Reds Alolan Journey Chapter 1 ~ The Start Of a Journey!

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The sun shines into Reds room which woke him up.

Red: Argh...Stupid sun...let me sleep why don't ya...

Red trys to go back to sleep until his mom comes in.

Mom: Red wake up!

Red: Why...

Mom: Professor Kukui asked me yesterday to wake you up nice and early for something.

Red: Can't it be another day...(yawns)

Mom: RED!

Red: (shoots straight up) Okay! Im up already!

Mom: Good, now change and come eat breakfast before you go.

Red: Alright mom.

His mom leaves and he sighs as starts changing.

Red: I wonder what the professor needs?

He finishes and goes downstairs.

Red: Smells nice.

Mom: Mhm, it's my special oran berry pancakes!

Red: Yes!

Mom: (smiles)

Red begins eating as his mom goes to feed her Munchlax.

Munchlax: Munch! (Reaches for food)

Mom: I'm coming.

Red: (laughs) Hungry as always.

Munchlax: Munch! Munchlax!

Red finishes eating and stretches.

Red: Well mom, im heading out! I'll be home soon!

Mom: Okay, see you soon!

Red runs off towards Kukui's house/lab, he soons arrives and enters.

Red: Hello?

Lillie: Oh, hi there.

Red: Um, hi do you know where Professor Kukui is?

Lillie: Yes, let me go get him. (Walks to the basement)

Red: (Looks around)

Lillie comes back up with Kukui besides her.

Prof.Kukui: Hello there Red!

Red: Hello professor! What do you need me for?

Prof.Kukui: I'll tell you after another person comes.

Red: Alright.

Prof.Kukui: Ok, I'll like you to meet my assistant Lillie.

Lillie: Nice to meet you Red (Bows)

Red: (smiles) Nice to meet you too Lillie.

Alolan Vulpix: Vul! (Goes besides Lillie)

Lillie: Hey Vulpix. (Smiles)

Red: Is that your Vulpix?

Lillie: Mhm, Hatched her from an egg.

Red: Thats cool.

Someone then comes in.

Sun: Sorry im late Professor.

Prof.Kukui: It's okay Sun, go besides Red for I can tell you two why I needed you guys.

Sun: (nods) Long time no see Red.

Red: Yea, it's been a couple of months since last seen.

Prof.Kukui: Okay, I called you boys here because I see potential in you boys.

Sun: Potential in what?

Prof.Kukui: In being trainers.

Red: Wait are you serious!

Sun: No way!

Prof.Kukui: Mhm, I see great potential in you two and see one of you being the Alola Champion.

Sun: (laughs) Maybe Red, I don't really want to struggle being champion.

Red: I will try for sure.

Prof.Kukui: That's the spirit!

Red: It's my dream to be champion.

Prof.Kukui: Well, you don't need to win trails now, there's now Gyms in towns and some routes.

Red: Yea I heard, it's pretty cool.

Prof.Kukui: Yep, and here's a Pokedex. It's not a rotom dex, but it's cool.

Red: (Nods)

Sun: So where are the starters?

Prof.Kukui: Lillie, can you get them.

Lillie: Yep! (Runs to get the pokeballs)

Sun: Hey Red, when we get our starters. Wanna go on a journey together?

Red: Ya sure.

Prof.Kukui: If that's the case, can you guys let Lillie go with you two? She really wants to go on a journey, but not alone.

Red: Yea, we don't mind.

Sun: Yep.

Lillie comes back with the three starters.

Lillie: Here they are!

Litten: Lit.

Popplio: Pop!

Rowlet: Row!

Red: Woah!

Sun: (looks at them) Wow, I don't know who to chose.

Prof.Kukui: Well, we have all day.

Red: I know who im choosing. (Walks towards the pokemon)

Red looks at Litten and picks him up.

Red: Your my partner.

Litten: Lit!

Sun: (picks up Rowlet) Hello bud.

Rowlet: Row!

Prof.Kukui: Here's their pokeballs and some other pokeballs to catch some pokemons with.

They both grab them and smile.

Prof.Kukui: (hands Lillie a pokedex)

Lillie: Huh? Why are you giving me this?

Prof.Kukui: (smiles) Red and Sun agreed to take you on their journey.

Lillie: (smiles brightly) Really?!

Prof.Kukui: Yes.

Lillie: Thank you so much you two!

Red: (smiles) Anytime.

Sun: We should go tell our parents and pack up.

Red: Okay, should we head to Iki town to see the Ruins of Conflict?

Lillie: Yes! That's sounds great!

Sun: That's the plan. Let's meet at the entrance to route 1.

Red: Alright, see you guys soon! (Heads home)

He soons arrives and looks at his mom.

Mom: (looks at Litten) Oh my goodness.

Red: He's my partner.

Mom: That's wonderful.

Red: Mhm. I need to pack my things for I can start my journey.

Mom: Oh yea...Well you do you. I didn't expect heading off already, but I can't stop you.

She hugs Red and smiles.

Mom: Go get ready.

Red: (nods and runs upstairs)

He grabbed his backpack and packed his things. He was in a huge rush and finished in minutes. He went downstairs and gave his mom one more hug. He heads out to meet up with Sun and Lillie.

Red: (Walks towards route 1 and sees Sun and Lillie)

Sun: Sup Red!

Lillie: Hello.

Red: You guys ready?

Sun: 100 percent!

Red: (nods) Alright let's go.

They all walk to route 1 and their journey now...Begins!

To Be Continued...

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story! Let me explain everything though. Lillie can touch pokemon and battle...well she will learn. Red does not know Green, Blue, or Yellow in this. This is a story that has Red live in Alola and begin his journey here. There's no trials or grand trials. Gyms are now in Alola. Oh yea...Team Skull...Only Guzma is the main member. Gladion and Plumeria left it. And I don't hate Popplio because he didn't get picked. I like Popplio, I just didn't think it fit Red and Sun. So that's all im gonna cover. Tell me more questions that you want me to cover up about this. So that's it. See you all later!
Oh yea. No more intro songs even though their cool. But no. Sorry.

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