Battle For Earth. Assemble

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The Compound has been destroyed, some of the Avengers are trapped underground. Some of the outriders are underground for the stones. Goku walks towards Steve who is unconscious on the ground.

Goku: Dad. Wake up. Come on.

Steve: What happened?

Tony: We messed with time. It tends to mess back. You'll see.

Steve, Tony, Thor, and Goku see Thanos from 2014 who is here in the present. He is aware of his fate and their plan. Goku was breathing heavily in anger, wanting to kill Thanos so badly.

Tony: What's he been doing?

Thor: Absolutely nothing.

Goku: And the stones?

Tony: Somewhere under all this. All I know is he doesn't have them.

Steve: Let's keep it that way.

Thor: You know it's a trap, right?

Goku: We know. Do we give a shit? *powers up*

Thor: Good. Just as long we are all in agreement. *grabs Stormbreaker and Mjölnir* Let's kill him properly this time.

Goku: Hey ahead you, buddy. My Saiyan Instincts are tingling.

They walks over to Thanos.

Thanos: You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. But you've shown me that's impossible. As long as there are those who remembered what once was, they will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.

Tony: Yep. We're all kinds of stubborn.

Thanos: I'm thankful. Because now, I know what I must do. I will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one. Teeming with life, but knows not what it has lost but only what it was been given. A grateful universe.

Steve: Born out of blood.

Thanos: They'll never know it, because you won't be alive to tell them.

Goku: We'll see about that. *mask plate on*

They charge at Thanos and fights him. Goku was the first to approach him as he fights him off, while dodging every swing from the double sword. He lands a couple of Punches to Thanos, even a knee to the gut.

Tony: Okay Thor, hit me.

Thor charged up Mjölnir and Stormbreaker, fires of lightning at Tony. His suit took in the lightning and fires off multiple repulsor beams at Thanos. Thanos protected himself with his sword.

Thanos charged in at Tony. Thor swings Stormbreaker and hits Mjölnir at Thanos. Thanos grabbed Tony and used him as a shield. Tony took the hit and is in the ground.

FRIDAY: Boss, wake up.

Steve charged in and kicks him in the face, Thanos pushed him back, until Goku lands a kick on his back leg, making him go to a knee.

Goku, paying tribute to Natasha, hits a Headscissor Takedown on Thanos, using a minimun of his strength to send in down as Thor uses Stormbreaker for the killing blow.

Thanos got out of the way and got up as Goku and Steve go hand to hand with him, with Thanos having trouble with Goku. He knocks Steve away, and Goku got a slash to the chest from his blade, though his armor saved him from getting a wound and Thanos punches him away.

Thor joins in as he and Thanos fight back to back, as Thor seems to be getting the upperhand, until Thanos beats him to it. He hits Thor back and uses Stormbreaker against him as he goes for a blow, but Thor caught the handle and held it back. He used his strength to hold back but Thanos is stronger.

Mjölnir then lifts off the ground. Thor pushed back as much as he can as he felt the blade closing in. Thanos got hit by Mjölnir then it flies back to Steve who is now holding it.

Goku: *smiles* I knew it.

Steve wielding Mjölnir fights Thanos. He was able to get the upper hand on Thanos using Mjölnir powers. He was able to use it with his shield and gain strength to push him back. He can strike Thanos with lightning. But even with Mjölnir it still not enough against Thanos. He uses his shield to block the sword that can cut through his vibranium shield. His shield begins to break piece by piece with every swing.

He then grabs him the neck and starts to choke him. Thanos glares him down as Steve, slowly beginning to kill him as Goku stands up and sees his father getting choked to death. Then, the image of his father nearly dying, to everyone he knew turning to dust, something in his mind snaps.

Thanos almost kill Steve until he was knocked away by someone as he quickly stood up and sees Goku in front of Steve, glaring at him.

Thanos: You, the last of your kind, think you can defeat me? What nonsense.

Goku: Defeat you? Nah, I want to kill you.

Goku starts to yell as aura swirls around him. The ground shakes violeny, even making Thanos lose balance. He got himself standing straight and charges at Goku with his blade, going for a fatal blow.

Then, a furry arm grabs the blade and crushes it to peaces, shocking Thanos. Then, he was hit the head, at the chest several times, and an uppercut sending him off his feet, and a double axe handle, knocking far away from this individual.

Thanos slowly gets up as the light fades and reveals Goku, in a different transformation and glaring at Thanos like he was prey.

Steve slowly looks up and sees Goki in his new form as smiles. Goku turns his head at his father before helping him up and healing him.

Goku: You alright, dad?

Steve: Yeah, thanks son.

They look back at Thanos.

Thanos: In all my years of conquest... violence... slaughter... it was never personal. But I'll tell you now... what I'm about to do to you stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm going to enjoy it very, very much.

His ship summons down his army of Chitauri, outriders, leviathans, fighters and tanks. His children the Black Order are here to join the fight. Captain America and his Son watch as their outnumbered. Goku showed as he opens his mouth and shoots a mouth beam at a large group, creating a huge explosion.

(Imagine it red)

Thanos and his children were shocked by powerful as Goku gets ready to fight all of them.
Before Steve can say something, something came up on their communicators.

?: Cap, Goku. you hear me?

Goku and Steve look around, recognizing this voice.

Steve: Sam?

Goku: Where are you?

A portal begins to form behind them.

Sam: On your left.

He turns to sees a portal, T'Challa, Shuri, and Okoye emerged. Behind them is an army of Wakandans ready to fight. Sam cane flying around. Other portals began to open up. Doctor Strange, Peter Quill, Drax, and Mantis came from Titan.

Valkyrie, Korg, Mike, and the Asgardians came to join the battle. Wong and the Masters of the Mystic Arts are here. The Ravagers and their ships came. Other heroes came including Wanda,  Pietro, Bucky, Groot, Hope and surprisingly Natasha.

Steve: Natasha?

Goku: *smiles* It worked.

Pepper came wearing her own armor. Another figure came, it was Hachi as he came to help the battle.

Goku: Hachi!

Hachi: Good to see you again, Goku.

Strange: Is that everyone?

Wong: What? You wanted more?

Giant-Man emerged from the rubble along with Rocket, and Rhodes wearing his new War Machine Armor as Hulk blasts out now more angry than ever.

The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Wakandans, Asgardians, Masters of the Mystic Arts, Ravagers, are all together about to fight. Captain America and his Son, Goku stood in front of them.

Steve: Avengers! *summons Mjölnir to hand* Assemble.

Goku roars as They all charged in, Thanos' army did the same. They clashed and fight. Giant-Man punched the Leviathan. Tony and Pepper fought together. Thor and Steve fought and summoned the weapons. Goku strikes, blasts and destroys his way to the outsiders.

He rips on outsider in half as he blasts others that are coming towards him. He sees Tony fighting off Obsidian, until Spiderman came in and pulls him back, and gets stomped by Gaint-Man. He smiles at the reunion between Spiderman and Tony Stark as he continues to fight off Chitauri and and Outsiders.

Goku appears nexts to Wanda as they fight along side each other.

Wanda: Goku is that you?!

Goku: Yeah. I'm 17 and I have this form. Good to see you again, Wanda.

Goku shots a beam from his mouth as he goes to a circle.

Goku: *closing his mouth* You don't know how long I've missed you and the others.

Wanda: I'm glad to see you again as well. You look weird, but awesome at the same time.

Goku: Thanks. Now, I need to kill some more. Catch you later.

He speeds off, killing other outsiders and Chitauri in his way.  He joins Black Panther and Natasha in aiding Clint with the stones.

Clint: Natasha?! I thought-

Nat: Me too, Clint. I don't know how.

Goku: I used some of my God Ki to revive you.

Nat: Thanks Goku.

Goku: No problem, mom.

Goku and Black Panther helps them make a path, until Thanos stops them. Goku growls until Wanda appeaes in front lf them, glaring at him.

Goku: Oh, now you're fucked up now, bitch.

Wanda: You took everything from me.

Thanos: I don't even know you.

Wanda: You will.

She starts to fight Thanos as Goku sees Spiderman having the Gauntlet.

Spiderman: I got it! Activate Instant Kill!

He kills several Chitauri coming at him as Goku joins in.

Goku: Don't worry, Spidey. Got your back.

Spiderman: Thanks, whoever you are.

Goku: Goku.

Spiderman: What?! Cap's son?! You look awesome!

Goku: Thanks!

As they fight, Goku sees the van far away, as he grabs Spiderman.

Goku: Hang on, buddy!

He flies off with Spiderman grabbing onto him.

Spiderman: This is awesome! Can we hang out after this?!

Goku: Sure! I-

Peter Parker: Oh My God!

The cannons start firing at them, but Goku dodges each blast, while holding onto Spiderman. Then, the cannon's start shooting at a different direction.

Goku: This is my chance.

He teleports to the ground and let's go of Peter.

Goku: Hang onto something.

Goku cups his hands together as a red ball glows the the center.

Peter: Woah.

Goku: Ka-me-ha-me-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

He launched the attack the the ship, as it was destroyed by it and another attack. After the ship falls, Captain Marvel flies down, in front of them.

Goku: I was wondering when you'll show up.

Carol: Just be glad I'm here.

Peter: *mask removed* H-Hi. I-I am Peter Parker.

Carol: Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?

Peter: *passes the gauntlet to her* I don't know how you're gonna get it through all that.

Then, Wanda appears.

Wanda: Don't worry.

Okoye: They got help.

Carol and Goku is joined by Wanda, Okoye, Pepper, Shuri, Hope, Valkyrie, Nebula, Mantis, and Gamora. Peter stayed behind to recover, the female forces joined together fight off the army. Wanda uses her power on the leviathan while Valkyrie flies to cut another. Peter is amazed how great they are doing as he later joins in.

Carol flies through the army and towards the van with the gauntlet. Thanos sees Carol flying with the gauntlet, he grabs his sword and throws it at the van. It hit the van and destroys it along with the Quantum tunnel.

Goku and Thanos fight against each other, but Thanos was getting the upper hand until Goku knocks him back. He dashes foward and hits a knee to his gut, uppercuts him and superkicks him back away.

Goku: You want to know something? I was holding back a bit.

Goku charges up as he was covered in a red fiery aura. Seconds later, he looks different and more menacing at the same time.

Goku, in quick fashion, punches Thanos in the gut before sending several kicks, as each shot was heard. Goku knocks Thanos down, before grabbing him by the throat, jumps up hy and Chokeslams him down.

Goku flies down and as Thanos gets up and goes for a punch, but Goku gave one back, only through his chest.

Goku: How does it feel to be powerless now?

Goku pulls out his arm as Thanos falls to the ground, bleeding out.

Goku: Carol! The Gauntlet!

Carol passes the Gauntlet to Goku as he puts it on, and the stones didn't affect him as he glares down at Thanos.

Thanos: Just who are you?

Goku: I am the one you said 'weak but has potential'. I am the the who will protect this planet from any danger, no matter where it comes from. You said you were inevitable, right? Well,

(Start at 1:31)

He lift his fist up and slams through Thanos, as a Golden Dragon appears in the sky, stopping everyone from fighting so they can see it. The Dragon moves around a few times, before going far up and quickly goes down. Thanos watch in horror as the dragon head slams at him, causing a huge explosion, making him scream in agony before disappearing into nothing.

After that, a huge cloud of smoke covers the area, as everyone wonders what happened. Before they can resume fighting a snap was heard. As the heroes thought they will disappear again, instead the see the outsiders, chitauri and Black Order turning to dust.

Nat: Did we-

Clint: I d think we did it.

They see, coming through the smoke Carol and Goku, back in his Oozaru form stare with the Gauntlet in his arm, signifying that they won.

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