Pained Words

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Ochako POV:

As the time before the final event went by, I decided to find someone to talk to and hopefully make some sense of what I heard from Midoriya. In my travels, I bumped into principal Nezu. "Why hello there Ms. Uraraka." "Hello principal Nezu sir." I bowed to him before looking away a little. "You seem troubled. Is there anything I can do to help?" 'Wait a minute. Midoriya lives with Nezu if I remember correctly. He's also one of the only people that sides with Midoriya that doesn't technically hate me as far as I can tell.' "Sir, I'd like to talk to you about Midoriya." He understood your motion me towards a room that wasn't occupied. Once inside, we both sat across from each other. "Now, what would you like to learn of Mr. Midoriya?" I didn't know how to start, so I wanted to make this clear before anything. "This...this may go into a more personal topic as a forewarning." "Fair enough." I didn't know where to begin, so I just wanted to know first off what led to where we are. "What happened to Midoriya after I had my quirk stolen?"

He scratched the side of his head before asking. "Why exactly does this matter?" "I keen denying his requests. A while before the final round was discussed, I overheard a conversation with him and Todoroki and a comment about Overhaul taking him. I pieced together that he was kidnapped by his father at some point, but I want to know exactly what happened." He sighed before answering. "From what Midoriya has told me and Tenko, the day he left and ran away from your school, Overhaul was sent to find and retrieve Midoriya. He started with his home where the man found his mother. From what the reports and the villain said, he had used his quirk and well...let's just put that it does not sound like a good way to die on paper and leave it at that." 'I did read up on Overhaul thanks to dad's connections. I can get the lack of pleasantry.' "After finding him on the streets, Overhaul has knocked Midoriya out and brought him to a holding cell where myself and Tenko were already prisoners at. There, we suffered our own forms of hell that we can never forget." Nezu held his scar explaining this last part for me to still not have all the pieces.

"But why did AFO do this?" "To end the cycle that you and your father are in." I stopped for a second when he said me and dad. "I know of your's and All Might's quirk to know you didn't just 'manifest' another. He chose you as his successor and now you are the 9th holder of his quirk OFA. Your hatred for Midoriya's father is just. I will not lecture you on that. But understand that Midoriya is as much of not more of a victim of his father's misdeeds as you and All Might are. The fact you still refuse to at least make some form of acceptance that he wishes to make amends is beyond me. Having your original quirk and OFA mixed together would be nothing short of an astounding power. Perhaps you could even surpass AFO." Nezu hopped off his seat and began walking towards the door. "I understand this was All Might's choice. But if you truly were the best by the displays you've shown, I would have to believe with Nighteye in thinking there were a million others who deserved the quirk more than you."

Nezu left the room with the information sinking inside my skull at this. 'He's right. What have I been doing? I've let my petty anger get the best of me and now I can't even tell whether or not what I'm doing is right now.' "You have squandered the gift you have and should reconsider what you are doing." I began to hear a voice as if someone else was in the room. "Great, now I'm hearing voices." "You aren't. At least, not the kind to make you question if you're sane or not." "Ok, who's prancing me right now?" I turn around to see a man with baggy clothing and what looked like unkempt hair like Midoriya's. "My apologies for not introducing myself earlier. I am the first user of OFA." I looked closely at the person to see they were translucent. "How are we speaking right now?" "It's complicated to discuss right now, but we can because of our connections to the quirk you hold currently. But I am not here to discuss that. I am here to make you understand what I have seen through my eyes and your eyes. My nephew as the small rodent you call Nezu said is correct. Izuku is not the monster you think he is. My brother would do anything to be on top and that would include harming his own family."

The apparition began to fade away with him saying one final thing. "Up until now, I've come to terms with your acts. But now that the realization is sinking in, I will not let you use a quirk such as ours if you do not begin to change your ways for the better soon. My nephew wishes to do what my brother and I wished to do in the past right. Going after him due to your childish reasons are just as evil as my brother before he became the monster he is today. I cannot stop you from doing what you wish to do, but I will keep you from going above 10% unless you learn to grow up. Farewell." The spirit of the first user disappears with his words echoing in my mind. "Even the past users are giving me crap for this. But they are right about one thing. Going after Midoriya the way I have been is only making me look like the bad guy."

Half an hour later, 3rd person POV:

ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME TO MAKE SOME NOISE!" The crowd roared as the first match of the third even began. "ON MY LEFT, WE'VE GOT THE HEADSTRONG WOMAN HERSELF! CLASS A'S OCHAKO URARAKA!" Ochako walked in visibly uneasy before looking over to her opponent. "AND ON MY RIGHT, A KID FROM GENERAL WHO DESPERATELY LOOKS LIKE HE NEEDS A NAP! CLASS C'S HITOSHI SHINSO!" 'I gotta focus on the match right now. Forget what the past successor and Nezu said.' "That monkey from before sure was stupid. I mean, he gave up a chance to be able to get recognition just for some stupid pride? That's about as dumb as it can get." "BEGIN!" Ochako charged OFA in her body at 10% not being able to go any higher for some reason. 'Guess that wasn't a joke.' "I'm putting this warning out right now. Drop out and you won't get hurt." "Do you honestly think I'd walk away when I made it this far? I see stupidity is a common thing inside your cla-" Shinso was cut off with a punch to the gut that sent him flying into a wall. He was able to survive the hit, but immediately toppled over in pain throwing up his lunch from the force.

"Word of advice, don't insult my classmates again." "Shinso is out of bounds, Uraraka wins!" "UNBELIEVABLE FOLKS! ONE PUNCH AND SHE KNOCKS SHINSO OUT!" "To be fair, it was a bad match up for Shinso to begin with. Physically, Uraraka had the advantage. Even if he got her upset, his brainwashing could only work if he had her speak against what he said. The general comment however couldn't do much in his case since it wasn't a direct reply." Tenko says this looking down the purple haired boy's records. "Still not a bad quirk if you ask me." Aizawa states this for Mic to begin calling the next few matches. As they began, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu's fight ended in a draw that would require them to settle it when all other matches would end. Shiozaki won her match against Kaminari rather easily when he fried his brain and became defenseless allowing her to toss him out. Ashido knew enough of Aoyama's weakness to just out maneuver him and wait for the right time to melt his gear and his belt before giving a devastating punch to the jaw. Finally, Todoroki's ended with him covering the entire half of the stadium in ice along with Sero to make him the winner since the tape user couldn't move. Finally, it got to Izuku's match against Bakugou with him visibly nervous.

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE SIXTH MATCH OF OUR FIRST ROUND OF THE FINAL EVENT! ON MY LEFT, WE'VE GOT THE MAN OF A THOUSAND QUIRKS! CLASS A'S IZUKU MIDORIYA! AND ON MY RIGHT, THE HOT BLOODED TEEN WITH AN EXPLOSIVE ATTITUDE AND QUIRK TO MATCH! ALSO FROM CLASS A KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" Bakugou stared down Izuku with satisfaction before punching his fist. "You've got no idea how long I've been waiting to do this Deku. I'm gonna make you pay for all the quirks you've stolen over the years." "Kaachan, you don't understand. I never wanted these quirks put in me-" "SHUT UP! YOU AND I BOTH KNOW YOU'RE A MONSTER THAT SHOULD DIE LIKE A MONSTER! NOW EITHER PROVE IT HERE AND NOW OR LET ME BLAST A HOLE THROUGH THAT SKULL OF YOURS!" The ash blond refused to listen to anything to make Izuku understand there was no reasoning with him. "Fine. You wanna see what a monster is?" Izuku cracked his neck as his eyes turned blood red with black lightning arcing around him. "Let me show you what type of monster I can be." "BEGIN!"

Bakugou came charging at Izuku full force with Izuku standing calmly. The ash blond gave a right uppercut with a massive blast being made. Everyone in the crowd along with Midnight and Cementos looked in fear as the green haired boy did next to nothing to dodge. "Was that the best you've got?" Bakugou heard this before seeing white spikes come out and attack him. "What the!?" When the smoke disappeared, Izuku stood tall with what looked like his own ribcage sticking out like a set of spikes. "Bone Manipulation. I can alter the physical forms of my own bones in order to use them as weapons or such. The drawback is that it takes my calcium out of them in order to do this and they can become brittle if used too much. To counter this, my gather forced Bone Steel in me that makes my bones harder than steel. Now that you know what you're up against, are you still going to act like a rabid dog and fight me?" Izuku pulled his shirt down to reveal his shoulder before pulling a bone made into a blade out of it to point at Bakugou.

Bakugou refused to accept defeat to charge head first at Izuku. "This was your problem when you were a kid. You refused to think before going headfirst into things." Izuku slashed at the blond for him to dodge midair and attack him in the back. This did next to nothing as more bones came out as spikes to almost impale the blond with him narrowly escaping. "What's the matter Kaachan? I thought you were going to make me pay for something my father did or made me do." "Grrr DON'T CONTRADICT ME!" He came barreling at Izuku once again to send a large amount of explosions at him. The field lit up with each blast making every pro in the stadium question just how this wasn't cut off yet. "Uh, should we stop this?" "Midoriya has had worse done to him. This is actually going to feel more like a tickle as opposed to any form of injury." Tenko states this with the blond stopping after 8 solid minutes of nonstop blasts panting for air. Thinking he succeeded, Bakugou smirked thinking there was no way that even Izuku could handle that many blasts consecutively.

"I'll admit Kaachan, that was a good attempt." The smoke cleared for everyone to look and marvel at the fact Izuku stood as if nothing happened at all. The only indication that what they saw was real enough to know the audience wasn't seeing things was the fact most of Izuku's top half of his uniform was burnt away to show his chest. "YOU BASTARD!" Bakugou came for another blast before Izuku grabbed his wrist to immediately stop both the swing and explosion somehow. "How did you?" "It's another quirk I have meant to take down people like you that have annoying quirks. It's called 'Quirk Parasite' and it works when I come into physical contact with any quirk user. I can practically make them quirkless as long as I touch them. Doesn't matter if it's emitter, enhancement, or mutation. This quirk immediately cuts the flow of the quirk factor as long as I remain touching you. Now that works on you, but it doesn't have any effect on me however." Izuku's arm began to wrap around as if he was a snake. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

Walking towards Bakugou's back, Izuku's other limbs started to wrap around and keep the blond from moving. "Get the fuck off me you asshole!" "You think I'm a monster just because of accidents I had with my quirk. Well let me tell you something. Everyone has made mistakes when their quirk first begins to activate. You've set stuff on fire and have regularly jammed your hands just because of the force of some of your explosions the first year you had it. Our classmates could barely control not activating their quirks when they first got them. Yet in all this time, you deemed it right to argue that I was the monster because I could barely control a quirk that you and I both had hardly any idea how hard it was when we were kids." "Nngh! What's your point asshole?" Izuku tightened his grip more to keep Bakugou from going anywhere. "My 'point' is that where you refused to accept the fact I was trying my best with none of us understanding what to even do in order to begin controlling something like this, you refused to see me as anything but some kind of monster."

Izuku's arms and legs kept binding around Bakugou as he struggled to keep his shouts of pain in. "Even now our classmates think I'm a monster because they saw the worst of me. Well guess what, I probably have the most control anyone in my situation could ever have right now and it's because of that control that I haven't killed anyone. Even when I was mentally losing it, I refused to let my destructive power out on those that shouldn't get hurt or weren't willing to take the pain. Now let me show you just what that control did for me." Izuku's body began to charge up in lightning before expelling it and giving Bakugou a strong shock to knock him out. When he was shown to be passed out, Izuku got up with Midnight making sure the blond wasn't dead or badly injured. "Bakugou is unable to move, Midoriya wins!" The crowd was silent as they witnessed Izuku at his full strength with the members of class A somewhat amazed how much Izuku actually was holding back. Needless to say, it was kinda scary how easily one of their strongest classmates fell so easily even though they knew Izuku would win. However, this would be someone most of them dreaded thinking they could face someone like that in the event.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku took down Bakugou relatively easily with Ochako now being limited to a small percentage of her quirk by the first holder. See how this effects everyone next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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