Final Exams

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Ochako POV:

As I returned home, Midoriya's comment about the bomb in his head still echoed in my brain. I have been kinda a jerk to him and out of everyone he could give this device to, he chose me. 'Does...does this thing actually work?' I pulled the detonator out of my pocket to stare at it. 'All I'd need to do to end Midoriya is press this button.' The image of him in the hospital and the first user of OFA's voice came in my head. Holding it right now was making my blood run cold for me to put it back in my pocket. 'This is fucked up.'

When I came to the front of my driveway, I noticed Bakugou sitting there very angry. "Where the fuck were you after school?"

"Out doing something." I didn't wanna deal with him, so I tried walking inside with Bakugou following.

"Hanging out with the villain?"

"Why does it matter to you."

I put my keys in the door to see that it's already unlocked. When I opened the door, Bakugou slammed his hand on it and glared at me. "You're playing into his fucking hands! What if this is some fucking ploy to take the only quirk that will save this world from the freakshow he is and his father is!?"

I wanted to shout and scream that if that was the case, then I'd not have a bomb that could kill Midoriya in my possession. However, I placed the detonator deep in my pocket before glaring at Bakugou. "Unlike you, I've tried to make peace with him. He stole my quirk and that was wrong. But he returned it and tried to at least right that wrong and unlike you, I don't wanna keep scowling at him. That'll cause unwanted wrinkles. Something I'm sure you'd love to know if you ever wanna get a girlfriend.....or boyfriend."


"...The way you act makes me kinda believe you're dealing with troubled sexuality or something along that line where you're trying to fit the bill. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to go in and rest while thinking how I wanna try to handle the finals." I pulled Bakugou's hand off the door and began walking in. I could hear him though screaming from outside in anger.


I tried my best to ignore him and walk into the kitchen. There, I found dad waiting at the kitchen table. "I noticed you went somewhere with young Midoriya today. Where was it?"

"Nowhere important." 'Why do these two need to constantly badger me about Midoriya?'

I tried to walk away before feeling dad grab my shoulder. "I understand he doesn't seem like an enemy and that you might feel empathy for him, but young Midoriya is still All For One's son-"

"Do you even hear yourself right now!?" I lost my temper remembering the fact they are literally the two that refuse to accept the thought that maybe Midoriya is a good person. "Gran Torino when I trained with him explained to me that what we're thinking of Midoriya is what makes us more the villains than him. Nighteye thinks what we've done so far is a joke. HELL, WHEN I WAS THOUGHT TO BE ASLEEP, HE LITERALLY MADE IT A PURPOSE TO APOLOGIZE AND SAY WHAT HAPPENED TO ME SHOULD'VE NEVER HAPPENED!" Dad was shocked to see me actually pick a fight with him. "Midoriya isn't evil like his dad nor does he want to be. A certain pro hero once said, 'Anyone can be a hero'.  So why is that same pro telling me to not trust or be ready to take on someone like he's a villain!?"

Dad didn't know what to say. As long as he's known me, I've never spoken to him so rudely and disrespectfully. "Ochako.....I...."

"*sigh* I'm sorry. I'm just a little angry from Bakugou and I had no right to take it out on you. I'm gonna go and rest for a little bit and maybe have my head cleared." When I walked into my room, I changed into something comfortable to wear and laid on my bed. I pulled out the detonator and looked at it with worry. "Just what makes you so afraid of yourself Izuku Midoriya? Is it a quirk you have, or is it just the dangers of what AFO can do to your body." I then activated OFA in my hand for a few sparks to show in it. "What exactly will happen when my body begins breaking?"

Later that evening, Izuku POV:

"So let me get this straight. You gave the detonator to the bomb in your skull to one of the few people that will actually look for any means to kill you?" Tenko asked for me to nod.

"Pretty much."

"As much as I respect your judgement Izuku. This has to be the most foolish decision you've ever had." Nezu starts eating a couple of pieces of cheese that he had for dinner while I explained.

"This yes wasn't a highlight idea when you don't listen to the reason. But if you think about it, she's the only person I can trust to press the button when the time comes. Kirishima, Ashido, Jirou and Shiozaki wouldn't have the courage to do this and feel guilty knowing they would end my life if it needs to be done. I can't trust any of my other classmates since this is still something too much to ask someone else to do that I barely know. But I definitely can't give it to Kaachan or All Might. Both I feel like would hit the detonator when a bad moment with me starts even if I can control it."

Miruko sat at the table eating with a piece of lettuce dangling out of her mouth before pulling it in to speak. "Whatch dish abwot a bwomb?"

"To put things in simple means, Izuku asked Recovery Girl to implant a bomb in his head that can go off at the touch of a switch."

"PFFT! YOU PUT A BOMB TO KILL YOURSELF IN YOUR SKULL!?" She spat her food on Tenko for him to wipe it off before explaining more.

"It's in a spot that would cause instant death if the area was severed. Small but does the job. Izuku felt like there was still a 'threat' he could go rogue. So with a lot of begging and favors from Nezu, Recovery Girl implanted a bomb in his head. This happened about two years ago. Simply put, Izuku made a decision if things ever went so far south to avoid the worst outcome if possible."

Miruko was floored at us before asking. "Where did this fucking logic come from. He's 15!"

"With the power to completely cripple society if he ever wanted to."

Nezu calmly said this for me to explain a little more in depth. "You've seen and heard what I can do. I'm dangerous. I don't like saying it myself, but I am very dangerous and also a bit of a wild card due to our past."

"So you put a bomb in your head!?"

"Better to have one megalomaniac that can uproot the foundations of this society than two."

"To be honest though, I think Izuku is more dangerous than All For One." Tenko added this for us to look at him. "From the stuff I read about the fight All Might had and the recordings that took a hell of a lot of clearance for me to find out, the fact Izuku is physically healthy makes him more dangerous to begin with. Adding in the quirks that he has and he's far more dangerous than his father. If he actually wanted to, I don't think it would take more than a year for the world to be under his thumb."

I calmly ate my fish while glancing into my miso soup to see a smile come inside it that reminded me of my father's. 'Thank you for ruining my appetite monster.' I cleaned up and walked back into my room to notice Pork Rinds sleeping on my bed. He stood up and moved to lay to the side for me to sit down and look over some of the materials for Literature class. 'Finals are soon, huh. I wonder how everyone's going to study?'

Immediately, my phone lit up with Kirishima texting me.

Kiri: Yo man, any chance you help me study? I'm not the worst, but I do kinda wanna get a good grade for our final exam.

I thought on it before answering.

Scruffy: Sure. You know if Ashido and Jirou wanna do a group study session too?

Kiri: I'll invite them in

Pinky Joined the chat

Earphone Joined the chat

Pinky: Wassup boys!

Earphone: Hey

Izuku: Hey, I was wondering if you girls wanted to make a group study session for the final exams with me and Kirishima?

Pinky: Oh please let me! I was kinda ousted out of Yaomomo's cause of some of the people in that group being ticked I wanted help.

Earphone: I could use some help with Math. Not counting Yaoyorozu, you're like the smartest person in the class.

Izuku: The perks of living with the highest IQ being in the world.
Izuku: So then let's meet tomorrow after class at my place. I should have the house to myself since Tenko is out on afternoon patrol and Nezu's working at the school longer to finish the exam sheets for every year.

Kiri: That last thought scares me with Nezu, but that works.

Everyone gave an answer for me to put my phone to the side and place Pork Rinds on my lap. "Things are definitely getting crazier." I then remembered that the paperwork for the other classes would normally take only half the time Nezu would be out of the house. 'Something tells me he's up to something.'

Day of the finals

The time for the finals led up rather fast. Thanks to our study session, I was able to bring Ashido somewhat at a decent level where I have enough faith she won't fail....or at least leave stuff blank since she said she had a tendency to do that when she didn't get an answer. Jirou and Kirishima also did rather well in their part for me to have no worries for them not passing. I did ask Tsu the day we were starting if she wanted to join as well as Shiozaki with them both denying due to family reasons for Tsu's case which I did offer to have them hang with us to still have her pass. Shiozaki said though that the criteria they had covered was slightly different where it would be a problem for everyone if she joined. I felt bad I couldn't help, though she did say she was making a study session with the girls in her class to not be as bummed out.

As we studied, I did also go over some more of my quirks with Uraraka that I wanted her to know about. One in particular I wanted her to fear was 'Hypnotic Suggestion'. This quirk allows me to implant in a sleeping person a hypnotic quote that makes them obey me. The way you can tell though if someone is under my control is if they can speak ill of them. I didn't understand how that was a thing but the effects would last up to a month or longer if I continued to implant the suggestions into the person. Eventually, the day of the finals came with everyone working their hardest on the written test.

"Times up. Pencils down." Mr. Aizawa started this for the last members of each row to collect the test's answer sheets. "Change into your hero costumes and meet me outside by the buses." He left with all of us grabbing our hero costumes and changing before heading down to the buses. When we were there, the teachers all started walking up with most of us being confused.

"Hello class A!" Nezu popped out of Mr. Aizawa's capture gear with his normal happy attitude. "As you all are aware, today we shall have you take the physical portion of the finals. From diving into some of your upperclassmen's experiences, you've probably already learned what you will be doing today."

"Heck yeah! Robots!"

"Easy A!"

Both Ashido and Kaminari seemed to be very easygoing with this before I saw a smirk on Nezu I knew was going to end badly. "Unfortunately, we of UA have had to spend the next few days adjusting our finals and have come to a conclusion. You of the first years will be facing us teachers."


Aizawa explained the way we would win in his normal attitude. "To make things simple. The way this will be is a two on one with you students trying to subdue a teacher that is assigned to you or retreat as if you are the first respondents to a villain attack."

Todoroki spoke up explaining the flaw in this logic. "But you're pros. Wouldn't fleeing be the only option?"

"Not necessarily. Thanks to some special support gear made by the support course, we will be holding back just enough where you can barely pass. But don't expect this to be easy."

"AH HA HA HA!" I heard All Might's voice from somewhere to look up and see him land right in front of us. "I AM HERE!"

"Anyway. For the apprehending part, all you need to do is place these cuffs on your opponent with winning being walking out of a gate we have within the time we give you." Mr. Aizawa continued like what happened was nothing for Nezu to speak up.

"Now let's show you who you are up against!"

Kirishima and Sato vs Cementos
Asui and Tokoyami vs Ectoplasm
Iida and Ojiro vs Powerloader
Mineta and Sero vs Midnight
Todoroki and Yaoyorozu vs Aizawa
Jirou and Koda vs Mic
Kaminari and Ashido vs Nezu
Hagakure and Shoji vs Snipe
Bakugou and Aoyama vs Shigaraki
Midoriya and Uraraka vs All Might

"And we're boned."

"Big time." Both me and Uraraka say this with us heading on a bus going to the spot we'll take the exam. On the way, All Might kinda made it a point to keep me and Uraraka away from one another for some reason with the ride being silent and odd to a point.

As we got off and headed inside, both of us tried to make a plan that could work. "Ok, so my best thought in getting the cuffs on would be a diversion act. From what I've seen, All Might can be outwitted."

"But who's gonna hold him off?" I glanced at Uraraka as if she was an idiot before she glared at me. "If I'm the bait, then I'm gonna-"

"I'm the bait, dumbass. Out of both of us, I can match him in power. All you need to do is wait for an opening."

"Alright. But let's get one thing clear."

"What?" I get smacked in the head by a fist before seeing Uraraka walk away.

"Don't call me a dumbass again."

"*sigh* That was uncalled for, so ok." I began heading for the gate before a giant shockwave came at me. 'Crap!' I used a shock absorption quirk I had before seeing All Might glaring me down.

"You wish to become a strong hero? Then come at me and prove your metal."

'Something tells me this will be more trouble than it's worth.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku and Ochako stand against All Might next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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