Rageful Reunion

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So just cause I'm going to get questions on this, I'm skipping the entrance exam since I'm going to have both Izuku and Ochako be enrolled as recommended students. Ochako at this point will also have OFA as I explained in the last chapter with her training to gain it. Her max percent will be 10% as of this moment. Enjoy

Izuku POV:

It's been about 5 years since me, Tenko, and Nezu escaped out hell prison with quite a few things being different. Nezu was able to get a job at UA as their principal rather early thanks to his High Spec quirk and is doing rather well. A little while after, Tenko was able to get into a hero school called Shinketsu where he graduated and became a kinda well known support and rescue hero called the mourning hero: Shigaraki. Both their hard work inspired me to try and become a hero to help mend at least a little of the damage my father had done and am about to take the first step into it. Today, I finally began my first day of school at UA.

"Izuku, time to wake up-" Tenko walks in to see I'm already dressed and going over some notes I made on my quirks. "Hey bro, breakfast ready?" "Yeah, common down and get a plate." He smiled at me as we walked down to see Nezu enjoying some tea while reading the paper. "So are you prepared to take your next step into the new world Izuku?" Nezu smiled at me as I nodded. "I'm ready to do you both proud." "That's the spirit. Show them all what you can do and make a bunch of great friends." Tenko smiled as he said this. "You deserve a happy life bro." "Thanks." Since we escaped, Nezu put in papers where he became the legal guardian of us until we grew up to keep us together. I personally am fine with this since I had nowhere to go and neither did Tenko. "You should probably start heading out now Izuku, it's about that time." I looked at the clock and nodded. "I'll talk to you all tonight."

Tenko POV:

As Izuku left, I looked over to Nezu who seemed to be a little uneasy. "What's wrong?" He gave me a roster of the class Izuku was in with two names sticking out. "Your kidding right?" "Unfortunately no. This may pull some progress Izuku had back when he finally meets them again. But moving forward sometimes means you must step back on some occasions. I just hope it isn't too far back for him." I started to worry with Izuku meeting his old friends again, if you can call them that at this point. 'Katsuki Bakugou and Ochako Yagi Uraraka. Please let this end without trouble for Izuku's sake.'

At UA Izuku POV:

As I came up on the door of class 1-A, I started taking a few deep breaths to steel my nerves. "This is it Izuku, the day you get past your own issues and move into the next part of your journey." I started to remember Kaachan and Uraraka with how I hurt them. 'I need to do right. Especially for Uraraka.' I opened the door with a guy with blue hair yelling at a blond. "GET YOUR FEET OFF THAT DESK THIS INSTANT! IT IS AN INSULT TO OUT HIGHER PIERS AND THE PEOPLE WHO MADE IT!" The guy with glasses kept arguing with the blond glancing over at me to give a death glare. "Uh, hi." Everyone looked over with the guy starting to set explosions off in his hand. "The fuck are you doing here ya fucking villain?" 'Villain? Wait, explosions?'

Before I could say anything else, a voice behind me started talking. "Excuse me, but can you move to the side a little so I can get in?" The voice sounded calm and happy for me to smile and turn to it. "Sorry about that-" As I turned, the face of the person went from happy to that of a person that wanted to kill someone. "You." I didn't understand it until I took a better look at the girl. "Urara-" I'm sent flying into the front by a punch to see Uraraka holding pink electricity around her. "WHY ARE YOU AT A SCHOOL FOR HEROES!? MY QUIRK WASN'T ENOUGH, SO YOU WANTED TO STEAL THOSE OF PEOPLE THAT CAN DO GOOD!?" "Wait, hold on a sec-"I move out of the way when a punch nearly hit my face. "YOUR DEAD!"

I started running out of the classroom before getting tripped up by something. I look back to see her ready to kill me before the electricity around her stopped. "I don't know what's going on, but get in your seats before I expel the both of you." I looked down to see a man in a sleeping bag glaring at her. Uraraka stops to walk back to her seat while I get up. "Sorry about tripping over you sir." "Save it for later when I ask about it." I walk over to my seat which was right behind Kaachan who kept giving me a death glare. "To make a long story short, I'm your teacher Shota Aizawa." Mir Aizawa goes into his sleeping bag to pull out 20 uniforms. "Put these on and meet me outside."

On the field

After changing, we all went outside to where Mr. Aizawa was with many of us not sure what we are doing today. "Today we will be doing a quirk apprehension test." He tosses a ball to Kaachan while speaking to him. "Bakugou, you scored highest in the entrance exams. What was your farthest throw in middle school?" "67 meters." "Use your quirk this time." Kaachan went to the circle where he threw it as far as he could with his quirk. "GO TO HELL!" 'Go to hell?' The ball went some distance with Mr. Aizawa holding up his phone to show the distance of 705.2 meters. "Today, you will be doing 8 tests to see how well your quirks can enhance your base strength. Also, the last person will be deemed to have no talent and be expelled on the spot."

Everyone panicked with some kid with balls on his head screaming. "That isn't fair, we all worked hard to get here!" Mr. Aizawa looked at Uraraka before asking a question. "Is it fair that parents die from accidents?" She shakes her head with to make me think on this. 'Did Uraraka's parents die?' He looked at me next. "Is being labeled a villain for no apparent reason fair?" I shake my head no with him pointing out a reason for this. "Life is full of unfairness. Take this to heart and remember our schools motto. Go beyond, plus ultra."

After the tests 3rd person POV:

As the tests finished, most had realized who were the two class aces in this since they practically were neck and neck with all the tests. During the speed test, Ochako obtained second with a speed of 2.001 second with Izuku only winning by  a speed of 1.80 seconds. The ball throw, Ochako and Izuku tied with them both throwing it into space to hit an infinity mark. Each other tests were kinda similar to this with the scores now being shown on the screen above Aizawa.

1.Izuku Midoriya
2.Ochako Yagi Uraraka
3.Momo Yaoyorozu
4.Shoto Todoroki
5.Katsuki Bakugou
6.Tenya Iida
7.Fumikage Tokoyami
8.Mezou Shouji
9.Mashiro Ojiro
10.Eijirou Kirishima
11.Mina Ashido
12.Kouji Koda
13.Rikido Sato
14.Tsuyu Asui
15.Yuuga Ayoyama
16.Hanta Sero
17.Denki Kaminari
18.Kyoka Jirou
19.Toru Hagakure
20.Minoru Mineta

"Oh and about that whole expulsion thing, it was a lie." Everyone freaked at this with Aizawa smiling at this. "It was a logical ruse to get you all to work as hard as you can." He began leaving while saying to pick up a syllabus before leaving in the classroom with Ochako stopping him. "Mr. Aizawa, I think you should reconsider Izuku Midoriya being in this school." Everyone stopped when they heard this. "And why do you think that?" "Because one, he's extremely dangerous with a quirk that can steal other quirks. Two, his actions in the past has caused people to die. And three, because I refuse to accept someone who hurts people can ever be a hero."

Izuku held his head down hearing this with Aizawa walking up to the green haired boy. "I do have the ability to expel all of you if I want, so tell me why I shouldn't expel you MIdoriya." Izuku held his head down before answering. "I can't say why you should keep me other than I promise I will work as hard as I can to become a hero. I can't prove this unless you give me a chance to, so please do." Aizawa walked away with this without a word until he got to the end of the steps. "I stand by what I said before, nobody is expelled." He walks away with Izuku trying to talk to Ochako.

"Uraraka, can I talk to you for a min-" "Get the hell away from me you filthy monster!" This act made everyone a little surprised since she seemed rather calm until now. "Everyone else may be fine your here, but I'm not! You know what you did and it's because of you that my family is dead and my adopted father nearly lost his life to your bastard of a father!" "Wait, how am I responsible for your family's de-" Ochako punches him in the face to send Izuku on the ground. She lifts him by his shirt to glare at him. "Because of what you stole from me, you took the one thing I could've used to save my family away."

Izuku realized at this moment what she meant and tried to reconcile this. "I know it doesn't make a difference, but let me give back what I sto-" "I DON'T WANT YOUR FILTHY HANDS ANYWHERE NEAR ME!" She threw him back to the ground and started walking away. "Just know that when you step out of line, I'm putting you down like you should've been the day you were born." She walks away in sheer anger as Izuku lays on the ground. A few classmates walk up to him and ask what was that about.

"You ok man?" A redhead known as Kirishima asks while helping lift Izuku to his feet. "Yeah, I kinda deserved that though." "Why?" A girl with Aux cords for ears called Jirou asks with a girl that had pink skin called Ashido behind her. "My quirk is called All For One. It allows me to take quirks and give them to others or use them myself. Because of something that happened some time back, I stole Uraraka's quirk on accident and I guess something happened because of it." "But why didn't you give it back then?" "I was scared and six Ashido. Everyone avoided me for two years because of a similar accident. She was the only person that wanted to be my friend since. I didn't want to feel the same emptiness again and just ran before I could."

They looked at Izuku a little sympathetic with Izuku continuing. "I hate what I did and couldn't give the quirk back because of something that happened. All I just want to do is apologize and make her understand I didn't mean to. Sadly, I don't think she'll listen." Izuku felt Kirishima pat his back and smile at him. "It's ok man. When I was little, my quirk activated and gave me this scar on my eye." The redhead states this while showing a scar above his right eye. "It was an accident and you feel bad and want to apologize for it. So we won't judge you on it." The four walked into the building with one thing not making sense to Jirou. "Wait, then why did she have a quirk." This stuck out to Izuku. "That's one part I really don't get. Maybe their's another person that has a power like mine and my father's or something. I really don't know."

Meanwhile, in Nezu's office

"Are you sure this is safe Principal Nezu? That boy is the son of one of the most powerful villains known to this world. He's killed countless heroes, nearly ruled this society from the underworld, and almost killed myself. Having his son here could not end well for any of us." All Might tried to suggest against having Izuku in UA to Nezu out of fear just how dangerous his father is and how history could repeat itself with Izuku. "I can guarantee you that Izuku Midoriya is nothing like his father through a personal knowing of him. If anything, he's more like you than anyone else All Might. All he wishes to do is help people and lighten the burden of civilians and pros alike."

All Might never met Izuku, so he had only what Ochako, Bakugou, and Nezu knew of him to go on. "Then why put him in class 1-A along with my daughter and young Bakugou? Both without a doubt have a grudge against him with valid reason." "Because I want them to get over this." All Might and Nezu looked over to see Aizawa and Tenko walk in. "Shigaraki, what are you doing here?" "I came to pick up my little brother Izuku. Also, I wanted to say hello to Nezu and tell him that I will be a tad late tonight for a night patrol coming home."

The two walk in with Aizawa explaining the situation to them. "As far as I can tell, the kids harmless. Your daughter and that friend of hers are the more dangerous of the three." "Ochako is not dangerous." All Might tried to defend his adopted daughter with Aizawa looking at him with a dead stare. "Yet she tried to hurt Midoriya when she first met him and made a mess of the classroom doing so. Which reminds me, I need to put in a repair order for my class while I'm here." "Understood. I shall have Cementos fix your room for tomorrow."

Aizawa started to leave with Nezu explaining the final decision for the situation regarding the trio of question. "For now, they stay in the same class. If things progress from where they are right now, we shall move one or two of them to class B. Take time to go over your lesson for tomorrow. This will prove to you that Izuku is nothing like your enemy." All Might leaves with Tenko staying in the room while hearing this. "You know this won't end well unless one of those two are willing to give an inch, right?"

Nezu turned to get down before looking out the window. "Why are you allowing this to happen?" "...Because this is the only way Izuku can interact with the two. They believe he is a villain even though you and I know fully well he is nothing like the demons that tortured us." Nezu held a scar on his eye while Tenko touched a scar on his lip. "I know, but I don't want Izuku to hurt more than he already is. He had to deal with both of our tortures combined where he's now more unstable than either of us. Not even touching the fact it was his own father that did this. He's just now starting to get past those nightmares, so please keep that in mind with this."

Tenko left with Nezu looking down to see the students leave. "No matter what happens Tenko, life continues even if we do not wish it to. That is the joy and agony of this world. The only thing that remains from time is the actions we take. Will you make progress Izuku, or will you be trapped in your own past? Only time will tell."

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku's group of friends will be very different since Ochako and Bakugou hate his guts. His friend group will be Kirishima, Ashido, and Jirou at the start. Watch as next chapter Izuku and Ochako manage the first hero training while arguably trying not to kill each other. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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