Chapter 2:you two are quite the pair

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Chapter Two
You Two Are Quite The Pair

3rd Person POV

Indiana hated going home, she hated to see the father who didn't treat her like a daughter and she hated to feel alone in that house but she had --- outside waiting. she had built his small stall when she was 14 and started working. she got the wood from other people and they helped her build it.

Indiana smiled as she woke up to the sun shining through her window and she smiled as she rose her arms above her head. she got up and closed her door as she got dressed and made her bed. she climbed out of her window as she climbed onto mac and rode to the stables. she felt the wind through her hair and she sighed as she leaned her head on slowly and let the sun hit her face.

when she got to the stables, she jumped off of mac and met up with Marcus as he put on montys lead and they walked to the arena. Marcus stopped short in front of Indiana as she stopped close behind him and looked into the arena to see Pin and Zoe with Raven

"look at them. it's just how it was yesterday. incredible, isn't it?" Marcus said and she nodded as he started to walk again and she began to follow him again. she smiled at the sight of zoe and pin together, they looked good together and Indiana almost knew what was going to happen between those two.

"my dear indi, are you ready for your training today?" he asked and she laughed as she opened the gate and nodded. she led mac into in before she looked at Marcus and Monty

"we should probably get this one back to his stall" she said and Marcus nodded as he turned to monty and pet his mane

"I will bring him in and then ill be right back" he said to her and he turned around as he walked off and she smiled. she leaned again the fencing and looked at mac

"training , why do we need training?" she questioned and he neighed as she smiled and nodded with him. she heard the gate open and she looked up to see Marcus smiling at her

"you need training so you can be prepared. pony people is coming here today and this one will definitely need to be cleaned considering he's a white horse. lets get your training done" he said and she smiled as she turned to mac and nodded. she got up onto him and he smiled up at her as she smiled down at him

she rode around the arena as Marcus smiled at her. he knew that she didn't need training, she was the best rider he knew but he would never tell her that. She smiled as she rode him and then she looked up to see raven with zoe and pin at that gate

"hey we need to get him tacked up, are you two done training?" pin called and indi jumped off of mac as she nodded with Marcus. she wrapped one hand around the lead rode and the other around Marcus's hand

"yeah but why do we need him tacked up?" Indiana asked

"mia wants to get on him for the magazine cover" He said and Indiana scoffed as Marcus did too and they shook their heads in annoyance

"your ex has a death wish Marcus I swear" she told him and he nodded as he smiled and they opened the gate. they led mac out and brought him out into the yard. Indiana grabbed the hose and started to wash the dirt and grime off of him. marcus helped her as they continued.

"you know if anything, I think you and mac could be on the cover and not mia" Marcus exclaimed and she smiled at him

"well thank you Marcus that is very sweet" she spoke and the water turned off. she brushed through macs hair and brought him back out into the arena when he was ready.

"you two are quite the pair" sam said to indi and she smiled

"Me and mac, oh thanks" she said and sam laughed as she shook her head and nudged Indiana

"you know that I mean you and Marcus but sure Indiana , I mean you and mac" She stated and then she walked away from Indiana. she scuffed her shoes on the ground as she looked around. she held macs lead close to her and she smiled as she watched becky and bob get their picture taken

"this is raven" Mia called and becky stopped getting her picture taken. Indiana scoffed before mac huffed and the man looked at them

"and who is this?" he asked her

"this is mac" she stated and he took their picture. marcus watched them with a proud smile on his face as Indiana smiled too but mia took away the spotlight again

"he's wild" Mia called and the man looked back at raven and mia. Indiana looked at the ground and scoffed

" she just always needs the attention doesn't she?" Indiana sighed under her breathe. marcus lifted his hand up and he rubbed her shoulder softly before they watched mia with raven. Indiana looked at zoe and watched the way raven calm down near her

"Marcus, lets try one with me on the horse" Mia exclaimed and Marcus walked away from Indiana as he handed her montys lead. she grabbed onto it as Monty stepped closer to her and she nodded

"are you sure about this?"Marcus asked her

"yes" she retorted

"mia, be careful" sam said

"can everyone just calm down? I'm just trying to mount my horse. OK?" Mia stated and Indiana scoffed as Marcus turned to her with mia

"the horse that clearly doesn't like you but yeah sure go ahead mia" Indiana said and Marcus smirked. he had always liked that side of Indiana

"Marcus help me" Mia spoke and Marcus helped her up as they watched raven start to move slightly. Marcus came back over to Indi and he wrapped his hand back around hers until mia fell off of raven and zoe ran forward

"zoe! no" sam yelled and susie helped mia up as they watched zoe with raven. Indiana smiled as the man left and they all brought their horses back to their stalls. Indiana smiled as she  untacked Monty with Marcus before she put monty away and then looked at Marcus

"ill see you later" she exclaimed and she kissed his cheek before she climbed onto mac and looked around. She smiled at Marcus as he blushed, he had only just then realized that she had his sweatshirt on but he didn't care, he liked how it looked on her.

she hated the thought of going home but when she was with Marcus , she felt home.

he was home



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