Rescue Mission

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The next day, Goku woke up early, as he remembered the dream-or rather a memory-he had the night before. He was very much confused when his power increased into new heights after his friends and partners gave him their energy so he could fight off the creatures.

He really doesn't know how it had occurred, but at least he managed to save everyone from getting killed with his new power. To this day, he still felt the pressure of the power, but couldn't access it, for some reason. Nevertheless, only he and his friends have known about it and had not told anyone about what had occurred.

Goku checks the time and realizes it was 10:30. He could sense that neither his father or Natasha had returned, in which he grew more worried. Then, the door in his room opened as it revealed to be Maria Hill. She walks to the bed as sat down next to him.

Maria: You're worried about your dad, right?

Goku: Yeah. He took me in a while back, took care of me, treated me as his own, and I had the best experience in my life.

Maria: Steve told me that you're not really human, and judging that you're way to muscular for a boy your age and you have a tail on your backside.

Goku: You're right, Ms. Hill. I came from outer space for refuge after my planet was destroyed by a meteor. And since leaving here on Earth, I was happy to live here, thanks to dad.

Maria smiles at the young boy. She knew he was gentle and kind when they met, and his personality made her enjoy his company.

Maria: Well, I'm glad that you adapted to this planet well.

Goku: Earth is not as different than my planet, only less hot and have more life.


Maria and Goku were in the medic room, talking to Nick Fury on Steve and Natasha.

Maria: They must've found about Project Insight. They must be on their way to the Triskelion.

Nick: And Pierce probably is ready to get them.

Goku: I can sense them, with other people, heading towards the building. Oh, the Winter Soldier is there! I need to go!

Maria: *Grabs him arm* Don't, Goku! You're too young!

Goku: I don't care! I won't let daddie!

He pulls his arm off her grip and runs off to his father's location.

Maria: Goku, come back!

Nick: Don't worry, Maria. He'll be fine?

Maria: How are you sure, Nick?!

Nick: The same way he managed to chase the Soldier and take down some agents from his school.


Natasha was running down the street, yelling at the citizens to back away. She had a small fight with the WS, but she knew she wasn't strong enough to take him. She used one of her tasers to distraction to run away. But as she was running she was shot at the shoulder. She goes down to a car behind her, trying to cover herself, as she looks around for the Soldier.

So far, she doesn't see him around, until he appears on top of a car behind the one she was using to cover herself, making her look back. The soldier aims his Grenade launcher, ready to kill her, until someone spears him down, making him lose his weapon. The Soldier stood up looking for the one that ambushed him, but to his shock, he sees the one who chased his a day before: Goku Rogers.

Natasha was shocked that the boy has appeared out of nowhere but relieved that she's saved. Steve runs at the scene, also shocked to see his son there, confronting the Soldier.

Goku: Hey, remember me? *goes into a fighting stance*

Nat/Steve: Goku?

The Soldier charges at him, as both started exchanging strikes while dodging each other. Goku knees the Soldier in the gut, sending him flying to a car, bumping into it. The Soldier glares, as he charges again and Goku hops above him, landing on his feet as the Soldier turns around and Goku goes to punch him the face. WS dodges, as he punches Goku in the face with a metal face, knocking him away.

Natasha: *worried* Goku!

Goku stumbles a bit, stunned from the punch as the Soldier grabs a knife he has with him and goes to stab the kid. Goku dodges every slash from the blade, even blocking some attempted stabs, as he kicks the Soldier far away from him. The Soldier goes to attack again, until Steve joins in, throwing his shield at the Assassin.

Steve: Goku, I got this! Go take care of Romanoff!

Goku nods as he runs towards where Natasha was sitting, with her shoulder bleeding from the gunshot wound.

Goku: Are you okay, Ms. Romanoff?

Nat: Yeah, I'll be fine. How did you get here?

Goku: I'll explain later. Right now, I need to heal your wound.

The boy gently puts his hand on her wounded shoulder, and concentrates his energy, as he starts to heal her. Natasha felt very soothing from the healing. A few seconds later, Goku let's go of her shoulder, as she felt no pain on it.

Nat: *looks at him, stunned* How did you do that?

Goku: One of my many abilities.

They watch Cap. America throwing the Soldier above him from behind at the face, as the Assassin rolls to his feet, but his mask came off. After a long pause, the Assassin turns around, revealing his face, but to the shocked of both Steve and Goku, they see a familiar face, but couldn't believe who are they looking at Bucky Barnes.

Cap was the most shocked since he thought his best friend died since WWII, but now he's seeing him, like he saw a ghost, ironically.

Steve: Bucky?

WS/Bucky: Who the hell's Bucky?

He grabs a gun and aims at Steve, until Sam Wilson flies down, kicking him away. Bucky stood up and stares at Steve, with his eyes wide with confusion. He goes to shoot him, only for Natasha to shoot him with the Grenade Launcher, blasting the truck near him. After the smoke blew out, everyone saw no one there, meaning that Bucky disappeared again.

Then, SHIELD vehicles came to the scene, as they look on until Goku sprang into action. He hops over and grabs Natasha and goes to where Steve was standing, as Sam was close to him.

Goku: Everyone, cover your eyes and don't look at me.

They were confused but listened and Rumlow and men got closer to them. Goku puts his hands at his face.

Rumlow: What are you doing, brat?

Goku: This, Solar Flare!

A flash of light came out, as the SHIELD men got blinded, as they screamed from the pain. When the light went out, the men had their eyes closed, while screaming from the pain.

Goku: Good, it works!

He grabs Steve and the others to get close to each other as he puts his index and middle finger on his forehead.

Steve: Goku, what're you doing?

Goku: Doing the same as how I got here, quickly.

Sam: What does he mean by-

Then, in quick fashion, they disappeared from the scene into thin air.


Outside the facility, Maria was waiting for Goku, hoping he won't be hurt or worse. Until she felt a slight breeze, that she, to her shock, saw Goku with his father, Natasha, and Sam, who she doesn't know, there, even though they weren't there before.

Maria: How did you guys-

Nat: That's what I'm wondering, Agent Hill.

Steve: Goku what was that?

Goku: A move I learn many years back, called Instant Transmission. Works great to go to places far away quickly.

Steve: So you use it go places quickly, with just knowing where to go?

Goku: Well, not exactly. I had to sense where you were located to teleport there. Then the same way I did just now.

Maria: Anyway, moving on, come with me. You can be hidden from SHIELD here.

They nodded as they followed her inside the facility.


Inside the medic room, Steve and Natasha watch in shock to see Nick Fury alive, injured, but alive. He explained that he used a deduction made my Bruce Banner slow his heartbeat, making it look like his heart stopped. Steve asked why he did it, and Maria explained that his assassination would've been successful if he was heavily injured.

Goku and Sam started having a conversation, as he explained his origins to the Falcon. He was skeptical that he's looking at an alien boy, but seeing how strong he was, and having a monkey tail, he was convinced. Later, Fury showed them a plan to stop Project Insight before it would complete what Hydra was planning to do.

He shows some targeting blades that they would use to replace the ones the Helicarrier's have so they could aim at each other, instead of aiming at several targets. Steve wasn't liking the plan, at all and gives his statement to Fury, in which everyone agrees with him. Knowing that all odds are against him, Nick told Steve that he now gives the orders.

Later, Steve stood at a bridge, watching the view, as Goku was beside him while remembering memories with Bucky in the past before he became Captain America. The young looks up at his adopted father, knowing he's thinking about Bucky.

Goku: You okay, dad?

Steve looks down at the boy, as he sighs. Picks him up, and puts him on his shoulder.

Steve: I'm okay. Just thinking about Bucky.

Goku: Maybe Mr. Barnes didn't recognize you, because of either losing his memory or being forced to forget, so they could turn him into the Winter Soldier.

Steve: Probably so.

Then, Sam walks up to them, knowing who're they talking about.

Sam: You know he's gonna be there, you know?

Steve: I know.

Sam: Whoever he use to be, the guy he is now, I don't think he's the kind you save. He's the kind you stop.

Steve moves his head, not breaking eye contact towards the view.

Steve: I don't think I can do that.

Goku: I think you can get him to remember, dad. I saw the look in his eyes after he got kicked by Sam. He may have remembered something.

Sam: Well, he might not give you a choice. He doesn't know you.

Steve: *looks at him* He will. *puts Goku down* Gear up.

Goku: Can I help, dad? Please? *does some puppy eyes*

Sam: Nice try, kid. I don't think you're dad can agree with you.

Steve: Maybe he can. Hey, Goku.

Goku: Yeah?

Steve: How about you help us taking down some Hydra soldiers, so we can complete the mission?

Goku: How would I know if some are with Hydra?

Steve: Simple: When they shoot you without hesitation.

Goku: Okay, dad. I'll make you proud.

Steve: *kneels down and hugs him, as he hugs back* I know you will.

Sam: Are you sure about this? He's still a kid, you know.

Steve: Yeah, but one that has beaten me when we train. Plus, he managed to be even with Bucky, so I can see he's a lot stronger.

Sam: Alright, then. And are you two going to where what you have?

Steve: Nope. If you're gonna fight a war, you got to wear a uniform.


Before Steve left to get something, he managed to convince Maria and Natasha to let Goku join in. They were completely against, but they complied since they saw Goku in action. He could help get the mission completed.

Goku decided to wear a uniform that is like his father's but with a different design. He uses a move called 'Clothes Beam' to create his own uniform. Once he's done, he now where's a uniform that is exactly like his father's, but with Orange replacing the red color, and the blue is lighter. He looks at it as he wraps his tail around his waist.

(Imagine it, with Goku's Gi colors instead)

In the middle of his chest, instead of the Star, it was a Symbol with the first two letters of his name in kanji.

Once liking his new attire, he joins with Maria and Sam as Steve has his older uniform he used in WWII. Steve was amazed that Goku somehow managed to have a uniform that looks exactly like his, only with a few differences.

Maria: How did you managed to have the same clothing as you're a father?

Goku: I created it with a move called Clothes Beam. It's the best way to create some fighting clothes when in action.

Sam: Now, people can see you are related.

Goku and Steve chuckled as they looked at the Triskelion far away and all of them continued walking towards it.

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