Reds Alolan Journey Chapter 2 ~ Encountering Pokemon!

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Reds Pokemon Team ~ Litten

Suns Pokemon Team ~ Rowlit

Lillies Pokemon Team ~ Alolan Vulpix

They gang are walking through Route 1 looking at the amazing views.

Lillie: Look at those flowers!

Sun: Never seen those type of flowers here.

Red: (focusing on something else)

Sun: What's the matter?

Red: My mom caught her Munchlax here and he's such a cool pokemon. So I decided to catch one when I start my journey.

Lillie: Why didn't you get hers?

Red: He's great company for her.

Lillie: Oh.

Sun: Im gonna catch any pokemon I think are pretty cool.

Lillie: I don't know for me...

Red: Don't worry you got time to think.

Sun: So how far is Iki Town?

Lillie: Um, I think it's not that far.

Sun: Oh that's co- (gets hit with a rock) Ow!

A Pikachu is on a tree laughing.

Red: Are you okay Sun?

Sun: Yea...

Lillie: That Pikachu threw a rock at you.

Sun: (gets Rowlets pokeball out) Im gonna battle it!

Pikachu: Pika!

Sun: Go Rowlet!

Rowlet: Row!

Pikachu: (laughs)

Lillie: Pikachu has a type advantage.

Sun: Well Rowlet is all I have! Now use Leafage!

Rowlet: (Uses Leafage)

Leafage hits the branch Pikachu was on but Pikachu jumps off and uses Thunder Shock.

Rowlet: (gets hit) Row!

Sun: Oh no..

Rowlet: (stands up) Row!

Pikachu: Pika!

Sun: Use Peck!

Rowlet charges at him, but Pikachu dodges.

Pikachu: Pika!

Sun: Grrr...

Red: You need to think of a strategy Sun.

Lillie: It's true, you won't be able to beat it like that.

Sun: Well, I need to think of one quick.

Rowlet: Row! Rowlet!

Sun: Maybe I know what to do...(says in mind)

Pikachu: (uses Quick Attack)

Sun: Rowlet use Leafage onto the ground quickly!

Rowlet uses Leafage onto the ground making dirt cover the whole area. Making everyone unable to see.

Pikachu: (stops running) Pika?

Rowlet: Row! (Flys in front of a tree and pants)

The dirt clears up and Pikachu sees him.

Pikachu: Pika! (Uses Quick Attack)

Sun: Rowlet no!

Rowlet: (sees and panics) Row! Row!

Just when Pikachu was gonna hit Rowlet, Rowlet flys up just in time making Pikachu hit the tree.

Pikachu: Pika! (Hits head hard)

Sun: Great job Rowlet! Now use Leafage!

Rowlet: Rowlet! (Uses Leafage)

Pikachu: (gets hit and faints) Pika...

Sun: Yes we did it!

Rowlet: Row! (Flys to Sun happily)

Sun: (pets Rowlet) Good job!

Lillie: Great job you two!

Red: Why not catch the Pikachu?

Sun: Good idea. (Gets a Pokeball) Go pokeball!

It hits Pikachu and shakes

Sun: We caught a Pikachu Rowlet!

Rowlet: Row!

Red: Now that you caught one, im gonna find a Munchlax. (Walks off trail)

Lillie: Wait! Don't go off trail!

Sun: (puts Rowlet back in Pokeball and follows them)

They went a bit far from the trail, but Lillie made a trail with paper so they can not get lost.

Red: Can't see one anywhere...

Lillie: Red we got to go back already.

Red: When I catch it.

Sun: We'll be here all day.

Red: (sees a pile of berrys and something eating from it) Huh?

Munchlax: (eats berrys) Munch! Munch!

Red: Yes! Go Litten!

Litten: Lit!

Munchlax: Munch?

Lillie: Woah, your already going straight to the point?

Red: Sure am!

Sun: Go get em Red!

Red: Litten use Ember!

Litten: (uses Ember)

Munchlax: (gets hit) Munch!

Red: Great job Litten.

Munchlax: Munch! (Uses Tackle)

Litten: (Gets hit) Lit!

Munchlax: (Starts uses Lick multiple of times)

Litten: Lit!

Red: Scratch!

Litten: Lit! (Scratches tongue and face)

Munchlax: (gets hit) Munch!

Red: Now Ember!

Litten: Litten! (Uses Ember)

Munchlax: (gets hit and faints) Munch...

Red: (Takes out pokeball) Go Pokeball!

The pokeball hits Munchlax and it

Red: We caught it Litten!

Litten: Lit!

Lillie: Congrats!

Sun: Your turn to get a pokemon Lillie.

Lillie: fine with Vulpix.

Sun: If you say so.

Red: Ok let's head to Iki Town now.

Lillie: Finally.

Red: Well then, let's go! (Runs)

Sun: Okay! (Runs after him)

Lillie: Come on guys! Wait up! (Follows them)

To be Continued...

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