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Welcome to the world
full of poverty and monarchy.
A world full of abusers
and decievers,
something that'll probably never change.

We live in a world full of racism and homophobia,
a little too much I suppose.
They say that light can't live without darkness
and angels without demons;
But somehow the negative overpowers the positive,
leaving people to only drown in their sufferings.

Sometimes it becomes too much,
and we tend to rely on the wrong things for coping.
Those who have anxiety amd depression,
others who are suicidal and insecure.
Some rely on drugs and alcohol,
others only drown themselves in lonliness
and close themselves off,
saying it's for the best,
while it's only their greatest fear.

So many people say
that all men and women are to be equal,
yet no one does anything.
They keep saying what needs to happen
and what needs to be changed,
hoping it's gonna do something.
Only it doesn't.

Why do we live in such a world?
A world that we homosapians have created,
yet we hate so much?

Some people are optimistic,
maybe too good for this world.
They say everything always goes to shit
before it gets better.
Yet they never say anything that happens
to a shitty life that we can't change.

Sometimes it's better to give up
rather than to hold on.
Other times,
it's better to be held than to hold at all.

Sometimes the silence can say so much,
it just speaks.
Other times,
it's the little to no words that hurt us;
or the words that are spoken constantly
and continuously
that hurt us the most.

What hurts you the most?
Is it you being mistreated?
Is it your abused life?
Is it you caging yourself away so that your not showing yourself to the world because you don't want to be broken anymore than you already are?
Or is it all of the above?

It's hard to open up to people.
That being one of the many reasons
we think we won't be understood.

Why do you cast yourself away
and say your a burden?
Why do you constantly degrade yourself
over and over again?

When did society become this way?
Maybe it was when we were constantly at war with each other.
Maybe it was when we decided to have court systems and a singular person to rule over a whole country.
Maybe it was when we decided that men are instantly more in power than women,
Maybe it was when we started to distrust each other.
Maybe it was when we decided that certain races are superior to others.
just maybe,
it was all of these reasons put together amd so much more.

Who decided that whoever is not "normal"
should be casted away?
To be frank, no one is this whole fucking world is normal,
yet we set a norm to be and only create more toxicity.

We are all sinners,
no one is perfect.

We set beauty standards, popularity standards and always want so much power and control.

Why does a girl and a guy have to be a dating norm?
What's so wrong with a female and female,
or a male and male?
What's so wrong with polyamory relationships?
Absolutely fucking nothing.
Yet people are so afraid of change
that they can'accept the world before them.
Some can't even accept themselves,
It's sad it has to be this way.

Why did we become this way?
What happened to society that it kept
comtinuously going downhill?
Why is it so hard to want to live in a world
that we created?
That we don't want to be in?

There will always be beautiful places;
but within those beautiful places will always be darkness,
negativity and toxicity.

Always remember that.


Just letting y'all know that I'm lesbian and if you can't accept that, go ahead and unfollow.

Thanks and goodbye.

Hope you enjoyed this poem :)

Oh and
Fuck society

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