Brutal Teamwork

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3rd person POV:

Izuku began charging at All Might with a Strength Enhancer and a Reinforcement quirk to try and control the amount of backlash he'd have. The AFO user gave a solid punch for it to be caught.

"Quite the punch you have lad. BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" All Might gave a solid punch directly to Izuku's face to send him into a destroyed building. There was a dust cloud up with Ochako somewhat worried that might've even overkill on All Might's part to the point she was about ready to go and make sure Izuku was ok.

"That was a close one." Izuku walked out of the rubble with his skull formed outside his head like a shield. "Good thing I thought ahead before that. Now. Time to see about getting serious." Four more arms came out of Izuku's side the same size and shape as his original two.

"So he's pulling out every quirk he could to balance the strength gap." Ochako says this to herself waiting patiently to find a single opening she could to take down her father.

"A quirk that increases the number of arms you have. Quite a powerful one."

"You haven't seen anything yet." Izuku's fingers became claws before latching into his wrists to start bleeding down the palms. With a pained look, he smiled at the pro before explaining. "Now that I've got blood down my hands, I can start this quirk." The blood immediately crystallized into what looked like a red coating of diamond on his hands. "Time for round two!"

Izuku went back at All Might with his first two hands being caught with the third and fourth landing on All Might's side. He knelt down in pain before letting go and evading the fifth and sixth arm. Izuku then went after the pro to keep him on the defensive. 'He's strong. But it doesn't seem like he's trying to actually take me down himself.' Getting as far back as he could, All Might tried to look around to not see Ochako. 'So that means Ochako must be around here waiting to capture me or going for the goal.' He immediately looked back to see nobody near the goal to believe it was the first option.

"WHERE ARE YOU LOOKING NUMBER 1!?" Izuku came to have three of his fists come at the pro's face but have All Might's wrists block it before kneeing Izuku in the stomach.

"You may have strength, but a weakness in a normal human being is still yours." All Might gave Izuku no time to recover to take back the ground that was lost. 'I need to give him my full attention or I'll be unable to hold him back.'

Seeing her father focus entirely on Izuku where he left his back open gave her the perfect opportunity. She got into a sprinting stance before charging 20% of OFA in her body. 'Alright. I gotta to aim this and time it just right.' She waited patiently and timed the fists her father were throwing to have his left connect with Izuku and launch. 'I GOT YOU NOW!'

Looking behind him, All Might was about to pull back, but was held where he was by a few tentacles coated with the same red crystal that was on Izuku's fists. "This is checkmate All Might."

"Do you honestly think that?" The pro smiled while the cuffs were placed on him by Ochako who slid around and landed behind Izuku and almost falling face first from the forward momentum she still had. The two had succeeded in passing their test.

"Well that was fun." Ochako patted the dust off her hands with Izuku changing his hands to normal and retracting the extra arms. Though they should've won, there was something off that he couldn't put his finger on. The two waited for a moment for something to be said before an announcer went off.

"Todoroki and Yaoyorozu have passed their exam."

"That's weird. Why didn't it say our success?" Ochako raised an eyebrow with Izuku just as confused.

"Maybe it didn't process yet?"

The two continued waiting for another announcer to say one of the teams won for Izuku and Ochako to start walking over near the gate and passing through it. Thinking that was what was needed, the two waited for the announcer to say something. But just like last time, their exam wasn't called and someone else's was. Neither had any idea what was happening since they did literally both things needed to pass and it still wasn't called. This started to annoy both of them as they returned to All Might not even sure what was going on.

"What the hell is going on here!? We should've passed!"

"I agree, but something doesn't fit right." The pro's comment about the exam before kept coming back to Izuku's head with one of the last few to pass with the time being up succeeding.

"Bakugou, Aoyama, Ashido, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sato, and Sero have all failed their final exams."

"Well, kinda figured that'd be the case with Bakugou. But still." Ochako heard absolutely nothing to get tired and walk away. "I'm gonna go find a teacher." The brunette left the area with All Might finally speaking up to laugh.

"Tell me something, what happens when a villain actually has more than one person in their group? Is the job done when just the one person is captured?"

Izuku's mind realized what was happening to immediately turn to Ochako "URARAKA! OUR TEST ISN'T DONE YET!"

"Huh-" A massive explosion happened to push her back a little. "What the hell was that?" She brushed the dirt off her before seeing a giant robot standing atop the rubble.

"Well it seems you've passed the first part you two. Now I'm certain you all are wondering just why you haven't had the announcer say you had passed or failed." Nezu spoke while being in a small command cockpit on top of the zero pointer. "At the last minute, we all decided that the two of you fighting All Might would be far too easy. So we decided to make it a little more fun!"

"Starting now, you two will be facing the teachers of the UA staff." Aizawa said while standing on a roof looking down at them.


"SCREW THAT!" Ochako began to activate OFA with it not working. She turned to her teacher who was glancing over towards her. "Of course it'd be him."

Hearing a whip crack, Ochako evaded an attack by Midnight that was only able to tear her costume up. "Quite quick on your feet without a quirk. That's fine though." She pulled the whip while making a rather seductive look. "I enjoy having a little fun than just having a dull and boring playmate."

"This is bad." Izuku jumped up to try and activate a quirk to bind Aizawa to the ground. 'If I take down Aizawa, that'll be far easier to stop everyone and avoid worrying about losing our quirks.' As he came into swinging distance, the AFO user was punched away into a building.

"Sorry about being rough on you kids, but a real villain won't hold back his or her own punches in a fight!" Hound Dog stood by Aizawa looking down at Izuku.

As Izuku was getting up, he began noticing the cement around him altering to know this was Cementos' doing. 'Crap!' Izuku kicked through the concrete and began running back at the trio. 'I gotta stop him before anyone else.' Izuku activated his six arm quirk as before, but as it was being brought out, it stopped for some reason to force the green haired boy to stop. "What the?"

"Even though you're using a mutation quirk, you still need to activate your original quirk and search that vault you have. Until it's fully active, I can still deactivate it before you have the chance to use the mutation quirk." The ground under Izuku started to decay to force him away from the area.

"Close. But not good enough." Tenko said while pulling his hand off the ground.

As Izuku struggled with the four teachers, Ochako found herself pitted against Nezu, Midnight, 13, Mic and Snipe. "WASSSSSUUUUUUPPPPP!!!!" Mic sent a blast at the brunette with her eardrums feeling like they're gonna pop any second to not hear a bullet from somewhere and hit her shoulder.

"AAHHH!!" The hit felt as if it was a rubber bullet, but the impact itself was no different than if someone was trying to shoot and dislocate her arm.

"Yes. Scream more. IT REALLY IS A TURN ON!" Midnight whipped Ochako to slice her wrist up a bit and give a stinging sensation.

'Dammit! I gotta get out of here before they-' Ochako's body began to feel as if it was floating up and noticed 13 using his Black Hole quirk on her. In hopes to prevent an issue, Ochako used her gravity quirk on herself and aimed her fingers downward in a flicking position to release a 20% OFA attack. The force sent her flying through the air and a distance away from the teachers. Following suit, Izuku followed as far as he could before making a sharp turn away from Aizawa's gaze to activate a quirk to give himself a cloud cover.

'Now that the teachers aren't an issue. I gotta find Uraraka.'

Ochako found herself falling a rather high distance after releasing her gravity quirk. "Damn! I didn't think that fully through." She started falling preparing to activate Zero Gravity again at the moment before she'd hit the ground. But as she was reaching the building's line, Izuku jumped and caught her before crashing into a window of a building.

"You ok?" Izuku asked for Ochako to look up and somewhat feel relieved for the save. This relief was quickly changed to agitation when she felt Izuku's hand somewhere it shouldn't be and how she was held bridal style.

"Midoriya. I know this wasn't you're intentions to touch my chest, so I will give you ten seconds to put me down. If you don't, I'm going to punch you in the face." Izuku stopped to realize how he was holding the brunette to put her down before backing away. "Side note. Thanks for the catch. You saved me a lot of pain there."

"N-no worries." The two sat down trying to catch their breath from the ordeal they just recently faced. "So it's Mr. Aizawa, Tenko, Hound Dog, Cementos and who else?"

"On my side, I faced Nezu, Midnight, Mic, 13, Snipe and I think I saw Ectoplasm in the back."

"So that's 10 in total." Izuku sat and thought of what they were facing. "For now, we need to first take down Mr. Aizawa. From what I can tell, I can't use any quirks even mutation when he activated his quirk before one is fully active."

"Wait. How?"

"I'm not completely sure myself, but that's not the issue here. If we can't do something about him, then there's no chance we have against everyone else."

"Speaking from that point of view, if we can take him out, that leaves nine others that will be a problem. Among them, you'll be at a disadvantage if we wait for Midnight just cause she'll not have anyone to hinder if all the male teachers are incapacitated."

"Not only that, but Cementos, Nezu and Tenko are bad issues in their own. To be honest, we may have to split up if we take out Aizawa first." This comment made Ochako worried.

"Last time that happened, we got our asses handed to us."

"That was more because we couldn't grasp the situation fast enough. Now that we have an understanding of what's happening, we can take this with a little more focus."

Izuku's determination somewhat impressed the brunette as she sat down and listened closely to his plan. "So how are we going to take Mr. Aizawa down and who will be after."

Izuku explained his plan the best he could before hearing poundings from outside. The duo went down near the stairwell where Ochako broke a hole through the building to an alley. Thanks to one of Izuku's quirks, he noticed that Aizawa was beside Cementos and Hound Dog as guards for him. They figured they'd protect him first for Ochako to start the first phase of the plan. She calmed herself before acting OFA in her arm and jumped up.

"DETROIT SMASH!" She punched right through Nezu's mechanical machine to cripple him and force everyone's attention over towards that area. When they saw the dust clear, Ochako held the unconscious rodent by the back of his shirt collar. "That's one down."

"OHHHHHYYYYYEEEEAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Mic shouted you attack Ochako for her to beak the ground and head inside the sewer system.

"Cementos, try and flush her-" Aizawa was stopped when he felt someone knock him out for everyone to see Izuku behind.

"YOU LITTLAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHH!!" Hound Dog started forgetting words to grab the AFO user and have him turn to sludge. "What the?"

"Be careful. They could be anywhere!" 13 shouted before noticing six hands come from below Midnight and grab her.

"This is not the kinky foreplay I wanTEEEEDD!" She was brought below into the sewage system for the group to be unable to see where they were.

As they initiated the plan, Ochako reminded herself of what the acts would involve. 'They'd expect us to go after Mr. Aizawa first, so they won't expect as easily is going for somebody else. If you can take Nezu out first, that'll make them a little scrambled for a plan. After you do this, get in the sewers while I make a clone of mine to take down Mr. Aizawa. In that madness, we'll bring Midnight down into the sewers to take her out and then go for the two long distances that'll be an issue.'

Snipe and Mic kept an eye from atop two buildings to avoid any sneak attacks. "You see anything Snipe?"

"Nope. They might still be in the sewers." The or began hearing the sound of someone being attacked to look over where Mic was. He noticed Ochako behind him putting him in a suplex and knocking him out. "Big mistake Ki-" Izuku came from the side to knee Snipe in the face to crack his visor and knock him out. Unfortunately, the pro shot his gun to alert everyone where they were.

"Now what?" Ochako asked jumping to the building.

"Now there shouldn't be nearly as much problems. You and me are gonna take the last few out together."

Izuku jumped off the building activating his six arms quirk as well as his bone quirk to hold six bone swords in his hands. He went right for Cementos who began reshaping the concrete to act as a shield. The green haired boy smiled before pulling back a bit for Ochako to dive in and kick through the cement and right into the cement hero's chest, knocking the wind out of him in the process.

In the act, Hound Dog grabbed  Ochako to keep her from going anywhere. "I've gotcha now kid!"

"Do you really?" The brunette ducked her head for Izuku to come through and slam his bone weapons into Hound Dog's and Cementos' heads to knock them out.

They started feeling something pull them with Izuku slamming his foot into the ground to keep from going anywhere and using his arm as a tether for Ochako. "Hang on! I'm gonna throw you out of the suction vicinity!" The brunette nodded as Izuku tossed her into the air. She then used OFA to propel her trajectory and kick 13 to stop his quirk. This allowed Izuku to pull his leg out and head towards the space her. Before they could though, Ectoplasm stopped them and attempted to knock them around.


"On it!" The green haired boy took a deep breath before releasing a massive blaze out of his mouth, engulfing the clones while Ochako finished off 13. In the act, Izuku let an air pressure bullet to take the real Ectoplasm down and leave Tenko as the last enemy.

"Smart work taking down everyone." Ochako started pulling her arm back with OFA active to attack Tenko before she heard a cracking sound and having immense pain coming from it.

'Dammit! I overused it!' Ochako pulled back in an attempt to cope with the stress fracture that happened and unfortunately left an opening for Tenko to come and attack. 'Shit!'

"TAKE THIS!" Izuku let loose a blazing flame of fire to help Ochako pull back before landing beside her. "You ok?"

"Yeah. I think I might've fractured something though."

Izuku immediately started healing Ochako's arm before seeing the mourning hero to the side of them. "GET BACK!" Izuku shoves Ochako out of the way before having two of his mutation quirk added arms be touched by Tenko's hand. "AAAAHHHH!" The arms began decaying for Izuku to act quickly and rip them off and retract the others.

"That...that was almost me." Ochako saw the arms that were torn off decay into nothing and feel absolute fear knowing she would've just as easily been the one in that situation instead.

"Uraraka. I need you to be extremely careful. The main reason I wanted to wait for Tenko was exactly because of this. Not counting All Mightt, he's arguably the fastest pro of the faculty. Hell, I'd even say he's the fastest and skilled out of the pros."

"Show me how far you've come Izuku. Show me that drive to overcome what we were subjected to become."

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and Ochako are now facing Tenko who as Izuku says is one of the most dangerous among the staff. See how they handle this next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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