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The day after the battle, everything returned to normal. The others were stunned by Goku now being a teenager, but their happy to see him again. He apologize for not killing Thanos in the past, but the said 'It's okay' which erased all the self-blame he has in his heart.

Now, Goku and Steve, along with Hulk, Scott, Sam, Bucky, and Natasha were at a nee quantum tunnel to bring back the stones to their rightful places.

Steve: You're ready, son?

Goku: Always ready, dad.

Bruce: Okay. Quantum leep in 3...2...1.

The tunnel opens as Goku and Steve went back in time to put the stones where they were. They left the Time, Space, and Mind Stone back to 2012. Put the Power Stone back to where it was in 2014, the Reality Stone in 2013. Finally the Soul Stone.

They appeared in Vormir where their going to leave the stone there.

Goku: Hello? Anybody?

Steve: We're here to leave the Soul Stone back.

Then, a man in cloak arrived before them.

Red Skull: Steve, son of Rogers. I-

Steve and Red Skull stared at each other with utter confusion and surprised. They hadn't seen each other since WWII.

Steve: This is awkward.

Red Skull: Indeed.

Goku: So, you're the Guardian of the Soul Stone? Well this is something I never seen coming.

Red Skull: That is correct, Kakarot, Son of Bardock now Son of the Captain.

Steve: We don't mean trouble. We're here to retrieve the stone to you.

He hands the stone backto Red Skull and they walked away.

Goku: That has to be uncomfortable, seeing your first enemy in nearly a decade at another planet.

Steve: You're telling me. *sighs* Son, I need to check on something. You can go back.

Goku: Why, what's wrong, dad?

Steve: Nothing. You can go, I'll catch up to you.

Goku: Okay. See ya soon.

Goku reappears at the present.

Nat: So how was your experience, going into different worlds?

Goku: I wished I stayed longer to look around.

Sam: And your dad?

Goku: He says he's going to do something, but didn't tell me what it is.

Bruce: Okay, let's wait for him.

After a minute, Steve didn't returned, getting everyone worried as Bruce and Scott check to see if the controls are good. Then, Goku sensed something familiar and looks ahead, catching Nat and the others attention.

Nat: Son, why are you-

Goku walks forward and sees an old man sitting there. His energy is very familiar.

Goku: Dad? Is that you?

Steve looks at his teenage son, making him correct his suspicion that this old man is Captain America.

Goku: Dad, why are you old? Did you stayed at a time period?

Steve: Yes, I did, son.

He stood up as the others went up to them. Steve grabs Goku's hand and holds it.

Steve: Son, you made me a changed man since you came to my life. You were always there when I need company and I was there when you need guidance.

Goku: You were the first human I considered a friend when we met. But you became my father since then.

Steve: I want to say I'm proud of you. You grow up to become a fine young man, willing to risk your life for everyone here and for those you love so much.

Goku: You helped me show what I always want during my time in my planet: friends, family, and compassion. I can't thank you enough for being there for me and helping me to follow this path. I'm proud to be your son.

Steve: I'm proud to be your father, as well.

Goku gives out some tears as he hugs his now elderly father, who has a ring around one of his fingers. Steve past the mantle of Captain America to Sam Wilson as he now can live peacefully.

Now, Goku was sitting at the same place he landed in, admiring the view around him. His father may no longer be an Avenger, but he'll always be there for guidance and support, especially for his son.

Goku: To think everything went better when I came to Earth. I should thank my real father and mother for giving me a pure heart and show compassion. And for my friends who gave me the powers I now carry.

Goku stood and flies off.

Goku: *narrates* All my life, I was told to kill, show no mercy, and torture others. But my heart wasn't agreeing to this. Earth has taught me how to show compassion, love others, and share great moments to those around you. Steve Rogers, mg father, gave me the opportunity to live out the rest of my life away from conquering and murder and the others helped me grow more open to everyone. Now, my life has changed and I want to keep it that way. My name is Goku Rogers, Son of Captain America, Earth's Mightiest Defender, A Saiyan. This is my story of Redemption.

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