Ochako's Unease

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Ochako POV:

After the match of Iida and Hatsume was decided with the support course girl stepping out of the ring and making Iida look like a fool, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu had their tiebreaker of an arm wrestling match. I never understood why some guys liked being so macho. A lot of times, it kinda makes me feel like they're try hards trying to make themselves look good for girls. In my eyes, they just look stupid. Kirishima came out on top though with us getting a small break before starting so he could regain some stamina. As this happened, I sat in the waiting room trying to speak to the first holder of OFA again. 'First user, please come back to speak. I need to know more about AFO and why his son isn't like him.' I spoke in my mind trying to clear it for nothing to answer me. I couldn't even get the sound of a cricket in my head. I eventually gave up and walked out when my name was called for the next match. 'Why do these things need to be difficult?' Walking out of the hall, I bumped into Jirou who was leaning on the wall outside my waiting room.

"What are you doing here?" "I came here to ask you a question." "Which is?" She pulled herself off the wall and looked me square in the eye. "Have you ever once actually talked to Midoriya and determined if he is the monster you claim him to be by his own interactions with you or did you just believe what everyone around you said about him?" I held my tongue knowing she was asking something I should've questioned for a while now. "What he did to you was wrong, that isn't up for debate. But that's not the issue here. Unlike you, I've learned of Midoriya with him solely wanting to at least give you back what is yours. But you're too much of a stubborn pain in the ass to accept his help. So let me ask you this, why do you attack him?" "He's the son of a monster, why wouldn't anyone attack him-" I was stopped by Jirou slapping me hard across the face. "IS THAT HONESTLY HOW YOU SEE PEOPLE!? THEIR LINEAGE DETERMINES IF THEY'LL BE GOOD OR BAD!? HOW FUCKING STUPID OF A LOGIC IS THAT?!"

I lost my temper to yell at her back. "AT LEAST IT'S BETTER THAN BLINDLY FOLLOWING SOMEONE AFTER HEARING A SOB STORY! ITS NOT LIKE YOU EVEN KNOW HIM FROM THE PAST!" "I know at least he's trying to make things right at the moment! Unlike you who wants to do nothing but prove he messed up and constantly throw it in his face!" She pushed me back a bit for me to push back. "I'm trying to avoid any issues from him doing the same damn thing again to someone. It's cause of that issue I spent most of my childhood quirkless and also without family!" "MIDORIYA HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT LAST PART AND YOU KNOW IT!" We kept locking horns until Ectoplasm came over. "Enough! Both of you! Uraraka, you're match is right now. Go." I walked away completely agitated to no end. 'Don't you think I already know I screwed up!? I'm not proud of it, but this is where I stand. If I could change things, I would!' I take a sigh out before calming myself. 'Midoriya's not the issue here. Facing and winning against Kirishima is.' I walked out to the crowd of people who were cheering us on.

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE SECOND ROUND OF THE THIRD EVENT! ON MY LEFT, SHE'S THE DAUGHTER OF THE NUMBER 1 PRO HERO! CLASS A'S OCHAKO URARAKA!" Everyone began cheering for me with Kirishima walking in next. "AND ON MY RIGHT, HE'S A HOTBLOODED FIGHTER WITH A HEART YO MATCH! ALSO FROM CLASS A, EJIRO KIRISHIMA!" He began gardening to prepare for whatever I'd throw at him. In retaliation, I started activating Full Cowl. "BEGIN!" Kirishima came at me with a straight punch for me to dodge it and come at his face. In that moment, his face got harder than he normally would get to make my fist feel like it was hitting a cinderblock. "Ah! What the hell did you do!?" "Midoribro trained me to harden specific parts of me more than it normally is when I use my quirk. Still difficult to do, but I can get strong enough to keep your hits from hurting me as much as you." 'Dammit. Now I have to think of how to avoid that.' "OH NO, URARAKA'S IN A JAM! HOW WILL SHE HANDLE THIS!?" I came at Kirishima again for him to harden his face where I was planning to punch him. I got another sting, but Kirishima finally got some injury. "Gah! Cheap shot." He bent over to hold his stomach before continuing my attack. I gave a roundhouse to his side to have the redhead slide near the edge of the ring.

"That raddled you too much?" He glared at me before gardening his fists only . 'Easy dodge.' I jumped out of the way expecting to evade before seeing Kirishima jump back and elbow me in the side. "You bastard! That was a cheap move!" "An eye for an eye. Isn't that your logic with Midoribro?" I grabbed his arm to judo flip him over to hit the ground. This succeeded to make him trapped, but the redhead grabbed my leg before landing to get ma stuck as well. 'Dammit!' "Getting out of this is nothing for me." He began jumping out to do a close line at my neck, freeing my foot in the process and making me hit the solid pavement. "*pant* *pant* COME ON! SHOW ME WHAT YOU'CE GOT!" I pulled myself up to see Kirishima slowing down. "I'm guessing this is taking a toll on you." "Not like you care. All that matters to you is hurting Midoribro more than he already is. Do you even stop and think of how he feels being beaten for an accident he did to you!?"

I stopped for a moment realizing where he was coming from. "All Midoribro wants to do for you is at least right a wrong he made a long time ago. He feels like he kinda deserves what you give him and doesn't think you're in the wrong for hating him. But the one thing I have an issue about was when you got pissed off that Midoribro was using the quirk that he's tried to give you back time and time again AND SHOUT AT HIM FOR USING SOMETHING THAT WAS RIGHTFULLY YOURS THAT YOU REFUSE TO TAKE BACK EVEN THOUGH IT'S ON A SILVER PLATTER OR YOU!" "Hey uh, should we stop this Eraser?" "This is something that Uraraka needs to learn. We'll let it go on." Kirishima comes over to punch my face without his hardening on. "I hate hurting girls! To me, it's unmanly. But what you're doing is proving that what you are is no more the monster you call Miidoribro, much less a girl! SO GIVE ME A REASON WHY YOU THINK YOU'RE RIGHT FOR GOING AFTER HIM THE WAY YOU DO!"

I tasted blood in my mouth to spit it out and remain silent. "WHAT!? YOU'VE GOT NOTHING TO SAY!?" I activated OFA in my fist before punching Kirishima in the gut when his hardening wasn't on and send him into a wall. Everyone was silent as Midnight called the match. "Kirishima is out of bounds, Uraraka wins!" The crowd began to slowly clap until a full clap began. Kirishima got out of the wall to brush off the dust on him. He walked away without a word for the win to feel even more sour than a lose would've felt for me. 'Dammit.' I walked back towards the exit to brush by the vine girl from class B. "You are the Uraraka girl, correct?" "...Yeah." She stared me down as if she was disgusted with me for some reason. "To be entirely honest with you, I would rather you not be here." "Excuse me?" "If you are so vile as to go after someone for something they have been willing to help you and fix a wrong they made, you do not deserve to be here." I began to lose it at this point to grab her jacket collar.

"What makes you think you have the right to say this!?" "What makes you think you have the right to go after Midoriya without any proper means that is visibly shown to everyone?" I was enraged. Not only was the fight with Kirishima giving a sour taste in my mouth, but this is now making me even more angry. To be fair, I'm starting to see this isn't right. But that doesn't mean I like having everyone come at me for something like this on the same day! "Look here lady! I'm not proud of what I've done and I'm trying to fix that right now, but I've had more than enough people come at me today for some Adam and Eve nock off to tell me the same garbage!" "Then why are you doing this and not apologizing to Midoriya yet?" "Because I'm trying to find out why it's hard!" I felt a slap on my face to see the vine girl clearly angry. "What part of apologizing is hard when you're the wrong one!? All you must say is that you are sorry and that you will strive to be better!" "YOU DON'T KNOW ME, SO STOP ACTING LIME YOU DO!" "THEN MAKE IT SO YOU DO NOT LOOK LIKE A FOOL TO A KINDRED SOUL THAT IS ONLY TRYING TO HELP YOU AND LIGHTEN THE WEIGHT OF HIS OWN SINS BY AT LEAST ACCEPTING HIS APOLOGY AND GIVING YOURS!"

She pulled away from me to go towards the arena clearly enraged. I recomposed myself before going to the stands to watch who I'd face next. As I walked up, I noticed Midoriya and Kirishima watching Ashido struggle with the vine girl. "Ashido's having issues with Shiozaki." "It's not a surprise if you think about it. Though Ashido has the mobility and could destroy Shiozaki's vines, the speed and growth would prevent her from doing anything. In the end though, it all depends on how quick witted Shiozaki is to beat Ashido." As they spoke of this, the Shiozaki girl was able to grab Ashido's leg from under the stadium and toss her out of the field of bounds. "Ashido is out of bounds, Shiozaki wins!" The crowd cheered as the two walked off the field in satisfaction for some reason. 'Those vines will be an issue.'

Izuku POV:

After Shio's and Ashido's match, I started to head down to the waiting room preparing for my match with Todoroki. On the way there, I though up probably the best solution to his ice to help my classmate accept who he is. On the way, I passed Endeavor who looked not exactly that thrilled before noticing me. "You're the boy that Shoto's facing next, aren't you?" "Y-yes sir." He seemed to be silent as he walked away. "You'll be a perfect test subject to see how far he has to go before becoming a masterpiece that he was meant to be." This comment somewhat angered me for me to speak up. "Endeavor, Todoroki is a person. If he will become your successor, it's because he wants to be. If not, then you need to accept this." He seemed agitated before noticing how serious I was. "No matter how cold hearted you may be, it doesn't hold a candle to my own father." I walked away before he could reply.

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR OUR THIRD ROUND OF THE THRD EVENT'S SECOND ROUND! ON MY LEFT, HE'S THE MAN OF MANY QUIRKS! CLASS A's IZUKU MIDORIYA! AND ON MY RIGHT, HE'S THE SON OF THE NUMBER 2 HERO! ALSO FROM CLASS A, SHOTO TODOROKI!" I got into a calm stance with my arms crossed to wait for Present Mic to start the match. "BEGIN!" Todoroki started shooting a barrage of ice at me for me not to move. When it got to an inch between my eyes and the tip of the ice, I activated a quirk called Hydrothermal Control. This stopped the ice to turn it into water. "WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?" "It's a quirk called Hydrothermal Control. To make a long story short, it allows Izuku to use the water in a vicinity to his advantage. The drawback is it only holds a 2 foot radius and can only control the direct hydrogen dioxide molecules and nothing else. He can also change the state of the water at the cost of overheating or becoming frigid if he uses one act too much."

As Tenko explained my quirk, I started to walk towards Todoroki. "You've got two choices right now. Use your fire half, or lose by only using your ice. With my one quirk active, you'll never beat me with just ice." This didn't sit right with Todoroki as he came closer to me and tried a close range attack. He froze me in ice to attempt to keep me from being able to move. This only ended with me thawing the ice and punching Todoroki in the gut. "If you don't use your fire half right now, you'll lose." I gave him another punch to the face for Todoroki to slide back. "Come one! Show me what you can do! Going with only half your quirk when everyone else if giving their hundred percent right now is an insultment to us all! Any person in this stadium would kill to be in your shoes right now! Don't you dare insult them by simply saying 'I refuse to use my right side!" I gave Todoroki another punch to the gut before seeing him teeder off and fall to the ground. "IT'S YOUR QUIRK! YOURS, NOT HIS! And it's because of my understanding of this that you'll never win the way you are. You can never win. YOU'RE TOO WEAK!"

There was a silence until Todoroki's left side came bursting out with an army of flames. It engulfed the field with him looking at me and smiling. "YES SHOTO!" Endeavor started to shout from the crowds for neither one of us really giving him any attention. "You're smiling. You must be insane if you're smiling at a time like this." "To be honest, you wouldn't be the first nor would you most likely be the last to say that." Todoroki smiled at me before holding his left hand out. "Just don't blame me for what comes next." I held one hand up to activate one of my altered quirks to press down the air around it. "Hyper Compress." It didn't take long for a small ball of highly compressed air to come into my hands for it to be tossed at Todoroki's fire. When it connected, a giant wave of pressurized air made an explosion strong enough to send some of the people in the stands into the air. When the collision stopped, Midnight got up from the area of the stands she was knocked into and noticed a giant crater where we collided and Todoroki in a wall. "T-T-Todoroki is out of bounds, Midoriya wins!" Everyone was in dead silence as I just defeated the number 2 pro hero's son who was a prodigy as if it was nothing without even a scratch on me.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku won the third slot with Ochako facing Shiozaki next. See what happens to this event's end. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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