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After taking out those men, Goku continues his way to find the chief and the Dragon Ball. As he climbs up some stairs, he encounter a tall man sitting at a chair, waiting for him.

Goku: I guessing I have to beat you in order to continue my way, right?

Metallic: That is correct.

Metallic stood up as he looks down at the young saiyan. Goku couldn't sense anything from him, giving him the idea that he must be a machine.

Goku: Why am I having Terminator vibes from him? Arnold Schwarzenegger is a better Terminator than this hunk of junk.

Then, metallic charged at the boy, going to punch him. He goes for the punch, but Goku disappeared before the impact.

Metallic: What? Where did he-

He was then stabbed from the back by a large blade. It was stinking out of his chest, before it was pulled up, cutting his entire head in half, killing him. Goku stares down at the Android and shook his head.

Goku: Ultron was way cooler and more powerful than this guy.

He sets his sword up and continues his way to find the chief. As he does, be was confronted by some soldiers who tried to shoot him, but he just takes them down very easily. He then makes his up and finds General White a few yards away from him.

Goku: *smirks* Where do you think you're going, punk?

White just runs off as Goku chases him. He was just toying with the General, until they went into a room and White turns around with a button on his hand. He smirks as he pressed the button as a tall android was activated.

White: Number 8, destroy that brat!

#8 looks down at the boy as Goku prepares for a fight until...

Android 8: No.

This caught both Goku and White off guard.

White: What?! What did you say?!

#8: I said no. Living things cannot be killed. I don't like doing bad things.

Goku was shocked that this android was kind and sweet. He looks harmless, but that maybe because he's not mad. But White on the other hand, was furious.

White: Wh-why are you saying stupid stuff like that?! It is finally time for you to do some work!

#8: I know you guys are up to no good. You took the village chief as a hostage and caused problems for everyone.

White: Stop acting like this! We of the red ribbon army are the ones who made you!are you saying you will not obey the ones who gave you life!

#8: I can't do it…sorry.

White: What! You useless coward! Fine if you absolutely refuse to obey me then let me tell you this! *he pulls out the remote* Answer me android 8! We attached a bob to you just in case something like this happened! *points at the button* If I press this button right here on this remote you'll blow to pieces!

Goku was stunned by the news of a bomb as #8 looks down.

#8: I really can't do anything bad!

White: Bastard…Traitor! You are a total failure! Well, die you useless pile of junk!

He goes to press the button, as Android 8 braced himself, until Goku went to action and blasts the remote from his gun, destroying it.

White: You brat! That was my remote!

Goku shuts him up with a shockwave, sending him flying out of the building. He turns around and looks up at the Android.

#8: Thank you for helping me, I'm happy!

Goku: No problem. You have a good heart for an Android. I couldn't see you die like that. I'm Goku by the way.

#8: Thank you. I am Android 8.

Goku: You're welcome. Since you know where is the Chief, can you take me where he is?

#8: Sure, follow me.

They then went to go and free the chief.

Goku: Which floor are we going, Hachi?

Hachi: At the 6th floor.

Goku: Okay.

Hachi: Also, why do you call me Hachi?

Goku: Oh, it's eight in Japanese. I figured I should call you Hachi instead of eight.

Hachi: Huh. Hachi. I like it.

Goku: Glad you did.

They then made it to the 6th floor as they see a cell there. Hachi opens it as there was an old man there reading a book.

Goku: Rise and shine, Chief. You're free to go.

Chief: W-why thank you.

Goku: Come on, let's go back to the village.

They then all headed out of the tower or what was left after Goku destroyed it. Goku began to get hungry and held his stomach in pain.

Hachi: Are you okay, Goku?

Goku: Yeah, just hungry.

Hachi: Here, let me help you.

Hachi then puts Goku in his jacket to keep him warm as Goku went to sleep.


Goku was shook awake by Suno and was told that dinner was ready in the kitchen. He looked around to remember where he was then headed with Suno to the kitchen table. After eating a lot, Goku was now satisfied.

Goku: Thanks for the food. It was delicious.

Suno's Father: It's the best we can thank you for what you did for our village.

Goku: I can't just let a village suffer from terrorism. I always have to help. By the way, have any of you managed to find the Dragon Ball, but I took out General White and his goons?

One of the Villagers: Now that you mentioned it, we didn't find it.

Hachi: You mean this?

He shows a Dragon Ball in his hand, surprising everyone that he had it the whole time.

Goku: Where did you find it, Hachi?!

Hachi: When I was outside one day I just happened to some across it….but general white was planning to kill everyone in the village once he found it so I hid it.

Chief: Excellent! Thank you for hiding it until know! Say, why don't you live with us?

Hachi: M-me?

Goku: Yeah, Hachi. You should stay so you can protect them.

Hachi: But, I'm an android.

Chief: So, what? There are both good or bad humans out there, too! That doesn't mean anything!

Hachi: *wipes some tears of his face* Thank you.

Goku: No that that's settled, I'll be leaving now.

Hachi: Why don't live here with us?

Goku: I'd like to, but I need to continue on looking for the Dragon Balls so the Red Ribbon Army can't get their hands on them.

Chief: That's true. They'll stop at nothing when they find all of them.

Goku: Yes. I'll come a visit you all someday.

Suno: Be careful, Goku.

Goku: I promise, Suno. Besides, an army like that won't be a bother for me.

He stood up and puts two fingers on his forehead, until he looks at everyone.

Goku: Can I ask you all, something?

Chief: Sure.

Goku: If you happened to meet a man by the name of Steve Rogers or Captain America, tell him that his son, Goku was here.

He then, disappears after everyone nods to his request.


Goku returned to his dorm at the Avengers Facility. He then goes to Tony's lab when was not there, as he was on vacation and decides to work on something. What many didn't know is that Goku actually helped Tony remodel his scouter and his armor, which gave Goku some form of intelligence in making something.

And so, he starts building a device that can help him find the Dragon Balls quicker than his scouter as he starts a blueprint on how he would make it. After making a blueprint,with the help from FRIDAY, he starts making the device.

Friday: May I ask, Goku, why are you making this device?

Goku: For something important, Friday. Just don't tell Tony or anyone what I'm making, okay?

Friday: I promise.

After making the outer form of the device, he took one of the Dragon Balls and starts making a signal so it can be tracked. Luckily, the Orb can emit a faint Electromagnetic pulse, which gave him the advantage in making the tracking system. After almost 3 hours of making the device, he was finally done.

Friday: Congratulations, Goku. You made your first device.

Goku: Thanks, Friday. Now to test it.

He turns it on as he test on it, to see if it can track the Dragon Balls. To his relief, it does as it tracks on the two orbs he has right now.

Goku: Good. It works. Thanks for helping me making this, Friday.

Friday: You're welcome, Goku. I promise not to tell anyone.

Goku: Thank you.

Goku leaves the lab so he can go back to his room. As he enters in his room, he grabs a bag for him to carry the dragon balls as he looks at his 'Dragon Radar' and find outs the other five Dragon Balls. After looking at the nearest one, he sets his stuff up and leaves to go continue his search to find the Dragon Balls and take down the Red Ribbon Army. He just wonder what his dad and his friends are doing right now. Are they taking down any other RR soldiers, too? The answer will most likely be: Yes.

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