Chapter 5:marcus knew her better than anyone

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Chapter Five
Marcus knew her better than anyone

3rd Person POV

Indiana never knew what the world felt like. She had never left England after her mother had died in that car accident, and maybe she didn't want to know what the real world was like. Indi was sitting down when she watched pin walk by with raven, and she noticed his tail

"you saw it too, right?" Becky asked her, and she turned to her

"tail braided, ill go fix it right now," She exclaimed, waiting until pin left raven in the paddock. she ran over and petted him without startling him

"hey boy, let me fix this," she spoke and she ran her hand over his tail. she pushed her hand through and unbraided it quickly before she smiled and nodded

"Diana, come on let's go to the cafe" Susie called and Indi sighed. the only person who ever called her Diana was her mom. Indiana never told anyone but Marcus that and luckily Marcus was there to hear Susie say it

"indi you alright?" he asked as she walked over and Indiana nodded softly but she wasn't alright and he knew that. Marcus knew her better than anyone but he nodded and let her handle it on her own. he walked over and grabbed her hand before they all left and went to the cafe

when they got there, Indiana sat down between mia and Marcus. she felt his hand in hers and smiled before she looked up and saw Becky, jade, and zoe sitting together at a table.

"let's go bring these to them," Indiana said and Marcus nodded as they both stood up and brought the papers over to them.

"hey girls. so these are for the county show and I was wondering if you pop one behind the till for us , becks?" indi asked and she watched becky stutter

"pop" becky answered and Marcus chuckled

"dental surgery, she cant really speak right now" Zoe answered and she tried to take the paper from Indiana

"what was that?" Marcus asked as he noticed the look between zoe and Indiana. he didn't like anyone else looking at her the way he did.

"I um I think it was electricity" Zoe responded

"oh no it probably traveled throughout your hands, was probably from your jackets and the fact that you're holding hands" Jade said to Marcus and Indiana. Marcus smiled softly as he noticed the way jade was trying to make him feel better and reassured about Indiana and Him.

"yeah probably. we're gonna head back before mias head explodes but thank you for taking these" Indiana said and she got up with Marcus as she handed the papers to zoe and smiled. they turned away and got up from their chairs and walked back. When she sat down, she listened to Mia complain about the fact that zoe is obsessed with them and Indiana scoffed

"it almost seems like you're obsessed with her, we have to get back to the stables so lets go" Indiana said and she got up as she left with Marcus. Mia watched them and she shook her head as she scoffed. she had watched Indiana with Marcus her whole life and she hated it

when she got back to the stables, she felt someone grab her arm and drag her away from Marcus. She pulled her arm away to see Zoe standing there holding her hands up and waiting

"hey" she said and Indiana sighed as she looked around

"whats up zoe?" she asked

"we think that the reason they took firefly was because he was in ravens stall and they actually meant to take raven. I know that Raven and Mac are initially the wild horses and I think they might try to take Mac with Raven so me, becky and jade decided that we should have a sleepover here later and try to catch them. will you be there?" zoe asked and Indiana looked around before she nodded

"yeah zoe ill be there, ill bring crisps and flashlights" she exclaimed and Zoe smiled at her as she rubbed her arm

"thank you Indiana" zoe said and Indiana smiled at her

"any time zoe, I will protect these horses with my life. i always have" she stated and zoe left the stables. Indiana went and got on mac before she rode home. she grabbed the crisps, flashlight and clothes for the next morning. she turned and looked at herself in her mirror as she smiled softly and nodded

"with your life" she spoke and she climbed back out of her window as she closed it lightly and dropped down onto the ground. she let the wind flow through her hair as she walked to mac and got on him

"lets go back , boy" she exclaimed and she pulled her headphones out from her pocket and put them in her ears. she let the music play as she rode to the stables and smiled at the sunset. she got to the stables and put mac into his stall. she looked around and noticed that she was alone. the sun was setting and she was comfortable. she felt safe in this very moment, she locked up mac and nodded

"ill protect you mac I promise" she told him before she pet him and left. she walked out into the field where raven was and she sat down on the gate and made sure to not disturb him. she looked up at the sky and smiled at the sight of the yellow, orange sky

"hey mom, its diana. today is day 2920 without you. i know it seems crazy but its gotten easier. dad is still the same without you but I think ill be okay. Mac is still around and Marcus is too. I miss you more and more everyday but it gets a little easier everyday" She said and she heard someone clear her throat. she turned around to see zoe with becky and jade

"sorry, did we interrupt?" Jade asked and Indiana shook her head

"not at all" she exclaimed and she hopped off the gate as she walked over and up the stacked up hay bails. she sat down next to zoe and jade and they talked until zoes phone went off and becky picked it up

"O M GOD, hot Marcus just followed you" Becky said and they all turned to Indiana

"what?" Indiana asked but she wasn't confused on why they were looking at her. she knew that they know about her and Marcus

"Oh come on Indiana, we know that you and Marcus are like practically in love so be honest indi, do you like him?" Jade exclaimed and Indiana sighed

"no no i don't like him" she said and they all laughed before they moved on from the topic and Indiana smiled gratefully. Becky, Zoe and Jade fell asleep not long after but Indiana stayed up. she couldn't sleep, her brain felt wide awake and she did too. she heard a noise in the paddock and she looked back at the girls

"guys come on wake up. i heard something" she tried but none of them woke up and she scoffed. she grabbed her flashlight and hopped down. she heard raven neigh and she ran over to see three men near him and crowding him. she looked behind her to see the girls gone and she sighed

"right, yeah. right when i need you" She said and she hopped over the fence and ran forward. she jumped on the guys back and kicked him in the back of his leg and he fell to the ground and she punched the other guy in the face

"GET AWAY FROM HIM" Indiana yelled and she was thrown to the ground when she heard someone

"INDIANA" someone called and she knew the voice. she was knocked out though and someone was holding her

but who?


when I make my OCS be the one to save raven and not zoe because even though i love her. it only feels right to have them do it

also a quick note: I aged Indiana and Marcus up to 18-19 due to the fact that he is going to college in the second season as well as the academy. that means that zoe, pin, jade, Becky, and the others arent 15 but they are 16-17 so you have more of an idea.

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