Chapter 7: Back at Chorus 2

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Alien Temple, fifty miles away from Armonia:

"Hey," Leo said.

"Yeah?" His friend and comrade, Nick responded.

"You ever wonder why we're here?" Leo asked. They were to guard the Alien temple from the New Republic and Federation soldiers. So the two friends were on guard duty.

"No," Nick flatly said. "Because the last time someone wondered about Felix's orders, he got shot."

"That's true," Leo said. "Still I'm just glad I'm not in a prison cell anymore."

"Leo, Nick," a voice on the radio comes in.

"Yeah what is it Murphy?" Leo says.

"When you two are done jerking each other off," Murphy says. The two friends look at each other as he said that. "I need you to check on Arron."

"What's wrong with Arron?" Nick asked.

"He hasn't reported in," Murphy said. "And no one has seen him on the mongoose in a while. Just check around his patrol route."

"I'm sure he's just taking a piss," Leo said. "Or crapping I don't know."

"Well get on it," Murphy said. "And when you see him smack in the side of the head for me."

"Yeah we're on it Murph," Nick said. They both sigh. Leo points his head in a direction.

"Shall we?" he asked. Nick nodded his head. They start walking the patrol route.

Ten minutes:

"We really should have gotten another mongoose," Nick complained.

"It's your fault for being out of shape," Leo jokes.

"I've been in a prison in space for five years what do you expect?" Nick said as he looked around he then noticed something in the forest. "Hey Leo!"

Leo looked at Nick. Nick was pointing and saw what he was looking at. "Is that?" Leo questioned. They both go up to the object. They move the leaves and twigs out of the way. "Why is Arron's Mongoose here?"

"The better question is," Nick started. "Where is Arron?" The two pirates look at each other and then point their guns in the forest. They slowly enter.

As they move deeper in the forest they start to notice the the woods were somewhat disturbed. Like something was being dragged. And they find it. It was Arron. He was dragged into the middle of the forest. And his helmet is missing.

"Murphy, come in!" Nick said. Static. "Murphy, don't fuck with us now we have a problem!" Again static.

"Shit," Leo said. "All right let's just grab Arron's mongoose and drive to the temple again." The two friends go back to the mongoose and drag it out of the forest. Leo gets on and starts it up. Nick hops on the back. And then they hear beeping. They get off and look at the bumper of the Mongoose. And they see the C4.

"Oh son of bitch!" They both scream. And then the C4 went off.

Feds and Republic POV, fifteen minutes earlier:
Alicia looked in her scope. "Mongoose heading to your position Jensen," She said.

"Got it," She lisped. "Commencing phase one." Jensen picked up a rock and saw the mongoose turn the corner. She pulls her arm back, and throws. The rock hit the side of the patroller's helmet. He fell off the mongoose.

"Nice," Palomo says he backed up into the woods to hide, along with Jensen. The patroller gets up and looks around.

"What the fuck threw that?" he said out loud. He pointed his gun in the forest and slowly entered.

"Not yet," Alicia said. The Soldier entered the forest. "Hold." He took two more steps to Jensen and Palomo. "Now!"

Jensen sprinted away from the man. He noticed her armor and her running. "Oh don't think you can hide from me!" he screamed at her. He starts to follow her. "Come here you bi―" he is cut off by someone grabbing his neck and choking him. Palomo takes out his knife stabs the pirate in the throat. The pirate's struggles die down until he is a limp corpse.

Palomo starts to drag the body into the forest. Meanwhile Jensen gets on the mongoose and drives it. Into the forest on accident. "Oops, sorry!" She said over the headset.

"It's fine Jensen," Alicia reassures her. "It's exactly what we needed."

Palomo takes off the pirate's helmet. Jensen gets off the bike and plants the C4 on the bumber. She then goes back into the woods. They both head back to base. Alicia switched to Grey's communicator. "Emily, Palomo and Jensen are on their way to you with the package."

"Got it," Grey said. "Thanks Alicia."

"Don't mention it," Alicia said. She switched to Jagger's and Smith's communicators. "All right you guys are up."

"Will do," Jagger said. Jagger and Smith looked at each other. "All right, let's do this."


So for the next part I would recommend playing some sort of sneaking music. Whether it be something kind of upbeat like Sneaky Stitch or Sneaky Adventure or is you want it to be a bit more action like MGS3 Caution I don't care. You don't have to but, it would probably make this a little bit more enjoyable.


The two soldiers were only armed with pistols, knives and the C4. They sneakily made their way to the make shift fence the pirates made. It was just a bunch of sandbags with metal cases. The warthog passes by them on the other side of said roadblock and they see their chance.

They hop over and crouch walk to their first target. It was a warthog. Jagger takes out the C4 and then sticks it to the warthog. He starts priming it but before he could Smith said something.

"Someone's coming!" he whispered. Jagger crawled under the warthog and Smith hid in front of the warthog, as it was facing the building. Both soldiers could see the pirate slowly make his patrol route. However the pirate stops and leans on the back of the warthog.

Smith lets out a little growl and takes out his knife. However Jagger grabs his leg. Smith looks down at Jagger. "What the fuck are you doing?" Jagger said.

"We need to hurry this up," Smith said.

"Don't touch him. They already have one soldier missing if we add two that's just going to make this job harder."

"We can't wait for this guy to get off his ass!" Smith whispered loudly. Too loudly.

"What the?" The soldier turned around and Smith ducked in time for the mercenary to miss him. However the soldier started to go around the warthog. Smith and Jagger started to panic. However the soldier then falls over with a thud and the both look at him. In the side of his helmet was a bullet hole.

"Would you two stop fighting like a married couple!" Alicia cried over the radio. "We got a mission to do in five, ten minutes max!"

"Right," They both said. As Jagger crawled out from under the warthog, Smith primed it.

"Okay," Smith said. "One warthog down."

"That leaves two Mongooses and two warthogs," Jagger said.

"Last I checked my scanner," Alicia informs. "The two remaining mongooses were together on the other side of the temple." The two soldiers silently swore.

"All right let's go," Jagger said as he got up. The two soldiers went to a couple of metal cases and into cover. Smith was able to look out.

"Alicia can you see what I'm seeing?" Smith asked. Alicia looked in her scope and found Smith and Jagger. Smith was looking past the temple to Alicia's left.

"I don't have eyes over there," She said. "Scanner won't work either, needs to charge."

Jagger sighs and says "All right, guess we're going blind." The two soldier round the corner and out of Alicia's sight.

The two stick close to the wall. They reach a door that leads into the temple. They look at each other. Jagger shook his head and Smith agreed. However the door handle started to turn and both soldiers rolled toward nearby boxes.

"Why are we even here?" A pirate said as he exited the temple.

"Because Felix and Locus want us here that's why," another one said as he exited the building. The republic and Federation soldiers sighed of relief. They weren't caught. Yet.

Jagger was about to get out of cover but Smith dragged him back as he said "Watch out!"

"What?" Jagger asked angry.

Smith pointed upward and forward and said "Sniper."

"Shit," Alicia swore. "I forgot about him. I can't reach him."

"But I can," Bryce said. "I see him and all it will take is two shots."

"We can't risk the noise!" Alicia said.

"Don't have to," Bryce said. "Jensen gave me a suppressor they were working on for the DMR."

"Make sure he doesn't fall off from the ledge!" Jagger whispered harshly.

"Wilco," Bryce said. He steady's his breath and aims at the soldier's helmet. "Come on you prick, move back." The soldier stretched and took a few steps back. Bryce smiles and takes the two shots. The mercenary went down. "You guys are clear!"

"Thanks Bryce," Smith said. Bryce was a little taken back from the thanks.

"Yeah," he said. "No problem."

Jagger and Smith continued their sneaking throughout the temple. They had a few close calls but haven't gotten caught. They reach the two mongooses. They both plant the charges. Then, they heard the warthog patrol coming.

"Shit what do we do?" Smith asked.

"We go as planned," Jagger said.

"Jagger how are we supposed to stop them, not make noise and find the other warthog?" Smith questioned. Jagger had to think about it for a second. Then he gets an idea. Jagger takes out his last C4 and starts priming it.

"Jagger have you lost your mind?!" Smith cried.

"Probably, but I sure hope this works." Jagger primed it and held onto the c4. He then started to swing his arm underhand. Smith saw what he was doing. But he was aiming right at the warthog as it passed by.

"Wait!" Smith said. "Make sure you aim ahead of the warthog." Jagger nodded his head. They only had one shot at this. He swings his arm and then throws the C4. It lands on the side of the passenger door. Both soldiers do a little fist pump.

"All right," Smith sighed. "Now all we have to do is sneak our way to the last warthog."

"No can do," Alicia told them. "Two soldiers found our first mongoose. Their comms are down but we don't have a lot of time before we have to blow up the vehicles."

"All I need is the call guys," Wally said.

"And we're in position so you better hurry up!" Jensen says.

Jagger laughs and says "Well, looks like we got to go fast then."

Smith and Jagger start speedily start searching for the other warthog. Luckily it was near the mongooses around a few corners. Unluckily however, there were two mercenaries chatting near it.

"We have to wait them out." Smith said.

"No time," Alicia informs. "The two soldiers are trying to get the mongoose out of the forest."

Smith and Jagger look at each other. They both sigh and then say "Fuck it." They take out their pistols and run to the warthog. One of the pirates talking points at them.

"It's the Republic Federation!" He yelled. Jagger takes out one guy with three shots in the chest and Smith takes out the other with two shots in the head. Smith places the C4 and Primes it. Both of them grab the mercs guns and run out of the blast radius and Jagger calls it over the radio. "Fire!"

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Wally yelled over the communicator.

End sneaking music.

Play fighting music.

The C4 explodes. There are explosions across the temple. "Someone found the body at the first warthog but exploded!" Alicia called. "Plus with the two on the mongoose and the two on the warthog and the sniper that makes six casualties."

"Make it eight, Jagger and I killed two near the last warthog!" Smith yelled. He saw a few pirates running towards them and started firing. Jagger did the same. They both take cover behind some sandbags. Smith pops out takes a few shots and to also see how many there were.

Smith takes cover again. "Jagger," he screamed. "We got five on us." Jagger pops out and takes a few shots from the assault rifle.

"Make that four!" he bragged.

"Show off," Bryce said over the communicator. All of a sudden there were gunshots coming from their right from the forest. Smith peaked over and saw two mercenaries go down. "Now you only got two." Smith gets up and shoots and kills the remaining two. Out of the forest comes Bryce with his DMR, with Jagger's shot gun and Smith's assault rifle.

Bryce hands the two their guns and nods his head. "Let's move!" Jagger commanded.

Wally came from the front of the temple. A mercenary saw him. "Alicia," he said.

"On it!" she called. There was a sniper shot and the soldier fell to the ground. "That's one for the playbooks!"

Wally entered and saw two to his right and two to his left. He takes out a grenade and throws it to the mercenaries to his right.

"Shit grenade!" one yells. But it is too late and both mercenaries died in a fiery explosion. Wally took cover behind a concrete barrier. However one of the mercenaries hopped over said barrier as they had a shotgun. The mercenaries cocked it but Wally grabbed it and pushed it to the side. The mercenary fired and missed and Wally struggled with him.

The other mercenary was aiming at Wally as the two struggled with the shotgun. Wally noticed this and then swung the pirate to block Wally from the shot. The mercenary fires and shots his friend in the back three times.

"AGH!" he yelled. Wally kicked him in the stomach which made the mercenary let go of the shotgun. Wally then pumps the shotgun and shots it pointblank at the pirate's head, which comes clean off. He pumps it again and shoots it at the other mercenary.

He takes cover as Wally dropped the shotgun and began to fire bursts to keep the merc pinned down. When he doesn't hear anymore gunshots the Mercenary pops up to fire back. However he doesn't see the federation soldier anywhere. He then looks down and sees a pistol barrel pointed at him.

Wally fires two shot and kills the Mercenary.

Meanwhile Alicia was picking off any targets she could find. Two soldiers came from inside the temple and were heading towards Wally. Alicia aimed her sniper at one of the soldier's heads and fired. The soldier did a half flip as it plopped to the ground.

Meanwhile the other one dove to cover. Alicia smiles. "That isn't going to save you," she taunted under her breath. She calls Wally on his communicator. "There's a soldier taking cover near the temple. Flush 'em out for me would you?"

"You got it!" Wally replied. She saw Wally run to the temple. He started to search for the pirate. He had his back turned and the pirate popped up to shoot him. However Alicia was quick to the draw and shot them.

"Got 'em, thanks Wally!" Alicia complimented. Wally Saluted to her positioned and ran to the temple. Along the way another Soldier tried to kill Wally but he Shot them before they had a chance.

Jensen and Palomo had battle rifles and started to cut off people heading for Jagger and company. They ambushed two people and killed them before they were seen, now they were pinned down by one last pirate.

Jensen pulled out a flashbang and tossed it high in the air. It goes off and they hear a scream. Palomo pops up and shoots the mercenary. "All right let's move up to the temple!" Palomo said. The two soldiers start running towards the giant flying tower.

Bryce had his DMR aimed at the door, Smith planted the breaching charge and Jagger had his shotgun ready. "Breaching!" Smith yelled. The charge goes off and Jagger enters first. In his right peripheral he sees a soldier running up to him with a knife. Jagger points the shotgun at him and fires, killing him instantly. Jagger move out of the way while pumping the shotgun, so Smith comes through.

Smith turns to the left and sees two soldiers. He shoots both of them but one of them shoots him in the shoulder with a pistol. Smith clutches his should as he falls to the ground. Bryce enters and starts to move around the room to pick off any stragglers. All of a sudden one pops onto Jagger with a knife.

"BRYCE HELP!" Jagger screamed. Bryce turned and starts to shoot the mercenary on Jagger. He falls over dead and Jagger pushes him off. However one final soldier came from nowhere and shot Bryce in the back of the knee with a battle rifle.

"AH the back of my knee!" Bryce yelled. Jagger tried to reach for his pistol but the Mercenary pointed the gun to Jagger.

He laughed. "I don't think so," he taunted. However Smith was able to get up and behind him and then stab him multiple times in the chest. As the final soldier fell down the three soldiers take a breather.

End fighting music

Jensen and Palomo enter the Temple and see the three soldiers. Palomo helps up Jagger as Jensen picks up Bryce.

"You okay?" She asks.

"I got shot in the back of the knee," he grunts. "I feel like shit." Jagger helps up Smith who is still clutching his shoulder.

"You should see how you look," Smith jokes.

"Coming from the guy who has a bullet in his shoulder," Bryce retorted. They both laugh and then groan. Jensen and Jagger set them on a wall to rest.

"All right," Jagger says. "Before we go, we all keep track of our kills? We have I believe nine kills before the big fight." Jagger does the math in his head. "So only count the ones you guys killed after the explosions."

"I have one," Jensen said meekly.

"Three," Bryce informs.

"I think I got four kills," Smith groaned.

"I have five," Wally says walking in on them.

"Two!" Palomo cheered.

"I have two," Jagger said.

"Alicia got three kills too," Wally informed.

Jagger did the math in his head. He then realized something. "Guys, where's the last person?" They all did the math to double check.

"SHIT!" Palomo yelled.

"Alicia," Jagger said. "Look around for any Stragglers."

"Understood!" Alicia complies. Jagger grabbed his shotgun.

"Palomo, Jensen, and Wally," Jagger named off. "Search every nook and cranny of this temple to find them, I'll stay here to guard these two." The soldiers nodded and started to move out.

Meanwhile the last mercenary, Murphy, kept running into the forest. "Can't let them find me," he says to himself. He eventually reaches a clearing, and decided to take a rest. He bent over trying gasp for air. Unfortunately, he doesn't take a good look at his surroundings.

"Hello!" a cheery voice says. Murphy freezes with fear. He looks up and sees a Federation soldier with purple visor and outlines. "Are you one of the mercenaries that were guarding the alien temple?" She asked.

"No…" Murphy said trying to lie his way out of it. However he forgot he was still wearing his armor. To his surprise though, she lets out a little laugh.

"Oh sweetie," She said. She then took some kind of syringe and jammed it into his shoulder. Murphy lets out a scream and falls to the ground. His vision becomes blurry. He looks up and sees the Federation soldier crouching near him. "You should never lie to a scientist. We get very frustrated when things don't go our way." She still had the cheery voice which made Murphy very scared.

"Besides," She leans closer to him. Her voice, still in a somewhat cheery tone but just a little lower, says "I could always use a new test subject." And with that, Murphy is knocked out.

Dr. Grey radios to her comrades. "I found the last pirate," She said.

"That's great!" Jagger said.

"Yep!" Grey said. "Alicia darling, can you come take my equipment from our camp down to the temple please? Also I may be gone with some of my equipment as I will be doing some test on my breathing Pirate friend here." That last part scarred everyone.

"Wait, is the pirate still alive and with you doc?" Palomo asked.

"Yep!" She said cheerfully.

"Well do your tests later Bryce and Smith are injured," Jagger said.

"Okay," Grey said a little disappointed. "Alicia can you tie up our mercenary friend and take him down with you along with my equipment?"

"Uhh… sure," Alicia said. "Just, do your experiments with him away from us."

"Can do!" Grey said.

To be continued.

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