Now all we need to do is wait for… for… ACHOO!" a wet splatter was heard when Jensen sneezed. Jensen groaned. "Not again."

"Ew," Palomo said.

"Will someone help me clean my helmet?" Jensen pleaded.

"Nope," Smith denied.

"Not it," Palomo said putting his hands in the air.

"No way," Wally droned.

"Oh for God's sake quit being a bunch of babies," Bryce said as he approached Jensen. He grabs her helmet and removes, revealing a brown short haired girl with braces.

"You're probably going to need some help," Jensen shyly said.

"Oh come on," Bryce said. "What's the worst that could…" He cuts off by looking inside the helmet. He leans towards Jagger and whispers "Is it healthy for it to be this green?" Jagger looks inside and nearly threw up in his helmet.

"I think it's just the darkness in the helmet," Jagger lied. Bryce shivered and grabbed a paper towel. He grabs his water bottle and gets the towel wet. He starts scrubbing the goop from Jensen's helmet. When most of the goop was gone, Bryce took another paper towel and cleaned off the rest of the residue left behind.

"Here you go Jensen," Bryce said as hea handed the helmet back.

"Thanks," Jensen said. She put the helmet back on. She noticed everything was clearer than before. "Wow you are a really good cleaner Bryce." She complimented.

"Thanks," Bryce said. "My mom always made sure we were thorough."

"Jagger!" Smith called. Jagger went up to the New Republic soldier. "How do you think we're gonna do this?"

"I'd say we go in stealthy," Jagger says. "Especially since they outnumber us."

"Yeah that's a given," Smith says. "I think I'll set up some traps so they don't escape."

After a few more minutes, Alicia calls in. "Jagger, come in,"

"I'm here," Jagger puts his index and middle finger to his helmet comms. "Whatcha got?"

"A total of thirty enemies," Alicica informs. "Three Mongooses and three Warthogs. A Mongoose patrolling with one enemy, a Warthog with two, one on the turret. All warthogs are turrets, no rocket launchers."

"Thanks for the info Alicia," Jagger says. Everyone heard the information. "All right, stay in position hold your fire until we say."

"Roger that," Alicia responds.

"Okay," Jagger says as everyone huddles around. "How should we do this?"

Smith is the first to speak. "I think we should set up traps around the forest, make sure they can't escape."

"What if we need to retreat?" Wally contradicts. "We don't want to be caught in our own traps."

"But we also need to make sure that they can't escape," Palomo says.

"What if we blow up the vehicles?" Jensen suggests. "They can't go far and we can always chase them down."

"Yeah but did we bring a rocket launcher?" Bryce asked.

"No," Smith said. "But we got enough C4 to blow them up."

"That means we have to sneak in a blow up the vehicles," Jagger says.

"Right," Grey says. "Cutting off an escape route should be our first priority."

Bryce agrees and says "With no vehicles, no easy escape route."

"Alicia can pick off stragglers," Wally says.

"But how are we going to plant explosives on the patrols?" Jagger asked.

"I think we should hijack them," Palomo suggests.

"We have to make sure only they see us," Jensen says. "And only enough to get off and investigate."

"Once that's done, we can plant the explosives." Smith states.

Jensen places her hands on her hips and says "We also need to make sure we don't caught planting them."

"Let me handle that," Jagger says. "Sweetie?"

"What's up?" Alicia answers.

"You got the silencer with you?" Jagger asked.

"Yes I do!" Alicia proudly says.'

"Good, you might need it," Jagger explains. "We need to plant bombs on the vehicles to make sure they don't ride away."

"What about their comms?" Alicia questions. Jagger is silent for a moment.

All of a sudden he screams "SON OF A BITCH!" Jagger starts muttering to himself and then takes a big breath. "Thank you for reminding me Alicia." Jagger turns to the soldiers.

"What was that about?" Jensen asked.

"How are we going to get rid of their communication?" Jagger said. "Alicia reminded me." All the other soldiers face palm. Or, helmet palm.

"How could we forget that?" Wally asked.

"We're idiots," Palomo said.

"Yeah, we learned from the best, the Reds and Blues!" Bryce jokes.

"Actually," Dr. Grey said. "If I can get my hand on one of the Pirates helmets, I can use their communication device to find out what Frequency they're on. Once I know that all I have to do is make a small E.M.P so I can jam the frequency."

"What's an E.M.P?" Jensen asked.

"Electromagnetic pulse," Grey says. "It is used to make certain electronics malfunction."

"You mean an emp?" Wally asked.

"No dumbass it's called E.M.P," Bryce said.

"No it's not," Palomo said.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure it's called an emp," Jagger said.

"It's not called an emp!" Jensen said

"Yes it is!" Smith yelled.

"QUIET!" Grey says. She then clears her throat and says "Thank you. It doesn't matter what it's called, just get me a pirate helmet, and I can block their communications."

"Well I say we take the mongoose patroller's helmet," Smith suggests.

"Why him?" Palomo asked.

"We need to target the vehicles in the first place," Smith explains. "So we need to get rid of the patrollers, place bombs on their vehicles, set off the explosions and then we're cleanup crew."

"All right, so we got plan!" Palomo exclaims.

"Yeah," Jagger says. "Now all we need are the details."

"All right," Smith said. "Let's get this show on the road."

To be continued.

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