Chapter 1:out of fantasy world I see

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Chapter One
Out of fantasy world, I see

3rd Person POV

Indiana and Marcus had stuck together since that day and nothing had ever changed and nothing ever would. today began like any other day, Indiana woke up to the sound of the tv on in the living room and she walked down to see her father sitting on the recliner knocked out holding a glass of bourbon in his hand. she lifted it out his hand and she put it on the side table as she sighed and shook her head. she turned the tv off using the remote and walked back upstairs. the sun had began to rise so she got dressed into her riding clothes and put her hair up. she looked around her room one last time, she grabbed her phone off of her side table that was next to her bed and she put it in pocket before she turned off any and all lights in her room. she kissed her fingertips and put them to the picture of her and her mom before she opened her window and she climbed out of it. 

she dropped down onto the ground and walked over  to mac. she got on mac  and she rode to the stables. when she got there, she put mac into her stall and untied anything that would connect her to him. she heard a noise outside and in poked marcus's head

"jesus Marcus you cant scare someone like that" she breathed out and he laughed under his breathe as she stepped out of her stall and closed her gate, locking it afterwards. sam smiled at the sight of them before they heard a noise and they looked up to see raven bursting out of his stall and running off

"oh not again" she groaned and they all looked at each other.

"Marcus, indiana, get the sedatives and the bag. ill call everyone and tell them. lets go" Sam spoke and she walked off as indiana and Marcus walked into the shed together and got the sedatives.

"look at us, Marcus and indi working together just like old times" she said and he nudged her shoulder as he laughed

"lets just go" he said and he walked out of the room holding the bag. indiana followed after him holding the leash and she seemed to notice becky,jade and a new girl. indiana hates change, ever since her mom died she has done everything to make sure that nothing changes. she likes to know what she is dealing with and if she knows, she is prepared for someone to leave her In the dust and she is prepared for that pain but for right now, she had to ignore the new girl and ignore whatever was going to happen. she got in the car with Marcus and sam as they started to drive around the island looking for raven but he was nowhere

"there's one place, we haven't looked" Indiana spoke up and they both nodded as they drove to the beach. the car stopped quickly as indiana got out with sam and Marcus. they looked at the new girl with raven and indiana watched in fear.

"don't move" sam called out and the girl ignored her as she lifted her hand up and put it to ravens nose. raven nudged the girls hand and they all watched in amazement but indi felt conflicted. she tried so hard with raven before but he hated her with a passion, why was the new girl any different from her? she was hurt at this change and she looked over to see a glaze covering his eyes and she sighed. why did it hurt? marcus had only ever looked at her like that, why was he looking at the new girl , the way he looked at her? she snapped out of it when she was nudged and she looked up to see sam holding her hand out. indiana handed her the leash and sam handed it to Marcus as he put it on and he handed it to zoe.

"you can walk him back to the stables, we'll follow you" Marcus said and they got back in the car as they drove slowly next to zoe. indiana stared out of the window and ignored the fact that Marcus had his hand on her knee between the seats. marcus always had to have a hold on indi or he would freak out. they were each others people and everyone knew that.

they got back to the stables and Indiana separated from Marcus as she walked into the shed and pulled out her headphones that she had hidden under the sink from sam. Sam knew that Indiana would get away from the real world anytime she could. Indiana hated the world and the way that it was and in this very moment, she felt like she was being replaced by someone who hadn't even been there for a day.

she leaned against the wall and played her music until there was a tap on her shoulder and she opened her eyes to see Sam standing above her holding out her hand. Indi groaned and she paused the song as she removed her headphones and she handed them to sam

"you can't hide In the fantasy world all the time Indiana" She stated and Indi sighed

"but fantasy is so much better than the real world" she exclaimed and sam laughed as she nodded in agreement with her

"i know Indiana, lets go to the yard" she spoke and she helped Indiana up from the ground and they walked out of the shed and they walked into sams office to see Marcus with the sedative as he refilled the tin

"out of fantasy world i see" he laughed and Indiana chuckled under her breathe as she leaned against the world

"had to leave at some point" she retorted and his eyebrows rose as he laughed and then sam spoke

" can you please make sure you put all the sedatives back in the medical cabinet. cant afford to buy more supplys right now" sam sighed and Indiana sighed under her breathe

"yeah of course, we're lucky we didn't have to use any today" Marcus spoke and Indiana looked around the room. Sam noticed and she smiled, she knew that Indiana was jealous. she had wanted them together since they had became friends and she tried everything in her power to make sure that it happened. Indi's phone buzzed and she picked it up to see her timer going off

"i am so sorry to cut this short but i have to go, work calls. ill see you two later. bye sam, bye Marcus" she said and she kissed his cheek before she ran out of the room. she ran to her stall and put everything on her before she rode off and went to work

why was she so jealous about Marcus even thinking about that other girl? she didn't need to be jealous, she didn't like Marcus like that.

or so she thought


first chapter and I'm already so so obsessed with these two. the angst, the love, the drama , everything about this has my heart and soul.

-everdreams helped me decide on their ship name, MARANA FOR LIFE. WE LOVE MARANA

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