Near Reemerging

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About a year has past since SHIELD has collapse, thanks to the resurging of HYDRA, and now the Avengers go to different location, suspected of HYDRA Bases to take them down. Including, finding Loki's Scepter that was once in SHIELD's possession until HYDRA stole it.

Goku was planning to joined them, but stayed, due to the fact that he's trying to go back to the Mysterious form he used to save his friends, two years ago. His power was beyond any Saiyan he knows in his life, but that transformation was even further beyond.

The young Saiyan later told the Avengers about this form he became, during one of his missions, and they were confused that he got access to it, by energy transfer by 5 other Saiyans. However, they understood that he's training to find the form again, so he could try to control it's power.

He would also trains with his now known ability to clone himself, but still couldn't access to the form again, which he grew frustrated. He needed to master the transformation, in order to avoid serious consequences, from hurting the people of Earth, or his own family.

Now, Goku has finished his evening training, as he heard the Avengers are coming back with success: the once again took down another HYDRA base, and finally retrieved the Scepter. He has grown stronger with his training with his father, Natasha, Clint and Thor, but he still couldn't find a way to access the mysterious form.

He puts on a orange and blue t-shirt and some ordinary pants as he he could see from far away the Quinjet coming. He goes to where Maria and Dr. Helen Cho were waiting, as he stands next to Maria. He and Helen got along pretty well, being very good friends.

Maria: *looks down at the kid* Ready to see you're dad again?

Goku: Yeah. *he looks straight, until he senses something* Clint's hurt.

Both older women were surprised that he found out, without no one telling him.

Helen: How did you know?

Goku: I can sense a being's life force, also determining if their alive or slowly dying.

Later, the Quinjet lands on the landing pad, as it folds it wings up, while the backdoor opens. There, some medics took Clint to the Infirmary on a stretcher with Natasha, as Cho follows them. Maria and Goku walked up to the ship, passing Thor as he had the Scepter with him and they see Tony on the pilot area and Steve was next to it, sitting down.

Maria: Lad's all set up, boss.

Tony: Oh actually, he's the boss. *points at Steve* I just pay for everything and design everything and *standing up* making it look cooler.

Steve stands up and walks up to Maria and Goku, as he kneels down and hugs his adopted son, while he hugs back. He picks him up and puts him on his shoulder.

Steve: How was you're day, buddy?

Goku: Eh, nothing new.

Steve: * looks at Maria* What's the word on Strucker?

Maria: NATO's got him.

Steve: And the two Enhanced?

Maria: Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, twins. *shows a video of them in her pad* Orphaned at 10 when a shell collapse in their apartment building.

Steve puts Goku down as the three walked out of the jet.

Maria: Sokovia has had a rough history. It's nowhere special, but it's on their way to everything special.

Goku: Do they have any kind of abilities that could make them a threat? Because in my view point, they look quite nice.

Maria: Well, Goku. This will might change you're mind.

She later explained the twins abilities, from Pietro's speed and Wanda's mind control. Simply put it:

Maria: He's fast and she's weird.

Goku: Well, I'm weird, too. Heck, I got a tail, for goodness sake.

Maria: That's probably due to the fact you're an alien and they have Enhanced powers.

Steve: Well, their gonna show up again.

Maria: Agreed. Files say they volunteered for Strucker's experiments.

Steve and Goku entered the elevator as they turned to Maria.

Maria: It's nuts.

Steve: Right. *presses a button on the elevator* What kind of monster would let a German scientist to experiment on them to protect their country?

Maria: We're not at war, Captain.

Goku/Steve: They are. *elevator doors closes*

The elevator rises up, as Steve looks down at Goku.

Steve: Any luck figuring out the form?

Goku: No, not yet. But I'll keep trying.

Steve: Do you still remember you're experience in that transformation? If so, how did it felt?

Goku: It was like one realm of power I never heard of or experienced it. It's also didn't waste my ki when I was in that form.

Steve: Hmm. Maybe, you should try to hold your ki, maybe that way you could regain access to it.

Goku: I'll see what I can do. Thanks dad.

Steve: No problem, son. If you need anything let me or the others know, okay?

Goku: Sure.

*Later on*

Goku was training in the room where Tony made for him to train. He checks on how much ki he was leaking out from his body, as he tries to hold it in like his father said. Right now, the Avengers were having a party, with several adults there, so he can't go there.

He starts fighting a clone of him, since he needed to practice, before going to the theory. After a kick workout, he stops.

Goku: Alright. Now, I need to hold my ki within my body, like dad said.

He and his clone went into a fighting stance as they charged at each other, with Goku holding his ki as it rised up. They traded blows, until their fists, is when Goku felt a sense of impact within him. The clone disappears as he looks at his hands, feeling the pressure of this power, one he remembered well, not by memory, but body as well.

Goku: So this is the power I was looking for years. It feels amazing.

He does some quick strikes, but it was so quick even he can see them. He was amazed from this new power. He started smiling, not believing he managed to access the power. Unknown to him, someone felt his power, and was shook to ever feel this power.

*Moments Before*

After the party, the Avengers, along with Maria, Rhodey, and Sam were now having a little competition to see who could lift Thor's Hammer. Clint bragged that it's just a trick, so Thor decided to put Mjolnir on the table and let someone lift it.

First, Clint tries it, but couldn't lift it. Then, Tony gives it a try, but couldn't lift it, even with his Iron Man gauntlet, nor the help with James Rhodes. Next, Bruce tries it, but ultimately embarrassed himself with his growling, that made Natasha smile. Then, Steve decides to try it.

While he warms up, Thor felt a sudden increased of power. He couldn't feel how powerful it was, but he does feel the pressure. He then realized it came from Goku, which shocked him, knowing that the young boy must've regain the hidden power he tried to find.

Then, he regains his focus, as Steve starts to try and lift the Hammer. But, what no one, but Thor, noticed that Mjolnir moved a bit, less than a centimeter. He later gives up.

JARVIS: Sir, Goku Rogers has finished with his training. He's heading to this room, now. 

Tony: Thank you, JARVIS.

Sam: So was Goku training all this time?

Maria: Yeah. He can handle any sort of training.

Bruce: Plus, Thor here trained him too.

James: Jesus. I know he's an alien, but how much he can handle. He still a kid, you know.

Nat: Well when me and Steve first started training him, he barely break a sweat.

Thor: He had a some difficulty when I trained him as well, but ultimately he got the hang of it later on.

Steve: Goku told me that his species can go through the toughest of battles, and if they lived, their bodies learned from the experience and once healed, they become stronger.

Tony: Man, can this kid nor impress us more?

Then, the elevator door opens as everyone looks at it, expecting to see Goku there. They see him, as he floats towards them.

Goku: Enjoyed the party?

Tony: Yep.

Goku: So, what is going on here?

Nat: Clint here said that if no one can't lift Thor's Hammer, that it's just a trick. So, Thor allowed anyone to try to lift his hammer, but no one couldn't lift it.

Goku: Not even dad? I expected him to lift it, for a short while.

Clint: Well, kid. He couldn't. And I still believed it's a trick.

Thor: Well, is anybody else want to try? Anyone?

Everyone didn't say anything, not wanting to try to lift the Hammer expecting the result. Then, Maria gave a glance at Goku, and made a grin on her face.

Maria: Why don't you try it, Goku?

Everyone stared at Goku, who was confused and stunned.

Goku: Me? Uh, I don't know.

Sam: I really doubt it, little dude. I don't think you can lift it.

Nat: Well, my маленький воин's got a the best chance out of all of us. *she looks at Goku with a encouraging smile* You can do this.

Clint: Seriously? If none of us can lift Thor's Hammer, what the hell makes you think the kid can?

Steve: I maybe against it, but I really believe Goku can lift the Hammer. Let's see if he could.

Sam: Alright, then. I still don't think he could lift it.

Goku looks at the Hammer, as he looks around everyone, as he breaths in deeply, calming his nerves. He grabs the handle with a tight grip as he floats up, and pulls it with all of his strength...and almost hitting his face with it, but he dodges just at the right time as it swung through the air.

Goku: Phew, that was close.

Goku gives a few swings with the Hammer, not believing it was lighter than he expected. He looks at the adults, and they had shocked faces, with Clint and Sam having their eyes widen. Natasha had a proud smile on her face, as Bruce was stunned, but amazed that the kid managed to lift it.

Steve had a proud smile on his face, while still stunned, along with the others, as Thor had a proud look as well.

Nat: You did it, маленький воин.

Goku: I can't believe it. I expected to be not worthy of lifting it, but I guess I was wrong.

He gave the Hammer back to Thor, now being the only mortal to lift Mjolnir.

Thor: Well, that indicates that all, but Goku, are not worthy.

Everyone scoffs as Goku smiles and Steve pats him in the head.

?: How adorable.

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