Destructive Training

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Ok so for Izuku and Ochako's costumes, Ochako is wearing the outfit in the pic from the last chapter since she only has OFA and giving her the outfit in canon will make no sense since it revolves around Zero Gravity. Izuku decided to go with a suit like AFO's(Without the helmet) since he couldn't think of a better outfit and wanted to make a statement about him being his father's son and willing to accept it but still will be a hero. Enjoy

Ochako POV:

I began to wake up with a pounding headache from a small argument I had last night with dad. I asked him to stop doing hero work and save what time he had for in case something bad happened. He refused saying the world is more important than his own health. I began to get angry with him and saying that if AFO was to come back, the world would need All Might more than right now. He didn't want to listen with it going into a huge fight about how he's not going to live if he keeps this up. I made the mistake of going to bed angry with this. I looked at the clock to see it was an hour before I should've woken up and was too awake to go back to sleep. 'Might as well get moving. Not gonna fall asleep anytime soon.' I decided to take a small run and a shower before school to clear my head.

While running, I began to think of what Midoriya said about wanting to help me for some reason. He seemed to be not hiding any ulterior motives from the outside. But knowing what him and his father did, I can't go by what they act like on the outside. I made that mistake years ago with him. As I finished my run, I went inside to shower and get dressed. While changing, Bakugou called to talk. "What do you want Pomeranian?" "Morning to you too round face." To say were friends would be kinda....a long shot, but Bakugou has my back when it counts and has helped pull some bullying off me since the incident with Midoriya. He might be an ass, but he's a good person at heart.

"So the whole incident yesterday, I wanna ask you something?" I waited for him to ask. "Do you think Deku's anything like his father?" "What kind of stupid question is that?" "I'm just curious cause he Like he's not saying something. I just don't want someone else to go through what you did that can become a great hero to kick his fucking ass in the future." "I won't let that happen. If he does, I'll end him." "Fair enough. I'll be heading out in 20 minutes if you want to hang out on the way to school." "Fine by me. I'll talk to you later Pomeranian." "CAN YOU STOP CALLING ME THAT SHITTY NA-" I hanged up on him before finishing getting ready to head downstairs. I grabbed a muffin and a little coffee to drink before Bakugou was nearby.

As I left, he began shouting for hanging up while I just ignored him and ate my muffin. The only thing that I wanted to do was get stronger and put an end to a monster and his spawn so dad won't get hurt. 'Maybe I can ask Nighteye and Gran Torino if they can help persuade dad.'

Meanwhile, Izuku POV:

I began to wait at the station with a guy from my class coming over. "Midoriya right?" I looked over to see it was Iida. "Yeah uh...Iida right?" He nodded as we waited for the train. He decided to make a little small talk while we waited. "Uraraka seems to hate you quite a bit, doesn't she?" "I don't blame her though." I held my head down a bit. "What did you do to make her so mad at her?" "I stole her quirk. Not the one she has, but the original. I also looked up the incident she said and found out that her life spiraled down after that. So I can accept that she hates me." "Why did you take her quirk?" I took a deep sigh before answering. "It was an accident. I was persecuted when I did it the first time when it manifested, and I was afraid of it happening again."

I felt a pat on the back to see Iida with a reassuring smile. "You didn't do it on purpose. If you had, you wouldn't be feeling this guilt." I smiled at him while answering. "Thanks." The train started to pull in with us getting on.


When we walked into class 1-A, Ashido glanced over to us and smiled. "Hey Mido, whats up?" "Not much." I smiled as I heard shouting down the hall. "WILL YOU STOP CALLING ME A FUCKING POMERANIAN! I'M NOTHING LIKE THAT DAMN MUTT!" "Oh please, if you were a dog version of yourself, you'd definitely be a Pomeranian." Kaachan and Uraraka came in with both giving me a death glare. "Uraraka, I want to apo-" "Get out of my way you damned monster before I show you what my fist looks like close and personal." I stepped away with her intentionally stomping on my foot to make it hurt. I started to sit down while Mr. Aizawa walked in to start.

During lunch

As the day passed, the first half of the lessons seemed to go by rather normal like any other school. Since Nezu got me ahead of the curve, most of what we learned was just a refresher for me. Lunch finally came with Kirishima coming up to me. "Midoriya, let's sit together man." "Uh, sure." As we went to the cafeteria and got our lunch, we began to eat with Jirou and Ashido sitting with us. Some time in, I began to look at a few notes I had for my quirks and begin writing a few more on some I tested last night.

"Whatcha got there Midoriya?" Jirou glanced over to see my notes and how messy they were. "These are just notes on the quirks I have. Some are kinda dumb, while others are works in progress." She glanced at them and began reading very intently. "Jeez man, how many quirks do you have?" "S-s-six hundred fifty eight." "WHAT THE!?" "JEEZ MAN!" "PFFT!" Ashido began to spit on me with some of her rice. "Sorry." "It's alright." I wiped the food off my face while they started to question this. "Why so many?" "*sigh* Let's just say my biological dad wasn't father of the year and leave it at that." Everyone nodded and let me be with this.

The whole time however, I felt someone give me a death glare to look over and see Uraraka at a table with Kaachan, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, and Sero. Three of the five didn't make eye contact, but Kaachan and Uraraka were giving me death glares like no tomorrow. 'This is gonna be a hard thing to manage against.' I kept eating feeling like any second, one was going to come at me guns blazing ready to kill me.

After lunch, we all went to wait in the classroom for our first day of hero training. As the door slid open, we all heard a familiar voice. "I am COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" All Might came in with his Silver age costume on to make all of us excited. 'This is without a doubt amazing!' "Hero training. The one thing that shapes fresh newbies like you into hardened heroes ready for a fight against all that is evil. I shall be the one to begin this step towards your bright future. Today, you all shall participate in.." All Might held a card up and shouted in excitement. "BATTLE TRAINING! And what hero would be complete without their hero costumes!?" The pro pressed a button to release 20 costumes with numbers on them. "Change into your costumes and meet me down at test ground Beta."

On ground Beta

We all stood in ground Beta with All Might explaining how cool we look. I began to hear cracking noises behind me to see Uraraka giving me a death glare. "You try anything like your asshole father did, and I'll rip your head off." I started to sweat as All Might explained the training to us. From what he said, this will be a random two on two with one team being the heroes, and another being the villains. We all started to draw lots with the results being not what I'd prefer.

Team A: Midoriya and Uraraka
Team B: Todoroki and Shoji
Team C: Mineta and Yaoyorozu
Team D: Iida and Bakugou
Team E: Ashido and Ayoyama
Team F: Satou and Koda
Team G: Jirou and Kaminari
Team H: Asui and Tokoyami
Team I: Hagakure and Ojiro
Team J: Kirishima and Sero

"Of all the people I had to be paired with, with has to be you?" I began to raise my hand. "Uh, I'm sorry All Might for asking this. But can I change partners with someone? I'm sure you'd understand that this may end badly with the two of us together." "I apologize, but you must bear with it you two. Now, the first match up will be...Team A as the heroes and Team D as the villains!" Everyone went below the building to watch as Kaachan and Iida walk into the building. We started to memorize the floor specs before I turned to Uraraka. "You can probably agree that Kaachan may say to hide the bomb in the upper-" "Just stay out of my way, and you may not get hurt." I kept to myself as we waited.

3rd person POV:

"Hero team can enter!" Izuku and Ochako started to walk in with them looking on the bottom floors first. Izuku felt a little irritated that Ochako wasn't taking his word for anything and kept looking in the areas he said he checked. When they got to the second floor, Bakugou was coming around a corner and nearly hit Ochako. "GET BACK!" Izuku pulled her out of the way for Ochako to lace into him for it. "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!?" "I was trying to help." "WELL I DON'T NEED IT!" Ochako went to attack Bakugou with him dodging and trying to hit her. This was stopped however by Izuku putting up a barrier. What he didn't expect however, was Ochako trying to counter and hitting the barrier as well.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" "Sorry!" He let it go for Bakugou to attack Izuku. "DETROIT SMASH!" Ochako went at Bakugou for him to dodge with Izuku getting the blunt of a 8% Detroit Smash to the face. The act sent him flying into a wall with him rather angry. "We're on the same team!" "Define team!" "It means, you hit him and not me!" "Screw you shrub!" Izuku started to lose his temper and said something he didn't mean to. "I'D RATHER BE A SHRUB THAN A BITCH WHO CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOMEONE TRYING TO HELP AND SOMEONE THAT WANTS TO HURT THEM INTENTIONALLY!" Izuku realized what he said to see Bakugou a little shocked he shouted this.

"You....YOU'RE DEAD!" Ochako came at Izuku with a punch to the face with Izuku now panicking. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say tha-" "SAVE YOUR EXCUSES FOR THE MORGUE WHEN I KILL YOU!" "The two of you, stop this at once!" "THIS HAS BEEN A LONG TIME COMING DAD! DON'T TRY TO STOP ME!" Ochako punched through a wall with Izuku getting out of the way at the last second. "Uraraka, just listen to me and stop! We aren't enemies-" "SCREW THIS! ALL THAT MATTERS IS I TAKE YOU DOWN!" Izuku realized he wasn't getting through to her, but didn't want to hurt her. "Young Bakugou, any chance you coul-" "I'm not getting into this. I've known round face long enough to know she's fucking crazy when she's like this. Best course of action is just to let them go at it until they tire themselves out."

Bakugou was sitting in a corner watching this as Izuku began using a strength enhancer to take Ochako's punches and land some that would effect her, but not hurt her too much. The two started to make a ridiculously aggressive brawl where they were punching the other in the face and gut. When Iida came down, he looked at the scene and motioned to Bakugou who just motioned him to park it while they watched. The two went at it for about ten minutes before throwing one punch to the other's face and knocking them out. Bakugou got up not long after to tie them in tape they were given to signal that the villain team won. Everyone in the monitor room looked at this and wondered just how violent their classes will be with these two constantly going at each other's throats.

Several hours later, Izuku's POV:

I began to wake up to see both me and Uraraka were in the nurses office. "Good to see you two finally woke up." We glanced over at Recovery Girl who was waiting with Mr. Aizawa. "Are you two happy now? You both failed your first hero lesson because of your petty squabbles." Uraraka began to point at me in anger. "Why do I have to be in the same class as him!? He started this bullshit almost 10 years ago!" "I'm trying to fix what I did Uraraka! You're not giving me the chance to!" "I'll give you the chance when your six feet under-" "ENOUGH!" We looked at Mr. Aizawa who had his quirk active and glaring at us.

"The only reason I've dealt with this for now is because of your skills! But this is all becoming an issue now!" He released his quirk to speak. "Heroes don't always get the privilege to say who they want to work with, so you both need to accept this. Fighting among the both of you is not going to help anyone. How can you save a person if you can't stop your childish squabbling." Aizawa walked out with Recovery Girl behind her. "If the two of you fight like this again where a teacher has to worry about getting involved, I'm expelling the two of you on the spot regardless of who started it and who continued it. Your both responsible for this fight today, end of discussion. Now apologize to the other and go home."

He shuts the door with me taking a deep breath in. 'I should at least admit when I made a mistake. It's the adult thing to do.' "Uraraka, I'm sorry." She glanced at me with a little spite before getting up. "Sorry doesn't fix almost a decade of damage. If you want my forgiveness, it's gonna take a lot more than an apology to do that." She went to the door before stopping. "Since I'm going to get into trouble if we do this again, I won't pick a fight with you if I can help it. But if you throw the first punch." Uraraka held her fist up with pink electricity coming off it. "I'm throwing the last punch."She walked out with me sitting in the nurses office thinking of what just happened.

Ochako POV:

I started to walk out of the school after changing to see dad in his small form. "Ochako, what you did today was extremely dangerous. Please never do that again." "I'm sorry, what I did was dangerous? What about what his dad did to you!? Isn't that dangerous!?" I pointed at dad's stomach in anger. "How do we know that Midoriya won't turn out like his father!? Everyone here is at a risk the longer he stays here." I started to walk past dad before stopping. "...Sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt again and leave me like my parents." I took a deep breath before continuing. "I won't pick fights with him, but I can't guarantee I won't have to fight him again if he shows any sign that his true colors are that of his fathers." I walked away with dad letting a sigh out. 'I won't let him hurt you dad. I promise.'

And that finishes this chapter. So yeah, Ochako is very headstrong in this. But it's because of what happened that she refuses to listen to Izuku. Next chapter will help the class show just how dark Izuku's world is with the battle of the USJ. Hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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