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"Well, if that doesn't do it then I'm not sure what else will..."

Rachel scrutinised the maps and blueprints that I had produced immediately after arriving at the rebel camp.

"Do you think we can come back from this?" I asked.

This changed everything. There was no knowing when Lucas would use his invention but the catastrophic results would end us. Nothing would be left. Nothing.

I doubted Rachel even heard my question she was that deep in thought. It irked me a little bit but I pushed my feelings away, now was not the time.

"Do you think he will do it soon?"

Her eyes refocused on me and rested there. She paused before responding.

"I don't know. Of course there is a chance but we need to move fast. Something has to go our way in the next week or that'll be it."

"What do you have in mind?"

"I don't know that either. We currently have leaflets and hidden articles to raise awareness about us but we can only show a very select few. We need more. We are only getting a couple new recruits a day and at this rate we don't even stand a chance."

"You're right..."

No matter what I considered though, the outcomes weren't looking good. There seemed to be only one option, no, it was way to risky.

"We have to come clean. Tell them everything, perhaps the truth will inspire them to fight alongside us."

She said it. Exactly what I was thinking. Apparently, nothing was too risky when you had everything to lose.


"Now is as good a time as any. We will tell everyone at the rebel camp and maybe then we can judge how others will react. We can't keep something like this from them anyway."

So we were doing it then.

** *

With everyone gathered in front of us, I saw how depleted our numbers really were. There was no way that this would be enough.

"I have an announcement to make," Rachel shouted to the crowd. Unbelievably, her voice was calm, controlled. "Unfortunately, Alessa couldn't make it be here but she is well up to date and this is an urgent matter."

Time stopped. Alessa? Surely not, it couldn't be-

"But I'll hand you over to Verity who discovered this information herself. To her we owe everything."

I gazed out into the small crowd of perhaps a few hundred people - a substantial figure on its own but impossible to take over a planet. My eyes found Harleen and she smiled encouragingly at me. My stomach did a little flutter and I felt immediately better.

Cautiously, I chose my words and described the contents of the blueprints / maps to them. At first, they too were stunned but soon the anger shone through. It was like a blaze and every individual felt the heat as it burnt them. I shared the outrage and pure fury towards Lucas but Alessa now too if she turned out to be who I thought she was.

After the crowd had dispersed - and it took a while since the fury was that strong - I found Rachel again. I had to know.

"Hi Verity," she greeted, "You did really well out there."

"Thanks," I murmured but then changed the subject. "Is Alessa who I think she is?"

Rachel stared at me quizzically. "I have no clue what you mean but she is over there. Ask her yourself."

Rachel pointed at a cluster of tents about thirty metres away. I nodded at her in thanks and headed over there though I had no idea what to say to Alessa if she was who I thought.

Alessa saw me approaching. Her skin was wrinkling with age but her hair and facial features were too recognisable. Lucas would be fuming if he knew she was still alive. Luckily, I didn't have to say anything to her as she recognised me too. Yet I hadn't seen her in over nine years...


I didn't say anything. Instead, I dodged a hug and returned an accusing look. It was impossible to not understand.

"Verity, I'm sorry-"

"You left me! You took Lucas and you deserted me. We had only just lost Father!"

"I know, I-"

"Save it, I don't even know why I came over here..."

"Verity, I'm still your mother."

"I have no mother," I spat.

And I left.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I walked away from the camp. It was located on Plains similar to those near Zyphia and there was nobody other than rebels around for miles. The peace of the dark night was comforting. I never understood why people were afraid of the dark. It felt private and I could finally get some peace. The night was much unlike the daytime where everyone could see me. I always felt exposed, naked even.

Behind me, bonfires raged and flames licked the air. The atmosphere was solemn following my discovery and instead of having something to fight for, we had nothing. All was hopeless. I realised that it was a very damaging attitude to have but what was the point?

I didn't even care about how my mother came to lead the rebels. It was her that set up the projects in the first place and that was a mistake that could never be taken back. That was what counted. Any redemption was futile, she deserved to rot and face the nightmare that she created.

Someone was following me, I paused and looked down at the intricate markings in the sand. 

"I don't want an apology. I want to be left alone."

My words hung in the air but the person didn't leave.

"I'm not sure what's happened but I thought you could use a friend."

Harleen caught up to me and I observed her face in the half light of Selene.

"Thanks I guess."

"You're welcome."

I smiled at her gratefully and we remained like that. The silence wasn't awkward but peaceful, right now I wanted it to be. She wasn't a burden or attention-seeking or even distracting. She just fit but her presence made everything seem a little brighter.

I watched as she looked me up and down until it was my turn to do the same. Her figure wasn't as bold as Rachel's but slim and more... timid. Her personality made up for that though and she always knew what you needed. At the facility, her perkiness has aggravated me, especially when talking about how I supposedly confronted Lucas. Maybe I was just too bitter. She balanced me out and I already found myself gathering more hope in the rebellion despite my mother being the one leading it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

"No," I said, "There are other things that I would much rather do."

She advanced towards me, like a tiger seeking out her prey in a playful manner.

"I agree," her tone grew huskier and it sent shivers down my spine.

I practically jumped on her as our lips crushed together. Passionate kisses were sent flying all over our bodies and nowhere was left unexplored. Every limb was set on fire as we collapsed on the sand in a giggling heap. Our bodies moved as one and eventually we united right there on the Plains in the gorgeous dancing light of Selene.

And we stayed there until morning.

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