Meeting Sam Wilson. Unexpected Attack

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It has been 4 months since Goku landed on Earth, and he has adapted well to this new world. He would frequently train with his adopted father, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff, who he views as a mother figure, and would go to school normally in the same time. He has met with new friends at school, as well as some friends his father has, including meeting Steve old friend and once love interest Peggy Carter, who was absolutely adored by him.

Steve would take Goku to meet with Peggy, and both of them talk to each other, kinda like a grandmother talking to her grandson, even though Goku knew that his father could have been his grandfather, if he wasn't frozen for 70 years. Peggy really enjoyed the young boy, and was proud at Steve that he took care of him when he was alone.

One day, Steve returns from a mission that involves rescuing hostages and taking down pirates, and rode on his motorcycle to go pick up Goku from school. He drove to the front area of the school as he looks around trying to find the young alien boy. Soon, he saw him, talking to some students, possibly friends, as the kid saw him and said goodbye as he goes to his father.

Goku: Hey, dad.

Steve: Hey, son. Hop on, I'm going to take you somewhere.

Goku: Okay.

He gets on the motorcycle as Steve drove them away from the school to where he's planning to go.

Steve: How's school?

Goku: Normal. Also, I was doing some work, until some students started making fun on a girl, until stop them. They looked at me, and they ran away as I comforted the girl. Since then, we're now friends.

Steve: *smiles* You did well, Goku. Always stood up from bullies and help others in need.

Goku: Thanks dad.

Steve continues to drive as Goku wonders where are they going.


Steve and Goku went to the Smithsonian Institution to see the Captain America exhibit. Goku was marveling all the thing he's seeing in front off his a speaker was telling the story of his father's time in WWII. He also saw the exhibit where there was his father's uniform along with his original shield, in front of uniforms of his comrades in the war.

Then, both look at the exhibit of Cap's best friend Bucky Barnes, while hearing the speaker talk about him. Goku was told stories about Bucky by his father, even from Peggy, as he looks up at his father, who was staring silently at the picture of his fallen friend. He must've thought that he'd missed him, as he hugs his leg in comfort, and Steve thanked him with a pat in the head.

They later went to a small theater and watched an interview of Peggy, talking about Captain America and how he changed her life. Goku listens at the woman's words as Steve opens an old compass with Peggy's picture on it.


Both the father and son duo went to a retirement home to visit Peggy. Steve sat next to her as Goku was next to him as they looked at some old photos of her.

Steve: You should be proud of yourself, Peggy.

Peggy looks at the photos as she sighs.

Peggy: I have lived a life. My only regret is that you didn't get to leave yours.

Steve looks down, in a deep thought in his head, as Peggy noticed it, including Goku.

Peggy: What is it?

Steve: For as long as I could remember, I just wanted to do what's right. *looks at her* I guess I'm not quite sure what that is, anymore. And I thought I could-throw myself back in. Followers, serve.

He sighs a he looks at the elderly woman with an ironic smile.

Steve: It's not just the same.

Peggy just chuckles from what he said as she looks at Steve with a smile.

Peggy: You're always so dramatic.

Steve looks away as he continues to smile, knowing that Peggy was right about him.

Peggy: Look. *he slowly looks at her* You saved the world. We rather *hesitates because Goku was there* mucked it up.

Steve: You didn't. Knowing you help found SHIELD, is half the reason I stay.

Then, Peggy grabs his hands as he leans forward a little.

Peggy: The world has changed, that none of us can come back. All we could is our best, and sometimes the best of we could do is to start over.

She then coughs as Steve and Goku grew worried for her. Goku grabs a glass of water near him and gave it to Steve, and he silently thanked him. He then leans the glass to Peggy, but she should stared up at him.

Peggy: Steve.

Steve: Yeah?

She then starts to tear up as she looks at the Super Soldier.

Peggy: Y-You were alive. Y-Y came back.

Steve starts to tear up, and so was Goku, who was overwhelmed with such emotion that was in front of him.

Steve: *whisper* Yeah, I came back.

Peggy: *still sobbing as she shook her head, slowly* It's been so long. So long.

Steve nods as he leans closer to her.

Steve: *smiles gently* Well, I couldn't leave without my best girl. Now's just you and me a dance.

Goku and Steve stayed there a little long, until the decided to leave. Steve gently kisses Peggy as she kissed back. Goku kissed her in the cheek as she kisses him back, as well, before both said goodbye and left.

*Moments, later*

Goku and Steve went to the US Department of Veterans Affairs, as Steve told him about a man named Sam Wilson he met while jogging before he took him to school. They see Sam giving a speech during an end session with some veterans with PTSD.

After the session, Steve and Goku walked up to Wilson as he saying goodbye to a woman from the session, as he saw them.

Sam: Look who it is. The Running Man.

Goku tilts his head, not understanding the nickname as he and Steve walk closer to him.

Steve: Caught the last few minutes. It's pretty intense.

Sam: Yeah, brother. We got the same problems. Guilt, regret.

Goku: You lost someone?

Sam looks down at the kid, surprised that he knew what he meant, also wondering why is he here with Steve.

Steve: Oh, this is Goku, my son. Goku this is Sam Wilson, the man I met while jogging.

Goku lifts his hand up.

Goku: Nice to meet you, Mr. Wilson.

Sam: *shakes his hand* Nice to meet you, too, Little guy. Steve told me that he adopted a kid, but you don't look like any kid I've seen before.

Goku: I get that a lot.

Sam: To answer your question, yes I did. My wingman, Riley. Fly in the night mission. A standard PJ rescue op, nothing we hadn't done a thousand times before, till RPG knocked Riley's dumb ass out of the sky.

He pauses for a few seconds before continuing, while looking to the side.

Sam: Nothing I could do. *looks back at them* It's like I was up there just to watch.

Steve/Goku: I'm sorry.

Sam: After that, I had really hard hard time finding a reason for being over there, you know?

Steve nods as he looks away, and looks back at him.

Steve: But, your happy, now. Back in the world?

Sam: Hey, the number of people giving me orders, it down it too zero. So, hell yeah. You thinking about getting out?

Steve: No. I don't know. To be honest, I don't know what I do with myself if I did.

Sam: Ultimate fighting?

Goku and Steve chuckles at the partial joke of Sam.

Sam: It's just a great idea off the top of my head. But, seriously. You can do whatever you want to. What makes you happy?

Steve: Well, for one. *looks down at Goku, patting his head* Is taking care of this little guy. But, the others, I don't know.

*moments later*

Later that night, Steve and Goku return to their apartment, as they climb up the stairs. They, then pass next to Sharon Carter, who was carrying a basket full of clothes, while talking on the phone. She then cuts the call as she saw Steve in front of her. Goku was going to open the door, until he heard music from the inside.

Deciding not to interrupt Steve having a conversation, he opens the window and sneaks inside. He follows where the music was coming from, as it was playing on the living room. He moves forward and stopped when he saw a man sitting in a chair while the room was dark. Goku never seen the man before, not even when he first went to SHIELD with his father.

Steve enters the room through the open window and saw Goku looking straight at something. He gets closer and he sees who he was looking at: Nick Fury. Steve just scoffs as he looks away.

Steve: I don't remember giving you key.

Fury grunts as he raised himself up, which caught both Steve and Goku's attention.

Fury: You really think I'd need one? My wife kicked me out.

Steve: Didn't know you were married.

Nick: A lot of things you don't know about me. *looks at Goku* So, this is the boy you told me about, a few months back?

Steve: Yes. Goku this man is Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD. He and I were the ones who hide your secret from SHIELD.

Goku looks up at him and nods as he looks back at Fury. Even though it was dark, he still can notice something that Steve cannot.

Goku: You're hurt.

Steve frowns from what Goku said, as he turns on the lights. But when he did so, he could see that Goku was right. Fury just turns off the lamp, making it dark for his side as he pulls out his phone, with text saying 'Ears Everywhere'.

Nick: I'm sorry to had to do this, but I had no place else to crash.

He shows his phone again, with text saying 'Shield Compromised'. Steve looks at it, before asking a question.

Steve: Who else knows about your wife?

Fury stands up, while grabbing his side, as he shows the phone the third time, saying 'You and Me'.

Fury: Just...My friends.

Steve: Is that what we are?

Nick: That's up to you.

Then, shots were fired, with Nick grunting in pain,a s Steve covers Goku and himself with his shield. Fury falls down, and Goku looks at the window and saw someone there, with what looks to be a gun. Both he and Steve grabbed Fury and drag him away to another room.

Goku and Steve were going to get something, until Fury grabs the kid's arm, making him look down, as he coughs. He opens his arm, revealing a drive.

Nick: *coughing* Don'

He goes down unconscious as the door was heard banging as someone enters the room. Steve looks back, and sees Sharon entering the room. She reveals herself as Agent 13, and was assigned by Fury to protect Rogers. She sees Fury unconscious on the floor as she checks his pulse and calls for help. Goku shows the drive to Steve, as he grabs it, and then they see the shooter still there. Then, as the shooter was getting away, Goku takes his father's shield and dashes through the window, catching Steve and Sharon by surprise.

Sharon: What's he doing?

Steve: He's mad.

Goku flies through a window from another building as he runs through inside, following the shooter, who was above him. He goes through walls and and doors and he sees the shooter jumping off the roof to another building from the window in front of him. Goku dashes through the window, landing on his feet on the roof and throws the shield at the shooter.

But, the man caught it with ease, revealing a metal arm, as he glares at Goku, who glares back at him. He throws the shield back, only for Goku to catch it as well, with two fingers, as the shooter jumps of the building. Goku runs to the edge, but when he looks down, the man was no where to be seen. Even his sensing can't detect him, like he vanish into thin air. Goku looks around town, wondering what was that, or who was that man, and why did he shot Fury.

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