Peaceful Day

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Ochako POV:

The day after the internship ended, me and Midoriya made it unfortunately a point to make plans to head to an amusement park with our group of friends. If we didn't want to see each other, we could at least spend time in the arcades and on the rides there. I  said I'd bring Bakugou, Kaminari, Sero, and Momo. Midoriya would bring Kirishima, Ashido, Jirou, Shiozaki and Tsu. We also were able to get Iida and Todoroki to come as common mediums since both are kinda not against either one of us. I sat near a fountain with my group with Iida and Todoroki alongside us trying to start a conversation.

"So. Midoriya is alright?" Iida was asking with me nodding.

"Can't believe you four faced the Hero Killer." Momo was dumbfounded with most of the information about it being hushed.

"Shame the monster didn't die to the villain."

Todoroki looked at Bakugou a little silent before turning back to me. "Can somebody tell me why he hates Midoriya so much? Out of everyone, he probably has the lowest reason to hate him."


'Please somebody stop these two now.' I glanced over to see Midoriya's group coming over to thank whoever allowed them to come. 'Thank you.'

"Well. Look who showed up." The group glared at Bakugou with him flipping them off. "You wanna go extras?"

"*oink* *oink*" Pork Rinds came out from Midoriya's arms for everyone to see him and question.

"So why's there a pig?"

"He's a stress pet Kaminari. This is my micro pig Pork Rinds." He looked like the pig was wearing a black bowtie today that kinda made him look cuter than he was with the tie.

"So you had a pig as a stress pet?"

"That's right Yaoyorozu." Midoriya smiled for Jirou to kneel down at the small animal.

"Look at you. Aren't you a cutie." Pork Rinds gave a small lick to Jirou for Momo to be somewhat freaked out by it.

"I can't believe you'd let such a disgusting animal be held in your arms, let alone lick you."

"Animals like pigs are not as disgusting as you think. Some are very hygienic. Take Pork Rinds. He smells of soap and lavender." Shiozaki pointed this out with the pig hopping down and walking over to me.

"Hello Pork Rinds. You look spiffy today."

"*Oink*" He held his paw out while sitting for us to start moving out.

"This is bullshit. I gotta spend time with this fucking freak cause you're scared of some old geezer hitting you in the gut."

"Hey! Don't talk about Gran Torino like that Bakugou. He's a scary man with a cane that never breaks." I shook remembering half the times he hit me for Bakugou to laugh at me.

"You're that scared of some old fart? AHAHAHA!" I punched him in the side to get him to punch back and miss to unintentionally smack Momo's phone out and into the streets.

"Aw man. And that was a new phone."

"Smooth Bakugou." Kirishima said with him getting angry at him.


"DON'T TALK TO HIM LIKE THAT!" Ashido replied back with Kaminari and Sero joining in while Jirou and Tsu started to bicker as well.

"Well this worked as best as I could've expected." I sarcastically say this before noticing Pork Rinds take off into the streets. "Wait. Stop!"

I see the small pig nearly get hit by two cars before grabbing the phone in his mouth and ducking under a car coming by. "This pig is nuts."

"You're telling me Todoroki." When the coast was clear, Pork Rinds came back and gave the phone back to Momo with her grabbing it and seeing it still worked. 'That's one clever pig.'

"Good boy Pork Rinds! Who's a good pig? Who's a good pig?" Midoriya started praising the small animal with him smiling and Momo giving him an awkward head pat. He smiled before going near Midoriya's leg to ask to get picked up again.

"Midoriya. Are you certain the amusement park will allow you to bring in your pet?" Iida questioned with the thought actually coming to all of us.

"It'll be fine. I called ahead and they said it was fine as long as I bring papers saying he's a legalized stress pet."

Pork Rinds began relaxing in Midoriya's arms and falling asleep in a few moments for us to keep walking. Iida and Todoroki began trying to make some common ground with everyone while Bakugou kept glaring at Midoriya to get Shiozaki to glare at him. As this happened, Kaminari tried to hit on Jirou for her to gouge his eyes out with her jacks. This for some reason got us all to laugh at his misfortune and ease the tension a little. Pork Rinds woke up to this and walked to a vender to swipe two napkins and nearly turn into bacon bits in the act before giving them to both Jirou and Kaminari. I couldn't even believe how smart this pig was to the point I almost was hellbent he had a quirk related to IQ or something. We finally got to the gates of the park to pay and get inside.

"So. Anyone know what rides we should try first?" Kirishima asked for Iida to voice his opinion.

"Going for specific rides without any type of plan or order will not be as pleasant or a good method to touch everything in this park. I suggest we do an entire circle of the park hitting every ride we can in the path. This prevents us from missing anything."

Midoriya was a little uneasy with the amount of people for Ashido and Shiozaki to try and keep him calm. He took some calming breaths before agreeing with Iida. "If we do that, we can at least hit everything and not feel bad we didn't hit something."

"Fuck you freakshow!" Bakugou went walking off on his own for me to karate chop him and knock him out.

"That should help." I lugged him on my shoulder while smiling at everyone. "Sounds like something worthwhile. Plus, it'll make when we go on certain rides more satisfying cause of the wait for them."

"Then it's settled. Allow me to lead us to-"

"Relax Iida. We're not in school." Sero went in front of him with all of us doing the same.

Izuku POV:

Hours began passing with us enjoying ourselves on rides, we went in groups since I couldn't bring Pork Rinds on the rides. I felt bad, but Shiozaki agreed to sit out for me just so he'd be safe and not get into trouble. Pork Rinds seemed to get along rather well with her to the point it helped me relax. It helped a little more since the group I was in consisted of me, Kirishima, Jirou, Kaachan, Iida and Yaoyorozu to not have to worry about him being roasted ham when I'd come back. As we sat and ate a little lunch, most of us tried to talk to one another to keep things relatively civil. The only person who didn't want to at least attempt was Kaachan with Uraraka saying Gran Torino will handle it when we get back.

"So Shiozaki. I heard you tried to get Midoriya to date you?" Yaoyorozu asked a rather personal question for Shiozaki to continue eating her soup before answering.

"Yes. I did."

"Wait, but why."

"Because Kaminari, I think Midoriya is a nice person. A kindred soul that wishes good but has difficulty doing so due to 'outside' matters." She flared at Uraraka and Kaachan explaining she was talking about them. I didn't pay it as much mind and fed Pork Rinds some of my peppers from a cheesesteak.

"You're surprisingly calmer than normal Uraraka. What made you change your mind?" Jirou asked for Uraraka to shrug while eating a burger.

"I guess I've found some common ground with him."

"Tch. Who would find some common ground with the villain?" Kaachan seemed to have an issue with this for Todoroki to accidentally drop his drink on me.

"I'm really sorry Midoriya."

"It's not your fault. Also, it wasn't hot." I got up to start for napkins before Yaoyorozu passed me a pair of jeans from her arm.

"These looked to be about the same size as yours. Warn me if they're not."

"Thanks." I walked towards the nearest restroom to close the stall and change my pants. When I came out, I noticed the guys at the table with the girls gone. "Where'd everyone go?"

"Ashido mentioned how Pork Rinds likes to dress up, so Yaoyorozu wanted to get him an outfit over there." Kirishima pointed at a shop that sold pet stuff in the park to make me kinda happy.

"Alright ya fucking loser. What did you do to Uraraka?" Kaachan was very blunt when asking this for everyone to look at him.

"Why can't you accept the fact that maybe I'm not the bad person you think I am-"

"LETS GET ONE THING FUCKING STRAIGHT HERE YA FUCKING FREAK! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE! TO ME, ALL YOU ARE IS A FUCKING VILLAIN, GOT IT!?" Kaachan stormed off with all of us kinda amazed he full on shouted in the park.

"Dude has a lot of anger issues."

"No kidding."

Both Sero and Kaminari pointed this out for it to kinda bring me down a bit. "MIdoriya. Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'll manage Iida. I'm just kinda annoyed that I can't have a normal and civil conversation with Kaachan anymore."

"So when exactly did he stop looking at you nicely?" Sero asked with curiosity for me to say.

"When I accidentally stole his quirk when it first manifested. I didn't have any understanding on it before this or even who the hell my father was. But obviously that doesn't change a thing with Kaachan. I can steal what he has, and he thinks it'll happen again."

"Jeez. And I thought the guy just had anger issues cause of something really bad you did like steal his quirk and use it against him or kill his father." Kaminari says this for everyone to get confused at him.

"You watch too much drama action movies. This isn't Star Wars with me being Vader and Kaachan being Luke Skywalker."

"Just a question."

"Look. The reason he hates me is because I accidentally stole his quirk as a child, thought it was mine, and returned it back to him when I realized it wasn't. I didn't know anything about my quirk as I said, but Kaachan had this mindset that I wanted his quirk." Pork Rinds hopped on my lap for me to pet him while continuing. "It didn't help when he was told my dad's a villain."

"So he's being a crybaby over something you tried to fix years ago and thinks you'll follow in your father's footsteps."

"That about sums it up Todoroki." Suddenly, everyone's opinion of Kaachan turned kinda sour knowing how petty he kinda is right now. "To be fair, I don't think him believing I'm dangerous is wrong. As much as I wanna say I'm not, I'm not exactly a stable holder of quirks."

"Any chance you can give me one or two?" Kaminari asked hoping to get stronger for it to anger me he even suggested this.

"No. Most of these quirks I have I was forced to steal with the rest being forcibly implanted in me. I'd rather not use my AFO quirk again just because of how I had them thrown in me for years." I scowled at him with the desire to kick his ass right there.

"So what's it like using that quirk?" Sero asked eating a chicken nugget.

"Picture the feeling of something something swirling inside you and yanking something out to make your body something completely different. That is what it feels like for people. And since that feelings been put on me, I'd rather avoid doing it. The only exception I made was Uraraka just because I stole something I shouldn't have from her."

Todoroki began slurping his soba before replying. "You're very defensive about your quirk, aren't you?"

"I've done more damage than I'd want with it. If you did what I did and stole quirks from people for years and strapped to a table while someone with the same quirk as yours did just as terrible things to you, I'm sure you'd lose desire to control that quirk." The girls soon came back with Uraraka asking about Bakugou for us to say what happened. She wanted to avoid him getting attacked by a cane, but we all kinda knew that would be inevitable with him. We threw out our trash and started heading out.

"Look Pork Rinds. I found you a suit that can match your bowtie." Yaoyorozu presented a small shirt that looked like a suit for him to try it on. I had to admit, he looked adorable in the shirt.

"What happened to Pork Rinds being a 'dirty animal'?" Kirishima smirked while Yaoyorozu tried to defend herself.

"The small pig grew on me. He also did smell like lavender when I knelt down to thank him this morning." We kept laughing before a strange sharp pain went into my head.

"Tch!" I held it in pain to throw red flags up for everyone.

"Midoriya. Are you alright."

"Yeah Iida. Just a bad headacAAHH!" It felt like my head was splitting to make me fall to my knees.

"It seems my connection has gone through."

I glanced up and went pale seeing someone I wished wasn't here. "N-no. Not you." I started to crawl back in fear with everyone around me making some space not sure what's going on for some reason.

"Midoriya!" Jirou tried to come help me before I started shouting.

"W-WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" AFO Smiled while answering.

"I came to see how you liked my subordinates new...project."

"Go to hell! That fucking drug almost made me kill somebody!"

"Midoriya. Who are you talking to? Tsu asked for me to explain.

"I don't know how he's doing it, but my father's here." This raised a huge alarm for Uraraka for her to look around ready for a fight.

"It would appear you've met the ninth holder of your uncles quirk. Fascinating."

"What's he saying man?"

"This is becoming troublesome." He snapped his fingers for all of us to fall into a deep sleep. The only thing I could think was what he planned with this and it scared me to death.

3rd person POV:

When everyone woke up, they found themselves in a dark area with almost nobody in the space. "Hello young children."

Everyone turned to the source of the voice to see it was a man in a suit sitting calmly with a mask over his face.

"It's been a while. All For One. I'd say I missed you, but that would be a lie." Izuku seemed enraged with the amount of a death aura coming off of the man almost being too much for everyone. They knew if they screwed up here, he could easily kill them. "So what do you want?"

"I contacted you to see just how well you're doing. So tell me, how many of your....skeletons did you pull out of your closet and show these friends of yours."

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Ochako jumped over to try and punch AFO with him stopping her in midair.

"Such a rude child. Perhaps I should teach you some manners-" Izuku shot a beam of energy at his father for it to go through him. "Seems I struck a nerve."

"Just say whatever the hell you want and leave us be!" Izuku and everyone prepared for a fight with AFO throwing Ochako back at them to be caught by Izuku.

"I wanted to tell you something that you might like to know my son. That drug. I had Overhaul make it out of human tissue."

"....No." Izuku realized what this meant and didn't like it.

"Yes. Someone else has taken the place of you and your *chuckles* family." Izuku's blood boiled as everyone looked amazed at him getting so worked up. "And she's a cute little one too. So young and wide eyed to the world. Reminds me a lot about you-"

Izuku shot another laser at AFO before shouting in anger. "WHERE IS THE PERSON YOU'RE DOING THIS ON YOU SICK FUCKER!?"

AFO held a finger to where his mouth would be in the mask. "My secret."

The room around them began to disappear with everyone being engulfed by a bright light. When they woke up, they found themselves on the ground with Pork Rinds trying to lick them awake.

"Ok. Just what the heck was that?"

"Since it was Midoriya's father, it's a good chance that was because of a quirk."

"So he can mess with our minds even without having to be around?"

"That could be the case *ribbit*."

Izuku's color came back to him to show him fuming with rage. "Midoriya? What did he mean by someone else took your place?" Shiozaki asked for bad memories to come back to Izuku's head.

"Someone else is being turned into a human instrument to further his plans."

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku and everyone handles this new information about someone that is being used in Izuku's place. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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