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Izuku POV:

The day after the incident with Hosu, I was asked some questions about the ordeal by a cop and some pro hero that I haven't met yet. They basically asked the obvious questions such as why I was at Hosu, what was my reasoning to go after the Hero Killer, did I have authorization to use my quirk and if I had any belief that my use of my quirk was too much. I answered them the best I could with the pro wearing glasses asking me for one final question.

"Before when you said you blacked out, what do you remember from that incident and what is the next thing you remember vividly enough?"

I let out a sigh before answering. "I honestly don't remember much. When the incident of me using the quirk I did happens, it takes time for it to come back to me. In about a week, I should be able to remember it vividly, but I do know I did the unforgivable and hurt two people that were just trying to help me. The only thing I remember after that is clear enough now is seeing a reflection of me and somewhat losing it seeing I hurt people I shouldn't have."

The pro wrote this down before looking back at me. "One last question and we'll be done. Do you find yourself a threat to yourself or others?"

"*sigh* That's a uhh...that's a hard question to answer when it really shouldn't be. I'm scared I'm not stable enough, but I don't intentionally want to be dangerous to anyone. I just wanna do the right thing." The pro stopped writing to look at me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to be a loaded question."

"It's fine. Thank you for your time Mr. Midoriya. From what we can tell and from the talk we had from Gran Torino, you had authorization to do this and unfortunately became a victim yourself. We'll be in touch if anything else comes up."

"Thank you sir..."

"Nighteye." He got up to leave with the fact I still hurt people fresh in my head. I decided when I was alone to try and call someone.

Looking down my phone contacts, I decided to avoid telling Tenko and Nezu since they'd be more worried for my mental state. So, I decided to talk to one other person who tries to help me and is someone I can talk to without an issue of it circling back to me. "Hello?"

"Miruko. It's Izuku."

"What's up man?"

I was uneasy to answer, so I made sure I wasn't disturbing her. "Are you working right now or doing anything that I'm intruding on?"

"Nah. I'm just making lunch. What's wrong?" I didn't want to say it with Miruko asking again. "Did something happen?"

"....I screwed up."

"How bad?"

I was on the verge of tears when answering. "I blacked out and hurt two of my classmates. This is the second time in the last two months that I lost my self control. *hic* I'm scared next time I'll do something I'll regret." I almost lost it on the phone for Miruko to get what has me so scared.

"Where are you interning?"

Ochako POV:

After being questioned by the cops, I was free to leave with me packing up what I had in the room. I glanced over at Midoriya's bed to see his notebook and how worn down it was. 'Just what other quirks does he have that are dangerous?' I started to reach for it hoping to find out just what his other quirks are.

"Going through somebody else's belongings is very rude."

"AH!" I turned around to see Nighteye who was as irritated as ever.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"I came first to help with an investigation into the Hassaikai who are part of this ordeal with the quirk disabling bullets. I also came to see what All Might's 'successor' was up to in regards to all this." I swallowed a lump in my throat remembering how he was never that into me being the next user of OFA.

"S-so how did the questioning with Midoriya go?"

"From what I can tell, he holds remorse for what he did and isn't proud of the fact he hurt you or Todoroki. Since he used it in a state of defense and tried to stop Midoriya, he won't be charged. Iida on the other hand had actually attacked and used his quirk on Stain. Though he was in mortal danger, the law can't overlook this if it were to get out. So as such, we will have it where Midoriya stopped the Hero Killer with Iida, you and Todoroki being injured by him trying to save Native. This isn't the truth, but it also helps people who would be harmed if the truth got out."

Before he could leave, I asked Nighteye about the change. "Why didn't you have it where we obtained our injuries when Midoriya lost his composure?"

"If we did, that would make his ability to go into a hero course impossible while also questioning the mental state of Tenko Shimura and principal Nezu due to them being in the same type of scenario he was in with different bits pointed more towards them. There is less collateral damage if it comes out with the villain being the one that harmed you all. Tell Gran Torino and your father I said hello."

He walked out with me holding my head down remembering the dead look in Midoriya's eyes when he lost control and the broken look when he regained control. 'I should get going. Gran Torino is waiting outside for us.'

Few hours later, Izuku POV:

"Alright kid. I think it's best if we see more of your quirks if possible." Gran Torino asked me to try and show some of my quirks with the images of what happened. "Kid?"


"You ok?" I started to realize I was shaking to understand why they were concerned.

"Y-yeah. Sorry, I'm a little out of it from the other night still."

I pulled out my notebook to start looking at a few quirks before giving it to Gran Torino. "Can't use them yet?"

"I-it's not that. It's just...I'm scared I might lose it again." Gran Torino let a sigh out before a knock on the door came.

"I'll get it." The old man got up to leave me and Uraraka alone.

"So um....uhhhh.....nice day out?" I nodded silently with the air being insanely thick to the point you could cut it with a knife. "Boy this is awkward."

"You're telling me."

"Hey Midoriya! Ya got a visitor!" I looked over to see Miruko with a carrier.

"Sup Izuku. I gotcha a friend that I think you'd wanna have by your side." She opened the cage up for my stress pet to run out to me.


"*snort* *snort*." Pork Rinds came up and sat on my lap headbutting me for attention.

"The heck is that thing!?"

Uraraka shouted for me to hold Pork Rinds to face her. "This is Pork Rinds. My pet micro pig and stress pet."

"....Ok, but why do you call it something that you make from a pig. Also, WHY HAVE A PIG AS A STRESS PET!? Why not something cleaner than a creature that rolls around in the dirt and mud all day."

"First off, pigs are more clean than you think they are. They roll around in the dirt to keep cool on hot days. They won't do it out of boredom and I keep Pork Rinds very clean for any pet."


"Second, I call him Pork Rinds because when I first found him he was trying to steal a bag of pork rinds I was eating at the time. Third and most importantly, I didn't plan on getting Pork Rinds as my stress pet and why do you care what the piglet is to me?"

"So the little rump roast here is a pet? Good thing I didn't start up the oven hoping for ham sandwiches." Gran Torino laughed for Pork Rinds to speak to him in an annoyed manner due to not taking the joke as something he liked.

"I thought you'd want a friend, so I went to Tenko's to ask him for Pork Rinds to bring to ya. I didn't tell him why though just so you could handle yourself a little easier without their fear for you."

"Thank you Miruko." She ruffled my hair while Pork Rinds began to lay down and rest his snout on my right knee.

"Good piggy." I started scratching behind his ear for him to start shaking his leg in enjoyment.

"I...I didn't know you had a stress pet?" Uraraka said for me to smile while looking at Pork Rinds.

"Tenko and Nezu thought it would be better for me to have a pet to watch and care for. They said it would help me learn responsibility and also some kind of mental coping mechanisms to try and avoid too much stress." I started to yawn a bit while petting Pork Rinds and seeing his sleepy face. "He's such...a....good.....boy....." I started to pass out and have my head fall into the couch.

Ochako POV:

"And he's out like a light. Nice job pig." Pork Rinds oinked at Miruko as if he was satisfied with himself before going to headbutt Midoriya to fall on the couch and cuddled up to his chest with his snout into his master's neck. "Still say his name should've been Fat Nuggets."

'Why do I feel pity for this pig being called every name that he shouldn't be called?'

Miruko looked at me for a second before asking. "How much sleep did he get since the incident that happened?"

"Uhhh...." I thought about it to remember the fact Midoriya would fall asleep for 10 minutes before waking up and shouting in fear and go about 5-6 hours without sleep after. "I think maybe an hour or two at best combined."

"That explains how he was able to fall asleep after petting and getting relaxed to the point of passing the hell out like this." We watched the pig began to snore alongside Midoriya for it to be kinda funny.

'This pig is cute. He even cuddles with his master.' Pork Rinds soon got up to pull away from Midoriya to go into the other room and grab a green blanket in his mouth. He jumped on the sofa and started covering Midoriya with it before returning to his position right next to him. "That is so cute."

"This is why I like this pig. You're such a good piggy."

"*oink* *oink*."

As they relaxed, I noticed Miruko sit beside Midoriya somewhat concerned. "Miruko, why are you here?"

"I came to help Izuku here."

"In what way?" Gran Torino asked for the rabbit hero to look at us before answering.

"He called me earlier today when you all were at the hospital. I can tell when he's really upset because his voice starts cracking and he doesn't sleep much. I don't know about the details of what he did, but he called me in tears saying he screwed up badly and was sick to his stomach knowing he could hurt people that should be able to trust him. He's scared. Scared more than either of you can imagine." We start seeing Midoriya start to cry a bit and shake before Pork Rinds licks the tears and headbutts his head before resting back where he was.

"So you came with the pig to help the boy. I can understand that."

"I found out about his situation when I started dating Tenko. Poor kid's been through a lot from being discriminated against cause of his quirk to being made a lab rat. No offense to Nezu." I felt a cold wind in the room when she mentioned the words 'lab rat' and 'Nezu' in the same sentence.

"So in your honest opinion, what do you think of Midoriya and his parent's relationship?" I asked somewhat curious since I've never actually had as much knowledge on Midoriya's family life.

"First off, I think I should give you this kid." Miruko gave me a solid kick to the gut that would've been ugly if I didn't activate Full Cowling to absorb most of the blow. "That was for treating Izuku like the villain since day one and I finally get the chance to kick my anger out on you."


"Second, his relationship with his family as I'm sure you're somewhat aware is...well let's just say complicated. His mother from what I heard from him and found through my own looking was literally no different than a fucking saint. His father on the other hand, I wanna knock his teeth out and then stomp on his testicles for what he did."

"Subtle." I gave a sarcastic remark to see Miruko's leg come up again. "Sorry. Continue."

"Anyway, Izuku is kinda wanting to take his asshat of a father down and will do everything that he can with these quirks." She held the notebook that was on the table up. "And I should probably point out that this is his more commonly used quirks and ones that he needs to keep in check. He's got more at home."

"Holy crap."

"Yeah. So when I hear that a fucking stuck up bitch like you is trying to fight and hurt him, it makes me sick that you're doing this after everything they went through and what they're still struggling with." I held my head down before Gran Torino spoke up.

"So the kid's got a lot of issues. Kinda figured that." He then turned to me with an angered glare. "Listen up missy, you and that fool of a friend of yours will go and hang out with Midoriya the day after the work studies end. If I find out one of you don't do this, I'M GONNA BEAT YOU WITH MY CANE UNTIL IT BREAKS!"

"*SQUEAL*" Pork Rinds hid himself in the blanket hearing this.

"Alright then. I'll uh...I'll tell Bakugou then." I ran out of the room in fear while going down my contact list to find his contact info.

When I called, he picked up and sounded rather annoyed. "What do you want?"

"Good to hear you too douche bag. Keep the day after the Work Study clear, we'll be hanging out with Midoriya."


"It's either that or risk getting attacked by Gran Torino until his cane breaks. Your call."

There was a silence before an answer. "Fine. But he better not try anything."

"Trust me. As long as we don't do anything, I don't plan him to do anything dangerous." I hung up before looking down my contact list to call Yaomomo, Kaminari, and Iida to come along. 'Maybe if we do a group one, it'll feel a little easier on everyone.'

And that finishes this chapter. So next one will be a chapter of a group hang out with Izuku's group and Ochako's group. See how they handle this with hopes to not kill each other. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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