Meeting with the Avengers

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5 months have past since the Fall of SHIELD and reemergence of HYDRA. With SHIELD taken out, HYDRA grew back from the ground, since the late 1940's, and the Avengers are needed to locate and take them down. Steve Rogers spend a few months watching over Goku, while Finding Bucky, with no success.

He was then called by Tony Stark to come to Avengers Tower, so they could meet, along with the other Avengers, to discuss on locating HYDRA bases. Steve reluctantly accepts, but didn't tell Stark about Goku.

Tony ends the call, as Steve tells Goku that he is going with him to Avengers Tower. Goku accepts, since he wants to see his father's teammates, as Steve would tell him about them, and wants to know them better. After traveling to New York, they head to Avengers Tower, which had a remodeling since the Chitauri Attack in 2012, as they walked inside the building.

Goku: Wow, this place is amazing.

Steve: It sure is, son. But, you didn't see everything yet.

They went to the counter, where Tony's wife, Pepper Potts was wait.

Pepper: Hello, Captain. It's good to see you again.

Steve: Likewise, Mrs. Potts.

Pepper then looks down, and sees a young boy next to Steve. She asks herself why is Steve with the boy here, until Steve noticed where she's looking.

Steve: This is my son, Goku. I adopted him nearly a year ago. Goku this is Pepper Potts, the wife of Tony Stark.

Goku nods at his father, as he looks back the woman, who was stunned that this boy was Steve's son. He lifts his hand up, and then he talks to her.

Goku: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Potts.

Pepper: *shakes his hand* A pleasure to meet you too, Goku. I didn't expect Steve to adopt a kid.

Steve: Well, I found him alone, with no one for him to stay, so I decided to take him in as my own.

Pepper: *smiles at him* That is so sweet of you, Steve.

Steve: Thank you.

Pepper: Tony is at the top of the building with Dr. Banner and Clint Barton and Natasha, including Thor.

Steve: Okay, thank you. Let's go, son.

Goku nods as he said goodbye to Pepper as he follows Steve on the elevator. They went inside as Steve presses the buttons on the elevator, as it starts to rise up.

*With Tony*

Tony was talking with Bruce about some science stuff, and some projects that they're working on. Clint was talking with Natasha and Thor, as they waited for Steve to arrive.

JARVIS: Mr. Stark, Captain Rogers has arrived and is now heading this room.

Tony: Thanks, JARVIS.

JARVIS: But, he's not alone. It appears he's with a young boy with him in the elevator.

This confused everyone, except Natasha, who knows who is JARVIS talking about. The elevator doors opens, as it reveals Steve Rogers there, and with the boy that JARVIS said. What strikes the others, is that he had spiky black hair that defies gravity, his body was too muscular for his age, and he has a furry brown belt around his waist.

Steve and Goku walk up to them, as they only focused on the young boy.

Steve: Everyone, this is my son, Goku. I adopted him when I found him alone nearly a year ago, before what happened to SHIELD.

Everyone was stunned, except Natasha, that the young boy is the adopted son of Captain America. Though, they felt amazed that Steve decided to care for the boy and happy that he has someone to stay with.

Bruce walks up to kid and kneels down.

Bruce: Nice to meet you, Goku. I'm Bruce Banner.

They shake hands as Goku smiled.

Goku: Nice to meet you, Mr. Banner. Dad told me all about you and the others, including the thing you turn into, the Hulk.

Bruce: Yes, that true.

Bruce stands up as Tony walks up next to him.

Tony: Nice to meet, little guy. My name is Tony Stark.

Goku: Nice to meet you, Mr. Stark. Dad told me he didn't get along with you at first, but would later put aside your differences in order to stop the Invasion of New York.

Tony: And so he did.

They back away as Nat, Clint and Thor join in.

Nat: Nice to see you again, Goku.

She kneels down and hugs him, as he hugs back.

Goku: *giggles* You too, Natasha.

The break the hug as Clint kneels to the boys level.

Clint: It's nice to meet ya, Goku. I'm glad that you have someone like Steve to be your father. I'm Clint Barton, by the way.

Goku: Nice to meet you, Mr. Barton.

Then, Thor joins in, actually liking the boy's respectful attitude towards his comrades.

Thor: It's an honor to meet you, young Goku. I am Thor, The God Of Thunder.

Goku: Nice to meet you too, Thor.

The others gained a liking at this kid's behavior.

Clint: Hey, Natasha. How did you know Goku, before us?

Natasha: I first found out that Steve adopted him. Then, Steve called me to discuss something regarding Goku, and then when I went to his apartment, that's where I met him.

Tony: Interesting.

Bruce: And why didn't you tell us about him, before?

Natasha: It's because has something not all kids are known for. We had to keep it a secret, so no one would suspect him, and try to take him away.

Clint: Like what secret?

Nat and Steve didn't say a word, as they looked down at Goku. After a while of thinking, he decided to tell them. First, he unravels his 'belt' from his waist, causing the other Avengers to go into shock.

Tony: Is-

Clint: A-

Bruce: Real-

Thor: Tail?!

Goku: *nods* You see, I come from a a planet of species known as the Saiyans. They are like humans, but with advance strength and senses, muscular build, long spiky black hair, and the obvious brown tail with them.

Tony, Bruce, Clint, and Thor were stunned that the boy in front of them is an alien, he still looks like and average human kid, without the tail and muscles.

Bruce: That's amazing. I mean, we knew there's life outside of Earth, but they never come to Earth peaceful, no offense Thor.

Thor: None taken. But, why did you come here to Earth in the first place?

Goku: To explain, I need to tell you what my race have done, first. *sighs* You see, we're not a peaceful race. We were a warrior race, that craves fighting and destruction. We would frequently be sent to different planets to do atrocious things to the people there.

Clint: Like what?

Goku: Purging.

This stunned the other Avengers, not believing that this boy's race has killed many innocent people in different planets. Natasha knows about Goku's history, but this was still shocking to hear from a boy grew to like when they first meet.

Goku: We would kill anyone living in the planet we were assigned to. After wiping out the population, we would leave the planet for sale. Unfortunately, the Saiyans would also send their children to different planets to do the same thing, even sending them all alone, without the care of their parents.

That really disgusted the Avengers, even with Natasha and Steve knowing it. But, it was a blow to the face, that the others realized something.

Clint: So you mean that-

Goku just looks down, ashamed to even tell, but it was obvious that he was one of those kids sent to different planets to kill. He knew what he had done, but he has a huge amount of remorse for his actions, and he's a kid, so was forced to do it. After a long while of silence, Goku resumes, explaining why he came to Earth.

Goku: So about a year ago, I was sent here by my parents. They told me a meteor was heading to our planet and they wanted me to leave for my protection. I listened, also accepting this as an opportunity to get a second chance at life and I was sent here to Earth. After landing there, I was found by dad and he took me in. Even though I told him everything, he still took care of me.

Steve: It's because someone like you deserves a second chance. You regretted everything you've been in the past, and I took you in, so you would grow a better person than what your race wants you to be.

Goku smiles as he hugs his father's leg, as he kneels down and hugs him back. The others were amazed and heart warmed by the scene in front of them. After a while, the broke the hug and stared at the others.

Bruce: Don't worry, buddy. You're secrets safe with me.

Tony: Me, too.

Clint: You're secrets fine with me, as well.

Thor: Me as well. You deserved to life a better life that what you had with your race, and I gladly will be there for you if you need company.

Goku smiles brightly at them, happy that they understand why he's here and what he's done in the past.

Goku: Thank you guys.


Goku and the other Avengers got along pretty well since then. Goku would have conversations with them, wanting to know more about them, so he could know them better. He even told them that he trained with Steve and Natasha, before the Collapse of SHIELD, in which they were surprised that he was trained by them.

Natasha and Steve later tell them that Goku had joined with them during the time SHIELD was under HYDRA'S control, saving Nat and fighting the Winter Soldier. Even, when he joined along side them in order to stop Project Insight from massacring thousands of lives. This was amazing to the others, not believing the young boy was strong enough to do all that.

3 months has pasts since Goku meets with the other Avengers, and has grew close to them, as they do with him. He would also train with Hawkeye, Black Widow, his father, and even Thor, since the God of Thunder explains that Goku is stronger that what they believe he is, and wants to train him in order to control his powers. At first, Steve was hesitant, but he later accepts, since he doesn't want Goku to lose control over his own powers.

The young Saiyan would also meet with some of Tony's friends, like Colonel James Rhodes, aka, War Machine, and Happy Hogan. So far, his life with the Avengers was going on very well for him. However, something in his past has come to haunt him in his dreams. It was the same dream about the time he had transformed into something he never knew existed.

He has heard about the Super Saiyan, bit he doubts the form he turned into was in fact the legendary form Saiyans would tell tales from. He really needs to learn about this form, since if he transforms it again, it would have serious consequences for him and his new Superfamily.

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