1. Beautiful

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DEDICATED TO:  MY PARENTS and The Almighty who gave me life

"Beauty is the illumination of your soul."

 - John O'Donohue


4th May

Anindita's point of view:

"... I could literally feel myself gasping for breath after laughing non-stop for more than 5 minutes. My rooommate Nakshatra, her 'we are just good friends', Yug, my best friend, Vidushi and her twin brother, Kabir and my classmates, Samreen and Aditi were at our favourite hangout spot, the local tea stall near Powai Lake. It was twilight and the area was full of youngsters of our age and fitness enthusiasts. We were all 4th year students pursuing our undergraduate degree at IIT-Bombay. My branch was Aeronautical Engineering.
It was over tea and biscuits that Kabir shared with all of us the prank he had so successfully pulled off on Dr. Rao who taught us fluid dynamics. Vidushi added to the discussion by vividly describing the concerned professor's expressions.
"Stop Guys! I really can't laugh more." I told them holding up a hand
Laughing too much made me get hiccups that continued till forever.
The others too tried to straighten their expressions but failed miserably. One look at one another made us burst into laughter again. The passers-by glanced at us all like we had landed from Mars. Finally, after 5 minutes, I forced myself to shut up right in time before those annoying hiccups began.
The sun was down by the time we finished. We paid for our teas and then began walking back to the hostel.
My elder brother was waiting for me near the gate. My face lit up as soon as I spotted him. 

"Hi Dada! How are you doing?" I asked him just as he pulled me in for a hug

"I am doing well, Bonu (little sister)."

"You weren't home when I visited the last time." I complained

"I was on a tour, Anindita. You know that I can be transferred to Chicago." he sighed out

We spoke for sometime more during which he informed me that my sister in-law i.e., his wife, Gitanjali was expecting. I congratulated him and told him to convey my regards to his wife. We both do not share a very cordial relationship as we had been wary of one another and insecure when Dada had got married. And since then neither of us had even tried to mend our equation. Dada is an architect. An IIT-ian like me, he had completed his graduation from IIT-Roorkee.

"Anurag! I think we should get going. The traffic at Airoli will be terrific right now. It's a Saturday after all." I heard someone call Dada

I turned at the same time as he did.
It was his senior manager at work who I was familiar with. The two of us exchanged pleasantries.

"You've grown even more beautiful since I last saw you, Anindita." he told me 

I laughed it off but my friends who were still standing nearby had to hoot. I glared at them. The man is my brother's colleague! This kind of informal behaviour may not be something he would appreciate.

Dada smiled at me. He is the one who named me and he feels proud when someone calls me beautiful. Back when he named me as a nine year old boy with a newborn sister, the only criteria he had while naming me was that my name and his began with the same letters, 'An'. He had been oblivious to the meaning.

"Bonu, we need to get going now. It is already 7. Do try and come home the next weekend. I guess you will be done with your practical examinations by then."

I nodded and hugged him one last time before saying goodbye.
Right after he left with his colleague, I turned to my friends who were standing with stupid smiles on their faces.
I raised my eyebrows inquisitively.

"Nothing. We were just contemplating as to how apt your name is for you." Aditi explained while Kabir and Vidushi punctuated her comment, "The one who is virtuous and beautiful."

I woke up with a splitting headache, the word 'beautiful' echoing in my eardrums repeatedly. It was 3.10 a.m.
I got up from my bed holding my head in my hands. Switching on the light, I spotted my half packed suitcase on the floor. I had woken up right on time without even waiting for the alarm. I grabbed the glass of water that had been kept on the bedside table and quickly threw a paracetamol down my throat as I could feel the migraine resurfacing.

It was neither a nightmare nor a dream; they were memories. Fond memories too.  Ones that make me smile and laugh. Bringing myself back from the good old days at IIT-B, I decided to get going. My flight was at 6 a.m. and I had to simply get out of the house by 4.10 a.m. 

It took me about 30 minutes to shower, change, make my bed and 10 minutes more to pack the rest of my essentials. My mother, Apurba Mukherjee walked into my room just as I was zipping my suitcase. The stoop on her back was quite apparent and the dark circles looming over her face spoke heights about her aged and tired self.

"Good morning Ma! May I ask why you are up so early?" I asked her

"You don't expect me to sleep when my child's going somewhere surely." she replied smiling

I shook my head. There isn't anything I can say to that.

"I was actually hoping you would take these with you for Anurag and the kids since you are off to New York. I had bought this for their birthdays." she told me thrusting two gift boxes into my hand

"Yes sure. I will courier this." I told her not meeting her gaze

"I want you to give this to them. In person." she insisted

I sighed helplessly and yielded to her request. The last thing I want to do is argue with her so early in the morning that too right before leaving.

Baba was sleeping in their room. I went in and kissed his forehead and told him goodbye before dragging my suitcase to the door. I hugged Ma and kissed her on the cheek.

"The doctor's number is on your phone and I have also stuck a note on the refrigerator with the important contacts, namely pharmacy, grocery etc. Stay safe, Maa and anything happens, anytime please call me. I will be back on next Sunday."

She smiled and I folded my hands in obeisance to God before walking out of the door. 

I dragged my suitcase down 4 flights of stairs while balancing my handbag and the spare keys. The building did have a battered elevator which always seemed to be out of order whenever I was in town. 

The car was waiting at the gate for me. The chauffeur helped me with my things and I got in the back seat.

It was dark and Palm Beach Road was deserted with occasional speeding cars. The International airport in Santacruz was 35 kilometers away from Nerul where I lived. I stared out of the window looking at the high rises that I wouldn't mind buying a home in, perhaps in the future. 

Life had changed drastically over the years. My father, Agastya Mukherjee worked as a clerk in a governmental firm while Ma until 6 years ago worked as a Sanskrit teacher in a private school in Mumbai. We had initially lived in an RK in a Mumbai chawl (tenement). Fortunes had changed when Dada had managed to get a home loan 2 years into his job.  We lived in a 2BHK flat in Navi Mumbai for 5 years or so. Following the misfortune that I had to face 8 years ago, several incidents transpired which had posed as severe challenges. By God's grace, we had been able to overcome them all. 

Of all of them, the biggest win was perhaps to accept myself. Replacing the image of 'physically beautiful' with 'mentally strong' was something easier said than done. It had taken me days to look at my own reflection in the mirror without flinching. Using education as the only asset, I had moved forward with the purpose of establishing myself. The only agenda I had in the beginning was to establish myself so I could support myself and my parents financially. 

My hand went towards the left side of my chest, to my breast pocket where my name badge was pinned. Right above it laid my earned pair of 'golden wings'. Every time I pin it to my uniform, I am reminded of the words I heard 8 years ago,

"Keep your feet on the ground from next time instead of soaring the skies..."

Contrary to what my tormentor had said, I fly. I am an airplane pilot today, something that I accomplished on my own accord; and I soar the skies each day, everyday.



So, here's the first chapter. Trying times are on and COVID-19 threatens us all. Take care and stay safe everyone.

I am almost done with my board examinations, Computer Science has been postponed. I hope good days greet us all soon enough.

This story is something that I have on mind but would take time to be penned down. I hope I get to live up to your expectations. I would genuinely appreciate anyone who takes it upon himself/ herself to review my writing. I am open to constructive criticism always. 

With love,
Shubhadittya :)

Published on: 28th March 2020

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