Training with a Soldier and Assassin

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It has been a week since Steve found Goku, and has adopted him as his own son. Now, Goku has adapted to his new surroundings thanks to Steve, and has lived his new life quite peacefully. Both of them got along pretty well, as they shared stories and have fun.

Goku was confused when Steve said that he was a soldier from WWII, but he then understood when Rogers explained that he was frozen for 70 years after nearly sacrificing his life to stop a man named Red Skull from bombing several cities, including New York. Goku was amazed from the story of the Captain, and he shared some of his stories as well, like one time when he protected his older brother from bullying, and about times he explores his planet with some friends.

Steve couldn't help, but enjoy that Goku has grown close to him, like a son would to his father, as he grown close to him as well. He then tells the story about an Alien Invasion that happened in New York a few years back, and he joined a group of heroes to prevent the invaders from taking over Earth.

One day, Cap was in SHIELD HQ, looking into some files for his next possible mission. He had Goku stay with a neighbor in his apartment, so he won't be alone, as he knows that Goku will behave.

?: So you have a kid from outer space in your care? Interesting.

He turns around and sees a familiar face: Natasha Romanoff.

Steve: Let me guess: Fury told you?

Natasha: Yes, but I also saw you two leaving the building together, and Fury told me everything else. But, I won't tell about the boy's secret to anyone.

Steve just sighs, as he knew that Fury would tell her, but Natasha is trustworthy of holding that secret.

Tasha: Agent Hill also told me about him, that he was a kind and sweet kid, not making a fuss, which kinda surprises me, since sometimes kids can be troublemakers.

Steve: I was surprised as well, but at least he's a good kid.

Natasha: I could tell just how Maria described him.

Steve: Well, I need to go. See you soon, Romanoff.

He leaves as Natasha watches him going, as she thinks about Goku.


When Steve returned to his apartment, he sees police cars and ambulances around the building.

Steve: What happened?

Officer: Some dude holding a man and a kid hostage.

Steve nods as he gets closer to check to see if he could help. But he wasn't expecting this, though.
A man was sent flying from a second story window onto the floor, as everyone were stunned and confused about the scene. Steve recognized the window as the room where he left Goku, as it was revealed this man was the one that held hostages, but from the looks of him could tell that he's been severely beaten up, with his face all bruised and blooded.

The cops go towards and handcuffed him as mumbles that someone beat him up, and that it was a kid. No one pay attention to what he was saying, except Steve, as he was taken away. Rogers went inside, along with Paramedics as they head to the room, only to see the resident and Goku, not harmed.

Steve: Goku. Let's go.

Goku nods as he said goodbye to the room owner as he and Steve leaves to his apartment room. As they went inside, Rogers could see that Goku had some blood on his hands.

Steve: Goku, are you the one who threw the man off the window?

Goku: *nods* He came in and tried to rob the man and held us captive, but I gave him a good beat down, and then threw him off the window. He was really weak, though.

Steve: So you fought him, not only to protect the man, but for a workout?

Goku: Yep. Saiyans have the tendency to want to train to become stronger, and the guy didn't put up a fight.

Steve was impressed that Goku has that kind of strength, but is worried that he could accidentally kill someone.

Steve: Well, I be the one to know that you're too young to fight, kid. But you protected a man from danger, so I think you should learn to fight, but not kill.

Goku: I understand, dad. I was trained to be a killing machine, but this is the first time I held back, so the man won't get killed.

Steve has grown proud for Goku. He could tell that he beat up the man, but doesn't want to kill him, so he holds back his power so he could take him down.

Steve: That's the spirit, son. And that's why I'll teach you how to fight as a fighter, not a killer.

Goku nods as he couldn't wait to be trained by his adopted father.

*The next day*

Goku and Steve went to an area where they could train and not get noticed by anyone. First, they did a warm up fight, which Steve notices that Goku's strength is quite above his own. Once they started the real fight, Goku's strength was far beyond anything he dealt with for years. They continued fighting, only relying on their skills and strength, but Steve noticed that Goku lacks barely a few skills, which it kinda gave him an advantage, but was still overshadowed by Goku.

After the sparing match, both of them relaxed, as they had a few cuts and bruises on their bodies, mostly Steve.

Steve: You did well out there, Goku. I'm impressed, but I found a few flaws in your fighting style.

Goku nods as he waits for what would Steve say to him.

Steve: You have the speed and strength that is way beyond me in anyway, even to some villains I've face over the years. You're endurance and durability are quite impressive as well. But, what I could see is that you lacked the skills and stamina for a fight, which I myself had taken advantage on in our fight.

Goku: Well, Saiyans believed that our strengths and speed is enough, since we would be dealing with people that are weaker than them.

Steve: They must've felt they would never deal with something that could potentially be stronger than them, I guess.

Goku: Yep.

Steve: Alright, then. We'll be focusing on your skills and stamina, so you could avoid giving your opponent the advantage. I will also have someone to train you too, so you can avoid getting seen by other people.

Goku nods as they left the area to go back to the city and grab something to eat. Luckily, Goku also told Steve that Saiyans have large metabolisms, so they need to eat a lot, and luckily for Steve, SHIELD can pay him the costs for all the food Goku eats.

*2 weeks later*

Steve and Goku had trained very hard in the last 2 weeks, and The young Saiyan managed to learn more of his father's fighting style as he masters his own. One day, Steve went to a store to buy some groceries, as he left Goku with someone to babysit him.

This person was his next door neighbor Sharon Carter, aka, Agent 13. She has frequently met Goku in the apartment and the two got along pretty well, and she has happy that Steve asked her to babysit him for a while.

Sharon was also informed by Steve that Goku isn't a normal kid, but she didn't mind. She was kinda shocked to see a monkey tail on Goku's backside, but she was use to it from seeing aliens, portals, Gods and so on.

Sharon: So you came from another world?

Goku: Yep. It was kinda like Earth, but more red and it has 10 times the gravity of this planet.

Sharon: Jesus, that most be hard to walk around there, with all that gravity.

Goku: Yeah, but we got use to it. When I arrived on this planet, I was surprised that the gravity was very light, and felt like I was going to float.

Sharon chuckled from that, as Goku chuckled too. Then, the door knocked, but they weren't expecting someone. Agent 13 goes to the door, and opens it, then was shocked to see someone she didn't expect to see.

Sharon: Agent Romanoff?

Natasha: Hello, Agent Carter. Is Steve here?

Sharon: N-no. He left to get something, but he'll return. So, you can wait here, till he comes back.

Tasha nods as she went inside the room, then she sees Goku sitting down, looking up at her. She has seen him once when he was with Steve when he first arrived, and this is the first time she sees him close. Goku stood up and walks up to her, still staring at her.

Goku: Hello, pretty lady. What's you're name?

Natasha was a bit taken aback from him calling her 'pretty'. She was expecting him to be a bit nervous, but she could tell the child his a bit naive for his age.

Natasha: Natasha. Natasha Romanoff. You must be Goku.

Goku: Yep, that's me. *smiles* I've heard of you: you were a spy and know works as an agent where dad works, occasionally teaming up when you you have the same mission.

Natasha was silent after that. She couldn't find the words to say to him. She never expected the kid to learn about her, even the way he talks to her wasn't what she was expecting.

Sharon: So, moving on, what are you doing here, Romanoff?

Natasha, after getting back her composure, looks at Sharon.

Natasha: I came here to see Steve. He wanted me to talk about something.

Sharon: Don't worry. Steve is probably coming soon, so sit down and wait.

Tasha nods as she sat a chair as she waits for Rogers to come back. While she waits, she looks back at Goku, who doing push ups in a headstand. What caught her interest was that he was counting up to 20.

Natasha: Don't you get tired of that?

Goku: *leaning his up to see her* Nope. I'm never tired of this. I had to work out a lot, so I don't feel rusty.

It really stunned her. She could tell the boy is strong, but doesn't know how strong he really is, which she wanted to know. Later, Steve returns from shopping as he knocks on the door, then Sharon opens it.

Sharon: Hey, Steve. Welcome back.

Steve: Thanks for looking after Goku for me. I appreciate it.

She nods and leaves as Steve closes the door. He looks back and sees Natasha talking with Goku, who was exercising.

Steve: *Nods* Agent Romanoff.

Tasha: Agent Rogers.

Steve: Goku, can you go to my room? We need to talks about something.

Goku nods as he stood up and leaves the living room as the adults watched him leave.

Steve: I see you meet him.

Natasha: Yeah. I've never seen a kid like him. So polite, yet naive at the same time.

Steve: Yeah. Now, about why I want to to talk with you.

She nods as the sat on some seats and look back at each other.

Steve: For the last 3 weeks I was taking care of Goku, I witnessed what kind of power he has, so I trained him so he could be less reckless in fighting, but I have another problem.

Natasha: And that is?

Steve: I need to make sure that no one will caught sight of him. As we know, he's a child from another world, and I don't want anyone find out that he's an alien. If it was revealed, they could take him away, maybe imprisoning him, for being different and a potential threat, in which he told he, he was sent here for a new life.

Natasha nods, understanding what Steve was talking about. From just looking at Goku, she can agree that he could get into trouble if he was found out, and it could terribly affect the child, who is still very young.

Natasha: And what do you need me for?

Steve: I need you to train him. Teach him some of your style so that no one would caught sight of him.

Natasha: *smiles* I was hoping you would say that.

Steve: *raised a brow* Really?

Nat: Yes. Just like you, I don't want the boy being taken away just because he's an alien. Even though I barely met him, I couldn't help, but really liking him and to see him taken away, would just break my heart.

Steve: Thank you for understanding.

Natasha: No problem, Rogers. I promise I will do anything I can to teach Goku to stay out of sight and avoid getting himself in danger.

Steve nods as they shook hands in agreement.


For the next few weeks, Goku was being trained by both Steve and Natasha. Both he and the Black Widow have got along pretty well, even sharing they back stories together. Natasha was shocked that this young boy, who she grown to like, was not only very powerful, but has killed many people while growing up.

It was shocking to her, because she was just like him, growing up to be a killer, something that they both didn't want, but were forced to do it. Goku also told her that sometimes he has to go through missions on his own, which really pissed her off.

Now, Goku Rogers has lived his life on Earth, better than his home planet, but he still missed his friends and family. He now goes to school, like every other kid, and he had his tail rapped around his waist like a belt, to not raise suspicion. He does feel bored about school, but it was the best way to learn more about Earth and other things. Now, he could only wonder what kind of adventures he'll have on this planet.

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