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Izuku POV:

I started to hear an alarm go off to press it and notice a strange ceiling. "What the?" Getting up, I looked around the room I was in for my eyes to go wide. "No way." I started to realize similarities with the room I woke up in and the room from when I was a child. Turning to my side, I walked towards my desk to see notebooks I had on my quirks as well as heroes. "I remember these books. I used to do them all the time when I was little. It was the closest thing I could do to become a hero."

"Izuku. Are you up yet." My blood went cold when I heard a voice I thought I'd never hear again. The door opened to a woman that resembled mom with some age being shown on her face.

"Morning sweetie."

I was in shock. Mom was alive in front of me looking perfectly fine. I walked towards her with tears running down my eyes to immediately hug her. "Mom. *hic* You're alive. You're ok."

"Izuku? Are you still feeling tired or something?" She patted my back for me to clench the back of her shirt with my hands. "I...I thought you'd be gone forever."

"...Sounds like that dream quirk Ochako told me about took more out of you than we expected." Mom reciprocated the hug before patting my head to get my attention. "You're going to be late for school. I'm sorry Izuku, but we need to hurry up." I agreed as mom explained everything. From what she said, I was stuck in a dream thanks to a quirk me and Uraraka were practicing with called 'Dreamscape'. basically, it can put someone in a dream or a nightmare if they're hit by it. In our discovery as I began to remember, it hit a reflected surface and was about to hit Uraraka before I took it and fell asleep. I've been out for two days from what mom said.

"Sounds like I messed up a bit. I hope Uraraka's ok."

"She's fine. She's actually happy you jumped in front of the attack for her. She said she couldn't ask for a better boyfriend."

I began to cough hearing this with mom laughing. "Wait, we're a couple!?"

"Ochako told me about the side effects possibly being that your conscious and subconscious might make you think the wrong things. So let's start with you explaining what you know and I'll help correct you." Mom smiled and explained the tangents to my dream and the real world by starting with she did almost die from a villain called Overhaul when I was younger. The man wanted me, but All Might handled him rather easily. Since it was discovered that I was AFO's son, he helped protect me and mom. The next day after the incident with Uraraka, I gave her quirk back with her understanding it was an accident. Unfortunately, her parent did die and All Might took her in as his own daughter. Fortunately, we helped her through this and we've been kinda dating since our second year of middle school.

"Morning." Tenko came out of a second bedroom with him being extremely tired looking before getting a cup of coffee from the kitchen. "Izuku. I heard you were hit by a strange quirk that put you to sleep. You ok?"

"Yeah. Just a little confused on the differences with the dream if you mind helping."

"Fair enough. Let your big bro explain to you about him." Tenko then began explaining that he's been living with us since I was an infant. Thanks to some pros helping him get to mom. There, he's lived with us without problems and even made a name as a rescue hero. He even got together with the rabbit hero. For the most part, his life didn't change in the dream as much. He still was a pro and was helping me along the way. I was fortunate I didn't have that turn crazy on me.

The doorbell began to ring for mom to get up. "That must be Ochako. Coming dear." The door opened to Uraraka walking in looking extremely happy compared to how she looked before.

"Morning Ms. Midoriya." She glanced at me to smile before coming over to kiss my cheek. My face went completely red at this. "Sorry that you were hit by that beam. You're not hurt, right?" She looked at me genuinely concerned for my response to be happy to try and help avoid a problem.

"Of course. I was just having some weird confusion between the dream world and reality. Nothing special."

"Ok. If you need something, I'm here for you." Uraraka sat on my lap to hug me before mom looked at the time.

"You both are gonna miss your train if you don't hurry."

"Right." We both replied before I got ready for school and headed out with Uraraka. When we left, she started to explain how I've had her as a friend since childhood and our friendship was what helped her through her nightmare of her parents dying. During the second year of middle school, she gave me a love letter hoping to be more with me accepting to make us a couple. Our mutual friend Shiozaki was a bit jealous, but she accepted it knowing it was making us happy.

"So Izuku, you caught up now for the most part?"

"I think...thanks Uraraka." She started to puff her cheeks while staring at me.

"Why are you calling me by my last name. We call each other by our first names when we're alone."

I blushed a bit at this while trying to correct myself. "R-right....O-Ocha....ko." I couldn't say it with a straight face before we made it to our stop with a smile returning to Ura-I mean, Ochako's face. The train was here with us boarding almost immediately to head out. As we did, I looked out the window to see the view before the face of a bald man with stubble came into the image of the window.

"Kid! This is a dream! Ya gotta wake up!" He disappeared shortly after for his words to still confuse me.

'Is this....a dream?"

With Miruko, 3rd person POV:

The pros began getting ready to start a raid with Miruko joining the raid on the Nomu factory. From what she was told, they were creations of AFO to rid the corpses of Izuku's 'victims' when he was a child. She didn't like thinking this, but the chances are that Izuku was here taking more quirks unwillingly by his father's hands. 'Just hang on Izuku, we're coming to get you.'

"Let the operation commence!" A cop shouts this for Mt. Lady to begin growing to her max size before anything and hold a car like a roller skate on her foot.

"KNOCK KNOCK!" She slammed her leg down to open the factory entrance with Jeanist starting to take down the opposing Nomu and trap the still asleep ones. Thanks to his quick effort, the number of active Nomu that would be able to fight were almost nothing while Miruko kicked one's head off trying to find out where Izuku might be in the building. "Well that was a waste of time. I figured these things would be more dangerous with all the trouble they've caused."

"Do not get ahead of yourself, Mt. Lady."

"Relax Jeanist, I was only thinking out loud." The rabbit pro ignored them to focus mainly on sounds to explain what they were facing. Shortly after, a man in a suit came out of the shadows clapping like it was some kind of show seeing the cops arrest the Nomu.

"Well done in finding me. So, I assume most of the pros had gone to my other hideout with Tenko and perhaps Nezu leading the charge?"

"AFO." Every fiber in Miruko's body wanted to kick the guy in the face right then and there, but she held off knowing she needed answers.

Before anyone could respond, Jeanist trapped the villain in his fibers, restraining his movements. "Don't try to struggle. We only wish to find out about the boy you kidnapped. Now where is he?"

AFO seemed to find this utterly hysterical as he began laughing. "My son is here. I wouldn't call what I had done kidnapping either since I am only returning him to where he truly belongs. Beside me to become a plague upon this country just like Nezu and Tenko were meant to be." This comment floored Miruko as she came directly at the villain to send a foot to his face. Before she could however, A hand stopped her to lift her up in the air by her sole.

"Izuku? Izuku, it's me. Miruko." Izuku's hair covered his eyes for the rabbit hero to not see as his grip increased to break the bones in Miruko's leg. "Izuku! Sto-" She was cut off by being slammed into the ground to make a crater.

"That's enough, kid!" Jeanist began binding Izuku with his fibers as well while Miruko tried to understand what's happening.

"Izuku. What did he-"

"You're wasting your breath Miruko. Izuku is unable to hear you. You see, the lights are on in his head, but nobody is home." AFO broke free of Jeanist's control to reveal Izuku's eyes to show he wasn't awake. "Thanks to one of my many quirks, I was able to make Izuku the one thing I wanted him to be. My successor and the being that will one day destroy this world and rule the remains as it's new king."


"Why don't we give a demonstration. Izuku, show them just how dangerous you can be." Izuku began to charge up power in his arm with the threads Jeanist had controlling him no longer working for some reason.

"EVERYONE RUN NOW!" Miruko tried to warn the group with a massive shockwave being made, destroying the building and several blocks down in the direction the green haired boy was facing.

As the dust settled, the sound of AFO clapping was heard for him and Izuku to stand exactly where they were with Izuku's arm bleeding a bit from forcing the fibers into his arm while attacking. "Splendid work my child. Could not have done it better myself."

Behind a piece of wall that wasn't destroyed, Ochako, Shiozaki and their group held their breaths seeing their friend/classmate do what he just did. 'This...this is what Midoriya's capable of?' Ochako thought in fear while looking through a hole to the other side in the wall. Holding the detonator in her hands, she questioned if doing this now would be the best course of action. Her thumb shaking as she debated if she should press the button. 'What should I do? Should I kill Midoriya now before he hurts more people, or hold out hope the heroes can stop this?'

Before she could decide, Miruko came around to kick Izuku in the head with her broken foot. The pain made her wince in pain before looking at Izuku. "C'MON KID! WAKE UP!"

"You're wasting your time, Miruko. This is nothing like any normal forms of sleep. Only I can wake him from this side. You can continue punching and kicking him from out here all you want, but it will do nothing. All you'll do is cause more pain to yourself." Izuku held his hand out in front of the rabbit hero preparing to attack.


"IZUKU!" Out of the sky, Tenko came directly at the two like a bullet to tackle Izuku to the ground and force his blast out of the area of the city. "Izuku! C'mon man, wake up!"

Not having any reaction, Tenko started to tap Izuku's cheek going stronger each time to try and get some kind of reaction. "AFO!" All Might came out of the sky next for him to go directly at his nemesis. The two collided with it seeming as if they were even in strength.

"Quite fast you were getting here. I should've figured the Nomu were no match for you."

"This is over now. I'm taking  my student back with me."

With Izuku, Izuku POV:

The day continued on relatively normal from my perspective with everyone very polite and nice. Even Kaachan was somewhat nice and only groaned in annoyance at me. It was the middle of a self study class when I started to doze off doing some extra work. 'Let's see. If I combine this quirk with this quirk, I can increase the level of destructive force as well as use this one to retain the collateral damage to the bare minimum.'

My eyes began to fall asleep before shaking myself a bit. "Midoriya. You ok man?" Sero questioned for me to look over and smile.

"Yeah. Just starting to doze a little." I raised my hand for Cementos to look towards me. "May I go to the restroom please?" He motioned for me to do so with me leaving with the hall pass towards the restroom. I started splashing some water on my face. "These dry mornings are always hard to get momentum."

Grabbing a few paper towels to dry my face, I glanced in the mirror to see a woman that looked like mom come out of the mirror to grab my uniform. "WAKE UP! YOU'RE IN A DREAM! YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!"

The person disappeared for me to fall on the ground and hit my head. When I did, the image of me being on a table bound down with quirk canceling cuffs and my father being over me speaking of a quirk came to my head. "Wait, so is this..." I tried to remember more for me to be unable to. I immediately turned to the bathroom stall to hit my head over it. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP!" I repeatedly hit my head over it in order to try and get out of the dream for the pain to force me to stop. "Dammit. How can I wake up?"

In fear, I began running out of the bathroom and towards the gates of UA. 'There's gotta be a way out. I gotta leave this dream before something bad happens.' When I left the school, I immediately ran towards town in hopes to escape.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku's struggles to escape his dream handles next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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