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Harleen and I walked back to the camp, hand in hand. We parted at the first tents as she went off with some others for a supply run while I stayed behind. Rachel had promoted me to being a secondary leader alongside her with only Alessa being higher in the hierarchy. I still resented her but was willing to move past my feelings for the greater good. As long as she did to.

"Ah Verity! There you are." Rachel jogged to meet me at the outskirts and we shielded ourselves from a glaring Helios in the nearest tent. Again, I realised just how lucky we were at the compound with the technology we took for granted and private rooms. In this particular tent, there were three cots wedged up one side with a weathered trunk for some meagre storage. Everybody here had little to no possessions with only the clothes on our back to wear. Still, we had more than most.

Word travelled fast and each day we heard of the worsening conditions in all cities across Terra. The poor were getting poorer and people were dying left, right and centre. Something had to be done; it was no longer negotiable.

"I'm sure you are aware of the conditions in the cities," Rachel began. I only nodded and she went on. "It seems that our only option still is to share the truth. As we speak, forces are gathering in all of the nearest cities including Farrian, Dox and Jiona. Jiona will be saved for last and depends on the success at Farrian and Dox since it is the biggest. Once conquered, Jiona will become our new base and the epicentre of the revolution. But for now we will wait here and organise the rebellion, providing a refuge for any of those who choose to seek it. We have decided that the best time to announce the truth will be to everyone simultaneously. Fortunately, we have just enough technology to broadcast live. It will be most effective if we interrupt one of Lucas' own briefings so that we can ensure absolutely everyone is watching. Therefore, we require a spokesperson. Alessa and I have been talking and we think it should be you."

"No, no, no. No way. I'm just here to play the same part as everyone else, you should do it."

Rachel shook her head and sighed. "It has to be you, every citizen has seen you. They believe that the project is working because of you. If you demonstrate this to be false then it will spread hope and will vastly increase chances of success. I wouldn't ask if it isn't completely and utterly necessary. Please, Verity, I'm begging you."

I hesitated. Everything she was saying was true and I knew that this was something I had to do. Yet I still wasn't sure if I was actually capable. My experiences with Lucas were horrific and there was no way I could face him again. If he found out where I was or who I was with... He would come for me.

"Rachel... I just don't know."

"Please, Verity, I'll do anything. I'll even leave you alone if that's what you want. I'll never come near you again but you have to do this."

I glanced at the tears brimming in her eyes and my heart softened. This was the Rachel that I had fallen in love with. The passionate, strong girl who sought after everything she wanted. I wouldn't be here without her. She saved me that night after the VISORs had chased me and I nearly died. She took me in and tried to protect me despite the consequences. She was hurt because of me and she still tried to save me.

My eyes traced her scar and I knew I couldn't be angry anymore with her but what about Harleen? My body tore itself in two and I could feel it physically shattering.

"I'll do it then but I don't want you to leave me alone afterwards... there is something else though."

A single tear rolled down her cheek but her expression changed to one of happiness and I couldn't help but be relieved although the danger I had just thrown myself into wasn't forgotten either.

"Name it. Anything."

"Add Atlantis to the list of cities. We need to save those in the facility. They gave their lives to our cause; we can't turn our backs on them now."

"Verity, we can't. Atlantis is swarming with security. It would be impossible. I know you miss Elyse and we will save her when we can but not yet."

"I miss her?!" I asked in disbelief. "You think that's it?! We went through all forms of unimaginable nightmares together! She was there with me when you weren't and you think I just miss her?!"

"Verity, I'm so sorry but my answer is still the same."

"Then you'd better find yourself another spokesperson," I hissed and stormed out of the tent.

The camp was silent as I left. Everyone had gone out on the supply run and it was only Rachel, Alessa and I that remained. Alessa. The last person I wanted to see. Yet here she was walking right towards me. I tried to evade her by dodging around the tents but she knew her way round much better than I did and soon we were face to face.

"Did you agree?" She enquired.

"Nope," I said, defiant. There was nothing she could say that would make me change my mind. My terms were on the table. She could take it or leave it.

Unexpectedly, her face softened and her wrinkles became more pronounced. For the first time, I noticed how old she really was and ran a quick calculation through my head. If I was twenty-one then she would be round about eighty - just over halfway through her life. Recent medical and technological developments had dramatically increased our life expectancy but there was no cure for weary bones and reflexes. I wondered if it was really worth surviving when you couldn't truly live. Though currently it was the same for all regardless of age.

"I apologise for eavesdropping but I overheard your conversation. You want to rescue your friends, yes?"

Annoyance crept up at the casual term 'friends' but I didn't call her out in it, merely waited.

"You will never understand your value to us, Verity. But I acquiesce. Consider Atlantis added to the list."

"Thank you!" I gasped.

"Don't mention it."

Alessa had never been one for small talk and with that she went on her way, leaving me full of elation with no one to share it with. Harleen and the others would be returning from the supply run soon but with our upcoming announcement, I doubted there would be much time for celebration. The best thing for me right now was rest and maybe, if luck really was on my side, just for tonight I could avoid the nightmares and dream of our promising future instead. Maybe.

The rebellion was coming and it was coming fast.

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