Time of Truth

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3rd person POV:

Several pros had begun to struggle against both AFO and Izuku for All Might to immediately try to punch the weakened villain. He was blocked by Izuku grabbing his fist with OFA active and shocked the pro in the face. "My apologies All Might, but you'll be able to do nothing as long as Izuku is here."

Miruko immediately came to give Izuku a kick to the head for him not to budge. "C'mon Izuku! Wake up!" He tried to grab the rabbit hero before she jumped away and had Jeanest bind him with his threads. "Don't make me hurt you!" A blast of wind pressure came from AFO to stop both heroes.

"One of us you may be able to defeat, but not both at once."

"TAKE THIS! CONTROLLED DECAY!" Tenko threw a small pebble at AFO for Izuku to immediately jump in front of it and take the hit to his arm. "IZUKU! I'M SORRY!" Before it could progress, Izuku gripped his arm to rip it off and force everyone to look away. When they looked back, the arm began regenerating to show only the torn part of the shirt as an indication he was injured. He then charged Tenko to knee his stomach and send him back into a boulder.

"Shigaraki-" Miruko couldn't finish her shout as Izuku went to Miruko and held her by the neck. "Izuku. You gotta wake up noACK!"

"You are wasting your time Miruko. You won't wake Izuku up as he is now. But just for fun, let's see just how much pain you can endure." Izuku moved his free hand to point at her stomach and pierce it.

"Ngh! Son of aAAAAHHHHH!" A large electrical current went through Miruko for her body to convulse.

"RUMI!" Tenko ran towards them to immediately pull out a knife out. "Forgive me for this Izuku." He grabbed both of Izuku's wrists with his free hand to activate Decay and immediately cut off the area before the damage could progress any farther. The act let Miruko free of her situation and gasped for air.

"Well done Tenko. You truly have done well to save someone and prevent extreme damage to Izuku. However..." Izuku's hands began regenerating before transforming into razor sharp blades. Before he could react, Tenko's stomach was impaled for him to spit out blood. "It will take much more than that to rid Izuku from this."

The battlefield had begun a madhouse with Ochako and the Izuku rescue group seeing what was happening in horror. "Just what is Midoriya doing?"

"This isn't like him. He'd never hurt Miruko or Shigaraki. He cares for them way too much." Iida questioned while Ashido tried to find reason.

"He's gotta be under some kinda quirk or something. It's the only way this makes any sense."

"Jirou's right. But what now then?" Kendo looked over to see Ochako staring at the detonator struggling a bit. "Uraraka. What are you doing?"

Ochako stared at the detonator in her hands flipping the lid. 'I can...I can stop this now. I can stop this now and end this once and for all.'

"Uraraka, don't do what I think you're planning!" Kirishima silently shouted with Yaoyorozu speaking up.

"If things keep going the way they are, this could be the only thing we could do."

"So you're willing to let one of our classmates die!?" Jirou shouted in anger.

"This might be the only chance we get. Also, do you think Midoriya's gonna like the fact he killed someone?" Tokage pointed out with Ashido glaring at her.

"You don't know Mido! So back off!"

"I'm saying this because he gives me the thought of someone that can't handle hurting those around him and trying to avoid him having to accept this fact if he is able to come back to reality. Can you honestly tell me that he won't feel at fault if he wakes up and sees the people he cares for hurt or god forbid killed?"

"That doesn't mean killing him is the way to go!" Kirishima shouted now in agitation.

"Maybe, but we right now have the only trump card if things go too south." Todoroki tried to explain this in a more realistic way from someone that's seen Izuku's worst. "I don't like to admit it, but this could be the only thing we could do. What do you think, Uraraka?"

Ochako held her thumb over the button in fear, shaking feeling unsure what to do. 'If I don't push this and someone dies, it's on my head for not acting. But if I push it and I didn't have to, then I don't think I can live with myself for killing Midoriya.' She immediately saw images of Izuku trying to make amends with her and trying to do what he thought was right to make things right. 'C'mon Ochako. You need to make a decision. Push it or don't push it! Do something right and make a reason to have Midoriya's trust!' She started to bite her lip in anger trying to find out what to do.

"If this is something you think you need to do, then I won't judge your decision." Shiozaki spoke up to get everyone's attention. "I don't want Midoriya to die just as much as anyone else here. But the thing is, I'm worried he might break down if things wouldn't be right. I don't want to make him suffer, but it's your decision that Midoriya gave. If you think you should, I'll support the decision. If you don't, I'll support that as well." Ochako looked at the detonator before looking at the group of pros taking Tenko out and keeping from bleeding out.

"I'll wait a little longer. I'd rather wait until there's no option left." Everyone agreed to some point as they waited and noticed the madness still happening. 'Please wake up, Midoriya. I don't wanna do this.'

In Izuku's dream, Izuku POV:

"*pant* *pant* C'mon! What do I need to do to get out of here!?" I kept running through the city trying to find out what I need to do to get out of this dreamscape. In the rush, I ended up bumping into someone. Looking up, I noticed it was Miruko.

"Hey Izuku, what the heck are you doing here? You're supposed to be in school."

"I umm....I had something I needed to do."

"Uh huh. And what was that?" I tried to think of something but got nothing. "Why don't you come with me and we'll head back to UA. I'll even make an excuse saying there was some kind of family emergency so you don't get into trouble as much." I didn't want to get into trouble, but I knew this wasn't real. "C'mon. Let's go back." I pulled away to run away while using a camouflage quirk to get away. "Dammit Izuku! Why are you being stubborn today!?" She ran off for me to look around and see nobody.

"Now comes a serious question. How do I get out of here?" I walked to an alley and tried to think how a dream would work. "If I'm in a dream, then all I have to do is hit myself and I'll wake up." I came right to a dumpster to breathe in while holding it firmly. "aaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" I slammed my head on the giant metal trash container for the sound of my skull hitting it to be herd from outside. "Ow!" Now feeling disoriented, I fell back and looked at a puddle. "You people that have been visiting me are past users of OFA, right? Can one of you lead me in the right direction on how to escape?"

The water began to shift my image to show the first user. "This world keeps you inside it's prison from ensnaring you in your subconscious. The only way to free yourself is to sever that connection you have with this place."

The puddle reformed to my reflection with the first OFA user's words echoing inside me. "I need to sever the connection to this place?" I thought about it for a second before looking upwards and remembering that I actually feel pain here. "I really don't wanna to do this." I began using a quirk to jump up the building and reach about ten stories up. I looked down at the city and calmed myself for a moment. "Ok. So if I'm stuck here and I need to cut my ties to this plane of my subconscious, then I gotta..." I hesitated saying this to myself while looking down. "This is either going to free me, or this is gonna get me killed. Either way, I need to get out of here. AFO said he has control of my body before I was put here, so I can't waste anymore time." I moved closer to the ledge while looking down. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest I was so nervous. 'Just move forward and let gravity do the work. That's all you need to do.'

Looking down, I noticed mom walking by while talking to Miruko. This forced me to hesitate a bit. 'Dammit. As much as I want this to be...' I held a tear down my eye before moving forward and falling. 'I know this isn't real!' I felt the wind against my face expecting the end result. "I WON'T BE A PUPPET TO YOU! YOU HEAR ME, ALL FOR ONE!?" I immediately hit the pavement with everything going black.

Back to reality, 3rd person POV:

"AAAHHHHH!!!" Izuku immediately sat up in shock from what he did. He felt his face for a moment and looked around. "Am I...am I back to reality?"

"So, you're back." Izuku looked over to see Miruko bloodied and barely conscious with several cuts and puncture wounds on her. "That's good."

She immediately fell back for Izuku to run over and begin using whatever healing quirk he could. 'C'mon. Heal!' Thanks to his quick acting, the rabbit hero was able to recover with Tenko walking over with his shirt off having his injuries seared shut by Endeavor. "Tenko!"

"I'm fine Izuku. Everything's ok." Seeing the injury, Izuku couldn't help but ask his question.

"Did...did I do that to you?"

Tenko patted his head and smiled. "You didn't do this. AFO was controlling you." This didn't' reassure him with the sound of clapping coming from behind.

"Nicely done Izuku. You not only escaped, but you also healed Miruko from a life threatening injury. You deserve my congrats on that."


"It seems you still don't understand. Then let me show you what you're dealing with." A large shockwave went directly to Izuku for him to be sent flying.

"MIDORIYA/IZUKU!" Everyone shouted as the young AFO user was slammed into a broken piece of building. He came out disoriented before seeing his father in front of him and stab his hand directly through his stomach, forcing Izuku to vomit blood. The pain for Izuku however didn't end there as his father activated a quirk to give what looked like drills on his knucles and slammed them into Izuku's right arm. He shouted in pain before being tossed over AFO's head and hit the ground.

"ENOUGH!" All Might came charging at AFO next for his attack to be deflected. "HOW CAN YOU ACT SO HORRIBLE TO YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD!?"

"He is only a means for the next generation. If he cannot progress the way I need him to, he is of no use to me. It's as simple as that.

 Miruko and Tenko came charging at AFO next for the villain to use All Might as a weapon to knock both away before floating over to Izuku. He stood up and attempted to punch his father in the face before having his hand grabbed and crushed. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

"A shame. You had so much promise, but I cannot work with a defective piece." Tossing Izuku to the side, AFO stood in front of Izuku holding a rather stern posture. "Now I shall give you one final chance, boy. You're worthy enough to be a god among the human fodder around here. All you have to do is become my successor. All your troubles you are facing, all the pain, all the ridicule, it all can end now if you wish it to. Look around. You're in the presence of some of the most powerful pros known to this country. All you have to do is end them and nobody can stop you. Think of it. A world that you don't have to prove you are worthy of anything. You can shape it the way you want. You could shape it in the image of the utopia that you've always dreamed of and nobody could rebel against you. You hold in you the tools needed to change the world for the better. A quirk that steals other quirks, an unlimited supply of quirks to become a ruler who can rule with a tender hand or an iron fist and the desire to do such. Not only that, but you can obtain all that you've always wanted with nobody telling you otherwise. All you have to do is join me. If you do, nothing will be able to stand in your way."

Ochako held her thumb on the button hearing this afraid of what the final answer is. 'Please don't accept it. I don't want to do this. Just please don't.'

There was a silence in the area as Izuku was heard this. When he finally spoke, he began immediately shouting. "SCREW YOU! YOU CAN TAKE THIS OFFER AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS! I'LL DO WHAT I THINK IS RIGHT AND NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE THINK'S, I'LL STILL STAND FOR WHAT I BELIEVE IN AND CHANGE PEOPLE'S MINDS ABOUT ME THROUGH MY OWN MERIT, NOT BY FORCE!" Everyone went wide eyed hearing this. "I understand that people think I'm scary and to be honest, I don't blame them! I've shown that I can be dangerous. I've shown that I can be worth fear of stability. But you know something, I've met people that are willing to overlook this. They want to hold out hope that I can be worth putting trust in. Those are the people that I respect the most. The ones that are supporting me even when I'm scared to go in and do what I need to. So you can take your offer and give it to somebody else, CAUSE I'M NOT INTERESTED IN THE SLIGHTEST!"

Ochako heard this to smile knowing Izuku is staying true to who he was. 'Well then, I guess this isn't needed anymore.' She immediately crushed the detonator with a bit of OFA for everyone to see. "If this is his will talking and wanting to put his heart into the faith those that support him give, then I guess giving him my own faith he'll be a hero is good enough for me."

AFO looked at Izuku somewhat amazed before laughing slightly to himself. "Oh Izuku, you've now become a useless piece to me. I should've killed you long ago. Just like your mother."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when Izuku fights his father with intent to stop him. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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