Battle of Beliefs

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Izuku POV:

"Excuse me?" "I said, how can you use that quirk of yours if you've done so much bad with it?" I looked away from Todoroki while answering. "It's complicated. I'm not using the actual quirk when I use others, *sigh* but I guess it's just that I want to prove I have something I need to do." I looked down at my hands while activating AFO with green fire surrounding them. "This quirk has given me so much pain over the years that I'd love nothing more than to just give it away. But if I did, it would be someone else's problem. I can't let that be on my conscience. It would eat me away inside more than it already is." "I see. So you're doing the same as me." He held his left hand up to hold over his scar. "No. I'm probably doing worse than you, but mine is because I have to atone for those that are hurt by me." "In what way? The way you hurt Uraraka?" "I'd wish." I took a deep breath before explaining.

Ochako POV:

'Son of a bitch! WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!' I started looking in anger for Midoriya after his little outburst to me. 'He thinks he can call me a cunt and get away with it, HE'S GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!' I began to turn a corner before seeing Todoroki talk to someone. "You see, my father did some things with a few quirks I have. After hearing the voice, I knew who it was. 'You're dead now Midoriya.' "He made quirks that were made solely for killing people, especially All Might." I stopped my walk out to listen to him after hearing the fact he had quirks to kill dad. "So you were made to kill All Might?" "I...I don't know. I'm scared to find that out. If that is true, then I'm afraid I may end up becoming that." I started to hear fear in his voice to the point I haven't heard this since the USJ as he was screaming in agony tearing himself apart. "Just what exactly did your father do to make these quirks?" "He started with a baseline quirk from what I'm aware of, then he warped them by adding different quirks that change their aspect thanks to some scientist of his cloning and mass producing quirks. By the time the job was done, the final product was almost nothing like the original."

'All For One's....cloning quirks?' "What happened when they were finished?" "My father took them and forced them inside me like I was some kind of storage case for them. The feel of having a quirk forcibly implanted in your head is...agonizing doesn't even begin to describe the experience it is. Forcibly ripping or pushing a quirk inside someone makes me so violently sick to my stomach that I wanna throw up right now from remembering this." "Is that why you want Uraraka to at least accept the offer to give what you stole back?" I glanced over at Midoriya to see him nod. 'So he's not giving it back because I refuse to willingly allow him?...Wow, didn't actually think he'd be willing to do something considerate.' "So what happened after you obtained these quirks?" "I uh....*inhale* I was forced to use them. A side factor of my original quirk is called 'Forced Quirk Activation'. It does as the name implies. To make matters simple, I've killed people sine I was six years old. Not of my own accord, but I did hold the trigger to the gun in a way with someone else pulling it for me."

'Dear god that's messed up.' I kept listening for Todoroki to speak next. "You have my condolences, but just how many quirks do you actually have that are like this?" "...Let's just say they're in the triple digits and leave it at that." My eyes went wide hearing that Midoriya had at least a hundred of his quirks powerful enough to kill dad that were specially grown for this. "I try to keep these from being activated due to the fact they can create natural disasters by just using them. They are hell on earth if you're on the receiving end." 'Good thing that timer rang before or I'd be who knows where right now.' "Now it's time for me to ask a question Todoroki. Why don't you use your fire half?" Todoroki looked at his left hand before answering. "You've heard of quirk marriages, right?" "Those where people marry with hopes of having a child with a stronger quirk? What about them?" "My mother was forced into one by my father in hopes to find a way to surpass All Might. She suffered through hell because of my father's self righteous fixation of being number 1. One day, she finally broke inside and poured scolding hot water on my face. Before she did, she mentioned how she hated my left side however. She might've done it, but none of this would've happened if my father didn't force my mother into being that bastards wife. Because of this, I'm going to become the number 1 pro hero without his quirk."

Todoroki started to leave with Midoriya stopping him one last time. "Having something like that done to you by someone that's supposed to love and protect you is the hardest thing, but is your mother alive?" "What does that have to do with this?" "Just answer the question." Todoroki was a tad annoyed while he answered. "Yes. She was put in a mental hospital after she did what she did." "Did you ever go see her?" "....No. I'm afraid I might bring back bad memories for her." "Have you ever thought that she might feel horrible for what she did to the point she thinks the reason you don't see her is because you hate her?" "I don't though! I don't blame her!" "Then why haven't you've gone to explain that to her!?" He looked away while answering. "I...I feel as if it's my fault she snapped." "But you just said it was your father's fault." "It might be...I don't know." "Look Todoroki, not going there right now to see her is the same as saying you hate her for what she did." "But I don'-" "Maybe you don't, but your mother may think you do and that you're not going there to visit her because you hate her. She sounded scared from how you explained the situation, so she's probably afraid right now that you were hurt to the point you want nothing to do with her.This isn't what you should think is right. You need to talk to your mother and get things straightened out. If you don't, you may find yourself in a point in life where you can't fix the relationship with her anymore."

My mind went to my relationship with Midoriya where the time between when he stole my quirk and when he came back into my life only made the hate for him fester and grow. Todoroki said nothing after this and walked away. I started to leave too before I heard Midoriya say something. "Uraraka, I'm sorry." I went pale thinking he found me before seeing him place his head on the wall. "If Overhaul didn't get to me when he did, maybe I could've fixed everything before it got this far. I'm sorry." He fell to his knees starting to cry a bit. I've seen him tormented, angered, and frightened before, but the incident right now is taking the cake. 'Why can't I tell him It's ok? God damn my stubbornness.' I walked away thinking of his comment about me just taking my quirk back. 'Maybe accepting him will at least make things a little better and get us to stop going to those stupid therapy sessions.'

Tenko POV:

"That'll be 780 yen." "Here. Keep the change." I decided to go for one of the local vendors outside for lunch and grab a tray of takoyaki. 'Seeing Kraken in action kinda made me crave octopus. Hope this tastes as good as it looks.' I began eating with the taste really enjoyable. 'The flavor's amazing. The guy really outdid himself.' "Nice to see you again, young Shigaraki." "Aww cwap." I spoke with a mouth full of food to see All Might stand beside me. "*gulp* What do you want All Might and whatever it is, can we make it fast? I don't have a lot of time for lunch." I began walking to the stadium with him beside me. "Young Midoriya seems to be rather strong." "He's worked hard." "And has quite the arsenal of quirks." "Just because he has a lot of them doesn't mean he's going to be like his fa-" All Might stopped me right as we were about to enter the stadium. "You and I both know he's struggling to keep himself in tact. Maybe we should give him a psych eval before he continues in school. Just for the safety of the students." "Maybe we should send Uraraka for one too. Her form of rage against Midoriya seems to be a little over the top. Also, you should already know that not all the heroes in Japan are technically 'sane' compared to everyone else."

He began to glare at me in agitation with me glaring back. "You honestly think a boy that rips himself apart doesn't need a psych eval and my daughter who has every reason to hate young Midoriya does?" "I think Uraraka has her morals wrong or confused at this moment. They were kids when this happened, kids have accidents with their quirks, and Izuku is trying to fix his. Your daughter going at him like an egotistical maniac doesn't help this. She's just as much to blame for the bad blood between both of them as Izuku is." I elbowed him out of the way to begin walking away. He stopped me by grabbing my shoulder though. "Nothing personal, but I honestly think her ideals as my successor is understandable. AFO causes nothing but-" "I'm not saying he doesn't cause problems for everyone he comes across! Have you taken a good hard look at me, Nezu, and Izuku!?" I was fit to be tied now after hearing this. I turned to start poking the buff blond's chest in anger. "It's a challenge for all three of us to get out of our beds in the morning knowing that we were held captive by that megalomaniac for years. Yet you and your daughter have the audacity to call us the villains when we're just as much victims as you. Just because you gave her OFA, doesn't mean she's a worthy successor and neither are her ideals worthy of praise."

All Might looked at me amazed I know of OFA. "How do you-" "Me and Nezu talk about our issues with one another and about things necessary. I also looked into the records to find out that her new quirk manifested not long after your fight with AFO. Coincidence? Doubtful when you have a rodent with the IQ of the greatest genius in the world on your side. Now get the hell out of my way so I can go recompose myself for what I need to!" I walked away in a fit of rage for All might to watch me leave. 'Izuku is trying his best. That's all that's happening right now, yet an asshole like him doesn't realize he's as much of the victim here as his daughter and is too stubborn to admit they're both wrong about Izuku.' My mind went to when the three of us were together in that torture chamber we called our home while under AFO's thumb. The sound of Izuku's and Nezu's screams haunt me to this very day. My blood pressure was through the roof before I took a few calming breaths. 'Keep it together Tenko, you're Izuku's rock. You can't break or crack on him.' I made my way up to the booth before the announcement for the next event started.

Izuku POV:

I began to glance over at the girls to see them all wearing cheerleader outfits. 'What the?'

"LOOKS LIKE CLASS A'S GIRLS ARE GOING FULL ON FAN SERVICE!" "MINETA! KAMINARI! YOU TRICKED US!" The girls were fit to be tied as Ashido and Jirou began charging them. They ran in my general direction to 'accidentally' hold my foot out for them to trip. "WHAT THE HECK MAN!" "I don't know what you're talking about. Besides, people should own up to their mistakes and take their lumps. At least, that's what I think." Uraraka came over while cracking her knuckles and lightning arcing around her. "Looks like you two are right now my least favorite people." Both began to cry and hold the other. "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!" "AND I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN THE CHANCE TO GET LAID BY A GIRL YET!" Uraraka looked at me with a bit of a smirk. "You have a quirk that can make them feel absolute agony without even touching them?" "I might." I pulled out my notebook I use to categorize all my quirks to see what I have. "For once, I'm glad you have so many." She smiled at the two the same way Kaachan smiles at me when he's ready to attack, causing both to wet themselves.

"Anyway, let's continue onto the final event! It will be a one on one match with the 16 drawing lots on who they will face!" Midnight explained the event before somebody held their hand up. "Excuse me, but I think I should withdraw." Ojiro stated this with surprising everyone. "Ojiro, why?" "In the last event, I can't really understand what happened at all. All I know is that I was in the event and that's it. I feel it's not right for me to go any forward if everyone worked hard in the last event to get here." "You do realize that it takes your ability to be more noticed by agencies away, right?" I questioned Ojiro on this with him agreeing. "I know, but my pride wouldn't allow me to accept it knowing how I got here." After some consideration, Midnight agreed and let Ojiro withdraw. Replacing him was a guy from one of the next place teams called Tetsutetsu. "Alright, now let's draw lots!" When everyone drew their lot, the matches were listed above.

Ochako Uraraka vs Hitoshi Shinso
Eijiro Kirishima vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Denki Kaminari vs Ibara Shiozaki
Mina Ashido vs Yuga Ayoyama
Shoto Todoroki vs Hanta Sero
Katsuki Bakugou vs Izuku Midoriya
Momo Yaoyorozu vs Fumikage Tokoyami
Mei Hatsume vs Tenya Iida

I glanced over at Kaachan who was smiling wickedly at me. 'Oh crap. He's gonna want to kill me.' I started to stiffen up before seeing Uraraka look over at Shinso. "Psst. Don't answer that guy whatever you do. I don't know the full details, but he can control your mind by answering him with someone or something needing to touch you to knock you out of it." She flipped me off while walking away. 'Can't day I don't kinda deserve that after calling her what I did.' As she walked off, I noticed her face seemed a little conflicted for some reason. 'Did something happen?' My eyes went over to Kaachan who was holding sparks in his hands. 'Why do I wanna kick myself when the match ends?'

And that finishes this chapter. So I changed the matches up a bit for the story with the matches going to be a bit more unique. See how Izuku and Ochako handle their matches when faced with people who don't support them or their ideals. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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