A Real Monster

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3rd person POV:

Izuku readied himself time fight Stain with the Hero Killer preparing to as well. "Uraraka. I'll stall for as much time as you need to get these two out of here."

"Like I'm gonna let you take on this sociopath by yourself-"

"Out of the two of us, I'm more suited to take him down alone. If he attacks you who focuses on close to midrange combat skills, then there's not a good chance of winning. I'm the best suited out of us to hold him off. Besides. You can get both out of here with your quirk."

Ochako stopped for a moment before understanding. "Don't die."

Ochako went for both Iida and Native for Stain to charge at her. "I won't let you pups interfere with my mission!" Izuku immediately countered with using his air pressure quirk to knock the Hero Killer back. When he recovered, Stain charged Izuku next by sending a few daggers to pierce the AFO user's shoulder. "NOW DIE!"

Izuku immediately used his tentacle quirk to catch and shove stain into a wall. "HA! Better happening to someone else!"


Ochako used her Zero Gravity on both Iida and Native for her friend to now understand their motives. "Why help me? This is my screw up. This has nothing to do with either of you!"

"Because we're friends Iida. Do we need a better reason?" Ochako began running away with Stain getting up and pointing the gun with the quirk disabling darts in them.

"I won't let you interfere with my goal for a better world!" He shot a round at Ochako for Izuku to jump in front and expect a bullet to pierce him.

"MIDORIYA!" Ochako shouted realizing he was shot for home to stop and look at his body.

"What the hell?"


"Don't know. Maybe it was a blank or something?"

Stain came at Izuku once more with his katana yo try and slice him. Izuku tried to activate his quirk to only find it was impossible for some reason. At the last second, he dodged and tried to kick the Hero Killer away. Stain recovered and smirked at Izuku knowing what happened did the trick.

"I don't get it. I feel fine, but I can't use my quirks." Ochako slowed down to overhear this and notice Stain's smirk.

'He can't use his quirks? Did that gun have some kind of quirk canceling serum in it or something?'

"What was in that bullet?"

"A drug made by your old friend Overhaul. It cancels quirks for a few hours to make you no different than a quirkless person." Izuku realized how careless he was to have the Hero Killer now come at him with no quirk.

'Dammit Izuku. Think!' He pulled the daggers out of his shoulder to fight Stain with them and evade his attacks for now. 'This'll work for now. But not for long.'

The two continued clashing with Ochako making it outside to give Iida her phone to call for help. Meanwhile, she looked back at the alley worried for Izuku. She knew it took more than a few quirk disabling bullets to take down Izuku, but that feeling of unease didn't go away in her. In fact, it was more present than when the fight started. "I'm going back in."

"You can't be serious. I nearly died thanks to the Hero Killer. What makes you think you can do anything against him?" Native asked for Ochako to stop before she turned around.

"I gotta do this to help Midoriya. I screwed up and at least need to do something to make up for that." She ran in to see Izuku fighting with the swords fairly well, but Stain was more skilled in weaponry for this to mean nothing as knives kept stabbing into him. His joints were being held in place with a pained look being on the green haired boy's face.

"What's the matter boy? Can't fight me?" Ochako was just about to step in, but stopped when she saw a smile on Izuku's face. It wasn't one of confidence or pride. It was a sickly one that made her somewhat scared.

"Oh, I'm more than able to fight you still." He started ripping the knives out of his body with the blood still coming out of him. "This pain is nothing to me. But I think I should warn you about something." A cold air was felt by both the Hero Killer and Ochako before the blood on Izuku's body started to freeze. "Not every quirk was blocked."

Izuku came behind Stain to punch his head into a wall. He got up with blood coming down his head for Izuku to grab his face and slam it repeatedly into the ground. Ochako watched in horror as someone she thought wasn't dangerous had a smile like a psychopath while beating someone to a bloody pulp. 'Just what happened to him?' As if on cue, a notebook Izuku had with him was noticed open to a specific page for Ochako to glance down.

Wicked Sense: Gives a person the ability to hold inhumane abilities if their body is pushed to the brink of death. Side effect is that it warps your personality to levels that would make you do things you'd never do in your right mind.

'Just...just what type of fucked up quirk is this!?' Ochako looked up to see Izuku standing above the bloodied body of stain who looked barely alive smiling at her. He started walking towards Ochako with her stepping back in fear. "M-Midoriya? Are you ok-" She was cut off by nearly having her head pulled off by Izuku's fist going into the wall. The hand looked completely shattered for her to actually worry he did serious damage to it. "Midoriya! Your hand!"

He glanced down and smiled while licking the blood off.

"Tastes....sweet. Will your blood taste sweeter?" He walked up to her with the brunette now fearing for her life.

'He's lost it right now. I have no choice.' She started activating OFA before being reminded of the conversation earlier in the day. She remembered how he actually felt empathy for her as well as did not blame her for wanting to take out her anger on someone that never tried provoke her. She was scared and knew that he had to go down, but that didn't make this easier.

"Let me taste it.....LET ME TASTE YOUR BLOOD-"  Izuku was stopped by a glacier in front of him for Ochako to turn back and see Todoroki.

"What happened to Midoriya?"

"I-I don't fully know. I think it's a quirk he had locked away." She showed him the notebook with the quirk for a chill to run down the half and half boy's spine.

"So he's lost it temporarily?" Ochako nodded before the ice cracked to show Izuku's other hand frigged and bleeding from pieces of the ice digging into his arm. "How do we bring him back?"

"I dunno....but maybe we can knock him out and calm him down before something bad happens."

Izuku came at the two for Todoroki to start using his fire half to ward him away. "Midoriya! Don't make me hurt you!" Izuku smiled at his bicolored classmate to run his shattered hand into his side.

"TODOROKI!" Todoroki spat blood up before trying to get Izuku's hand out of him by using his fire. This for some reason didn't effect him to just let his flesh burn for Todoroki to pull away and watch his friend's hand burn while he had no care for stopping it.

"Just what the hell is going on!? He's not feeling any form of pain while his hand is on fire!?" Ochako looked into the notebook to try and find something worth merit to find out what's happening.

When she found a bit more information on Wicked Sense, she spoke about it. "Affects of Wicked Sense include insanity to levels immeasurable by human understandings, lack of pain registering in the brain, physical limitations a brain would give a body to be blocked..." Ochako couldn't help but gag at the smell of burnt flesh in the alley as Izuku's hand finally stopped catching fire with it looking like a charred piece of meat off an oven's bottom half.

"Your blood tastes sweet Todoroki.....GIVE ME MORE!" Izuku stormed to Todoroki before Ochako got in the way and used a Detroit Smash to hit Izuku in the stomach. He coughed up some blood before smiling down at Ochako. "Do you want to play Uraraka?"

Izuku grabbed Ochako's arm before twisting it to crack almost every bone in the arm. "AAAHH!" She fell to the ground with Izuku looking over her with a face of true terror. As he did, a small mirror came out of Ochako's pocket to open up and be in view for Izuku to see his own face. "Dammit. SNAP OUT OF IT! WHAT HAPPENED TO HELPING STOP YOUR SOCIOPATH DAD!? HOW CAN YOU DO THAT IF YOU CAN'T EVEN CONTROL YOURSELF!?"

Izuku saw his face and the amount of madness in it for tears to start falling down. "a...ah....AAHHHHHH!!!" Izuku fell to his knees and began wailing while pulling at his hair. "SOMEBODY STOP THIS QUIRK!" He began rolling on the ground, banging his head on the ground and everything he could to the point Todoroki was scared that Izuku might actually hurt himself if he doesn't stop.

"Midoriya!" He tried to hold Izuku, but he lifted the bicolored boy up and threw him into a dumpster. Coming out, Todoroki found some chains to wrap Izuku in to freeze his forms of escape. "That should hold him for no-" He stopped his sentence when he saw Izuku banging his head on the ice and cracking it before it shattered into pieces. 'Just how much insanity is he dealing with right now?' Todoroki caught a glimpse of Izuku's eyes to see a broken and panicked look that was all too familiar to him. The look of someone that's finally lost it.

"AAAHHHH!!!" Izuku kept flailing around while trapped in the ice for Ochako to get up and use her not broken arm to knock on the back of his neck and knock him out.

"*pant* *pant* Sorry Midoriya. But I had no choice." The emotions inside Ochako was on edge. She felt some satisfaction knocking Izuku out, but felt sick to her stomach knowing this wasn't his fault and that she knocked someone that was a victim out.

"Is he down."

Ochako pulled Izuku out of the ice and covered whatever spots were bleeding and made sure he was breathing. "Yeah. He's alive, but I think he needs a hospital as soon as we can."

Iida and Native ran into the alley with some pros including Gran Torino who came over to Ochako and Izuku in a panic. "What happened?"

Ochako pulled the page with the quirk that went active on it up for the elderly pro to go pale. "He's alive, but he needs a hospital."

"This is my fault. I should've never let you two go off on your own." A few pros started calling for a hospital with one calling one to transport Stain to one specifically for criminals. The group also made certain to pull every weapon off the Hero Killer in case he was able to move to find a gun.

"What the heck type of bullets are these?"

"Midoriya got hit with one of them and couldn't use his quirk after. I think they were some kind of quirk cancelling bullets."

"Wait, then how could he use the other quirk?" Todoroki asked for Ochako to shrug.

"Maybe cause of the activation measures it lays dormant until the conditions are met?"

"That's something we can solve for later. You both need to see a doctor too." A pro states this with a sudden exhaustion coming over Ochako. She passed out with everyone around her panicking.

Deep in a dreamscape, Ochako POV:

I started to wake up feeling my body being covered in darkness. Looking around, I could see that I couldn't move at all before hearing a voice. "It's been a while ninth user." Turning to the voice, I see a man in baggy clothing reaching for my head.

"Be calm. I have come to talk with you." I kept my composure as all I could do was listen at this point in time. "My nephew. Thank you for stopping him. In the state of mind he was, he would've destroyed all the progress he made for himself to become someone to stop my brother."

'At least I know now I did the right thing.'

"You are thinking that you at least know now that you did the right thing."

'Wait, what!?'

"I am reading your mind right now. This is how I am communicating with you. But congratulating you is not why I am here. I have come to discuss the hindrance you had with OFA."

I stood there calm before thinking what I wanted to say. 'What is it about?'

"Thanks to you making some form of progress, I can allow you to use up to 20% of my quirk. This will allow you to progress yourself and hopefully help my nephew once again if he goes astray." The first user seemed uneasy before asking the next part. "If it is possible, please end this for Izuku. Stop my brother before he gets involved. It is a greedy request, but I do not seek to hurt him more by having to fight his own father. Nobody should subject themselves to this."

'Funny. Gran Torino said the same thing about him needing to go down and it's not right for Midoriya to do it.'

The area around us started to glow bright with the first user disappearing. "I apologize, but this is the time we have now. Please keep my nephew safe and be wary of my brother. He will stop at nothing to claim all he wishes."

Back in the real world

I start to wake up with the smell of disinfectants and the sight of a white ceiling being the first thing I see. When I get up, I look around to see Todoroki and Iida in beds across from me that looked like hospital beds fast asleep. 'Did I...get sent to a hospital?'

I glanced down at my broken arm to see it was no longer broken. "....Uraraka." Looking to the side, I see Midoriya barely conscious in a chair. "You're awake.....that's good."

"You look like shit. What happened after I blacked out?"

"We were....rushed to a hospital.....Stain's in.....custody. I....healed your injuries....." He seemed really out of it before saying one last thing. "Uraraka......I'm...sorry."

"Why don't you go to bed. You look like you haven't slept well."

"I....can't sleep....Every night....I have.....nightmares.....of him." He looked so out of it that I was scared he was gonna fall over any second.

"You slept before though. Is this because of that quirk."

"....Yes.....It messes....with....my head a lot." I got out of my bed to see his injuries were still present on his body to question this.

"Just lay down, ok. You look like you're gonna collapse any second."



".....Thank.....you...." I laid him in the bed next to mine with his last words of our conversation going through my head.

'I'm sorry Midoriya. I really am.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Ochako has seen Izuku in a state where if he really wasn't able to fix himself, none of them would've survived. See how their somewhat better relationship handles itself next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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