pretty things.

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Pretty things are nice,
but sometimes pretty things hurt.
A lot of people say they want these pretty things;
but what they don't know is how much pain those pretty things will bring.

Sometimes it angers me as I watch people,
people with money that spend as they please.
With no care in the world,
they spend spend spend.

Maybe it's different for me
because growing up I didn't have a lot
However I've learned not to judge and to always
be careful what you wish for;
Because sometimes wishing for pretty things
often lead to misfortune.

Many people in situations like mine
envy people with money.
Although it may seem all nice and grand,
it is.
Until it's not.

Maybe you would think it's all nice and happy,
but money can't buy you happiness.
Instead, having money might lead you to thinking that your happy,
until you spend and spend amd lose your worth.

Who wants to be around a bunch of spoiled people
who care more about money than someone's wellbeing?
Oh how fun that would be!
Just spend away like your life depends on it,
because no one thinks twice to even look in your direction,
so you spend;
hoping to fill that void in your heart.
But like I said:
Money can't buy you happiness.

You see,
people automatically think that if you have money that your instantly happy.
That joy is only there for a limited time,
before it's gone.

All I'm saying is,
look at the bigger picture.
Don't assume something and instantly wish on it.

In truth,
you should find happiness by believing
and loving yourself first.
And once again,
Pretty things are nice,
but sometimes pretty things hurt.

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