What are these Orbs?

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About a year has passed since the Civil War and now the Avengers are separated and Captain America and his team were now hiding from the Authorities, while still helping those in need. They were not the only ones, though as Goku was going city by city, country by country doing the same thing. This caused problems with the Accords, for there was little success to it as Goku was saving people from disasters, terrorism and stopping planned attacks from the bad guys.

So far, Goku has done well with Tony and the military not knowing it was him that's causing problems with the Sokovia Accords as he saves a lot of people, more than what the UN can handle.

*somewhere in a forest*

Random Man: There's no freaking way we'll be able to it easily, a tiny ball in this huge place!

Other Man: We've been looking for it for 20 days and our lives depend on it!

These two men were looking through the bushes for something important. So important that if they fail to find it, they might get executed for their failure. Then, they see a kid near a rock as it goes to grab something behind it.

Goku has seen something shining in the sunlight as he follows where it came from. He lands near a rock, ignoring the two men near him as he looks behind the rock and grabs something. He pulls it out to reveal a small orange orb with Four Red Stars inside it.

Goku: Wow, this looks awesome! I never seen this before! What is it?


He turns to now see two men that look like soldiers with guns.

One of them: C-could that be the Dragon Ball?!

Goku: *narrowing his brows* You know this ball?

Other man: Who is this kid?!

Other man: *smirks* H-he found it so easily! We're pretty lucky then, that this kid found it for us, hey hand over that ball.

Goku can feel some bad vibes from the two men.

Goku: And what are you gonna do if a I don't!

Soldier: Don't make this any harder than it has to be. You don't want to die right? C'mon hand it over!

Goku: Not gonna happen, old fart!

Soldier: Gimme that ball!

The man then tried to take it from him causing Goku to jump into action by kicking him hard in the stomach sending him flying and shocking the other man.

Other Soldier: You little brat!

He then shot at him with his pistol but Goku dodged each of the bullets then rushed forward at him and punched him in the jaw sending him straight into the track.

Goku: Whatever this 'Dragon Ball' is, I should keep it with me for safe keeping.

He puts the ball his pocket as he flies off, but one of the soldiers managed make a call so someone.


Commander Silver: What did you say?!

He then sees Goku flying through the sky as he grabs his bazooka and points it at him. He then fires the weapon as it hit the boy.

Silver: Not as tough as I was-huh?!

He sees Goku having his shield out that blocked the bazooka from hitting him. He flies down and lands a few feet away from the man.

Goku: *pissed* The hell was that for?!

Silver: Answer my question….why are you collecting the dragon balls? 

Goku: I don't know what you're talking about, idiot. All I know is that you and those goons must be looking for this thing and have bad intentions in mind. So I won't let you have it.

Silver: You dare defy the Red Ribbon Army? The only last remaining forces for HYDRA that has the fire power? You seemed to be to stupid one kid.

Goku: Says the dumbass that shot a freaking bazooka at me.

Silver: Enough talk! You give me that Dragon Ball, and I'll might spare your miserable life.

Goku: Ooh, I'm scared. Why don't you run along like a little coward so I can go do something else?

Silver: You mock me?! I'll put you out in five seconds!

He charged at him and goes for a punch, only to be blocked and gets a haymaker, sending him flying. He the stood up and goes for a kick, only to be caught and gets his leg broken from an elbow and a hard punch to the chest.

Goku: Well, that's finished. Maybe I could find out what are these dragon balls and why these guys want with them.

He flies off, leaving Silver in a heap.

*somewhere in an old library in Japan*

Goku found himself in an old library in the country of Japan as he enters it. He looks around and sees a lot of books in there and begins his search for info on the Dragon Balls. After a while, he managed to find an old book about Mystical Orbs as he opens it and begins to read.

Goku: Dragon Balls: 7 Mystical Orange Orbs with stars inside them. Individually, they can't do anything, but when they're all together, they can summon the Dragon Shenron, and can grant you a wish of any kind. When the wish is complete, the Dragon disappears and the Dragon Balls fly up to the sky together, before scattering through the Earth. They will remain as stones, until a full year has passed so they can be used again.

Goku closes the book as he had a shock look in his face.

Goku: So that's why they were looking for this orb. They're going to use the Dragon Balls to get a wish granted. I may not know what it would be, but I bet it's nothing good.

He turns on his scouter as it gave him the signal to another Dragon Ball nearby another country. It was Russia cold area of the forest. He finds some winter clothing and flies to find the other Dragon Ball.


Goku finds himself looking for the Dragon Ball but couldn't find it through the thick snow. He then sees a small village as he flies down to find out where he is. He lands as he walks around the village as he goes to one of the houses and knocks on the door. Then, the door opens and a little girl come out from the other side.

Girl: Hello. Who are you?

Goku: I'm Goku Rogers. I came here to see if any of you know what I'm looking for. Plus, I'm getting really cold here.

Girl: Sure! Come in! My name is Suno and welcome to Jingle Village.

Goku: Nice to meet you, Suno!

They went inside as Goku takes of his winter outfit and set it aside.

Suno: Mom, we have a visitor!


Then, a woman appears as she sees Goku with her daughter.

Mother: Suno, who is this boy?

Goku: My name is Goku Rogers, ma'am. I came here to see if there's any trouble going on in this village.

Mother: We do. Some group known as the Red Ribbon Army forced some of our villagers, including my husband to look for something called a Dragon Ball.

She gave Goku some hot chocolate as he blows it a bit, before taking a long sip.

Goku: You mean like this?

He grabs the Dragon Ball he has in his hand and shows it to them.

Mother: Yes, that's the one! Where did you find it?

Goku: Before I came here, I found this far away and a couple of members of the Red Ribbon Army tried to take it from me. But they failed.

Suno: So there has to be another one of them around here. The Army to my daddy and some others were threatened to help them find it.

Goku: What?! What they can be planning on with the Dragon Balls?

Suno: I don't know, but I hope they leave it peace.

She looks at a window points at a tower near the village.

Suno: See that tower? Their keeping our chief inside there as a hostage and they told that if we go against their orders, they'll kill him.

Goku: Now that's just cruel! I'm going to go in there and save him, and taking out those goons as well.

Mother: What?! But you're a boy!

Goku: Don't worry, ma'am. I've been through much more that this. So, I can handle it.

Then, the door was push open, revealing two men with guns.

S1: Hey, that kid has a Dragon Ball!

S2: Must be that brat Colonel Silver told us about! Hey kid, give us that Dragon Ball or-

Goku just dashed towards them, knocking both men out in an instant.

Suno: Wow!

Mother: How did you-

Goku: There just insects to me. I'll go to that that tower, tarring it down and I'll find your chief and bring him back safe.

He puts on his winter closes and sets his weapons in place.

Mother: Well, I-I won't tell you to stop, but just don't overdo it.

This caused Goku to have a little flashback.

?: Kakarot, I know I can tell you to stop, but just don't overdue it, okay?

Kakarot: I promise, mother.

Suno: Goku are you okay?

Goku: Yeah, just had a little flashback. Anyway, I'll be back, I promise.

He flies out the house and heads to the Tower.

Suno: He seems way stronger than the soldiers..right mom?

Mother: Yes he's a nice boy. I would hate for him to die.


Goku lands on the snow and starts running, as he was detected the soldiers, who began to shoot at him but he moved faster and dodged each of the bullets and sent a force of energy out to knock each of the soldiers out then flew at to the tower and landed on a walkway. Goku looks at the door leading to the inside.

Goku: Just gotta find the chief and destroy this tower.

Then, someone came out in a speaker.

Man: Can you hear me boy?! Welcome to muscle tower! *he laughs* By the way what did you come to the tower for?

Goku: So save the Chief of a nearby village and tare this tower apart.

Man: Ok then head in that door and head up the stairs he's on the top floor! Now then! Do you really think you can make it all the way?!

Goku knew it was a trick, but he decides to play along, knowing what ever plan they have will backfire on them. He then walked in the door and on the other side a bunch of men were walking up to him trying to pick a fight.

Random: General White, can we kill him?

White: *through speaker* Do as you please.

One of the men goes to kick Goku, but he caught the leg and smashes him on the floor several times, like Hulk did to Loki. When he was done, he tosses him away like garbage, shocking the others.

You little punk!"

"Were gonna murder ya!"

Goku lunged at them, sending an elbow into a man's chest and a punch into another's jaw then turned to another who had a gun up.

Soldier: Little Punk!

He shoots at him, but Goku caught everyone bullet, as the man ran out of them.

Goku: Out of ammo, huh? Here you can have it back.

He flicks a couple of bullets back at him, hitting him several times before goes down. Goku leaves to continue his rescue mission.

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