Chased by Shield

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After what had occured, Goku told Steve about the shooter, including the fact he had a metal arm, wearing a mask below his nose. Steve tells Goku to get some sleep, as he goes to the hospital to check on Fury. Later on, Natasha comes in to see Rogers and Agent Hill looking at doctors operating Nick from a window. Her eyes grew worried and concerned, as she asked Steve a question, not taking her eyes from the scene in front of her.

Nat: Is he going to make it?

Steve: I don't know.

Nat: Tell me about the shooter.

Steve: Goku was the one who chased him. He told me that he was fast, strong...and had a metal arm.

From the mention of the metal arm, Tasha's face was like she seen a Ghost, as she, Steve and Maria watch as Fury being operated, as his condition gets worst. Moments later, his heart stopped, to the disbelief of everyone, as Steve leaves the hospital.

*At home*

Steve enters the room, as he looks around and goes to check on Goku. He saw him in his bed, gently sleeping as he kiss him in the forehead.

Steve: Goodnight, Goku.

*The next day*

Steve took Goku to school the nest morning before he went back to check on Natasha for Nick Fury's body. The young boy was very quiet about the whole situation that occurred the night before, including witnessing the metal armed shooter. For the next 6 hours, he went through the school day like normal, having fun, working on his assignments, and talking to his friends.

Teacher: Goku.

Goku: *looks at her* Yes, Ms. Clark?

Ms. Clark: You're needed in the Principal's office.

Goku raised a brow in confusion. He never went to the Principal, since he did nothing wrong today. His classmates and his teacher were confused as well, since he was a gentle and kind young boy, never getting into trouble.

Goku walks down the halls with his backpack as he heads to the Principal's, but his mind was more focused on his father, wondering what is he doing now. He enters the Principal's Office, only to see 3 men in black suits, with the SHIELD logo on them.

Goku: Who are you?

SHIELD agent: We're here ask you some questions. You're Principal allowed us to have a talk with you.

Another agent: Sit down in a chair, and we'll ask some questions with you.

Goku obeys as he sat in a chair that was in front of two other chairs as two of the Agents sat on them, facing him.

Agent 1: Goku Rogers, you're father has decided to not talk about what has occurred last night with Nick Fury. Do you know anything that happened last night?

Goku was hesitant to say anything to them. Fury told him to 'Not Trust Anyone' so he decided to lie.

Goku: N-No, I wasn't there the night before. I was at a friend's house that day, and dad didn't pick me up, until 10:30. So I have not seen anything.

Agent 2: Are you sure that you weren't at your home when the incident occurred last night?

Goku: Why would I lie?

The agents sighed as they decided to talk to each other, after going far from Goku, so he won't hear them. Unfortunately, Goku can hear them, thanks to his Saiyan hearing.

Agent 3: I think the kid is lying. What should we do?

Agent 1: Director Pierce said if he doesn't cooperate, we should take to the Triskelion, where he would be interrogated. I know he was there, including the fact he chased the Soldier through the buildings.

Goku's eyes widen when they mentioned about the man that shot Fury. How did these men knew about him and why did they think they need him? Now he knows why Fury said to not trust anyone.

The agents went back to him, as they look down at him.

Agent 2: Goku, we're taking you to SHIELD Headquarters.

Goku: Why?

Agent 3: You know something from last night, and we think you're lying to us.

Goku: Listen, all I know is that dad was at the hospital for something, so he was late to pick me up. So, can I leave now?

Agent 1: No. We're taking you to the Triskelion, wether you like it or not. *Looks at the others* Take him.

One grabs his arm, but for some reason, he didn't move.

Goku: *darkly* Get you're disgusting hand off me.

Agent: Lets go. *grabs him arm with both hands*

Goku has had enough, so he hits the agent with a headbutt, sending him flying and knocking him out. The others were shocked that their partner is defeated easily by a kid.

Agent 2: Get him!

They charged at him, but Goku runs at them, jumping up, punches one in the face, and hits his elbow on the other's, taking them down. Goku lands on his feet, looking down at them, until the school phone rang. He grabs it, without hesitation.

Goku: Hello?

?: Goku?!

Goku: dad?

Steve: Why are you at the Principal's office?

Goku: Some SHIELD agents came to my school and asked me question about last night.

Steve: Did you tell them anything?

Goku: No, I lied. Plus I heard that they were going to take me to Headquarters for questioning, also I heard one of them mention about the shooter. They called him the Soldier

There was a long pause, as Goku thinks that Steve was stunned by what he said.

Steve: Goku you need to leave the school, now.

Goku: Why?

Steve: SHIELD is not what you think it is. It's corrupted, that's why Fury said not to trust anyone. I think they went to talk to you was because I didn't tell them anything, either.

Goku: I told them that I wasn't there, but they were sure that I was lying to them.

Steve: Son, you need to leave the school, now. More agents may be coming to get you. I'll have Agent Hill pick you up, just be safe and-

Then, the windows of the office were hit with bullets, as Goku ducks and covers, to not get hit.

Goku: Dad, they're shooting.

Steve: Go, son. Make sure that no one would get hurt in the crossfire. I'm calling Maria now. Take care.

The call ends as Goku stood up as he finds the shutting down button and presses it. Then he runs out of the doors, only to see some soldiers pointing guns at him. He dashes forward, knocking down everyone in front of him, sending them flying to the walls and doors. He continues to run as he jumps of the stairs and through the windows, and lands on the outside.

He runs off, only to see some vehicles appeared before him.

Speaker: Goku Rogers, stand down now!

Goku didn't listen he keeps running at them, as the started shooting at them. But he dodges them, with minimal effort, and he jumps high above the vehicles and lands on his feet. He charges his ki and throws it at them, causing the vehicles to explode.

Goku wasn't a fan of killing, but he knew that they would've hurt someone else, so he did it without hesitation. Then, another vehicle comes up on the opposite said, as the window opens to reveal Maria Hill on the wheel.

Maria: Goku, come here, quick!

He runs at the car and got inside, as Maria drove away quickly, so no one could notice.

Goku: Ms. Hill, where's my dad?

Maria: Don't worry, honey. He'll be okay. Right now, I'm taking you somewhere they couldn't find you.

Goku nods as she continues driving away to where they going to.


They went into a facility that was hidden underneath, so SHIELD couldn't find them. Goku follows Maria down the halls, wondering where they were going. They come across some doors as they went inside, but Goku senses something familiar in the room.

When they went inside, his suspicion was correct as he sees Nick Fury, severely injured, but alive. Fury leans his head up, and sees Maria with Goku next to her, as he sighs.

Nick: Hey there, little man.

Goku walks slowly up to him, not all surprised seeing him alive. He stood next to him, looking over his injured body.

Goku: You pulled a trick on SHIELD, right?

Nick: Take a guess.

Goku: I actually knew you weren't died, just unconscious. You used some kind of drug to make it look like you were dead.

Nick; *weakly smiles* Lucky guess. I can tell you are here, since SHIELD was planning to take you the the Triskelion, but you somehow escaped and now you're here.

Goku: Mr. Fury, who was that man that tried to kill you?

Nick: *closed his eyes* They call him the Winter Soldier. He's a bounty hunter, killing anyone he was told to do. Agent Romanoff had an encounter with him years ago, which she barely made it out alive.

Goku: I heard on of the agents that came to my school mention about him, sir.

Nick: That goes to show that they knew who he is, including the Director, Alexander Pierce. Maria, find him a room for him to stay here for today.

Maria: Yes sir. Let's go, Goku.

He nods as he follows Hill, while he looks back at Fury with a smile on his face.

*Later on*

It was nighttime, but Goku had a hard time trying to get to sleep, still worried for his father. He hopes that he could be okay, along with Natasha as he lays down and closed his eyes, and goes to sleep. Then he had a dream, not any normal dream, but a memory.


?:Kakarot, we're too outnumbered!

Kakarot: Don't worry, stay with me!

Six young kids are around a city in another planet, preparing to purge the population, and leave the planet for sale. However, they were surrounded by some of the stronger fighters of the alien planet, in which they could not compete to. Even Kakarot, who was the strongest of the group, could even take them down.

?: I don't think we're going to make it!

?: I don't want to die!

Kakarot: Damn it! Their too strong for us, and we can't leave! What're supposed to do, now?

As the began to say their prays, one of them made a great idea.

?: Why don't we give you our powers, Kakarot?

?: Yeah, that why, you can stall them, so we could have time to get to our pods and leave.

Kakarot: Hmm. It's worth a shot! Give me your power, quick!

The five young saiyans lifted their arms up and transfered their power to Kakarot.

Kakarot: Alright. Time to-

However, a blue light aura flares on his body, making a sphere, making everyone look up, in wonder. The light begins to turn to fiery red with a fire aura coming to view.

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